Martinsville Bulletin from Martinsville, Virginia (2024)

1 FRIDAY, DECEMBER 26, 1930 THE HENRY BULLETIN- SEMI- WEEKLY, Martinsville, Va. THE HENRY BULLETIN Every Tuesday and Friday THE BULLETIN- Office PRINTING Bridge AND Street, PUBLISHING 00.. Publisher E. V. BLAIR, -the Editor and Manager Virginia, under the Entered as, second class matter at March 8, 1879.

9. Act of -By carrier in Martinsville, $2.50 per year; by the TERMA OF cents. SUBSCRIPTION mail outside of Martins $2.00 per year, payable in month, 250. By advance. memorials, poetry and and remittance obituaries of thanks, by this tributes paper of as respect; news.

AM resolutions, such are charged for are not published 'satisfactory arrangements made before publication. Rates are 1c must per word, accompany: minimun copy price 76c-for any, single insertion. or This- -paper, is glad all times to giving. all dotajle and publish brief death notices news. We.

invite that our same readers may be published correctly as possible. to Information, so of officers and dierectors of the Bassett Kiwanis Club for the coming year was the principal business at the regular weekly meeting of the club last Thursday evening. Appropriate addresses were made by the incoming president, J. D. Bassett, and by C.

V. Stanley, retiring. presiding officer, followed by short talks by 1 past presidents -of the organization. Through the, courtesy of- a box of was presented to M.r S. C.

H. Frick, pianist, in appreciation of her faithful. and efficient service; and another. acknowledgement to Mrs. W.

of the excellent. club suppers served by the hotel management. Immediately upon adjournment of the meeting, the- new board of directors were in session, and passed: on. several matters of under-privileged child import. W.

Gwynn, who has served the club most efficiently as secretary, and treasurer, for the past two was reappointed for 1921. quartette of officers in charge are. as follows: J. D. Bassett, President; F.

W. Bowers, Vicepresident; F. R. Hundley, District Trustee; W. W.

Gwynn, Secretary and Treasurer. The sessions was well attended. Tree Celebration Be Held Thursday Bassett The Community Christmas Tree project to which citizens of Bassett would 'seem to: be. enthusiastically committed, is being generously supported despite the apparent scarcity of money and sereral recent fund drives, -Nearly date $100.00 with has which been it a is subscribed planned to, give a bit of- Christmas to ximately 1000 kiddies in the borhood. Through the activity of af toy committee, a supply of toys has been donated which will distributed among they children Leather wood Mr.

and, Mrs, Rodgers spent Sunday with Mra, Rodgers' sister, Mrs. Sue Gravely, of and Mrs. H. J. Carter were in Martinsville, shopping -Mr.

Thomas who has been the guest of his daughter, Mrs. C. R. Bondurant of Roanoke for the past week. returned to 'his home here -Misses Mamie and Mattie Compton called at.

the" home of Mr. and Mrs. 11. J. Carter -Clay Carter spent several days last week with his.

sister Mrs. Will Gregory at -Mrs. C. Carter who was right ill several days last week is 'Lanier Farm Misses Agnes and Emma lem, Edd Barrow and Ben T. Barrow called on Misses Virginia and Thelma Hodges Saturday night.

-Tom and Jesse Hurd called at the home of Ben Barrow Sunday. -Miss Thelma Hodges called on Misses Agnes and Emma Kallem Sunday -Edd Barrow and. Ben T. Barrow called at the home of P. Kallem -Miss Virginia Hodges of Spencer is spending the 'Christmas holidays with her parents here.

-Those who called on Misses Thelma and Virginia Hodges Monday night were Misses: Elizabeth, Daisy, Vivian and Thelma Barrow, Agnes and Emma Barow, Edd and Ben T. Barrow, Burton and George Kallem and Cabel Barrow. Grogan is a patient in the Shackelford hospital in Martinsville where she underwent an operation Monday. -Miss Myrtle Richmond will spend. the Christmas holidays with her parents in Gato City, and with friends in East Radford.

William P. and Noland, Mary who is attending lege, arrived home Sunday for the Christmas vacation. -Mr. land Mrs. W.

W. Sale will leave Wednesday for Norfolk to spend Christmas and the week- with their -Miss Elma Barker has returned to her. Axton for holidays- Mr. and Mrs. L.

McReynolds of Salem, will arrive Wednesday and will be the guests of Mrs. McReynolds parents, Mr. and Mrs. 'M. Morris near Bassett for the holidays.

Mrs. Morris will also have as guests during the holidays, and Mrs. IT. Hoffman Horton, Mr. land Mrs.

