The Buffalo News from Buffalo, New York (2024)

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The Buffalo Newsi

Buffalo, New York

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EVENTS EVENTS 28 BUFFALO EVENING NEWS? TUESDAY SEPTEMBER 13 1932 RACE ENTRIES FOR WEDNESDAY IN MEMORIAM in ary ot am dear Una who Ml us am yam Hi today wa lata and Mason tha ann 1 you HUSBAND AND HU MOTHER The Daily Calendar Showers or Thunderstorms With Cooler Weather Forecast for Buffalo Events MacWhite Aware of His Limitations Irish Free State Minister Take Speeches Too Seriously MORE INTEREST IN PUBLIC AFFAIRS HELD DEVELOPING 1 Forecuting a period when Ameri- I cans will take a keener internet ta i public welfare polUm and public Mlaa Melinda A Iskander lawyer spoke before the Greater Buffalo Ad- I verttolng chib at Its first fall meeting Tuenday In Hotel Lafayette on of Great Fortune Dr Char lea Mcaaner of Washington attending tha American Dental association convention here told of improvements made ta perfecting dental work and raising health standards Following the meeting club members left for 'the Canoe club for their final summer outing EVENTS TUESDAY Tar Mate drtegar EteUtr TUB WCAT11EB ft Deportment at Agrknltnn Weather Bureau Office Buffalo BrpL IX lUX Forccista Until Wednesday haven ar thunderstorm! Tuoday night and prahaMr Wednesday auraing Far Buffcte and vicinity: Cooler Wcdaca-diy Frcih ta moderately strong south to snulhwosl winda Basil craft wanton displayed For Wcctrrn Mew Verb: Bbowcra Ttwa-day nltht and probably Wednesday morning Warmer 1a ceil portion Tuesday night Coder Wedneedny Far tha Lower Luka: Meetly moderate te reck couth te aou thwart wind brooming water ly vvtr western Brio Bbowcra and thunderstorm! Tuesday afternoon and night aa Ontario and Tuoday aftarnooa ar night an most af Xria Wadaaaday partly sloudy ar tloudy shawm on sz-trana eastern On tar la BmsU Craft warnings displayed Weather CandlUsna A moderate tew pressure ana crntrsl Tuesday aver sustain Luka Superior be caused showers and thundcratorma ta tha sntlrt wpptr tea leal ppi valley and nppar taka region alnco Monday awning show-art also reported In the asst Gulf tstea Fair weal her continues in tha Middle and North Atlantic statea and mar tho western half at th aountnr Tha bn-paralura to aboeo tha noraul aver much at tha aouatry but to falling again ta tha northern half at tha Middle WtsL Sosloa Ithaca and Chicago rrport mazuaum tempentun at dscrsoa and Buffale degraea Thera to soma prospect that tha long dry spell ta the Buffalo district will ho broken Thursday high! ta aom localities at lanat Loral Weather he port i i I I I I li a 0 a I i ii Dr Poling Doubtful Dry Lead er Was Seen fn Chicago May Leave There CH1CAOO 8rpX II DouM that CoL lUjBtond Robin had been iecn in Chicago Ann hlg disappearance tna expreeeed Tuoday by Dr Daniel A Poling head of th Allied Forree tor Prohibition who cam hen to aid in the March for the lulng prohlbltlontot and Mend of President Hoover Unlesa aomethlnc tanglbl develop Tuesday Dr Feline geld ha probably would (0 Is New York and n-eommenoo tbs March for Robins front th place when the colonel dropped from eight non than week sco am now cheeking with the persons who reported they saw CoL Robins In Chicago" Dr Poling said yet have uncovered nothing that lead me to believe be wa here" Although government agent have been conducting a nation-wide search for Robins who disappeared white on hi way to keep an appointment with President Hoover Dr Poling waa rr-lurtant to discard the theory that his friend was the victim of amnesia LECTlkC LISTED TONIGHT Science The Restoration of Pure Christianity' wlU be th subject of an addreas at :19 Tuesday by James Rowell of Kansas City in Elmwood Music halL The speaker a member id th board of lectureship of the Mother church the First Church of ChrtoX Scientist in Boston will be Introduced by Adolph Allert first reader of Pint Church of Christ Scientist which to sponsoring the lecture DIED MERCKEX-lP this City Cbpx 13 1332 Michael htuband of tte lata Paulin Mactels fatter ol Ororit Mrs Jobs) Paslow Edwin Mrs Dkk Loutlolf Nor- man Clannea and tte lata Tte rasa Fu-1 nrral troa tba raotdcnca at hit son i Gt area Mantel 43 Dorter otnek Thun-! dar mornlni at I o'clock aad from Ot i Aann church at o'clock Friends art milled tept i3 1033 chnter bo- loved htuband of Atklt Magtnn son at lira A Miller of Roc teMer and the lata Albert Miller brother af Arthur at Roeteitar Funeral In the parlors at Leo Bauer 123 Gennct ex reel Wed-1 neoday at 3 F- Frknda anted In this cltr Bent IX 1932 Joeeph A Norwich Delovad husband of WASHINGTON Sept IS Minister Michael Alec White of the Irish PRC State doesn't taka his own speeches too seriously Working on addresses to be delivered to tha Rotary clubs of Baltimore and Washing' ton he handed th manuscripts to a Mend "Pretty heavy subjects foe an after-dinner speech they? suggested th friend -Nov ft wa like listen hi to preach pastry1 replied MacWhite justice James hXcRqmolds of the Supreme court ha decided he will not Identify tha womstn who was photographed with him at a motion picture premiere recently A bA'heSor Justice McReynolds was nrprtsed to lead neat day that he accompanied by Mrs McBeynoids" Pressed foe an explanation he said something to the effect that ft was a lady all right but it his wlfo It may