Detroit Free Press from Detroit, Michigan (2024)

MAY GET 10-YEAR TERM DETROIT FREE PRESS Saturday. Nov. 22. '58 WARY OX PARTY-CRASHING r4 Boys9 Accusers 'ForgetfuV in Court A Dearborn judge asked an investigation Friday of possible intimidation of witnesses in involving four teenage boys who crashed a party. 1 "ytmMmt Teacher Convicted In Stolen-Car Case A junior -high school science teacher was found guilty Friday of possessing a stolen car and faces up to 10 years in prison.

He will be sentenced Dec. 8. dlesex; Carl Lutz, 19, of 7620 Neckel; Noel Brown. 19. of 6049 Payne, and Francis Voldick, 17, of 5846 Neckel.

Lutz and Voldick also are charged with assault and battery in the street slugging the same night of Ronald Allen, 16, of 5483 Neckel. But Friday the Horian and Allen boys said they were not sure the arrested boys were make and year and transfer-ing the titles to the stolen cars, which he sold. He was charged with possessing a car stolen Oct. 28, 1957. from Lloyd D.

McReynolds, of 2056 Collingwood. Mars, who is s.ingle, told police he was working on a master's degree at Wayne State University and denied stealing cars. He had no previous record. WANT AD RATES CASH RATES 1 Pay 14c per 'word: 3 dwjs in 7-day period I HHc per wcrd; 7 days rotnecutiTely 4e p-yeord. Hinimum charge 13 words or 2 line-e.

CHARGE RATES 1 Day 80c per line: 3 day (in 7-day period) 7oc pev line per day; 7 days cori'ecutiTely 60c per line per day; 30 day or more eonsecutiely fvoc per line per day. Count 6 worda per line. EXCEPTIONS For transient arrertiers unriv.r the following; clawif lcatioas: Repairs It Serrioes, Rooms lor Rent, Soard and Rooms, the rat ia: (Caah) 1 day lie per word; 3 days "7c per word; 7 daya oonsec.utiTely 55c per word. Charge rate: 1 ay 65c per line: 3 days 65c per line per day: 7 or more days consecutively 45c per line per day. Situations Wanted: 8c per word per day.

Advertisem*nts set in display type or with illuitrations or border will he chirred 2c per line over the above rates. Above rate apply to all adver-tiainr oririaatint within the Stale of Michican. Out-of-state ratea: $1.15 per line daily; $1.25 per line Sunday: or per word daily and 25c per word Sunalay. The Free Pres reserve the riarht to clas-ify, revise or reject- any want ad, and is not responsible for errors after the first incorrect insertion of an advertisem*nt. Telephone WOodward 2-9400 Municipal Judge George T.

Martin said complaining witnesses developed "amnesia" in identifying the group in court Friday, although they previously picked them out of a police line-up. Judge Martin refused a motion by Assistant Prosecutor George B. Murphy, to dismiss the charges. Instead he asked the Prosecutor's office and police to investigate that the complainants had been threatened. THE FOUR boys are accused of breaking into a party Nov.

7 at the home of Robert Horian, 14, of 6101 Oakman. They are Michael Betke, 19, of 5295 Mid MOVIES BRING HAPPINESS TO MILLIONS -GET YOUR SHARE A jury of four men and eight women in Recorder Judge John A. Ricca's court returned the verdict against William O. Mars, 28, of 2340 Tuxedo, after a three-day trial. MARS, WHO taught at Pon-tiac's Jefferson Junior High for three years, was arrested last July by Detective John Urish of the Auto Recovery Bureau.

Urish, making routine checks junk yards, noticed an unfamiliar name on title transfers for wrecked autos, followed them up and was led to Mars. Urish said his investigation showed Mars had been stealing cars, then buying wrecked autos of the same MT. CLEMENS-JEWEL- SPECIAL CHILDREN'S MATINEE SATURDAY Open 1:30 Out at 5:00 a.m. FREE Genuine Foreign Coin to Every Boy and Girl Joel McCrea. Lloyd Bridges.

Keith Larson In "WICHITA" (Cinemascope Color). Plus Tha Bowery Boys In "CRASHING LAS VEGAS" Plus Extra Cartoons Note: Our regular program not shown at matinee. MT. CLEMENS-JEWEL, HO 2-0404 ini. LAST DAY.

Elizabeth Taylor Paul New-man. Burl Ives. "CAT ON A HOT TIN ROOF" (Color). 7:00. 10:40.

"THE NAKED EARTH" Ric ard Todd, Juliette Greco. 5:20. 9:00. Parking. Danny Kave Curt Jurgens.

AND THE COLONEL." 2:05. 6:25. 10-50. Dean Martin Jerry Lewis "YOU'RE NEVER TOO YOUNG' 'Color) 4:40. 8:40.

Adults 60e antll 5:00 a m. Chap. 10. "20RR0." Also Zorra Watch Given Away Free; kJATIfllJAI Across from Crowley-Milner rlAUUPIAL Domnn W0 3-l17 24 Ho-r, -ricK-UP ON SOUTH STREET." Richard Widmark. "0UANTE7" rral.a I teaJ Ui.ll.rtii.

hi IU icunw avarw u.tAitt Th.rtrliu A. Catiprfii. at id. UnRTnWIJ-f Mile-Van Uke TW 1-3M31 Willi flnen 12:30 a.m. Park Free.

THE HUNTERS'1 (Colnr 4 'Scone I. Rohwt Mitchum- May Britt. "FIEND WHO WALKED THE WEST." Hugh 0 Brian Robert. Evans. Special Kiddie Show.

Sat. plus 3 Cartons. NORWEST- 12:30 Children's Matinee Today! "THE BIG COUNTRY" CScoqe-Technleolor) with Gregory Peek CARTOONS i. COMEDIES! Show starts at 1:00 out at 4.20 p.m. Note: "CHINA DOLL" not shown at Matinee NflRWFT "S- Eiver-Siiuibtield VE 5-4330 null LO I 12:30 LAST DAY! Gregory Peek.

Jean Simmons. Carroll Baker. Charlton Hesrnn in "THE BIG COUNTRY" (Scone Terhnlcolor) at 1:36. 6:31 and 11:05: Hi us Victor Mature Ward Rons' in "CHINA DOLL." at 4:53 and 927. PALMER PARK" CECIL "THE TEN B.

d'M ILLE'S COMMANDMENTS' PALMER Ml" 2-2UO SCHEDULE OF PERFORMANCES Men. thra Friday. 1 Show. 8 00 p.m. Sat.

4 3 Shows. 2:00 5:45 9:30 PALMS" -Woodaard-Elizalieth W(J 3-4ouu Onen 10:45 a Continuous 'til 6 a.m. THE Jules Verne's "FROM THE EARTH TO MOON" Technicolor, starring Joseph Cot-Debra Paget at 11:00 a 1:54. 4.53. 7:52.

10:51 a.m.. 1:45. 4:39. a.m. Plus Jnhn Agar.

Joyce Meadows in "THE BRAIN FROM PLANET AROUS" at 12:40. 3J9. 6:38. 9J7 12:31. 325 a.m.

PARKS ID E. WjrreD at Dirkerson Va 3-9T20 Doors Open 12:30. Matinet Today! 3 Featores! THE THING." at 8:40. "DRUMS ACROSS La Chanter BConest MAN Chapter. Cartoons.

Big Contest. First Ten Kids Free. Matinee Ends at 6:00. PUNCH JUDY" -21 kerrbeval. ti.F.

TU 5-38PS Robert "THE Mltrhum. Robert Wagner. Richard Euan. HUNTERS" (Srniie I Color). 2:00.

4:00. 6:00, 8:00, 10:00. RADIO CITY- BRIGITTC BARDOT in the FRANKEST FUNNIEST FRENCHIEST COMEDY IA PARISIENNE with Charles Boyer RAD CITY Plot "GUNMAN'S WALK" (Cinemascope and Technicolor! with Van Heflin Tab Hunter RADIO CITY- (SPECIAL CHILDREN'S MATINEE SATURDAY "GUNMAN'S WALK" Plus The Bowery Boys in "JUNGLE GENTS" Plus 4 Color Cartoons Open 12:00 noon. Kids 20c RADIO CITYrr.Lr1- LI 1-3225 Park Free. All Color.

lata iBrioitte Bardot Show Tonight at 10:00. Charles Boyer. "LA PARISIENNE." 5:15. 8:15. 11:45.

"GUN- 'MANS WALK" CScnge). Van Heflin. Tab Hanter. 12:20. 3:25 6:40.

10:00. RAMONA- BOYS' 4 GIRLS' RIG MATINEE TODAY? ALL COLOR SHOW "ALADDIN AND HIS LAM Plas "THE HUNTERS (CinemaSenne) Also ZORRO BLACK WHIP" (Chapter 11) and CARTOONS DOORS OPEN MATINEE OVER OlUnlll Gratiot-6 MileBoad LA 6-1910 iinniwnn i All i. nun inu Color Show Show! THE NAKED AND THE DEAD." Aldo Ray. Cliff Robertson. Raymond Mas.

