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Edited Text

Class No ..............?.7.~.~.7~.~ ...................... .
Book No .............~.~~?.~........................... ..


Washington and Lee University

Digitized by the Internet Archive
in 2010 with funding from
Lyrasis Members and Sloan Foundation





MAY 2 4 '56

fable of Contents







Come, cheer for \Vashington and Lee,
\\'e're going to win another victory.
The White and Blue we will ever wave in triumph
For the University. R ah R ah Rah

Fight to the finish, we are with you,
Break through the line on every play,
Ru h the ball on down the field,
And we will win this game today.

When Washington and Lee's men fall in line
Vve're going to win again another time.
For W. and L. , I yell, I yell, I yell.
And for the University I yell, I yell,
And we will fight , fight, fight for every yard,
Circle the ends and hit the line right hard,
And we will roll those Wahoos on the sod.
Rah Rah Rah




D e d








To summarize our love and respect for a man is indeed difficult and
perhaps even imposs ible . A grea t m an's life is too full , too vast in scope
and depth for us to even hope to compress it into such a brief commentary. \ Ve have known you for onl y four years and even that short time
sounds deceptively long since few of us have spent more than a part of
our time under your guidance. W e have enjoyed your smile and greeting when we passed yo u on the colonnade, your pipe smoking furiou sly
and your pace much quicker than our own. We have even shared our
dance sets with you since no dance would be complete without you a nd
your wife beaming approval from that much maligned yet sacred ground
known as the chaperon's box. You are, in reality, a pa rt of all our campus
Some of us have enjoyed the privilege of knowing you well. They
have seen you give tim e and energy from a seemingly endless store, a ll
directed to wa rd us, our problems and our University. They have read
the letters you wrote to worried families and hea rtsick students; letters
which we all say that it would be "nice to write" but so seldom do. They
know personally the ext ent of your love and sympa th y. They know your
goa ls and standards and the di scipline which is no less strong for being
sympathetic. Those of us have been privileged indeed to know you this
For the m a jority of us, however, you have been more a fri end than a
class-room teacher. W e have no way of knowing how much you have
directed our lives through your work in directing our Universi ty but we
know nevertheless, that some pa rt of your wisdom has become a part of
each of us.
Therefore, it is with ge nuine lo\'e and humilit y and in full awareness
of the grea t debt which we all owe to you that w e dedi cate this book to
you, DR. LUCIUS J. DESHA, knowing full well that the goals of the
University which it symbolizes and the goals which you have exhibit ed
in your own life are, in the end, identical.




To th e Seniors:

If I were permitt ed but one word in thi s greet-

ing, that "vould be a word of thanks. You have
paid this University hi gh compliment in bringing
to our custody for a time much of your promise
for the future. I hope you have found among us
those who have so int erpreted, so inspired, that
the promise is nea rer fulfillm ent.
As you go steadfas tl y to accompli shment of your
nobler purposes, you will find this book, I predict,
a little treasure chest of m emory. Looking upon
the pictures of people and places that ent ered
prominentl y into this phase of your life, you will
ha ve pleasure a nd you may ha \·e enla rged pO\\·er.
I hope this Uni\·ersity remains in your remembrance, to come back to you " like music. "


P (jaine:5

The Deans

IJ/1 d

UJJi versi ty AdJJJinistration

J AMES G. LEYB U RN .......... ... . .. . D ean of th e Uni versity

LEWIS \\" . AD A11S ........ ... . D ear1 o f th e Commerce School

R U PERT X. LATTU RE ......... . Di rector of Freshmen W ork

CLAYTON E. WILLI AMS . ....... . . . . D ean of the L ow School

D OUGLA S E. BRADY . .... ... ... . Superintendent of Bu ildings


EARL S. 11A TTI:\"GL Y ................ ..... . .... Treasurer

CHARLES H. LAU CK .. . .. . Superintendent of J ournalism P ress

EDWIN H . H O WARD .................... ... .... . Registrar

HENRY L. RA \ "Ei\HO RST M anager of V et ermiS H ousing P roject

CO LEl\1A~

B. VARNER ......... . . ...... . A ssistant Treasur e•

............... .. ....... .. . L ibrarian

.JAMES D. FARRAR . ... .. . .... ..... A ssista nt D ean of Student s

HARRY K . YOU:\"G ....... .. .... . .... . ... . Alumni Secretary



E. SM ITH .... ......... . . . D irector of D evelopment

J. LA:\" IC H ... . ... ..... ...... . D irector of D ramatics

EDWIN P. TWOMBLY .... . Di rector of I ntercollegiate Ath let ics

R O BERT STEWART ......... . D irec tor of Glee Club and B:md

FREDERI CK A. FEDDEMAN .. ...... ... Uniz•ersit J' Ph ysic ian

JA:l\lES H . PRI CE ....... . . .. .. .. . A ssocia te A lumni Secretar y

r he




ROBERT H TUCKER, A.M., LL.D .... .. ... .. , ...... Professor Em eritus
. .. ... . ... . . ... . .. , ... ..... . Professor
EDWIN C . GRIFFITH , Ph.D .................. ............. ... . Professor
MERTON 0. PHILLIPS, Ph .D ................... .. ........... . Professor
JA C K N BEHRMAN , Ph .D .................. ... ... . A ssociate Professor
EDWARD C . ATWOOD. M .A . .... ... ............... . A ssistant Professor