or may not be because of the economy wave but hcrefc the situation In the Department of Commerce The Job of director of the Bureau of Standards ta optA Secrets? Ray EX Chspln is trying to run his department on an appropriation that has been icduced 37 per cent There an at least eight candidate for th Job ef director all of whose names art being pushed by their friends Indications are that Chapin to not going to he in any burry to make the appointment The longer he defers filiiiiR the Job th men money he saves by not haying to pay the salary Put that all together sad It spells E-C-O-N-O-M-Y Reports Persist Supervisors May Name Fries as Purchasing Agent Apparently well-founded rumors in Repub lkiui hfsdqusrtcn wltb pit- Highest temperature part 34 hours S3 Lowest temperature Monday night 2 Average temperature pail 34 hours 13 Normal for this date Highest temperature this date ainaa 1314 4 lowest temperature this data since 1874 43 Bkeeas In temperature sine Jaa 341 Precipitation since BepL Inches XII Deficiency In precipitation sire Jan 1 X39 Weather ta Other Cities Tsmptraturo 1 Mon Toss High past Might BAM 34 hra Low lastallatloa BaocHkl posL Amort-ton Ltglan 377 Llnwnaq nvtnua Mseting Barth Mata Rinrt and Cltlacng' aaaoelatloa OnU varalte PrtsbytKlaa rhnrtft Main Etrart aad Niagara Falla boulevard Foltsh -American Mens prakra associatlan Chopin alubraoms dww and Lathrap aksoL Piy Branca ft ft A A 413 Cannectlcut atreaL 1 Hasting Colonial chapter Order tha Eastern atar Hlahlaad 2458 Mala street rtO-Maatmg Cold Bprlng Utotoh ball Beat Utica aad Vor- PMMI SnTMIa party Altar society at BL Franels do Biles church Humboldt perk-war aad Northland avanua Convention Americas Dental morl tten Hotel Bla tier maasm- SHIP NEWS HEW YORK BepL 1ft MXF ARRIVED MONDAY UOlUliRUI MttdbsriittiiMtti MlWIfllll tMMMtcOtptMItp mmmmmwmaW 1W II idMI tv lUVfl 8H1F DUB TUESDAY FROM Ciwimli k4it4c94Miiiiiggg Oliiov BTQMwB tiisiitisltiiiiiiiiigggg BfMMI AlMflCIt ivMicMiiiiss LUlOl ITNirlk VIH ssastt'igatHd OopnhiiiA PrttidCBK lUrrUcm WorM Orvii HIP PAIL TUESDAY POH Ooluibdl tiisMsiiiiMiiiittiii' BfMIH Icupui itMiiMMisisstgg HIP SAIL WEDNESDAY VOI Proldnil HoomviU Hmtorff Sjd6Y6 (jgigiiiMigg tatterdam SA PrSDCS MMigtiggtgtisia llVTl FOtOAll 'ititiiMiagggiibtttf OPPIBhlflN outhamptoa BIRTHS Certificate filed in tha Bureau of Vital BtbttoUex Bureau of Heulth up to 3 Bept 18 Girl Wen Born to Mr and Mix Peter ZmudR 48 Sunset Bept 3 Rmlph Young Seneca Bept 3 Frank Young 103 Weaver Bept -Milo Walter 299 f*ckrldge Septf Vaitola M2 Pragpect tept 1 Prank Rum Is 42 Gorakl Bept 2 Hen? Pnywuakl 929 Sweet Bept 2 Herbert Petsing 902 Main Sept 3 Jack Parrlno ass Fargo Bept 2 Jacob Merfcl 76 Reiman Bept 1 ZditoUtw Maxurklewlca S02 Loeperft Bept 2 Boya Were Born to Mr tal Mra Edward Young 14 Arthur Bept 1 Wolfsng Wuraer 877 Perry Bept 2 John Wadrzynlak 25 Bchmnrbeck Sept 1 John VaUer 290 North Sept 3 Michael Trnjnnowikl 1193 Broadway BepL 1 Robert Btuti 52 Austin BepL 1 Ward Bpatex Lackawanna BepL 4 Edward Balunek 419 Fulton BepL 3 Daniel Murphy 162 Auburn Bept Joseph Mulling 222 Rogg BepL 2 Megglah 438 Vermont BepL MONerney 79 Hamburg BepL 1 i Robert Mclntoth 89 Imton BepL 2 IL A Mann 15 ML Vernon BepL 2 MARRIAGE LICENSES Elmer Frits 300 Mildred LUley 981 Plymouth I Joseph Nleayty 937 Rom Zwawa 19 Roseville John Buddemeyer 4 Helen EL Johnson 18 Inring I Reginald Bradshaw 510 Jefferaan-J Borah Wllliama 335 Jefferson i Pete Colli na 300 Emmw Raford 300 Clinton Arthur Woltoton 137 Florence Welgleln 391 Cherry Joseph Baumgartner 13 Lovejoy Mildred Bechtel 69 Poultney Henry George Kirill Violet Smith 100 Zlttle Hugh Bridge Crystal Beach OnL Cecelta 5 Hendry Crystal Beach OnL CharlegLalloB 1057 Lorraine Weber 180 Kehr 1 John Kllmek DetrolL Mich-J Eugen Radk 1389 Bycamora Dan Lou to 8 Georg to Brldentaker 1330 Beneca Even Belter EUa beth McHugh 3148 Ntognra i Frank Theurer 115 Belto Pierce 303 Hlnman 1 Joseph Bwkna 154 Dorothy Putnam 709 Prospect Richard Abercrombie 575 Ethel Herbert 413 Highgtte Ralph Kimberly Maria Healy 893 Olenwood Prana Bach Mary Murr 379 Newburgh -Netoon EhlerL 71 Btosetf-EmUy HyJ back 196 Rounds Leo Littlefield 63 LUlif Bullinn 49 Mlnneaota Joseph Wagner 340 Anna Bacher 99 Dorchester Jerry VanPoolen Cleveland O-Wilhelmin DeNeyn Van Hoogmorffi Cleveland Joseph PYoncmk 104 Schutnun- Helen Romanowska 104 Schutnun mldeScI'Ki toU circled Tuesday that a coallttoa movement ta under way between Republicans and Democrats for settlement of the county patronage tangle with Supervisor Arthur Fries Democratic representative a a the central igun in the con-promise White no attempt vu made to end the long controversy over the ousting of four Republican county department head at the meeting of the supervisors Tuesday the Republicans held a caucus prior to the board meeting i Oltnwasd eve Thursday al 3:30 Friends invited ta attend 13114 tept 13 1933 hi Buffalo Anna M- sister ef Frsd FearsalL Funeral will taka Place fraa tha family residence 13M Mirhina aranur aa Thundsr aftrrnoon ut 3 Friends ara Invited ta attend Interment al Oweso tert IX 193X Lillian Burrklsy telovfd wife af WlUiaa Frkba inter of Mrs Louis Millar John Chirks Jacob Artbur Ocorat and Ihutr Burckky Funeral tna tha family niidcnct London at Friday afternoon at 3:30 Balmont saoa clslaalag S-vear-sltfs aad br furlongs Widaaar sauna: lie Single star 101 BectF