Llli St. Cyr. at 7 JO. 11:43. Pips "THE r- with sev.

HUNTERS. with Robert Mitchum. Robert wagner. Kicnaro toan. may Hritt, at 2:40.

5:42. 9:55. BEDFORD- i i MRS. CASEY JONES, widow of the locomotive engineer immortalized in the "Ballad of Casey Jones," died Friday in Jackson, at 92. It was on April SO, 1900, that Casey "Jones, at the throttle of Engine 382, rounded a curve and saw another train dead ahead.

He commanded his fireman to jump while he rode Into the crash and a place in American folklore. FLATROC" Flat Bock. Michigan 26263 Erie (Sterling 2-2560 Onen 1:00. Robert Mitchan Robert Waaner. THE HUNTERS" (Color).

"FIEND WHO WALKED THE WEST." High 0 Brian. rflV 2211 Woodward WO 3-7700 Schedule Information WO 3-1800 DEAN MARTIN. JERRY LEWIS In "AT WAR WITH THE ARMY" and MARILYN MONROE "NIAGARA." In Color. Sneak Previe Tonight at 8:40. GLOBE Grand River at Trumbull TE 1-733R Open 12:15.

Three Big Features' "DAUGHTER OF DR. JEKYLL" HONG KONG AFFAIR" THE DAY WORLD ENDED" rl. 2. 3. PRAM! Woodward near Davison TO 8-S357 OrlAnu 11:45 1B to 3 am.


GREAT LAKES' SPECIAL CHILDREN'S MATINEE SATURDAY 8owery Boys In "FIGHTING TROUBLE" tlus "THE plus 5 Color Cartoons inDClT I lrP-H'" ua. River lurxij Doors 6 MB 1 :15. Startt 1:30. Par Frw. All 'Scoo.

Robert Mitchum. i nPDri aqner. inc ntnitnj uuiui 130. 4:56. 8:42.

"FIEND WHO WALKED THE WEST." Hugh 0 Brian, 6:36. 10:42. HARPER THE HILARIOUS AND LOVABLE ANDY GRIFFITH "ONIONHEAD ALS8 "THE BADLANDERS" HARPER 0p 1:00 Sceclal Saturdays Kiddles Show HEY KIDS: 4 EXTRA CARTOON! PLUS "ONIONHEAD" "THE BADLANDERS" ADULTS 50c UNTR 4:00 M. HARPER" -Harper-Lakewood Pb Free 2-4204 Onen 10. ''ONIONHEAD." Andy! Griffith Felicia Farr.

at 3:19. 7 21. 10:50. BADLANDERS" (Scone Color). Alan jLadd-trnest Borgnine.

at 1:57. 5:59, 9:28. 1 1 aim DABk' 13S43 Woodward TO 8-0468 niLAriu rAn Bltn 9:00 3.00 im Featares. Frank Loveioy. "COLE GUNFIGHTER." "TIME LIMIT." Richard Widmark.

"HONG KONG AFFAIR." Jack Kelly.1 Matinee Today Episode -3 of ZORRO FIGHTING LEGION" IRVING- 21220 Fenkell Ave. KE; 1-2368 i Open 12:30. Park Free. Lata Show i Tonight. Peter Cushing Carol Marsh, "HOR-j IROR OF DRACULA" (Color).

1:00. 4:25. 7:25. 10:15. "THING THAT COULDN'T DIE," William Reynolds Andrea Martin.

2:35. 6:05. 9:05. Extra at Saturday Matinee ONE HOUR OF CARTOONS COMEDY. I -Michican at 35th TA 5-3537 KRAMER Ooen 1 K)0 a.m.

Amole Parking. "THE 'Ladd BADLANDERS' (Color 'Scope). Alan Katy Jurado. at 1:20. 4:38.

8:23 Andy Griffith Er In q-io 'J I "ONIuNHtAD." O'Brien, at 3:09 TO 8-S300 Leslie Carnn MlllYI rvri ncivF cunwiuci "GIGI" (in Cinemascope and Color), with Maurice Caevalier. NOW AT POPULAR PRICES, Continuous performances daily. Today at 12:10. 2:20. 4:25.

6:35. 8:40. 10:45. Ak'Fwnnn-14249 jefftrson 2-2900 iLMtllUUU 0p, 12l30. Parklna.

All Color. Gregory Peck Laaren Bacall. "DESIGNING WOMAN." "FLYING LEATHERNECKS." John Wayne. Robert Ryan. Saturday MatineeRock Madison in "MAN BEAST." LinilULn (3-UnJt Show).

NOAH ARK," 2:21. 5:57. 9:33. "DAY Extra Cartoons Today's Matinee. UNCOLN PARK" A BIG COLOR CARTOON CARNIVAL SATURDAY MATINEE Doors open 10:4 25 COLOR CARTOONS 25 at 11:00 a m.

and 2:00 m. Req. Prqm. not shown Sat. Mat LINCOLN PARK-fr Open' 10:45.

Ample Parking Nearby! "IMITA TION GENERAL" (Color 4 'Scope) with Red Buttons. 4:05. 7:15. 10:20. Brigitte Bardot.

Charles Boyer. "LA PARISIENNE." 5:40. 8J5. LINWOOD- -Linvfood-Virgmia Pk. TY 4-2913 Open 1:15.

"THE KEY." Wil liam Holden Sophia Loren. 2:00. 6 30. 110:20. "SIERRA BARON" (Color).

Brian Keith. 5:10. 9:00. MADISON' -Gd Cir. v0 3-4000 Doors Ooen 10:45 am.

Late iShow Tonight! Spencer Tracy ia Ernest Hem ingways Polltrer and Nobel Prize-Wmning Story. "THE OLD MAN AND THE cc a (Color), at 11:31 a.m., 1:28. 3:35. 3:47 I 7:59. 10:11 12:23.

Extra! History-Making Spectacle! "THE CORONATION OF POPE JOHN kXXIIl'i (Technicolor), at 11:11 1:08. 3 15. 5:27. 7:39. 9:51.

12:03. Also "GEN-iTLEMAN BURGLAR." a Ballet in Technicolor. at 11:00. 12:57. 3:04.

5:16. 728 1132. 9:40. MAIN CALLING ALL KIDS! BIG KIDDIE MATINEE SAT. I "FORBIDDEN PLANET" with Robbie the Robot plus "INVASION OF THE SAUCER MEN" with the Purple People Eaters.

Stevg Tared plus EXTRA Cartoons! MAIN (Bnjai Oak) Main at 11 Miii Rd. Lincoln 2-01SO Onn 1:00 p.m. Free Parking! AH tolor! "NAKED AND THE DEAD." Aldo Ray. Cliff Robertson. Plus "SIERRA BARON." Brian Keith.

Rita 6am. lit Oaknood Bltd -Allen Head 1-S560 Ooen 12:45. Hurry! last Day! Brlglttt of I 1 I i I i I GLUXZ Clarence Not. suddenly: loyma- brother pf arrr J. and Frd C.

Alnena. Funeral from the Harvev Neelv Funeral Home 16541 Meyers Monday at ji-30 and from St ftrinoi Church at Rn'jrv Sunday eve-nmz at m. Burial in Anchor-vilie. Mich. GRIESSEL See Cole notice.

IHMILTON" Catherine, beloved wife of Ric-hard: dear sister of Mrs. Marearei Kmr Jackson. Mrs Helen McEwan both of Enrland Stanley CamDbell of Scotland Funeral Monday 1 m. at A. Peters Funeral Home.

Mack Ave. at Vernier Rd (8 Mile). P. Woods. Memorials mav be made to the Cancer Fund.

HEIKKILA Embie. Not. CO: beloTed mother of Mrs McNeal. of Pooatello Idaho. Mrs.

Edith Crattv. of Seatile. and Mrs. Taina Wittla- also seven erandchildren- sister of Mrs. Carl Bloom, of Kodiak.

Alaska. Services Saturday. 1 ra from (he Memorial Funeral Home. 8033 Puritan. KASTNER Frank beloved husband of Bertha, riear father of Mrs.

Frances L. Garman. Mrs. Edna Rorers and Fred six erandchildren- 1'? srreat-srrandchil'iren also survive. Funeral Monday 11 am.

at A. H. Teters Funeral Home. 12057 Gratiot Ave. KENNEDY Alice Marraret.

Nov. Beloved wife of Cl.voe dear dauehter of Mrs Alice Morrison: dear mother of Nancy: sister of Wilfred S. Morrison. Services Mondav. :3" P.m..

from the Ross B. Northrop Son Funeral Home. Grand River (Redfordi. Interment Grand Lawn Cemeterv. In lieu of flowers, memorial tributes may be sent in hep name to the American Cancer Society.