L. C. Snidow and L. C. Jr.

Miss Mildred Snidow. H. P. Snidow of Roanoke, W. H.

Viscreek Snidow of. McClure, and Miss Ethel V. Hacfield of Yukon, W. A' Merry Christmas Our wish to you is an old one expressed in old words yet words fuller. in meaning through the appreciation: and understanding which another year has added to them.

Soon a brand new year will be yours, with all its hopes and destinies. So fittingly we: renew our wish that you' will enjoy a Merry Christmas. and Happy New Year. HENRY COUNTY'S BEST STORE Fusfeld-Kolodny CADERS IN STYLES Martinsville, Va. North Bassett- Miss Inez Hill of First who has been a surgical patient at, the Shakelford hospital returned to her hame 'on Thursday ad -Mr.

Sam Wood of the Wood Mercantile Co, is confined to his bed suffering from conjestion of the lungs. -Mr. and Mrs. Oscar parents of First fine baby are. girl, the Willie May, born on Thursday, Dec.

-Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Goard 1 and family spending Christmas at? Dry Fork with Mr.

Goard's parents, Mr. -and -drs. Richard and Mrs. R. W.

Ausbourne and children of Riverside Drive are spending the Christmas holidays at. Mt. Airy visiting -The Atwell M. N. church- -will have their Christmas Tree and Pageant on Tuesday at 8 P.M.

-The home of B. L. Turner of Fourth St. was. completely destroyed by fire Saturday afternoon.

Mr. and Mrs. Turner and four children are staying with neighbors. STOCKTON A ton: Stockton Mr. and Mrs.

L. E. Haley called on her parents Mr. and Mrs. J.

W. Gregory, Helen Moxley is very much indisposed this and Mrs. George Stone called on Mrs. J. I.

Weightman -S Sun da y. 3 Jess. Keen and Clay Roach- spent Friday with: Mr. and Mrs. J.

D. Keen. -Mrs. F. Richardson continues seriously ill at the home of her: daughter, Mrs.

C. S. Moxley: -Mrs. Jennie Rodgers visited her sister, Mrs. Sue Gravely -Mr.

and Mrs. Aubrey Gravely and son Robert Lee spent with Mr. and Mrs. Fred -Mr. and Mrs.

Ben Roach called on their. parents Mr. and Mrs. D. Keen; Saturday -Mrs.

J. S. Moxley and Miss Sadie Moxley spent. Saturday with Mrs. F.

H. Richardson. -Misses Belva, Alice and Edna Keen and Mattie Moxley spent Sadie Sunday with Misses Mr. and Lois Mrs. and Charlie ITill and small son of Leaksville called on Mr.

and Mrs. Ben. Gravely -Mr. and Mrs. Ben.

Gravely and sons spent Saturday with relatives in -Mr. and Mrs. Tom Stegall and. Miss Mollie called on Mr. and Mrs.

Ben Ily -Miss Belva Keen is spending the holidays with her parents -Everyone in this community was grieved. to hear of the loss by fire of the- Axton Roller Mills. Mrs. George Gravely is very feebly at this writing. -Mr.

'and Mrs. Ross Edwards and of Schoolfield are spending the holidays with their parents Mr. and Mrs. Joe Haley. -Posey Barbour and.

Roer Wilson were visitors in Martinsville -H. D. Dillon and sons called on relatives in -Misses Belva Geen and Lois Moxley called on Mrs. Grover Gravely J. S.

Moxley was a business visitor in Martins. ville Saturday. PRESTON Rev. Bryant conducted. his last sermon at Pleasant Grove Sunday Mr.

Hunter- Bassett of Bassett was the guest of his Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Lewis Howard of Lynchburg visited at the home of G.

E. -Barrow- Friday night.Mrs. Claud Davis of Roanoke spent the week 'J. F. end with her Mr.

Miss Mattie Anthony and Mrs. Augusta Barnward- were visitors in town -Mr. Fand Mrs. Bob Winn and daughter of Danville were the guests of Mrs. James Morris and attended the birthday dinner of their- sister, Mrs.

P. S. Cox, Mrs. Eldrie Morris and- Miss Elizabeth: Morris were visitors in town -Mr. and Mrs.

James Bryant and son spent Saturday night. with Mr. and Mrs. G. E.

-Miss Charlie Joyce spent Saturday in town with A. D. Davis and daughter Kate were visitors in Martinsville -Mr. and Mrs. R.

S. Foley of Bassett, Mr. and Mrs. C. D.

Willis and children of were the guests of their parents here Sunday evening. -Mr. and Mrs. T. L.