FarnU 100 Marclaae 107 wue Mortar no ClarvBaat lit NavaUae 110 Paaaa 101 The Heathea 112 arm rink los SECOND 01000 added the Bowlin! Break steepkcbaM haadican 3-rer-eids aad up about a lka: TVakwaed 44 SUvmkla 143 i 13d ludlgw 243 134 Beni la 103 THIRD RACE S00X clalarlng 3-rt area a furkatk Wideaar sauna first dtvisisa: JtatiBt 113 Hsltlpast 113 aAlgnw lot Hfll Diver IIS Boitlas 110 aVaakawap 10 Bala Ill OCauaeU 114 ladiaalawa HI FOURTH 32000 added tte Lad bandies fillm and bum at all 1 auli Lauablns Quaaw IOC Rkawa 10B 108 CHidclte 214 Parry 114 To Flight 134 rm Vella 104 nra 40X dataalas 3-rtar-slds aad a 1 atla: Frias Day Ill aXtaapall IN Pkaoe 114 RacwmaenM IN wrtirktrta 103 sFenaa IN CvUmal 114 SIXTH S00A alalalBC 3-yaar-aida a furtoasa: iBank Shat 113 Euslk Spirit 101 xDonara 113 OvUm me 114 Frrtiy 104 Fair Ftm 104 Mr Bbarra 114 OUe 101 Captaia any 113 sAapnntke allawaaca clataud Ckar and fast Tv Sow Llltk Nap Mar Fire aCaotrlbuta Flag Trick 10S 112 107 101 104 114 105 Cranwood FIRST gioa CtotBing aids aad up Futurity count: Panama IN Makar Sweep Ill 113 Mildred Mk 101 113 Joan- 113 100 Jean Its Uiurp 101 Lady Chltaa IN Bhaota Bun 113 Tin Hut 112 Rfocrvatlan 110 Tte Engineer 113 SECOND 3300 claiming 1-year-oldi: Futurity courea: Adawan 101 Alka Wahsr 101 3-rear- liiotl Artistry Ill Brown Oraant 113 Mary 101 Maoehuta 110 Nurse Girl 110 stone 110 Allocation 110 telltor Light 101 Northern Blip 110 gt rat ling Tuns 101 Bud's Choao 101 Billy Bufwd 110 THIRD B30A claiming 3-year-olds end up al furlongs: Rrgusted 113 Water lAd IN Diequirt IN iFsir Manna xNoon Flay HO Hard Rock US xShift 101 rasnd IN xMcNell IN Hippies 113 Rokrby IN Balsar IN Shasta Charmer IN D'ghitr in FOURTH 1200 handicap 3-year-olda and up: Futurity course: Drarwoed 110 Bcape Goat Luxuriate 110 Laura Fish 112 101 IN US IN Spanish Flirt 101 Tap Cloud 113 Mr John 113 Lsftsr 113 Srittall 113 Raney Byrd Marjory Nell Fr incus Tell Xing Com'ander 110 Orsnd Voivode 110 FIFTH HAl cjiwa claiming 3-year-old and nx alto and 10 yarda: lOold Mint 101 As Fair 113 Porta Bello Gold 113 Last Hour IN Kara Olader IN Vanity Casa IN Don 112 Balance All IN Solden Sandals 101 Ovarbraek 113 aCatalan'a Idol Diacreet IN Vast 113 On Trial 113 SIXTH RACE -330q claiming 3-ytar-side and up alia aad 10 yarda: EjSL 113 IN IN Warbler IN All Luck Gobi Bwrat Brnorita Bright Bird Hagcretown aKaacm Wcetye Foz IIS 113 119 111 IN 111 101 iHomawork attack zCoL Beth All Stage Hogiriy Clear Knight iNorn'a Orara 113 112 110 112 111 IN 113 FIFTH 0400 claim laa th Msr-Unabura 3-rcar-old and np about Ik Black Princcu aZcmbla TacrwcU Five Oike Diuacrarcd 110 103 113 113 119 Ruban Rang Oknburnto Ranald Orar sJlamy aXenada 113 IN IN 110 IN sixth RACE-4400 clalmlnx 3-ycir-alds and uo shout 1 1-19 mils: sBltieflih ill zTVrranova Rodrack 113 Aaaterllta IX zChummy 103 Rlqustte RcttUatlon 113 Humdlnacr Bceata ft 109 Jock Bhaun Padrak Ill Golden Rock Lookby iu Oar Widower SEVENTH I40X daisies year-aide and ua about 1 1-1 mike: aCUrator IN Priscilla Lra Wandtring Gold lie Brilliancy 109 zMar'a's CMoty 103 Coloalal Beau IN Bandy Ban 109 IN 111 111 110 113 113 113 113 3- 1N Orcy Bells 110 Franck Cooper 110 zKotey Mlaa IN Quadroon 113 Von Daxllno IN sOraad Aora 103 z-Apprrntlc aUowanco cklacd Lincoln Fields FIRST RACE 9900 th Rim side 2-year-old autdta finite Ik furlongs 119 Aka eUgible: Mocky Ill Dora melts 119 Mteete 11 Ootdca Momonta 119 Blass Or 119 North Shadow 114 Patrlete Gray 119 yiutterateca 119 SECOND HACB-OSOX atalmlnx 3-ycar-aids aad up its furlong: Die Agnra sNorUton Sir IN Cynara Night Jiemlne Ited Clads ra Scram iMatd at Honor 109 sDonday 103 zsultor loe aBaraehksva 103 Nradtes 104 zTrytoM los zEtkharl 103 sOalar Harter 113 ranch! 11 aWlaate 100 THIRD tSOO old etz furlooge: zn right oh'lauo IN kBlaaas 103 UU Boot lOg Old Judge log Swrapmon 10 Bichloride loo Eimon loe sBulud Amour in Open IN Mighty Atom in ergL BUI 111 Ala tUglhte: Cayuga 113 Tadcaatar Ill zUlltaa Ttobla IN Hour Wood 110 Dopramlon IN Town Limit 110 sHunllngdoe IN Lout Daw 119 tl zimla 1 2-yesr- 1N Alt cliglbl: Spot Pat IN Flnt Rcglmanl IN Evidently in sUlllan ft IN Utu Oarils in WarUa IN 5 Ytatetera IN 41 pet 311 OHM la loving aiaifj at am atm mother aha AM ana yam aga today apt IX iajSmt blia'iar aa aaith wo'B Bod Osd caUtd bar hoote waa Huwill But la am hcaita aba Uaaan will dauohteee and bob la ibA anA taring sowary at a Atar aaa aba paaacd aF a yam A DIED Arnold Mi Mkr Loqh Caaaaa William A MmhcL MirOirt Dalbeor J-Bazooad MUkr CbMlif BeiM Thaaua Xirwklj Jaaapb Oaaa Chariaa InmXAamX Erast Albait Prkbaw UHlaB Palrtalra Hllb BckbaiA Magdalena Iwtiralibr BasbaBaMA William Baib Cbarln rrHa Cardiac gckalkr laba OsBaai BhbarA gchcach Tatty Gibbte Jaaua A gchnedcr Aaaa Gcehd Babr gelhert AAaaa Grakrr Aadrew gOrrMeu Emma CrassMsaa Aaaa WalpaMt Baalia Mrs William Maa Clarl Marp Hail Eawliae Bkstaa AmaH Ksltvar MazIwULa Awaraar flarclla Lapp Clara Wlllll Wllhtlwta Licacrt Lasts A Wartcnbcrgac Uala ilVOLD In (In Ml lBt Jntin Araoid beloved husband ef Addis Arnold inn Dji trotlitr ol Mrs Min uaion ol Land Itsnl Bn Lawn Mariiow Mrs Ella Datria at Land Island Edward and Fred Arnold fcrsicts will ba held Wednesday at 3:3 eeloch from Ida family ml dtaea at Edra Intrmnt la Gowanda Friends lariwA ftowna graulujU d-cUacd utu At Bran enter Bpt IX William A latter of Willis Cannon of New York citp Ura Alma