4SU John R. KETCH UM Martha Nov CI. of 13C3 Lota Wavue: mother of Mrs Evelvn Gay William. Clarence. Vernon.

Robert. Betiv. Mrs. Dorothv t- hrook and Mrs. Patricia Krist Fu- neral services Mondav.

2 D.m.. from i the Lents Funeral Home. I KURTH 1 Louise M. Services 1pm. Saturday at the R.

G. A G. Barns Funeral Home. 14751 W. McNichols.

LANCE Rudd Nelson, are S. suddenly, of Beverlv Hill darline son of Mr. and Mrs. Harold E. Lane, dear brother of Jeffrey.

Dana. CiarK and Robin, dear erandson of Mr. and Mrs. Carl O. Lance and Mr aud Mrs.

Frank G. Trew. Funeral services from Wm. Vasu Funeral Home. 4.15 No.

Woodward between 1 1 4 Mile Rds Monday m. Tributes to the Rudd N. Lame Memorial Fund. Church of Christ. 1 1'5 'Z Bennaville Rirmincham.

Mich, will be appreciated. LARSEN Helen, of 7C41 Eramell. Beloved wife of Howard. deiT mother of Howard Jr. Harris.

Harvev. Harold. Henrv and Helen: rranrimoiber of Michael: dear dauehter of Frances also three brothers and three sisters. Funeral Mondav. 10:30 from Jos.

L. Turn. ski Funeral Home 1 SDoT Warren to Our Lady of Grace Church at 11. LeFOND Soma, of 1756 Santa Barbara, beloved wife of Mever mother of Mrs. Hirold Stern and Yale Uvn: also four erandchildren.

services Sunday. 2 pm. at the lra Kaufman Chanel P41P D'xter. Internment Clover HJ1 Park. I LEWIS Flovd G.

Park. Dearborn I Beloved husband of Gertrude; dear rather ol Mrs. henna Frentiifr. Mrs. Josephine Jasnouski.

Mrs i Ivah Pale. Mrs Vera I Mrs. Geraldine Chapel. Rus.eH. Roticrt and Dwuht Lewis.

17 erand children. 4 ereat erRndch'ldren. Brother ol Mrs. Etta Kimmel. I.e-.

Rov and Carlton Lew's. Funeral Mondav. 1 m. from Howe. Petersen Funerat Home.

Miclncan Dearborn. Burial Cherry Hill emetery. LUTZ Peter. Nov. CO Dear father of Mrs Anthony (Kaihrynt Balthasar and Nicholas Lutz.

of Briehton. Mich. Grandfather of four erandchildren and three ereat erandchildren brother of Mrs. Susan Hartman. Funeral Saturday 10:30 a.m.

from John Santeiu Funeral Home. 8Sfi5 Tireman. near Wyoming, St. Luke Church at 11. MANNTNIO Stanley.

Services lo nn a Monday at the R. R. Hair Funeral Home. 4151 Cass. MeLOGAN tvendell Nov.

Cnth: father of Mrs. Frank P. Crawley. Mrs. Peter Youne Russell E.

Robert. Georee, .1 Kenneth, and Patrick brother nf Mrs. F. M. Farrell.

Mrs. William Pecht and Russell .1. MoLosan: also survived bv eleven crand'-htl-dten. F'uneral from Melnncs Des. mnnd F'lneral Home.

"Rill Woodward Mondav. S.30; St. Benedict hurch at 9. MENDREK Walter Nor. fjfl.

of 417 So. Vernon beloved husband r' Mane; dear sou of Constantv Mend-ek brother pf Theodore. At Ouerfeid Funeral Home 2O0 Oakwood rr. Michican Dearborn. Services Saturday.

Nov. 2'Jnd. at 2 o'clock. MINNINGER Georee beloved husband of Emma: dear father of Edward Dud- nev and Georee Minnineer: four erandchildren also survive: brother of Cecil. Funeral Saturday.

2 at. A. H. Peters Funeral Home. 12057 Gratiot Ave.

PATTERSON Blanche A. Nov. 19th. of T2n Collinewood: former assistant directoress of New Grace Hospital: beloved sister of Mrs. Jeflerv (Cora P.I White and Mrs.

Axel (Alice Lonnauist of Sweden, also survived by two nieces and one nephew. Service If) o'clock Saturday morning at the Harris Funeral Home. 1751 W. McNichols Rd. PATZ KThenn? rf Tort- JHnil Pa'k b-M'tred witV pf Thpoclnrp Sr df-nr Theo-riorp Robert.

Knthennp and th1 iaie Dnrjid sitpr of Mr. Mmv Rolf, Mr. Kdwarrl and HyroM Rrzan- nirvivetl bv mn rn i id-'h tldrn At D. Mrtnnn Funeral Horn1. 1 7C5 Lawndalp uniil at'irdav mnrninc In -Mat Woodmr Mthodt Church 1 KOI Lawndg.

fmm 10 am. SatnrdaT until time of services at 1 m. row ELL Carpn-. Not rtl 14 3 Rfpfhdalp rw-loTeti hnchand of Aim dear father of Mr. Dn (Barbara Slal and ht-mhr rf Ruth HnbbHI an-1 Mr.

Gnrire MJl. erano fat hfr nf Rohbv. errirps pfi Wnnd Funeral Home 450 Plvmnuth Ril. npar Grand River. Monday 1 tn.

ROBERTSON T'rda Nov. C. of CI 14. Or-rhard. beloved wifp nf NeNon dear mother Janvs fhnetian.

Thomas H. Robert ton. Mr. Louise Hatt and Mrs. Carol NK-holap: sitpr of Herbert and Herman S'hropdr- aUo survived si B-randhildren.

Srvife 1 o'clock ondar afternoon from the Van-Valknbiire- Funral Hom. Grand River nr. Lahser Rd. SAUGET P-arl A Blord oT Proerr T. d-v-tr mother of Barbara Ann Wiiliam .1 Mrix and Anna Grunpr.

Funeral Satur-flav p.m.. at th pptr F'i-npral COTOS Mark a Wr-vfr Rd. .8 Goee Potnie Woods. SCIDIEMA.V Herman William tiddpnlr. Not.

"Jo. 1 tr8- nu-b'id i Bat-i "hmpniH rn of the H-mrin and S' hmfmn; brother, of Eduard ,1. George J. S'hmpman. Mr.

Rdvmonii Larson and the laie Philin Scnnif'trtan. At rhanI of The Wm. Hamilton Co. '4 7 Avp until 10 D.m. Sundav.

Furral tviop at Commandrr Asvium Masonic Temnle. Monday. 11 am. Memorial t-'but mav be nt tn Okl Nw Bits Good Fellow Fund. 3100 David Stoit Bloc.

SNAY Harold A. Nov CO. of 1POO J-dMi. Beloved husband of the lae Mcirzaret: dar fatiier of Sr.av: of Calif and Mrs. Bvri BrrM.kett brother of Mrs Alt bea Lmdav, a'-o purvivd by ix ETand'-hiidren.

Mondav at th Harr' Funeral Home. 42-l Cac Ave and 1 0 o'clock at St. Lo Churrh. STAXISH peloyed hussar-- of Kah-i-ine Pear father of Mrs. Ge.Von (Kettvi i on'u: Grancfqi iipp nf Gd-eon and hetiv F'ineral srvicea- f-nm Wm Vas-i Funeral Pome 43o Noiib tVr.Ms-arfj he- 1een 13 and 11 Mile Rd.

Monday 10 a m. STEIXBAUCH Pr. Henrr BartheH. Nov. 21.

195. a- New York Citv: huspand of Edith 5'einbach: ia'her of Mrs Albert Di'kson moth- of Pr. P. Steiphaeh. rhao! th.

Wm K. Hamd'on .1375 Cass Ave. Notice of luneral later. Death Notiees Death Noticis I STURDEVAN Ina. of 4320 Harvard Ttoad.

Not. 19 wife of the late John dear mother of Mrs Rieha-d N. Hen-ritze- sister of Mrs. Walter Pave-and Mrs O. Stone.

Funeral at the Verhevden Funeral Home. l.iOi Ma)t. at Outer Drive. Saturday at 1. Interment St.

Clair. Mich. THORNLOYV Kathleen lne Boet-ticher). November 21 of 2o41 Chippendale. Ro-ville.

Wife pf Howard: mother of Raymond Thnmlow. Charles Harold a id Kenneth Liederman- of Mrs. Donalo Drisixill. Funeral from the Verhevden Funeral Home. Mack at Outer Dr.

Monday, at -45 and to St Aneeia a Church. Roseville. at :30. WOLFRUI John Sr. November CO.

of lOOOrt (ireensboro Beloved husband of Anna. Dear father of John Jr Mrs Herman (Marearet Hofmann Mrs. Clarence (Ella) and Henrr Wolfrum. Also survived bv one brother, one sister, seventeen crandch ldren and four ereat erandchildren. Services 1 clok Mondav afternoon, at H.