Willis of Martinsville were the guests of their parents Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Willis Sunday.

-F. L. Perdue was in town Saturd a -Mr. and Char. lie Powell and children of Chatham were Sunday guests of Mr.

and Mrs. G. E. -Miss Flora Barrow and Miss Ruby Turner visited Miss Susie Clarke Sunday -Misses -Mary and Lucile Hodges and Miss Annie Taylor were visitors in Martinsville Saturday -L. A.

of- Roanoke spent Sunday night with his parents Mrs. G. W. Willis -Hyler spent the week-end with relatives in -Mra. R.

L. Willis. was in Martinsville Tuesday having dental: work. -Mr. and Mrs.

John Fryer were visitors in towh Tuesday, -W. T. Willis has been indisposed the past few days. H. Willis spent in Martinsville, Bassett R.

2 Amos Mitchell of V. is spending the Polly 'holidays with his mother, Mrs. and Mrs. S. A.

Martin and Leonard Martin and Leonard Via were in -Martinsville "Saturday. -Misses Ocie Via, Edith Wiggenton, Messrs. Buren Via, Randolph Joyce, Woodrow- Joyce, Frank Haynes and: Amos Mitchell were visitors at the -Miss. home of Georgia King Via's' Sunday. Elliott left 'Friday for.

Buffalo where she will spend the Christmas holidays with her parents. -Misses Georgia Elliott, Bessie Via, Opal- -Via, Messers Willie Turner, were Chester visitors Via, at the and home Roy Martin of Mr. and Mrs. Tuesday. night.

Mrs. Larkin' Stone visited Mrs. King Wednesday. -Marcella Stone of F. F.

S. is spending the holidays Mrs. with Pinkard her parents. Mr. and -Miss Ocie Via of Fieldale 'spent Saturday night with her grandmother, Mrs.

B. D. Via.Miss Blanche Porter, of Bassett spent last week with her aunt, Mrs. Floan Turner, of Fieldale. -Bessie Turner and' Zilla-Nunn visited 'Mrg.

Loyman Turner, re-Doris and Vinia Porter were in' Martinsville. Saturday doing their Christmas shopping. Ridgeway A' very interesting and helpful meeting of the W. C. T.

U. was held at the home of Mrs. W. J. Mitchell last Thursday afternoon.

-Mr. Saville of the Axton agricultural high school was a speaker at- Ridgeway- high school; last Friday night: The meeting was instructive, and helpful to the farmers and business men. and was well attended. Ilenry Madison Doyle was a visitor in blast week. Mrs.

Doyle and Henry accompanied, him and visited her P. Anglin while there. Miss Madie Austin of. Winston-Salem visited relatives here (last -Mrs. J.

Henry Doyle is not so -well at this writing. -Jesse Prilliam of Roanoke visited his sister Mrs. Grogan here last Monday night. -Mrs. John Doyle has been confined to -her room several days this week with a severe -Miss Lily Holland who has been ill for quite awhile improves very slowly.Mr.

and Mrs. Eugene Stone and son John of Leaksville, and IT. C. Pace also of. Leaksville were guests of homefolks last Sunday.

-Mrs. C. M. Suttenfield: of leaksville, Mr. and Mrs.

Drewry Suttenfield of Mexico, Miss Ruth Bennett and- Mr. and Mrs. Q. M. Doyle of Martinsville, Miss Mary Jordan of Norfolk and Mr.

and Mrs. Henry Doyle and son were guests of the latter's parents here last. Sunday. J. of Roanoke was a recent visitor of his parents here.Rev.

Tinnell preached two wonderful sermons last Sunday. We are reliably informed that the collection for the orphanage, went over the top nicely. -What. a snow for Santa Claus! I wonder if any half century 'folks remember -g deeper one. We wish the Bulletin a Christmas and glad New.

Year." Group Cooperate In Santa Claus Party toChildren- SANTA VISITOR ON NORTHSIDE OF CITY XMAS EVE Pythians and Jone Creek One of the most joyful events of the pesent Yuletide, season was the Christmas celebration held at the Jones Creek Health conter, sponsored by the Committee of that Northside institution in collaboration with the local Pythian lodge committee. appropriate program, preceeded the visit of Santa Claus, represented by Mr. J. H. Cox of this city.

large number of gifts toys, fruits and food was distributed "to the. needy families of that section at that time. Members of the Health Centre committee as well as the Pythian tree fund committee, with Rev. M. Wales chairman, were in charge of.

the affair. The party was attended by aT large representative group of young and old of that vicinity. JOE GISH, TREE AIR AND. CARS THAT -Dyer's Store- Misses, Manona and Allie Hodgos spent fast Monday night J. at the home nunt, Mrs.