Mutneb of Pr ten did Ip Funeral from tte family mldenn Tbundap tent IX 330 ft A Mend ar Inrlteto 1- la Writ Anna tapt 13 1933 Raymond beloved baskand of Inratac Korpcrnlck mb of Arthur and tte lataLiUla Dolbear blotter of Mra Thomai Rabinwo Artbur Jr Mn Cdln Witt and Mrs Nina lUllrr Ptawral fro tte family rendencc 30 BeUwcod avenue Thursday aftrrnoon at 3 ll under tte auipicu at Wnt Beneca port 735 American Legion UtM Suddenly at Wilson Town Lins rid tept 11 193: Thors as si lt mn Riond son of Mr and Mrs Thomaa Dopla dnre Punk) Punrral from tte family reudenee Wrnda trt Wednaidsy at 0 A and Irnm'd Holy Mama of Jrau church at 3A Friends ara InfltrA fntcrmmt ln ths Catholic cnMttrp Pino HU1 1K13 Dl'NN tept IX J93X Chsrlrs hus-band of Kstterlno I phyii father of William Win A Jo- eeph ind Arthur Dunn Mrs Henry Pinul blotter of Mm Churlfa YnM-Funeral fro the mMcnci of his son Joseph Dunn 113 Alstiama stmt Wrd-nrsday mornlna at 8:30 o'clock and from St Brtrid'i church nt adocA Priasda ura in riled to sttsnd EBNBT-tept IX 1333 AUrt belorrf husbsnd of Anna Pankow Ernst fattier of tte lata Mrs Arthur Barack fraud-fatter of Alberta brether ol Edvard Ernst and Mrs William Obcr-arktr nucral from tte family rril-dcnca ISO McBllllW parkway Wednesday afternoon it 8:30 o'clock Deceased wee a member of Mystle Art Lodio No A Buffalo Coniutorp le-mailla Temple Zulelka Grotto: Wichita Tribe No 206 ft Mi Court Bherl-dau 111 ft Buffalo association and Buffalo Typo-rapdlcal Union Ho A Burial terries under auepkea at lfpatla Art ladia In Kenmora Bept IX 1933 Edith (naa Robertson I wile of the late William A mother ol Bert Palrbslrn lira Nelson Baynn and lira A Alton Fu Funeral fro ter dauhter'a bone Mrs A Aten PM 3 Prontanae artnue Thursday al-ternooa at 3:30 o'clock Frkads In-piled to attend Burial In Acacia Park cemetery 13IM ta Buffalo WlUkax buabaad at Mary Paulin fatter at Wil-Uaa and Gaorpa al Brrkkp CaL Mrs Clarsnca Ecluciber af Rename and Joba of Buffalo Barplcea will ba held at the home Wednesday afternaan nt 2 o'clock Funeral will ba held front the home 3M Map treat at 23a Interment la Forest Lawa cemetery In thle dtp tept IX 1B3X Carolina Weber bclored wife at Henry ft Rita mother of Henry X- Hllma and tha lata Robert Frits eititr ot Mrs A Lnlla Barrio Funeral tram tte family residence (37 Broadway Wednesday Sant IX nt 2:30 o'clock Friends ara Invited to attend Decerned was member of Ladies' Aid societr LidleP Auxiliary Home Department and Bible da of BX Btephea'a Eranaellcal church 13113 In Buffalo Sept 11 1333 Richard be to red eon af Walter and Gladys I nee van Hoffi brother ef Robert Thomas Bay and Jeanhfkltntr Funeral fra tte family home 24S Forest area us Wednesday afternoon tept 14 at 1:30 Friends invited Interment at Hamburg 13113 In La neuter Bept 12 1032 James A husbsnd of Nellie GibMn father of Edward Olbbln end 1 Mrs Jane A Miller Funeral from the family residence Church street Wednesday afternoon nt 3 o'clock Friends ara Inrlted Xntetment la Rural cemetery Baby bora Bept IX died Bept 13 eon of Mr sad Mrs George Ooe-bcX 1M Wromlng avenue la thle city Bept IX 103X An-! JoTarSL Orate? Grater ar Pstarson J- cnanaa orar Grater of this city Mra Rudolph Hein Funeral from tha residence of hk dauxhter Mr Rudolph Hein 01 Whltfkld avenue Thursday afternoon at 3:30 Deceased was a member af tte Swiss ourll Vsrtln Friends an Invited to attend 13114 BepL 11 1932 Anna Meter beloved wife ef MarUn nutter at Mrs A Rasp Terns Mrs Daly Mrs A Roetser Mra Mabonay and tbs late Joseph and Mary Anna Onss-mans Funeral Wednesday Bept 14 at 1:30 A frees tte fsmlly residence 1793 Gentses atrrat at 10 A Ii at BL Otrards church Friends Invited 12a 13 HAMLIN At1 tee residence too West Firry street in Buffalo Bept IX 1932 Mra William Hamlin Private sem*n Thursday afternoon Kindly emit flow-era 13114 HA Best 121932 In Buffalo Emelin wife of Oeori Halt Funeral rarv ices ft tte family rtsldanra 137 Saranss avenue an Wednesday afternoon at 3 o'clock Fr tends nr Invited to attend Farther services and Interment nt Detroit Mich Bant 10 1132 Maalmlllss husband of Elizabeth Herman fatter at Cecilia Edwin and tte late Oeori Xollmar stepfather af Louis Smith sen af tha late William and Terete Xollmar brether at Charles and Theodor KoDmar Mm John VogL Mra Leal Merkte and tha late Joseph KsU-mar Funeral from tte family residence 30 Mumford atrrat Wednesday meramg at 3:30 and bom BL Ttemaa Aquinas church at o'clock Frknda ar Invited to attend 13tl3 Suddenly In this eltr BepL 1L 1932 Clara beloved wits of George Lapp slater ot WlU laa and Titus ft Rettial of this cltr Funeral win Mid from ter late rtildtnca 334 Linden nvsnua TUesdsy afternoon at to Burial at Rlalata Dsessscd was a member at Baleai chapter 311 and Daughters at tha Mlk LIEXERT-Bapt IX 1932 Lawk htts- head of Barbara Baum ter father of Mra John Hatch Mia Fred Oebhsrd WlUteia Frank and tha tats John Look and Albert Lknert brsthsr ol Mra Lute Mra A Brown Mra LaprtU Misa Ltenart and tte kto Joaephtn HchkisL Funeral fraa tha family rad-dtncp S3 Eaten atract Thursday mam-tag at aad from BL Hktelaa church at efekek Deceased wee a member ef the Holy Haau aoetety af BL MleholB ehuich Brick layers' unkn kcal Ba da and BL Joseph's sodality af bl Laws aburch 13U4 In thk dtp BepL 1L 1I3X Louise Meter daushtsr af th lata Jaacb and Eva Malar: sister af Carolina John Ckarsa