G. aud G. R. Hams Funeral Home. 15251 Harper Ave Interment White Chapel Cemetery.

WROBEL William husband of the lt dear brother of Eleanor. Tneodore. Mrs. Matilda Sehnlz and 'he laie Clarem-e. At A Peiere Funeral Home.

20T05 Mack Ave at eruier Rd (S Milei until 1 ft a Monday In state at Si. Paul Lutheran Church. and I. oihron. Grosse Pte.

Wdi from noon until time of service. 2 pm. Monday. Cemeteries Chapel. 2 spaces.

Section tall IX 1-lSfjj. OAKV1EW Cemetery, ei-crave plot near entrance beaut ful location: reasonahtp vnrr KE 4.1535 Florists Onterpieses 5T4tn K-1lvJreJl Met- Det. area. Wdwd Wehster-s JO 4-6275 Bids and Proposals 16 TI(-E OF SALE S50O.00O rOLXTY OP WATSE tit 7i OF MICHIGAN TRulT METROPOLITAN W4Yfc fcVrmerlv PE TROIT WAVNE MA.IOS AIRPORT) Series III Sealed bids for ti purchase of Airpcri Revenue Knnds (Detroit Metropolitan Wavne lounty Airport, formerly Detron- avne Maior Airport i. Series 411 or the par value of SoOOdiKl to he issuert hv the County of Wavne Will be received bv the iind-rsu-ned a' the.

off ce rf the Board of Conniv Road of the County of Wayne located on 7th floor. Buildine in the City of lf roit Michigan, on Monday th lath day of December. uniil 11 clock a Eastern Standard lirne. at which time and place sa.rj bids will be publicly opened and read Said bids will be prompitv -suomiitra to said Board of County Koad Commissioners, as the riuv riepicnated asom-y of the Counir ol Wayne, for their action thereon. Said bonds will be dated a of July 1.

will be coupon bond of the denomination of SI (lOn each, will be numbered consecutively in the direr-t order of their maturities from 1 to both inclusive will be resisterabie as to principal onlv. and will bear interest at a ra'e or rates not four and fhree-nuarters cc cfnt oer n. num. expressed in multiples of of 17. Said interest will be payable on Pecemher 1.

1958, and semi aiit ually thereafter on Jun. 1st and Peeember 1st of each year, lne mterest rate for eai-h coupon period on any one bond thall be at one rale only Accrued interest to the date of delivery must be pa ri by the purchaser at time of debv- ery Both principal and interest will be payable at a bank or trust company to he rii-sirnated by the ong- inal purchaser of the bonds. Said bonds will mature serially as follows: if 145.00(1 on Peeember 1. on Peeember 1. JIO.OOO on December 1.

199S The bonds are lo be issued under the provisions of Act. 3-7. Ptibbe Acts of 1945. as amended, and pursuant to the provisions of Ordinance No 3i4 of the Coumr of Wayne duly adopted bv its Board of Supervisors on May 13. 1958.

for the purpose of financing th r-omp'etion of the New Terminal Piiildmr now in the process of con- strui-tion at the Detroit Votrnnnli. tan Wayne County Airport, formerly known as the Detrnit-Wayn Maior Airport Bonds of this ts'sim nave ermal standing and priority and are equally secured with A'r-pnrt Revenue Bonds Petroit-Wavn Maior Airport. Series III dated Julv 3. in the asrreate principal amount of J6.S50 000 issued under the provisions of Ordinance 302 of the County of Wayne, as amended. Bonds of this series will be Fiih-ecf to redemption prior to maturity at the option of the County, in inverse order of maturity, the bonds within any maturity to be selected bv lot.

in the event lesg than an enure maturity i to be redeemed, on any interest payment date on or after Peeember 1 1968. at pax and accrued interest to the date fixed for redemption, plus premiums a follows: $5o on each bond called for redemption on or prior to December 1. 1972; 30 on each bond called for redemption after December 1. 1972. hut on or prior to December 1.

iy75: 520 each bond called for redemption after December 1. 1975. but on or prior to December 1. 1978; $10 each bond called for redemption after December 1. 1978.

but on or prior to Peeember 1. 1981. No premium shall be paid on honds called for redemption after De'mrr 1. 1981. Thirty days' of the call of any bonds for redemption shall be piven by publication tn a paper circulated in the State of Michigan which carries, as part of its rea-ular service, notices of sale of municipal bonds, and in case of registered bonos.

thirty days' notice shall eiven by mail to th registered address. Bonds so called for redemption not hear interest after the date for redemption, provided funds are on hand with th payme azent to redeem said bonds. Said bonds may be to principal only the manner snd with the effect set forth op th fa'-p thereof, as hereinafter The bonds of this issue pav aVe prnianly from the net rv-nuea of the Detroit Metropolitan Wayne County Airport, as defined in the bonci auihoriyat on Ordinance. As additional security for th payment of these bonds, th County of ayne. by action of its Board of Supervisors, pursuant to th provisions of A'-t Public Acts of Michisan.

1945. as amended I Section 1311. has covenanted and arreed that in the event the funds plerii-ed for the payment of th bends are for any reason not sufficient for the payment of th pm-cipal and interest thereon as th samn shall become due. the County bv its County Treasurer shall advance suffic-ent moneys out of is general fund for W' payment cf principal and interest. For the purpose of awarding th bonds, the interest cost of each will be computed by determining at te rat or rates specified herein, the total dollar value of all interest on th bonds from January 1.

1959. to their maturity, and ded-ict-in? therefrom any premium. honds awarded to th bidder whose hid on the above comnnta-t'on producs th lowest interest cfii to th Courty of Wayn. No p-oposai for th purchas of less than ail of th bonds or at a pr It-s than their par value will ft coc sicered A certified or casr-'er's rherk ti-e amount cf 525 OOO drawn upon an incorporated hanlc or tpjst corc-rany ani pavah! to the order of tw Treasurer. Countv cf Wavpo.

must accomnanv ea-h tVd as a e-uaranty rf rood faith rn the part of to b'dder. to be forfeited as Oouidated damares if bid is accented and th h'dder fails to take tip and pay fr-r 'h bonds No interest wdl be si-Joweo1 on the rood faith cheoks aid r-her ks of urisnr-cessf it bidders wi'l be promptly returned to each b-d-r1r representative, or bv ma I if no bidder representative is Present. Bids shall he cond'tloned ttpon the "inquqlif -ed opinion of Miller. Canfield Paddock and Stone, attorneys of Detroit. Michiran.

epprov-inar th lesal'ty of the bonds. cost of which opinion oa'd by the County. Bords will be at riinois. or New York New York a certificat riaterj as of th date of delivery eyidencmr the fact that there is no lit'cation pendin? af'ecttnr th ral'ty of the bonds w-11 be furnished to th purchaser of th bonds. Tie prht is reserved to re.i"t anv or ai! bids Envelopes contaipicr th bids sho-iM be plainly marked Proposal for Bonds Information relative to this 1ss'j may be obtained from the Board of County Road Commissioners of th County of Vayne.

Michigan. Tib floor. c-ty-County Buildipr. De'nvt 2 Mich if an. or J.

Dan Stanley. 508 m-tcn at Bark SYLVESTER A NOETZEL Secretary and Clerk of th Porii ountv Koad CnTirfi of the County cf Wavne. ADAMS Grand Circw Patk W0 1-S524 Dorlt Day Richard Wldmark In TUNNhL lit LUVt With 6i Young Gla Scalt ADMIRAL" Mack St. Jean VA 3-9195 Burn 12 Noon "ZORRO 2" Mlrkry Itooney "ANDY HARDY." Unhurt Wanner "WHITE FEATHER'. OF HONG K9NG." Mirinlts Show Tonitt.

ii prp E. Warren-Outer Drite TC 5-7 723 ALULA 12:45. Greqnry Peck. Jean Simmons "BIG COUNTRY." 1:00. 5:35.

10:10. 'CHINA DOLL" Victor Mature. 4:00. ALLEN PARK- i 400 Ewitlno Circus Mystery In Color "GORILLA AT LARGE 7 COLOR CARTOONS STOOGE AND LITTLE RASCALS COMEDIES Regular Prices Kids 25c Adults 70c ALLEN PARK" "THE TEN COMMANDMENTS Mon. 4 Tues.

Open 6:45 Feature at 8 00 Saruiday open 4 feature at a y.vv Sunday Oprn 12:00 Cont. 8:30 ALLEN PARK -eJ thfield-Allen Rd. DU 1-2913 EXCLUSIVE AREA SHOWING Cecil B. DeMille's Masterpiece "THE TEN COMMANOMENTS" In Wide Screen and Color Yul Brynner Charlton Keston Anne Baxter Edw. G.