S. -Mr. and Mry, J. W. Wagoner were home folks here Saturday afternoon.

-Mrs: J. with S. her Minter daughter, spent Saturday Mrs. night W. to Wagoner, College -Mys.

Lawson and son visited Mrs. Milan Martin one day last week.Mrs. J. S. Minter called on Mrs.

H. D. Pace: -Miss sic Lawson was the guest 'of Miss Ocie Turner -Charley Gregory has moved to A. C. Minters Julia Haynes will -her home here spending several years in Bristol -Mr.

and Mrs. Jesse 'Chappell' and, children were callers at the home of Mrs. J. S. Minter Sunday M.

Minter, Posey, Jesse Stultz and others from Roanoke spent Friday at the home' of ThoImas Minter, rabbit- hunting. Mr. and Mrs. George Wagoner were called "to" Spencer- last day by the serious illness of their brother-in-law, Mr. Spencer.

Preston Rev. -L. G. will conduct usual services at Pleasant. Grove Sunday, morning at school 11.

closed FriPreston day for the 'holidays with a Xmas tree which the children enjoyed very -Miss Flora Barrow and Miss Ruby. Turner of Critz are spending the holidays with their -Mr. and Mrs. Reynolds have returned home: af: ter. being called here on account of the; death of-Mrs.

Reynold's father, Mr. Bassett. Mrs. Ernest Morris and Mrs. Edwin Morris were visitors in town Saturday -Miss Mildred Hunter and Miss Dora Mitchell teachers of Mt.

Pleasant school are spending the holidays with their those that attended the -funeral of Mr. Walter Bassett were Mr. and Mrs. Whitney Shumate, Mrs. Ada White, Misses Fay and Elsie White of Martinsville, Hunter, George and Moran Bassett and Mr.

Ramsey. from Bassett, Miss Jonnie Bassett of Fieldale, Miss Mildred and Addla Bassett of Reidsville, N. Brindle Bassett of Greensboro, N. W. J.

Wingfield, was a visitor in town Monday. Mr. J. Trusler was called to- Christiansburg Monday on account of: the death of his brother, Jesse -Miss Evelyn Trueler and Miss Annie Boyd attended -funeral of her Quick Relief for 7 Coughing Spells Famous Prescription- Stops Them Almost Instantly The amazing success of this prescription called- Thoxine is due to its quick 3 double action; it' immediately soothes the irritation and goes- direct to the internal cause not reached by ordinary medicines. They very first swallow usually stops even the most: obstinate cough.

Thoxine is pleasant tasting and safe for the whole family. Your money will: be -refunded if it dees not give better and quicker relief for coughs or sore throat than anything you have ever tried. Put up ready for use. in 35c, 60c, and $1.00 bottles; Sold by C. P.

Kearfott Son, Martinsville, and Mountain Drug Bassett, Va. 108 Have Your Writing Desk with You! J. 50 cents At home, or traveling, you" will find a Lord Baltimore Writing Portfolio an invaluable aid to keeping up correspondence. and convenient, High in quality -low in price. Sold only, at Rexall Stores.

C. P. Kearfott Son told Reliable Druggists On The Square -Martinsville, Va. THE ON RUG Roach Youth Is Sent Home Sat. Beverly SPECIALIST simple to diseases Otices and "Laborator Ridgeway, Va.

The condition of Woodrow Roach, popular- Axton high school student who was" injured in an automobile accident two patient weeks ago, and who 'has been a at the Shackleford improvement hospital show- that ed such marked he was discharged Saturday from that institution and sent home where he is recovering. This youth, who was the most seriously injured of four, boys, when an automobile. in which they were riding, was. brought" to the hospital" in a critical condition, suffering from what was thought; to have been a fractured skull and several other, injuries about the head and body. Little hope for his recovery was held out for the first few days, but his condition showed gradual improvement, that he was permitted to be 13 taken home this week end.

Norma Shearer In "Let Us Be Gay" At National, Thursday It takes longer to make yourself homely than attractive for the screen. Norma Shearer discover'ed this in making up for the opening scenes. in "Let Us Be' her new staring, vehicle which will open Christmas day at the National Theatre. In these. scenes Miss Shearer appears as a dowdy housewife, sans all cosmetical beautifiers, her hair unkempt in kid curlers, and pinch spectacles supplying finishing touch.