Malar Mra Aueust Kraft Mra Herman Oabnrt and tha late Mary Jaeoh aad William Mater Funeral tram tte famUy rratdraea 41 Eastwood plica Wednradav afternoon at 1:30 o'clock ITlanda killed to attend utl3 Back Mall 110 Mu IN Batty Beau 113 kPtealaalaa IN War Tuna 113 FIFTH BSOB-dON tUlalaa 3-raar-alds and a IVa ttaa: aRavwrhtraW IN aCUptaUl Bd IN Cunuudavaa IN Judas Lurdvn 113 sWhlaatrcrackn IN xPatir alnfuae Lad lid SIXTH BAOE-atOft atolalag 4-ytar-alds and up 1 1-11 ika: sNuadar 101 aCoastorUrp 10T dikes Chal'aor 113 sPtar Bin 107 Truataa Ill ater Draa 1ST steaihardv 101 atewa Haka 1M uFlularch 101 Dtaia lad -113 Madeka IN sBlack Fakkia 104 seventh RACB-oim alaUutna 3-rvar-slda 1 1-14 Btlsa: kSanteraw 101 Duuay Bop 1X1 a Dad Mfiners 101 sBaautv Brant 101 uDsw Tuksr 101 Laa! Attempt 113 sHabw Fcllaw lit Gay Prfuca 113 Clastes Chrtca 113 Vralty Balwat 113 Wlnaua Lady IN EXOHTH BACB -eaoq atotortaa d-yrar-Ids aad aa 1 1-10 Reeky Way 113 aRbady Bert 11 Black Bull lit sLuekmraa 112 Riff Riff 113 Seth's Balks 10T aNueklaa Boy 107 stem Lady 104 BAralUfUl 1ST GuibSUr lit aTammy Tkkk 101 xAracal 107 u-Apsrtatka aUawanaa alalawa Cloudy and heavy Riveriid FIRST S400 Maiming 4-yaar-elds aad up fuim aad maraa fulurUy Bltndrlft Aka vliaiMa: Uriah! Hast Drlran Ill IN 113 1U 112 Niaalrc lit ateaadal Stest 101 Fluckv Girl lb Lacy Mary loo Golden Lours 110 Blue Race 110 Mias Bums 110 Parcel HO Vaathenia 110 Scotch Made 110 OuacuBmsio 210 Sbowccs 110 Motel no Beth's Quran lie Vollacuat 110 Bdlth Bata 110 Mstsar Witch 110 Flaaamw lie SEOOND RACE-tloq clalmlnx l-ra Ida and up fulunty cauraa: Ragtl Xalght 10S Fin Hath xLookout Ring IN My Invar Ill a Troublesome in Tltk Star 108 Maaaarlal Day 114 xOIllmate Veto 110 Adrian IN bRa renal 103 Bom Uad Brtk IN Vagabon Ill aMartha ltaa no kCuauetong 110 THIRD 1400 clalmlnx 3-jter-Ida aad up luturlly aonrat: Our Doeter ill Dorran Friurara lot teb IN Mlaa Bisiy Ill aftan Alvaro Wlicon Montfrrrat aAbdarditr Mias OnbM 113 IN 113 IN 110 xBennFa Olrl a Bnow Claud iMorrrtl aPandls IB tar Bultoa 110 110 110 100 IN FOURTH RACE 1400 claiming 3-year-elds Rksnlde cauraa: Varusaa los Mica Timidity IN Hoaavtr Jaaa 103 Hsauapo M3 Marten 100 Judge Urban 10 Magnitude 106 500 claiming Master ot Foxhounds 3-ytir-aids and up Futurity Troford IN Darken Hour IN My Cram IN Motor Wheel 103 My Joenn 102 Royol Chef 113 Bovoyord IN BAnn Arundel IN Thelma 113 Psrteraasia 104 Lucky Prospers Ill kMorvleb Rises -100 Ime Dreamer Ill gramrlt 104 gone Long Hop 104 sFle 104 aFangoUa 104 SIXTH KACE-4300 clalmlnx 3-year-olda and up mlto and 10 yarda: Man Da Bar IN xBaenrlty Bbnd 101 aWrlgley Field 113 Golden XI tk na kMaklng BubbkslOT Me Excuse 113 RCamp Fsrok loa Hat Her Flay 101 SEVENTH 9400 claiming 3-year-oldi and up mlk and 70 yarda: Lady Messenger 111 Paraloma Ill sOardtn Brat 104 xBtorm Maiden 107 a Drubs celt 101 zWath'gton Rose 101 Luke jr no gules Desmond 107 zRteelaide llO sLoekst 110 Pudortn 113 gNoeo First 1ST sLarna Dw 101 EIGHTH Stop ci aiming 3-yrar-olds and up 1 iurtongs: gBelgrade Ill a Ken tea Boy 101 kCatty Ml Kogan log Dental Cream IN kMaystta Kitty Gam zcold wav zUprtra zBal Ek z-Apprantk altawate alalmcd Ckar and faaL rot 104 107 104 no Thorncliffa FIRST ttOO claiming Oanadlan Flying Clubs' seaoclatlan 3-yaar-olda Iurtongs: Banting Ecsuly llg Archwsod 117 Niton li 1M Attribute Ill Dowalall in Aka cllglhk: Jaekkalte 1M Wooly Wart 117 Flashy FUght 103 aAuthorlty in Fair Billy in sEspinatta in Hun'a Way in War Oraaral in sWslter Jr in Fair Mok 110 sun Bey Baldy Tinker to zMonty Man 14 Waldron ft Iselhi entry SECOND 1100 claiming Taranto Flytag Club Burst 3-ytar-olda and up 1 furlocga: ztebbte 104 Fowder Monkey 104 Bcrfmeo in Htykft 104 slYwink 104 Load go Id 112 Bunctea 101 zBboot in zLset Bhawl in Jan EUca 104 THIRD race gaoo claiming the HcmUton Aero Club Pure 3-ycar-okto and 1 furlonga: te rter 113 Bttfaa Jr 1 104 Medway 113 aHkaway 101 Lordehlp in A lea oligibk Vkedo log Oolden Etorm 1M YteOte in Tim Enough in Cupboard in zHrkn Oracn 101 Hunk Crawlty IN Foot's Dream 104 fatal 113 Pampered PM teU GUIs 112 Mormabal IN Vkumary Hour 104 FOURTH RACE-41000 tba Da Havl-toud Handicap 3-ytar-olda aad up Canadian foe ltd furlonga: Quotes Bras IN Rock Crest IN Raster Dandy IN Tn Danes 104 Chute Mara Shady WrU in aBpty Craat IN aStar Creel 113 Wright ft Hutlnga stable entry FIFTH 12000 added clarendon Plata 3-yaar-olda Canadian footed 7 furlonga: aHappy Hop 113 Court Butterfly 111 Papal lea lit Oliver Ball 118 logo Ill bJunlam 113 ekhakl John lit dCrofter 183 ftaid Crcet 112 tAttls Bird IN aFrlnra Rupwt 111 Heap Oood Ill Tricky Boa lit Fan Sweep ill Acajou ua (Tollmen 113 (Match Gill IN bPtrtozkal 113 a-ft ft McLaughllb-C Robeoa entry b-R New entry i e-lhoraeUff stable entry d-HsoL Riyaumd entry o-Ricardal stsbk entry -j 1 KXTH 800 claiming th air tnnaport pur j-ycai-slds aad up 1 1-11 IMS My kitty Frlncaw Btaie Ruatlc Flirt ulndkn Dm Fair speed My Bte Mold 110 IN 101 101 110 113 113 BIB Beth 110 Maonphaso 113 Tm Orean 110 Daddy Ntlaon 110 Also tllglMt: Jraa Oaffnry IN Oltl fgaftBwOO 106 Southland Lad IN SEVENTH RACE MOO claiming- th Hart pure 3-yrar-olda and up Ik mltee: Oacsr IN Bold Bendigo 100 113 Hamaltk IN Dark AIU 104 FlayaMt IN LIUle Beaut IN Mukt Bclkva 113 Royal Daaiten IN Uput Lad 113 zApprcntko utlowanM ctetanod Ctettdy and faaL COMPETITION OF OCEAN SHIPS ON LAKES DOUBTED ALBANY