Robinson Exclusive Stereophonic Surround Soana Adults $1.23 Children 50c 1 nn Cass Ave. at Stimson TE 1-8026 12-30 to 3:00 am. PAVED" FREE i PARKING. 3 FEATURES. ATTEND OUR MAT- INEES 3j til m.

sun Lancas er. nunb rvunu rrnii. LIMIT." Richard Wlilmarli. ATLAS 15S3 32 Plymouth VE 5-0630 PARK FREE Cecil DeMille's "THE TEN COMMANDMENTS'' Matinee Doors Onen 1:4 Feature at 2:30 Evenitro Door? Onen 7:15 Feature at 8 00 Mati.iet Adults 90c Evening, Adults SI.Zj Children 50c at all times AYALON Linsrood at Davison TO 8-3 09 Ooen 1:00. Parklna.

From the Best Selllna Novel. "NAKED AND THE DEAD' Aido Rav. 3:00. 7:10. 10:55.

"FORT SiCRE." Color. Joel McCrea. 1:40. Color. MAS- 9:35 BERKLEY SPECIAL KID'S MATINEE TODAY THUNDtnlNb Jtlb' "DISNEY CARTOON CARNIVAL" DCPVI CV 12 ilile-Coolidse DCnNLCl onen Matlne 1:00.

4:30. THE HOUSE OF 4-STAR Charlton Henttn Anne Baxter ia COMMANDMENTS." 4.30. 2-0330 Eve. atarts PICTURES. "THE TEN 8:19.

BEVERLY- WM. HOLDEN. "THE KEY" nrvjrrsl Grd. River at OaUman VE 3-63SO Show. Eve.

UL.IL1ILI 12.45 for Kids' Shew: Wm. Holden. Soahla Loren. "let KEY." 6:39. 10:55.

Ray. Cliff Hubert-wn, "NAKED AND THE DEAD." 4:23. 8:34. Paved FREE Parking! BIG KID MATINEE TODAY! A Very Funnv Comedy'. Jnan Davis Andy Devine In "THE TRAVELING SALESWOMAN" Plas Color Cartoons and Comedies! Poors Onen 1:30.

Matinee over at 4:30 NOTE; Regular features not shown at Matinee BIRMINGHAM- -Birm'bam. Mich. Ml 4-3533 AMPLE PARKING NEAR-BY. Continuous from Matinee. LATE SHOW TO-NITE! AN ALL-CINEMASCOPE AND COLOR PR0G1AM! Tyrone Power Ava Gardner Me Ferrer, in "THE SlfN ALSO RISES" at 7:01.


Ml 4-6006 DLUUIHl ILLU SHOW TONITE. FREE PARKING REAR OF THEATER. "ONIONHEAD." with Andy Griffith. Felicia Farr. at 6 53.

10:17: plus Alan Ladd and Ernest Borgnlne. In "THE BADLANDERS" (CINEMASCOPE-COLOR) at 5:20. 8:47. 12:07. BOOKER T.

-Holbrook nr Oakland TR 1-3135 Onen 12:45 m. 3 FEATURES 3. "FROM HELL IT CAME." Tod Andrews: "DYNAMITERS." Wayne Morris: "NO TIME TO BE YOUNG." Robert Vaughan. Bargain price 'til 7:00 p.m. Adults 50c.

nnnTU-E- Jeff -Parkview Pk Fr VA 2-4681 DUU In (), 1:30 m. Robert Mitchum. "THE HUNTERS" 'Scone-Color) 3:30. 7:00. 10:20: Mirkey Rooney.

"ANDY HARDY COMES HOME." 2:00. 5:40. 9:00. BROADWAY-CAPITOL- --B way-Gd. Cir.

Tk. WO 3-4O00 Oca 10:45 am. Continuous 'til 7:00 am. HIGH SCHOOL HELLCATS." starring Yvonne lime and Bret Halsey at 12 36. 3:22.

6:08, 8:54, 11:40 P.m.; 2:26, 5:12 a.m. Also "HOT ROD GANG" with John Ashley and Jodv Fair at 11.09 a.m.: 1:55 4:41. 7:27. 10:13 p.m.: 12:59. 3:45 a m.

CALVIN- Special Saturday Kiddles Matinee "MEN OF SHERWOOD FOREST" (Color) "DEVIL GODDESS" Johnny Welsmuller Eatra Cartoons. Reg. Prgm. not Shown Sat. Mat.

CALVIN" jWest Dearborn, Mien. LO 1-1180 Open 1:20. "LA PARISIENNE" Color Brigitte Bardot Charles Bover. 6:00. 915.

"THE HUNTERS" Color Robert Mitchum Robert Wagner. 4:25. 7 35. 10.40. PIUflCDCI I A 133 11 E.

Jeff. VA 2-2921 UlliULIILLLM Door, 12:45. PARKING AVAILABLE. LATE SHOW TONIGHT! "ONION Sixty teen-agers crowded Judge Martin's courtroom. "It would be a bad example if these kids get the idea witnesses can be threatened," the judge said.

DRIVE-IN BEL-AIR" WARM AS TOAST! IN-CAR HEATERS DRIVE-IN BEL-AIR" E. 8-Mile Hoad near Van rvke F0 6-1551 In-CAR HEATERS Andy Griffith Felicia Farr 'ONIONHEAD" Laanhi and Action A boat Coast GiarJ fls Alan I add Ernest Borqnlne "THE BADLANDERS" Good Outdoor Action In 'Seost and Coltr Open 6:00 First Show at 6.30 CHILDREN FREE COME EARLY LEAVE" EARLY Starts "THE RELUCTANT DEBUTANTE" ARIVE IN BLUE SKY, Opdyke at Walton Ko Phone FE 4-4611 NEWEST IN-CAR HEATERS Elizabeth Tavlar Paul Newmaa Burl Ives Jack Carson CAT ON A HOT TIN ROOF" (COLOR) Mickey Rooney Carolyn Jones "8ABY FACE NELSON" 'DRIVE IN DEARBORN- Rfi ht Tl t.i, in inni iimi i.u-iuvi Andy Griffith Felicia Farr uNiuNntau Laaoh Your Head Off with Andy Plus Alan Ladd Ernest Borgnlna "THE BADLANDERS" In Cinemascope and Color A Superior Too Quality Unusual Outdoor Action-Packed Production flfl'n 6:00 First Show at 6:30 COME EARLY LEAVE EARLY DRIVE-IN EAST SIDE" WARM AS TOAST IN-CAR HEATERS i OT inC Harper at DHIYE IN EAST SIDE 060 IN-CAR HEATERS ALL COLOR PROGRAM Brigitte Bardot Charles Buyer 'LA PARISIENNE" Van Heflin Tab Hunter "GUNMAN'S WALK" Starts 6:00 CHILDREN FREE EARLY BIRD SHOW SUNDAY AT COME EARLY LEAVE EARLY DUSK Starts "THE PROUD REBEL' LATE SHOW TONIGHT DRIVE-IN vvvomipg Tl 6-6910 Open 6:30 Show Starts at 7:00 p.m. All Technicolor Program Brlgltte Bardot's First Big Picture 'LA PARISIENNE" (Technicolor) A Powerful Action Drama Yoa Will Not Snnn Forget "PROUD REBEL" (Technicolor) Alan Ladd Olivia de Havilland Dean Jaager David Ladd DRIVE-IN F0RT-6E0R6E-ET AV 2-1211 Andy Griffith Pellcla Farr "ONIONHEAD" Alan Ladd Ernest Bnrnnine "THE BADLANDERS" (COLOR) Osn 6:00 Show Starts 7:00 CHILDREN FREE STARTS "RELUCTANT DEBUTANTE' DRIVE-IN HOLIDAY" STRICTLY 74DULT ENTERTAINMENT! IT'S AN EYE OPENER! 1. "FRENCH FOLLIES" -2. "A VIRGIN IN -3.

"THE GIRL BEHIND THE CURTAIN-1 -4. "0. MY GOSH" DRIVE-IN HOLIDAYS- TfIetraph FIRST DETROIT SHOWING REVEALING TANTALIZING TEMPTING "TAKE OFF" Queens of Burlesgaa Xtl. "FRENCH FOLLIES" Ynu always wondered! 1 NOW see what happens 2. "A VIRGIN IN HOLLYWOOD" Hotter than a firecracker! si.

"GIRL BEHIND THE CURTAIN Naff said! We dare not tell mora 4. "0 MY GOSH" DRIVE-IN JOLLY ROGERv" of Telegraph 10 5-4266 Andy Griffith Felicia Farr "ONIONHEAD" Alan Ladd Ernest Borgnlne "THE BADLANDERS" (COLOR) Open 6:00 Show Starts at 7:00 CHILDREN FREE DRIVE-IN OAK-Woodward-13H UIM I 111 UHI Liberty 9-4799 Andy Griffith Felicia Farr "ONIONHEAD" Alan ladd Ernest Borgnlne "THE BADLANDERS" (C0L0R1 tnen 6:00 Show Starts 6:1 CHILDREN FREE COME EARLY HOME EARLY DRIVE-IN Pontiac. Mich. fed ill. 8 10) One hlncs north of Telegraph Road IN-CAR HEATERS! 3 BIG FEATURES! 1st Pontlae Showing "THE PARTY CRASHERS" with Mark Damon "GUNFIGHT AT O.K.