-To: muss herself up in this fashion, -Miss Shearer found, required halfhour longer than necessary for usual "dolling up." Robert Z. Leonard directed the talkization of the Rachel Crothers play which Frances Marion adapted for the screen. Rod La Rocque plays opposite Miss Shear: or in the feature with the supporting cast including Marie Dressler, Hedda Hopper, Raymond Hackett, Sally Eilers, Gilbert Emery. and Tyrrell Davis. About $1,500,000, representing numerous individual accounts, is held in the banks of the State of New York awaiting rightful own.

ers. Sixteen year old Ivan Langley, of Skegness, is 5 feet, 10 inches tall, weighs 420 pounds, has a chest measure of 59 inches; waist 64 inches; hips 63 inches. uncle in Christiansburg Monday. -Miss Flora Barrow and Miss Ruby Turner were vistors in town -Miss Jessie Wyatt is working in Martinsville Post Office during the Christmas rush. -Miss Jannie Bassett of Fieldale was the guest of her parents Sunday, Mr.

and Mrs. W. Bassett. DR. E.

P. AMISS EYE, EAR, NOSE AND THROAT GLASSES A FITTED AND FURNISHED 4: Offices -In Dr. Price Building Bridge St. 4 Up: Stairs Martinsville John O. Haller DENTIST Offices Adjoining Price' Office Phone Residence 580, 194 G.

TOWNES SON. A Superior Service That "FUNERAL DIRECTORS Costs No More, Often Lass Ambulance Service: Phone Day or Night Church Street Try Our Special SUNDAY DINNER BLUE GRILL CAFE Dr. F. P. Turner, Dentist.

MOVED Rooms 208-210 Chief Tassel Bldg. Phones 148 Office. 349 Don't: kill your wife. Let do the dirty work, Phone. 586 MARTINSVILLE FAMILY LAUNDRY H.

T. CLARK Electrical Contractor Formerly With Martinsville; Electric Co. PHONE 594 666 is a doctor's Prescription fort COLDS and HEADACHES is the most speedy remedy. known, 666 also in Tablets OR PEACE: on EARTH' (GOOD WILL TOWARD: MEN TO EASLEY WHITTLE, TO BROWN-LEE BUILDING MARTINSVILLE, VA. Phone 133 RARE A A A AT 1 GREETINGS We wish our friends and their loved.

ones all the good things of life; health, prosperity, good cheer' and happiness. We appreciate the privilege of serving you during the year, and look forward to renewed friendship during 1931. AL C.W. HOLT CO. -HOUSE OF 5 A along with the bags of candy and fruit provided by the fund.

The Christmas Tree celebration will be held in the "central school auditorium on Christmas day. at 2 o'clock P. M. An appropriate program, which will include an address by. W.

R. Broaddus, of Martinsville, as the principal feature, will precede the distribution of the gifts. Short talks by local citizens, and special music are on the schedule for the afternoon. The Community Tree project is in charge of Dick Bell Lodge of Pythians who- inaugurated the movement here last Christmas and are sponsoring its this year. In North A company house belonging to the J.

D. Bassett Mfg. in North Bassett, and occupied by Ben Turner, an: employee of the company. was totally destroyed fire early Saturday afternoon, gether with- the household 'effects tof the occupants. The family consisting of Mr.

and- Mrs. Turner. and three children without The fire. is said ito have. been caused by a defecItive flue, Mrs.

W. D. Weaver left Friday afternoon for. Bentonville, where. she will spend the Christmas holidays with Mr.

Weaver at the home of the latter's Ellyson Ramsey and Leslie Craig, who are attending U. N. C. this session have arrived home for the and Mrs. W.

Sale attended the Charity 3: Ball Martinsville, Friday night.and Mrs. E. Hoover, children left for Springs, where they. will, spend their vacation with Mr. Hoover's -Mrs." J.

Racey who spent last week with her in returned Misses Thelma, Cheatham and Mary Carter Hundley Friday by automobile Richmond where Miss 4 Cheatham will, spend the holidays with parents. Miss -Hundley continubeing her trip to her home in Essex county Mrs. B. A 3 fort.

Martinsville Bulletin from Martinsville, Virginia (2024)


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Name: Pres. Lawanda Wiegand

Birthday: 1993-01-10

Address: Suite 391 6963 Ullrich Shore, Bellefort, WI 01350-7893

Phone: +6806610432415

Job: Dynamic Manufacturing Assistant

Hobby: amateur radio, Taekwondo, Wood carving, Parkour, Skateboarding, Running, Rafting

Introduction: My name is Pres. Lawanda Wiegand, I am a inquisitive, helpful, glamorous, cheerful, open, clever, innocent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.