BepL II Ocean freighters will be tumble to compete ucceufully on the Great Lakes with lake should tte BL Lawrence river shipway ta built Copt Olaf Lyderaen at the Norwegian ohlp Wta-roth Asserted Tuefdsy Ho cEpregsed the opinion Utat "what wlU happento that the Ctawt Irnkn veaaaU which nr wry BN haw to ta buUt to withrtnnd aeaa would go down to maki tte tmiBfcr to ocean Spt Lyderaen added that to whatthey teller at MontwaL I haw Just cam from thorx Karly Bpantoh HPbmi In Meztoo were lm pressed by tbs in mu of th drama that aounoaa mends Inrlied to attend Deceased vu a member ef Furk Httekah iodaa Ba 371 13tl9 tept IX Mudalena (naa Rschlni wife af tte lata Christum Raichard mother of Mrs Charles Reit-meler Louis Jacob Edward and Joseph RelcterA end tte tote Meedekne Wald Funeral fraa ter late residence 31 Fershlm street Thursday morning at and from PL Mary of Borrows ehureb at o'clock Friend! are Invited Derailed wae a awnraer of tte Women's Sodality of St Mary of Borrows church 12tl4 BepL IX 1S3X Harold brother of Moraun and Hurt Rorboer Funeral from tte neldencu at hie aunL lire Louie BranobL MB Fairfield avenue wednradav at e'clock uad front SL ebureb 10 o'clock Sap 1A 193X Chartei husband of Margaret eon of tha lata William and Ann Roth: brether at Frank and Richard Roth and Mrs Marp Halt-ner and tte late John and William Roth Funeral troa tbs reiUtenra of hts brother Richard Roth 330 Maple street Wednesday morning at Raqnka maw at tte Church ef Our Lady of Lourdes at 0 1213 In West tense a Sept 10 1133 John husband of Christina tehalkr I nra Brckt fatter at tin Bugslman Mra Charles Btageman William Bcballer and tha law Emma and Clara tehalter Funeral aarvtces from tte family ruldenet Meyer road Oardenvilk Wednesday afternoon at 330 Friends are Invited 12kl3 Buddcniy in this city BepL 13 1032 Ferry husband ef Katherine Klota Bchcnck: father ef Horace Bcbenek of Darien Funeral will ba held fraa his home UT'Riky atretL Thursday afternoon nt 3 Burial at Elmlawn Friends ere invited to attend 13tl4 Suddenly In thto eltv test 11 1932 Anna wife of the late John Bchraeder Bother ef Charles A Bchrorder Mra Bdwin tells and tte lau Edward Betewedtr Funeral fraa tha family residence 40 Wohkra avenue Wednesday afternoon at 1:30 Friends ere Inrlted ta nttend 12113 At the family bom Aurora enu West Banach Bept 12 NINE QUARTS OF WHISKY FOUND UNDER AUTO HOOD While making a close inspection of the automobile driven by Xdward RaUrkl of M3 Keitel avenue customs Inspectors at th Fean bridge Monday found nine quarto of alleged whisky in two package wrapped in cloth under the hood Ralickl waa Arrested on charge of smuggling liquor: hi car was confiscated by Michael MUler deputy customs collector in charge of th bridge and Rallcki vu arraigned before United States Commtasloner Harry Harding He was released for a hearing nest week after posting bond of 91000 OBITUARY Mra Clara Lapp Funeral aervlces for Mix Clara Lapp 49 wife of George Lapp treasurer of the Curtl Aeroplane 9 1 Kotor Co Inc who died suddenly Sunday at 4:19 A 1L were conducted Tuesday afternoon in tha family residence 14 Linden avenue Burial vu in Elmlawn cemetery town of Tonawandx Dr Albert Butter minister of Westminster Presbyterian church Delaware avenue near Bummer street officiated at tha services in tha home At tha cemetery th service were under auspice of Bakun Chapter 111 Order of the Eastern Star Mil Lapp also vu a member of tha Daughters of the Hite Mrx WUliam Hamlin A resident of Buffalo for 90 yean Mix William Hamlin died In her home 900 West Ferry street Tuesday morning Th funeral at Ice will be held privately Thursday afternoon Mix Hamlin was a daughter of Mr and Mix George Gatex on of Buffalo' pioneer families One of the founders of tha Children's hospital also was tha senior trustee of tha Genertl hospital which position was her chief interest In recent years Mrs Hamlin was Interested ta many charitable social and civic activities in the city She was'presl-dent of tha Women's board of the Pan-American exposition Surviving are three children seven grandchildren and five gnat grandchildren CITY COURT DISMISSALS ANDADJOURNMENTS Adjccrarntnu (-James Haplcs va Anthony Banter at al dlaordtrly eonducL tept IS WlUlam CNrlU va Lac 111 Csrllito assault third degraa left IS Hlcholaa DiTulllo va Mtehstl Mar-ante aasaulL third degraa Bept 14 Ocorga Simpson va John CsmpbtU no optrator'i llconsa Bept 14 Rayotend ft Ffohl va Ocarg Imp-1 assault third degraa tept- IX Jacob Blady va Branlslsus Bzymuukl aaaault third dagrat Brpt IX PbU Goott va Paul Fodsuwalt grand larceny second degree Bept- IX Anthony Clrriclano va Stanley Dalc-gowskl driving whla drunk BepL IX Walter Maul va Hsrbert Bwgmtx uuuulL third dsgrac BepL IB WlUlam Lento va WlUlam May assault third degraa BrpL IX Frank Brtakworth va Joseph Battaglia rabhery first deg rtf Bept IX Urauls Musall va Hctea Xtetajuk fraud BrpL lx James Haplcs va Anthony Bonsn-duael grand larc any first dagrwe BepL IX Dorothy Sweat va Henry XUt aasaulL third degraa BrpL IX Leo Haste va John OawryaHwsU assault third dtgreo Bpt XX aphan Van Dick va Anthony Wild larceny Meond dtgraq OcpL SL Marion HIU va tem Cohan Brctloa 120 Penal Law BapL XX Kathcrlna Johnston va Harry Flack malic loua attach iaf BrpL IX WUUam Lewis va Jim Brlsson assault third dagrat Bapt IX Wlllkm O'NaUl va John Coeds erbntaally