CORRAL" (Technicolor) Kirk Douqlas Burt Lancaster "CHINA DOLL." Victor Mature DRIVE-IN NOW OPEN Andy Griffit't Felicia Farf "ONIONHEAD" Hughs and Action About Coast Guard Plus Alan Ladd Ernest Borgnlnt "THE BADLANDERS" Cnod Outdoor Action in 'Seopg and Color CHILDREN FREE COME EARLY LEAVE EARLY DRIVE-IN TROY" -E. Maple Rd. (15 Mi. Ed.) Stephenson Hwy. Mil 9-1902 Andy Griffith Felicia Farr "ONIONHEAD" Alan ladd Ernest Borgnine "THE BADLANDERS" (COLOR) Open 6:00 p.m.


InTne. 220. 6:10. 9:35. Plus Extra Cartoons at aaiurgay maimee snow.

In II i I i i i i' i I Magazine Sold NEW YORK (jpi Hearst Corp. bought Popular Mechanics Magazine for an undisclosed sum. ROYAL OAK" ALL COLOR PROGRAM Alan Ladd Olivia de Havllland In "THE PROUD REBEL" ALSO Brigitte Bardot Charles Beyer "LA PARISIENNE" ROYAL OAK" SPECIAL CHILDREN'S MATINEE SATURDAY Doors Ooen 12:30 Alan Ladd In "THE PROUD REBEL" In Color plus "JUNGLE MOON EN Plus 3 Stooge Comedy and 3 Color Cartoons Note: "LA PARISIENNE" not shown at Matinee ROYAL OAK' -LI 1-2S12 Park Free Ooen park rare Alan Ladd Olivia deHavilland. "THE PROUO REBEL." 2:05. 7:05.

10:35. "LA PARISI-ENNE." Brigitte Bardot Charles. Bover. 5:05. 9:00.

DV 9 Mile and Bran Park Free SI. nlH" Open 1:30. Robert Mitchum. Wagner. "THE HUNTERS" (Color) WHO WALKED THE WEST." Hugh 7 Robert "FIEND 0 Brian.

QCUII I River-Hahaib TE 2-S9U7 UL.IIL.kl. 12:30. 1 FFATIIRFs i Stewart. Rock HanSon. "WINCHESTER 73." "STREET WITH NO NAME." Richard Wid-i mar.

MARACAIBO" (Color). Mil L'PTOVVN Woodnard at MrNirhola ITIILL Open 12:45 p.m. TO 6-0400 "ONIONHEAD." Andy Griffith. Felicia Farr. 10 4:20.

7:45. 11:10 p.m. "THE BADLANDERS." Alan Ladd. Ernest Borgnlne. 3:00.

6.25. p.m. STATE-WAYNE-03( PA 1-2100 aivrn cure PARKING. LAST DAY. Alan Ladd Olivia DeHavilland.

I R0lin bfrfi ir.i..i 4:40. 9:12. Andy Griffith the Hilarious Star of "No Time for Sergeants." as the Hillbilly Singer In "A FACE IN THE CROWD." 2:19. 6:50. 10:50.

a MirUIIU open 1 30 i m. "THE KEY William Holden Soon la Loren. "SIERRA BARON (Color i 'Scone). Brian Keith Rita Gam. CTIinin Livernois at Davison WE 3-3fino Onen 6:15.

Premiere, last Oavs. Late Show Tonlte. Most whispered about book! Most talked about picture! D. H. Lawrenre's Controversial "LADY CHATTFRl V'St I0WFR" TJanielle Darrleux.

6:30 in ln Th. I Film Without False 'Modesty. SURF- -13135 Fpnkell nr. Meyers KB 3-SSF6 Onen 6:45. The Creates! Frni-h 1m.

port Since Champagne I Lafayette. Brigitte Bardot In "MAM 7ELLE PIGALLE" (Cinema- Scoge Color). 7:00. 10:20. Plas Detroit Premiere! Franchise Arnoul.

Daniel Gelln. Trevor Howard. "FORBIDDEN 8:30 Only! "Loaded With Steaming Seauenees!" New Yorker Wag. TIMES-SQUARE fasa TAO 2-3192 Onen 11 -n a 'til A a m. 3 FEATURES.

"HORROR OF DRACULA (Color). "THE THING THAT COULON DIE." "VIGILANTE TERROR." Wild Bill Elliott. iTOWERT." M'T WB 1 11 ufl Open 12'45 Park Free HUNTERS." Robert Mitchum Robert Wat 4650 'THE Wagner. FIEND Brian. 2:41.

6:52. 10:35 (Color). "THE WHO WALKED THE WEST." Hugh 1:00. 5:11. 8:54.

Frf" OR 6-3939 niLiiiun 12.30 Robert Waoner. HUNTERS" (Color) "FIEND WH1 WALKEO THE WEST." Hnoh O'Brian. Dolores Michaels. KIDDIE MAT. TODAY.

OUR REG. SHOW plus Cartnons 4 Comedy 'TIIYPflfl Hamilton-Tmedo lUAtUU 0of lm AL, TO ft-27K ALL-RiRlirAi pan. A A Story ef Our Lord's "DAY OF TRIUMPH." 3 10. 6:40. 9:42.

"NOAH'S ARK" and the Flood that Destroyed the World. 230. 6:00. 9:02. "LAND OF THE BIBLE." i 2:09.

5:39. 8 .41. IIPTnWNMa('k Tl' 2-06S6 Fr Ald Cliff Robertson. "THE NAKED AND THE DEAD." 3 15. 7:00.


Raymond Masey. Llli St. Cvr in "THE NAKED AND THE DEAD" 'Serroe-Technicolor) at 3:22. 7:44. 12:06: nlos William Holdrn.

Sophia Loren. Trevor Howard In "THE KEY'' (Cinemascope) at 5:39. 10:01. VOGUP- CHILDREN'S MATINEE TODAY! DOORS OPEN ritrYT.Nr STnnv nr i'r'r? TnTc, i' ROBE BT Si I TC HUM 51 5 FULL HOUR OF YOUR FAVORITE hv aiu 'THE NAKED AND THE n-aii miii SHOWN AT MAT IN EE 1 I WnPIIC Harper at Harvard 'UUUL Ooor, 0pen TU 2-2022 :45. Free Parkina' All Cinemascope Color! "THE NAKED AND THE DEAD" with Aido Ray.

Cliff Robertson at 7:28. 11:39: plus 'THE HUNTERS" with Robert Mitchum. Robert Wagner. Richard Egaa I at 226. 5:35.

9251. Alsp Cartoon! WASHINGTON" ANDY GRIFFITH "ONIONHEAD' WASHINGTON" Allan Lad Ernest Rnrqnlm "THE BADLANDERS" CinfmaScope and Color WASHINGTON Felicia Farr. "ONIONHEAD." 1:00. 4:25. 7:50.

11:10. "TH BADLANDERS." Alan Ladd. Ernest Borgnine. 3:00. 6:25.

9:45. WESTOWN" -Wroming-Feniell b. 3-7113 Oo'n 12:30. Park Free. Rob- ert Mitchum Robert Wagner.

"THE HUNTERS" (Cnlnr), 3:05. 7:10. 11:10. "THE NAKED AND THE DEAD" (Color). Aldo Ray.

Cliff Robertson. 12:55. 5:00. 9:00. WHITTIFR-E-Jff -Grnd BU(i.

i r-2703 "inmiLn 12 45. park free. Greg. nry Peck. Charlton Heston.

"THE BIG COUN- RY (Color). CHINA DOLL." Victor Mature, i WOODS" HfV I Soeclal Fon Packed Matinee Tndav! Doors Ooen 12:45 Laughs Galore! The Bowery Boys-In "SPY CHASERS" plus Alan ladd In "THE BADLANOEfTS (CinemaScope-Colw I aKn 5 Colnr Cartoons. Matinee Over at 4'10 m. (Note: "ONIONHEAD" not shown at Matinee I I WOODS" Mark mar 7 Mile Tl 2-6? OJ Due 12:45 m. Acres of Free Park- ing.

Late Show Tonight! Andv Griffith. Felicia i Farr in "ONIONHEAD." at 5:11. 8 30. 11:49 plus "THE BADLANDERS" I CinemaScone-Color) with Alan Ladd and Ernest Borgnini at 2:41. i i 7:06.

10:23. II UflLLI fjnen 6:15. Premiere late Show To-! rite. Last 5 Days. Most whispered about Most talked about picture! H.

Lawrences; Controversial "LADY CHATTERLEY LOVER." Danielle Darrlen. 6 JO. 30. 10:30. The Film Without False Modesty.

WYANDOTTE-F'ri'0wd EIm- i TWO DIFFERENT SHOWS IN TWO DIFFERENT THEATRES UNDER ONE ROOF (See Ad Below) Death Notices I ADAMS Carl Beloved husband of Virsrtnia dear father Carl R. Mrs Robert Vozinov. Jotenh M. and Julie Ann' six erandehildren a'o survive- brother of Mrs. Richard Schneider and Arthur At A.

H. Peters Funeral Home. 20705 Mack Ave. ar Vernier Rd (8 Mile firnsse Pomte Woods until Satur-iiav lfl a In stat at Bethel Lutheran ChJireh Little Mack at Frarno St Shores. fr.m noon until time of.

service. Saturday. 1 ADAM Rat W. Nov 19 of i Kdre-wootf Drive Grose Pomte Shores beloved hushnnd of Irene i nee Norisl- dear father of William Robert I Warren and Ms. Merle (Reverlvl Siholta- brother of Mrs Georce Hindman- ulso 10 crandrhildreti Funeral from the Vrrhevrien Funeral Home I HMOO Mack at Outer Drive Saturdav at 10-15 and to Our Tadv Star of' the Sea Church at 11.

BRADY Walter E. helnver! hnhand of Harriet: dear father of Walter Jr brother of Mre. Lillian Soroers. Louis and Bernard. Funeral Tuesdav 11 am at H.

Peter Funeral Home. 1C057 Gratiot Ave. BROWN Jpnnie Nov. 1958. vs-ife of late Nelson T.

Brown: mother of Mrs. Mars- Kinsc of Van Nnys. ister of Mrs. Margaret Shiel of West Branch. Funeral serving at hanel of MrFarland Funeral Home.

5401 Scliaefrr R1 Dear-horn. Saturday at 10 am. Interment at SDrineliill Cemetery. Avoca. Mich.

CARLISLE Ernest C6fiJ5 Reilfnrd helored hij'hand of Dorothy, dear father of Ernest Jr and son of Mrs. Ann1, Carlisle. of Northern Ireland: brother of of Detroit. Wil ham. Robert and Mrs.

Elizabeth of Northern Ireland. Services Wilkie Funeral Home. West Ouier Dr. at. Lahser Monday.

1 Dm. CHAPr Edilh. heloved saife of Aumsl: (i-ar mother of Mrs Eileen Kiefer. Fred (Bud). Lorraine and Mm.

Betle Koss; four eranikhilriren also survive: sister of Fred and Waller Pet soli William Paiee. Mrs. Anna P'-himantowski. Mrs Clara Paetzker Mrs T.i II inn SVhimantowski. Mrs.

Irene Kasmussen Mrs. Alien Carroll and Mr. Renada Wilson Funeral Saturday 8:15 from A. H. Peters Funeral Home.

ICO 5 7 eiratiot. and 9 a.m. at St. Marearet a Church. Rosary Friday.

8 m. COLE Richard F. 'or. JSlh. S.

of 11 OSS Promenade Beloved husband of Lois Ann (ne Gnessel son of Mr and Mre Arthur Cole, brother of Charles. Fd-ward. fiarv and Eurene nf Toledo. Ohio Funeral Saturday 1 from the Gordon Crabb Funeral Home Gratiot at Outer Tr. Interment White Chanel.

COLLER 'Robt. Nov fl t-ovirr busbanfl of Josephine: fvher of Lnrt Ellen, aire 4. ion of Mr. and Mrs Lloyd 'oiler; brother Mrs. Marvin Tank and Donald; Mrs.

Laura Encel on-in-Iaw of Funeral from Harvey A. Neelv Funeral Home. 16M0 Meyer Saturday at 3 m. CONWAY James Martin. Nov.

"lt. SP37 Kim-berlv. beloved husband- of Mar-caret Victoria: rlear father of Mrs. Lennra May Leder and Roy James Conwav: grandfather of Roy Jr. and James II: srreat-Erandfather nf Timothv.

Service Fred Wood Fi nera! Home. 450 Plymouth Rd. nr. Grand River. Monday.

2 m. Burial Acacia Park under auspices of Detroit Lodge No. 2, DIETZ Sonhia beloved ss-ife of Otto near aunt of Gordon Fee. Mrs. Anita Wolfe and Mrs.

Marth Gaulin. Funeral Saturday. 2 at Peters Funeral Mack at Vernier Rd. (8 Mile I.

Grnsse Poin- Wood. DROSTE Edna i Goeldi. Not 1f eif :v.i) wife of William: sister of Fred Theodore Hua-o and the late John Goeldi Funeral from the Verhevden Funeral Hom. Mack at Outer Drive Saturday at 11 -30. EDMUND Jeanette.

dear mother- of M- Alfred E. Sevier and Mrs. Anthony Enzer- two era rid children also survive Funeral Monday 10 am at, A. H. Peters Funeral Home COTd.i Ma'-k Ave.

at Vernier Rd. Mile) G.P. Wood. FEE Kenneth, dirlinr son of Edwarfl anl Hazel Fee brother of Manlvn. Barbara.

Marv. Joni and Linda: crandson of John Fee. Bevelrv. and Mrs. Bertha Hollowav.

Palestine. Texas Funeral pers-ices from Read-Schult Funeral Home, SlTOo Gratiot East Detroit. Saturday 2 FOOTE Henry Nov 19. lP.iS. Husbanir of Agnes Foote- father of Mrs.

Alice Foote Carlson. Mrs. Lorraine Foote Per-Lee of Larrhmont. NT. ajid Philin Head Foote of Shorf Hills.

N. also survived by eisht erandchildren and eleven trreat grandchildren. Funeral service at northwest chapel of the Wm. R. Hamilton Co ISfinO Jas.

Comens Hwy IS. of Mile). Saturday at 11 am. GEORGE Elmer Nor. r.0.

of "ZU Anbury remains at Hammond At Hsiis Funeral Home. "J4501 Fenkell uniil Saturday noon: cremation private. GAINES John F. of Chicaso. Til Beloved husband of Mary VanHove Gaines; riear bro'her of Joseph Ga-nes.

Mrs. 'Mary Mrs Elizabeth clem and tl late Leo and Thomas. Funeral from the VanPcweehe Funeral Chapel. loTMSi E. Warren Ave.

at Berkshire. Saturday niornine at 9:15 and at Our Lady of Good Counsel Church at 10. Interment Mt. Olivet. GILLIES Andrew.

Not 18 of 10637 Lafc-nomte husband of Theresa- hrother of William. Alexander and Thomas; nenhew ol Mrs Lil Navlor Funeral from the Verhevdep Funerol Home. 16300 Mark at Outer Drive. Saturday at 9 :.30 and to Guardian Aneel Church at 10 FOR WANT ADS CALL WO 2-9400 SPECIAL CHILDREN'S MATINEE TODAY DDE Warren near Sojithfield LI 12-3116 Doors Open 12:30 First Show Out at 4:25 MMnnLH 12 30. Free Parking.

G.n,,,S Every Boy METRIUS AND THE GLADIATORS" (Color). clrJ.TTl:Suqh wlth, Andv G'ltti'h Victor Mature Susan Hayward. 12:40. 5:02. the "ONIONHEAD us Western Thrills "THE EGYPTIAN" (Color) Jean Sim-Excitement with Alan ladd Ernest Borgnlne mons Edmond Purdom.

2:40 6.40. 10 45. WXii EG 1- 2 Mti '2tiW0A. SEFOEIutA CARTOON PARK FREE' Eleannra Drago; "RUBY GENTRY." Jennifer HEAD." with Andy Griffith. Felicia Farr.

at FIRIVF IU VA tlVi'C So- 14 Mil 8:23. 11:47: plus Alan Ladd. Ernest Uni 1 C'! All I KC Theater Information 4 in tnc BAumnutna Pius uoior Larinon DrnCflBn lahser at Grand River KE 7-2560 Supervised Andy Griffith Felicia Farr "ONION HEAD." 1:00. 4:20. 7:40 10:55.

"THE 1BADLANDERS" Scone Color). Alan Ladd. 9:35. Ernest Borgnlne. 3:00.

6:15. Jones: "YAUUI DRUMS." Rod Cameron. 5651 W. Kort near Junction VI 2-H72 Ooen 11:45 a.m. to 6 a.m.

Free Park- mg. OF 3 FEATURES. John Eriasnn. "RETURN JACK SLADE." YOUNG DON CRY." Sal Mlneo; "JAMBOREE." IRIAI Tn Gratiot-Mt. Elliott WA S-1202 iniHLIU Open 12.45 "THE TEN COMMANDMENTS'' 3 Shows at 1:00.