rtcalvlng stolen property BepL IX Frank Pltamaurlc va fonsts Wango-rowakl assault flnt dagrat and llkgal posse ulon of rrvolvar BopL IX Howard ft Aldsnon va Louis Xltr-10 ns He os OeL 3X Osorf Llndwov va Bophl udy dlsordsrly eonducL day to day Dismissals Antonias Wslakl va Btephtn OshowlaX Clsrsnc McNamara vs Richard Jatgtr Fred A Watters va Jams Htary AUTO TOLL IN BUFFALO Died Bo for In 1932 99 Bum period in 1931 90 Total ui 1931 mimim 107 Injured Bo for In 1932 1 2364 game period is 1931 3333 Total in 1931 -it 3392 NOTICE of election of Flra Cornells- i-Y doners In Hr District No 3 tba Town Tooswsiida New VorZMii Hecac taka notice that an alaetloii will i hsB io Flra Dtetrkt MoT of ths wnofWf HTi irk at tha Fir HaU 00 Hawthorns ava- coutoiM: District Nt nswsnda ARTHUR BraU7 'UTATIOB FOR JUDICIAL of tha 8ETTU-Btate of York to Frederick Armsirona Arms) ran a CisrsA Armajrang Elsie IMtrOBSe jurphy Anna UU Hftlntt 11 Sxceu' linNs Aaiuiti iPlifValj Dankj tersoa Edward ft Bhi nna Bhotwal elen praise iwcra Alice ehurchsn Inkrcsl coa Michscl Bowr Concracslionsl chi kdln the Bowen Hrct ell persons Armstrong BIXt isfenSJ sura sttnnv nd allawla mM accotmt berebrcItS to estiSjfOYt Bur! in laid County of" Erta on th noth LoTthiFk-'0- Jn the why cucb decree wheraof wc hive ef aald Bui MflROOB bouid oi Tn be mada teetlc ccuxd the timonf Irn Brit 931 6 CALL Buffalo Ass'ii for the Blind 150 COODELL ST CL 3S77 Foe Mattnco RsaovaUag Chalv Canton Zagua tobtan Ec Was via ftmq AaAtaM Rranam nmage ag the chief subject Despite the denials by Republican and Democratic lenders of the board rumors persisted that a movement to under way for th appointment of Supervisor Fries aa county purchasing agent to succeed Thomas McXheln Jr one of the ousted Republican Beyer May Rimed According to County hall reporta Fries and one or two other Democrats would then align with the Republicans and vote to reinstate Frederick Hoep-finger as building commissioner Allan Collin forester and Flank Pollock a welter commliskmer Vnauthcntle reports io have It that Mayor John Beyer Democrat of the city of Tonawandx would be appointed by the Republlnn Council of that city to succeed Frte on the board Supervisor Prie declined to comment on the rumor declaring he might have a statement to make later He sold that no attempt would be made to instill him for the time being Chairman John OXeiry Democratic leader of the board laid hej imddrnrtdr would not be a party to any proposed Dutiful bipartisan more involving the appoint-! meat of Rice aa purchasing agent 1 BuT(l HU Decide to Mark lima He made it plain that he would mtert hte influence to block the plan If it develops Commenting on tha Republican' LuckVchina lilt SuUavadw caucus Supervisors Ira Vail aad' aMukodav in Candy pig Irvin A Lapp said the ot Mas ioj sSkwr Link in Fite was not mentioned and that cl11' JJ any plan to install him did not- or- Kot1 4i Balg Dora Prince Ronald xBrlgand xlnlrudar Milaris IN 113 101 102 IN Brother johnesa 112 Martha Lang IN Tsars 103 Mary McClain IN xUly Sua 104 SEVENTH tm claiming J-yter-olda and up 1 1-1 mttm: Reform 114 sLong Jo 107 Albert Blanton 114 Betty Elvira IN Grand King IN Yarrww IN Bab 112 William 113 cTrudgcon 113 sBag Roms John Robert IN Mrndel! 112 iSmfing Kid 104 Sod 112 a-ApprenUee allowance claimed Ckar and faaL Hagerstown FIRST 0400 allowances t-yur-eld maidens about fur longs: Stroppy 11 Dunalr Ill Dunora 113 Catharine atone 113 i Oadaround lit Mka Muffet IIS Postponement ill stubble 11B Toe Gal 119 Was! Acton 1101 Beau Mysten lie Tlphaine 113 Straiten Ill Maria Oats Ill SECOND (400 clalmlnx 3-yir-alda np about O'i furlongs: Ms Bun 11 Oood Fortune in MOtegaa IN xMins IN sHifh Lady Ill Black Dream 114 10S xAingla A IN IIS Plum Run 109 114 xBteia Heart 111 IN Eetabrook IN THIRD 9400 claiming 3-year-aide up about furlongs: Mary's Way 110 xTmant IN Nina's Baby Ill Spunky 114 sDalsy Buck Ill Marfear 110 Annawan 110 Super Brawn IN 113 113 Mlnlatara Almsasa (luffsla Bummer Time) Bun rises sue sate Xjength of dar 13 hours 31 minute Bub rise tomorrow MOON'S CHANGES Full Biooa BopL IX 9M IL This la th harvest moon lost quarter BcpX 3X 9:47 Haw maoa BepL 301:30 A Pint quarter OeL 3:08 SPENCER Senior MeteorologliL DEATHS Emm Eheridnn 65 181 Zelmer Bept 11- Slm Reid 29 321 Bprlng Bept 9 Rude A Bkomae 42 LnckawannA Sept 11 Btojna Posklr 42 LAckAwaruA Bept 10 Jooeph Zllversteln S3 32 Guilford Bept 11 Amelin Btovcns 63 107 Graveland Sept 10 Louise Maier 89 49 EMtwood Bept 11 Kata Volckman 7X 839 Fraepact Bept lft Clam Lapp 40 224 Linden Bept 11 Albert Errut 59 758 McKinley Bept 11 Jadwlg Golutakft 19 191 Rotber Bept 11 Fred Cook 42 Hamburg Bept 10 John Arnold 68 Eden Y- Bept IF WUhflminn Willett 49 21 Norway park BepL 10 Ann Gresamann 59 1763 Oeneaee Bept 11 Idx Clark 75 145 Richmond Bept 11 Clxrl 18 Bmeelon 55 144 Dunlop Bept 10 Charles Dunn 73 70 Pulton Bept 11 Ann Bchraeder 70 40 Wohlers Bept 1L tl fl 1c a al a- ol Rl It ai re Jv or Jb dt El (1 I th wJ wi Dt ar to m- 3 ta a tc I ii IC i it a tf IX- t- h' a ii IT For many of best families have relied upon ERNEST WEDEKINDT service ERNEST 5 Walden Jefferson 7811 Only ana office ta Buffalo Mo conocslioa with aay other firm aayvrhm Iglnatc with Republic nq They declared that proposal wai mads st the caucus to ask the supenbon to reta-statc and reappoint th four ousted Republicans in hopes of