5:00 and 9 00 Halts Matlnea 90c. Evenings and All Dav Sunday SI. 25. Children 50c at all times. 8in-K.

Vernnr at Central Pk Free VI 1-S900 I "IU Open 6 JO Park Free Now Ope i 2 Big ALAN IAOD HITS! "PARATROOPER" I Plus "HELL BFLOW ZERO" riVIERA Grand River-Joy Read TE -liO NOW 18 DAYS ON STAGf I I I Big Musical Seats Now On First Sal PfYYucdard m-ar Terrple TE l-4s27 liunl Ooen 24 -Hours Exclusive Shocking as Today's Headlines! "THE VIOLATORS" Howard DUFF Prgov DOW "THE SHAKEDOWN" ROYAL That Wonderful No Time for Sergeants" meathead. ANDY GRIFFITH bark as as "ONIONHEAD" ROYAL- The Big Brawllm Story Tnuah Breed trom the Badlands ERNEST BORGNINE ALAN IAOD JURAOO "THE BADLANDERS'' (Color) ROYAL" SPECIAL KIDDIES SAT. MAT. Starts 1 sm 'ONIONHEAD" Andv Griffiths 8 C010R CARTOONS 8 Comedies and Soorti 'BADLANDERS Not Sho. Sat.

Mat. anyil 7 Mile-Meyere Pk Free I'N 4-e00 Ditora Ores Stirts 1O0 l.a. "ONIONHEAD." Andv Griffith Felicia Farr. 4 00. 7:20 10:45 "THE BADLANDERS" Color.

Ernevt Boranlns Katy Jarado. 5d4. 9.10. 12 JO. MERCURY" BRUtTTI Blashlngly BARDOT French MERCURY- In The FRANKEST FRENCHIEST FUNNIEST COMEDY MERCURY- "IA PARISIINNI" with Charls Buyer and H'nry Vldal MERCURY- THE MERCURY- The Biblical Story Rich In Detail Soiendor and Magnificence of the Prodigal Son returning after an Impulsive fling with the High Priestess of the love Goddess during a Bacchanalian Feast In the Green light district of the Ancient Pagans IANA TURNER LOUIS CALHERN WALTER HAMPDEN TAINA ELG MERCURY- SPECIAL CHILDREN'S MATINEE SATURDAY "STRANGER ON HORSEBACK In Color pigs The Bowery Bovs In "HOLD THAT LINE" Pips 4 Color Cartoons Open 12:00 noon Kids .20 MERCURY" -Srhaefer- Mile IN 2-P100 Open 12-00 noon.

Park Free All Color. Late Show Tonight at 10:15. Brigitte Bardot Charles Bover. "LA PARISIENNE 5:15 8:45. 12:15.

THE Lana Trner Edward Burdorn 6:45. 10:15. WnUIPJ.U-RaKle liranri River Wtl "IUnl0M Doors Open 10 45 am. Late Show Tonight1 Cary- Grant. Snphla Loren in "HOUSEBOAT" (VistaVision-Color) at 11:00 2:12.

5:29. 8:46 plus "AS YOUNG AS WE ARE" with Robert Harland. Plppa Scott at 12:56. 4:13. 7 JO.

10:47. MIDTOWN Third and Canfield TE 1-4510 Onea 1:00 a.m. Raraaln Price 30t until 600 3 Big Features' Wm Holden Snohia Loren "THE KFY "SIF RR A BARON" (Caior). "A CRY IN THE NIGHT." I I I 1 Roronlne. In "THE BADLANDERS' (Cinema Senna Clnr at 3:14.

6:52. 10:23, Note: "ONIONHEAD" Not Shown at Matinee CIRCLED Special Kiddle Show Satgrdav Matinee "PP9UD REBEL" "GOD IS MY PARTNER" Ptm Cartoon Party. Doors Open 1:30 riDOl W- Warren-Miiier Boad LU 1-5040 uinuLt 1:45 p.m. "PROUD REBEL" Alan Ladd. Olivia DeHavilland at 2:10.

6 00. 9:20. "GOD IS MY PARTNER." Walter Brennan. John Hoyt. at 3:35, 7:45, 11:00.

CIVIC-DETROIT- CECIL B. DeM ILLE'S CIVIC-DETROIT "THE TEN EOMMANDMENTS" ADMISSION PRICES Adults $1.25 Evenings and Sandavf .90 Saturday Matlnea Children .50 at all times LA 1-S222 Ul I IU UL I IIUII PARK FREE Cecil DeMille's "THE TEN COMMANDMENTS" Matinee Open 1245 Snow Starts 2-00 Evening Open 7:30 Show Starts 6:30 aucnii ivuniicc--i ml 2 mi s. i ULM1I0UI1 I UM I I1U UsJL W'ward Jl 8-3S77 Open 5:45. Lata Show Tonlte Last 2 Days Marlene Dietrirh Em il Jannings, "THE BLUE ANGEL" (1930). 7:40.

11:00. G'eta Garbo. "STREETS OF SORROW" (1925). 6:00. 9:25.

COLONIAL: -Woodnard-Adelaide WO 1-4282 Open 24 Hoars. Alan ladd and Ernest Borgnlna in "THE BADLANDfRS" also "TIME CLOCK." CORONET- -15635 Mack nr Alter TU 2-5291 Open 6:45. The Greatest French Import Since Chantpaqne Lafayette. Brigitta Bardot In "MAM ZELLE PIGALLE." Cinema-Smpe-Color. 7:00.

10.20- plus Detroit Premiere1 Franeoise Arnoul, Daniel Gelin. Trevor Howard. DESIRE" 8J0 Only! "leaded with Steaming Seguences!" New Yorker ag. DEARBORN" -Michiean-Teleeraph 1.0 1-3450 Onen 5:15. PARK FREE.

Alan ladd Olivia deHavilland. "THE PROUD REBEL." 5:40. 9 00. "IA PARISIENNE. Brigitte bardot Charles Boyer, 7:23.

10:35. DEL-THE" Mack-Holrnmb Pk Fre WA 1-1412 "THE HUNTERS" WALKEO THE (Cnlnr). WEST." 'THE FIEND WHO High Brian. 1 1 i I I vnWMERCUP.Y- John Wavne. S5an Havward.

'THE CON-1 QUEROR" I'Seooe and Color). 1:00 4 23 7.t0. 11:15 DON BOTHER TO KNOCK Manlvn Monroe. Richard Wldnark. 300 6:25.

:55. CCniHRP K. Onen 6:45. William Holden Sophia Loren. "THE KEY." 8:35.

"SIERRA BARON." Brian Keith. 7:00. 10:40. FAMII 1 sow IHHIILI q.rin ifii WO 3-4505 Mid "THF HUNTERS' (Color and Scope). Robert Mitch-em May Britt.

'FIEND WHO WALKED THE WEST." Hugh O'Brian Robert Evans. MEN DAY. Every Tuesday and Thursday admitted free when accompanied by a Lady. fCDkirHI C-Wnodward-9 Mile Rd 1.1 1-5168 I LIIDUnlw Onen 6:15 am. "HUNTERS" Robert Mltehem.

"FIEND WHO WALKED THF WEST." Hugh 0 Brian. FINE ARTS TE 3 277 tn 6 a.m 3 BIG FEATURES. SCARLET" (Color). AWAY John Pavne. "SLIGHTLY BACK WHIP" "RUN-Midnlght Show Tonight.

FISHER -In the Fisher Buildinp WO 3-4O00 Open 12:45 LATE SHOW TONIGHT' Unlimited Parking. Funnier than "No Time for "ONIONHEAD" with Andv Grit fith. Felicia Farr. at 1:10. 4:40.

8:10. 11:40 Plus "THE BADLANDERS" CinemaScnae-Cnlorl. with Alan Ladd. Katv Jaraaa. Ernest Borgnlne at 3.16.

6:46. 10:16. WYANDOTTE-MAIN- SPECIAL KIDOIE MATINEE SATUROAT Oar Reoalar 2 Featares Plas lots nf Cartoons Doora Open 11:30 a.m. Kids .20 SHOW TONIGHT AT 10:00 P.M. Andv Griffith.

Felicia Farr. "ONIONHEAD" 12:20. 4:15. 7:50. 1125.

"THE BADLANDERS" (Scone I Color). Alan Ladd. Katv tirade. Ernest Borinlne. 225, 620.


Detroit Free Press from Detroit, Michigan (2024)


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Name: Msgr. Refugio Daniel

Birthday: 1999-09-15

Address: 8416 Beatty Center, Derekfort, VA 72092-0500

Phone: +6838967160603

Job: Mining Executive

Hobby: Woodworking, Knitting, Fishing, Coffee roasting, Kayaking, Horseback riding, Kite flying

Introduction: My name is Msgr. Refugio Daniel, I am a fine, precious, encouraging, calm, glamorous, vivacious, friendly person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.