weaning couple ot dissatisfied Democrats to their side However they explained the Republican lupervisors wen unable to give on this move pnd finally decided to mark time Rome ol the Republicans it waa Mild were fearful that a move on tbe pert of the Republicans for reinstatement might weaken the legal tattles of the Republics nt for restoration to their Job GRAIN STORED HERE ommammemn 19066839 Bushelg in Elevators 2117939 In Boats Grain tuned In the loeal elevators Monday afternoon totaled 19069939 buahela aa follows: STORED Amerleia Wheat 10031412 eilllftee 3243174 00p9ac 3e619927 67211 eeoitaitgtte 10X343 AFLOAT Grain Wheat Corn The toUl number of bushels of irmia tored In bonu as 1417939 LEHICH VALLEY LOSES ORE DOCK FIRE ACTION A 929000 verdict agalnit the fkhiiK Valley Railroad company vu returned before Justke Clmrenct MacGrexor The suit involved the four barges In ft fire at the Lehtoh Valley ore dock mi Oct 24 1930 The Hedger Tnuuportntlon company New York vu awarded $13900 bn ft Bus hey ft Bong Mew York $11900 nnd Anthony 'Boy to Mow York 09900 The plaintiff contended that the fire wu caused by hot oshei dumped from an unloading machine The railroad ought to pravo fhftt th fin wu due to stovo on one of th targes when the captain left the boat MBS AUGUSTA POM DEAD BT PAUL Bept 13 Mra Augusta Sibley Pope 91 daughter of Gen- Henry Baitings BlUey flrit governor of Jflnneootft dM Afoutap 1 1932 Adam BribarL beloved htuband of Josephine Seibert fnra fletneck I father of Georg If WlUlam A Joseph A Frank Clarence Delbert Mra Peter Breldenstetn tba Henry Krcs Mra Charles Ztmpfer and tte late Mra Florence Hornang Funeral from tte family hama Aurora avenue West Beneca Friday at 3:30 A and from Bt church Winchester at I A Friends ara Invited Dereand was a member sf Btraavburg Tent Ne 219 Order af the Maccabees and West Seneca Blck ft Accident association 13119 la aln ft Sept It 1932 Emma Wrtpoidt wife of Peter Sheridan mother of Mra ft Rekkcrt end Mra Ruth sister af Mra Pauline Anderson at Cakte Wii Mra Edward Dahl and Mra Henry Mahn Funeral from th family rastdenc ltl Zelmer street Wedneiday efternoon 2 o'clock and from BL cburch Pen eras and Domsdloa itieeia at 3:30 Friends era Invited Dvetased was a member af Good lirnsrltia 1 at BL Peter's cburch and Ladies' Aid society of BL Andrew's church la thk dtp BepL IX 1931 Clerl Mery beloved wife ef Ernest matter of Mra Koonu and Corns Bmeeten Funeral from th family rtsU doneo 333 Potomau annus Tuesday it 2 o'clock Burial in BL Paul's cemetery FL Ena In this city BepL IX 1932 Amelia (as Klein) beloved wife of tte late Thomas mother of WlUlam and Edward Stevens and tte lata Mra Moody Firry age year Funeral from tte residence of ter 10a WlUlam Sienna 30 Liberty terrace Wednesday morning at end from Bkssed Trinity church on Leroy avenue at s'eteck Frkads Invited te attend la this city Brat 13 1B3X Ftontta beloved deuehter at Flantt and John: a titer of Mra A Btmath Mra WlUtem Hack tte kte Mra Meads RumawU and Robert Funtrai from tte family ytsldonea IN Davty atrccL Wtd-amday afternoon nt 3:30 o'clock Friends ara invited to attend BepL IX 1932 Wllholmlnn If wetnlg wife of tha 1st Anthony WUklL matter of LaVerna Oerard Robert aad Dorothy Wllktti slater of Henry Watalg Mra Joseph Milter William Watalg Mra Tsrras Kroptlta Joseph Wetnlg Mra WliUom Deabnn and Mra Estello oeahna Funeral Wadaaaday Bept 14 at A from tha famUy naldanca tl Karway park aad it I at Ms? at Borrows aburch Frknda vtted Tn North Tonawande ft BepL IX 1S3X Lawk husband af tha lata Katharine Wagner fatter af Mra Alloa Runs and grandfntter at Arltn Rung aom at laabath aad th lao Jacob Wurtenbargar brothar of Mra Massinger Hts Frink Bush Mra ranter Anna Richard and Merman Wartenbargar Funeral Thursday fteraaon at 2 o'clock from hk late taat- dene 10 Rumbold avenue and nt 3 Ckva 3NT o'clock from bl Fcul's cburch Wendsi- Fglnst Prise I villa (standard time) Intermeat fd I tram mlmiadr2 0 i hiuh-m BOOK TITLE CONTEST Tha complete act of aniWen must ba In the hands of thg contest editor by Friday mid- night or if mailed must bo postmarked not later than that time Send or bring in to tho New buaineig office 214-218 Main street or to the Newa Broadway branch 1105 Broadway Arrange yonr golutioni in proper numerical order and enclose separate list of tho 60 book titles Be aura to enclose both ai neither will bo accepted separately Send by firit-clais mad and place correct nmount of postage on flat package Back copie at each cartoon can bo obtained nt the Newa buiineia office or Broadway branch for two centi each FRIDAY MIDNIGHT IS THE DEADLINE FOURTH 09QX dlalmlnx 9-yaap aids and up sia turlenge: aCheus Farad in Lady Oaarait telly inu in AterTuEhte ten 113 Lina Rid aorry kilty in bt IS a uSssL'xJm.

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Author: Prof. An Powlowski

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Author information

Name: Prof. An Powlowski

Birthday: 1992-09-29

Address: Apt. 994 8891 Orval Hill, Brittnyburgh, AZ 41023-0398

Phone: +26417467956738

Job: District Marketing Strategist

Hobby: Embroidery, Bodybuilding, Motor sports, Amateur radio, Wood carving, Whittling, Air sports

Introduction: My name is Prof. An Powlowski, I am a charming, helpful, attractive, good, graceful, thoughtful, vast person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.