JA JiolES H . STARLI NG. Ph .D ................................ . Professor
KENNETH P. S TEVENS, P l!. D . . .............•........ .. ... , . . Professor
J O HN E. DAVIS . M .A . ..... .... ....................... . .... . Instructor

HENRY L . RAVENHORST ... . ...... . ... ....•..... . A ssistant Professor

JAY D. COOK. 1\l.B.A ..... ...... .... .. .... ....... ... Assistant Professo r
THOIIIAS E. ENNIS, 1\l B .A ............ ............ , ........ . In structor

.. , .Associate Professor

1\IARSK-'\LL \Y. F ISH\\'ICK . P h .D




LUCIUS J . DESHA, Ph .D . . . . . . . .
. ... Professor Emeritus
ESI\lARCH S . G I LRE A TH, Ph .D . .. ...... . ................... . Professor
JOHN H . WISE. P h. D . ............................. . Associate Projessor
JAMES K . SHILLINGTON , P h .D ....... ..... ...... . Assistant Professo r
\\' ILLI A::\1 J . WATT. M.S . . ... .. .......... .......... . Assistant Professor

. . .... .................. . Professor
JAMES S. MOFFATT, Ph .D .......... ....... . . . .. .. . ..... ... . Professor
GEORGE H . FOSTER, Ph .D ............. .... ...... . Associate Professor
ROWLAND W . NELSON, Ph .D . . .. ..... ." ........ . . Associate Professor
MARVIN B. PERRY, Ph .D . ........ .. . . . ........... . Associate Professor
ARTHUR R . BORDEN, Ph.D .. . . .. , ............... . A ssocia te Professor
JAMES D. FARRAR, A .B . ........ ..................... .... .. I nstructor
HERNANDO M. READ . M .A .... ....... . ........... . ..... .. . Instructor

C0 :\1:\I ERCE
LEWIS K. J O HNSON, Ph.D ......... .. . ........ . ............. . Professo r
B RANTS O N B. HOLDER, Ph .D ....... .. ........... . Associate Pro fesso r
ROBER T F. GEMMILL, Ph .D ..... .... ..... . ....... . Assistant Pro fessor

O S CAR W . R IEGEL, A .M. . .
JAIIIES P. D AV IS. B .A . .. ...


. .... , .......... Professo r

C HARLES E . COATES, Lt. Col. , B.S . . , .. ... ..... ....... .. , , . . Professor
JOHN P . BODKIN , M ajor, B .S. . .. ..... , ....... . . Assistant Professor
THOMAS D . DINSMOR E, Capt. B .A ..... , , , ..... , , Assistant Professor
DAVID R. PEACOCK, Capt. , B.S . . . , , ..... , . • ..... . Assistant Professor
CLAUD E. ELEY, 1s t L t., B.S .... , , , , , .. , , . , , , , , , , , . . Assista n t Professor
FRANK H . DWYER , M · S gt. ....... , . , . . . , . . , , ... , .. ..... ... . Instructor
.JO SEPH T . GURGANUS. M S gt ...... . .... , , .. , ..... .... ... . Instructor
EDWARD L. NAGLE. M S g t ................................ I nstructo r
J O H N T . J ONES. M 1 S g t. .... , .............................. . Instructor
WILLIAM S . ALLEN. SFC , .......... . .. .... ........ ..... . . . 1nst ntctor

. .... . A ssistant Pro fesso r
............ ........ . Instructo r
.. .. ........ ....... . Instructor


CHARLES P. LIGHT, M.A .. LL.B . . .. .......... ........ ..... , .Professo r
CHARLES R . Mc DOWELL , M .A ., LL.B ............... .. .... . Professor
CLAYTON E . W ILLI AMS, LL .B . . . . , ... .............. ... , ... . Professor
CHARLES V . LAUGHLIN , A.B ., L L.B ., J .S. D . ............... . Professo r
"'HEnDORE A SMEDLEY. A .B .. J .D . . . ................. , ... . Professor
W ILFRED J. RITZ, LL. M. , ....... . ... , ....... , .. , , . . A ssociate Professor
F.S RO N M. FARIS, LL.M .......... , , ............. A ssistant Professor
HOWARD M . COLV I N, A .B. , J .S. D ........ , , . , , . , ..... , , .... Le c t ure r
... , ....... , , , , .. V isiting Lectu rer


/u lll emoriam

LIVINGSTON W. SMITH. Ph .D .... . , , , , , ... .. , .... , , Pro fessor Em erit us
FELIX P. WELCH, Ph .D .... ... ...... , ..... . .... , . , , , .... , . , .. . Professor
CHARLES \V. W ILLI AMS, Ph .D .... , , ... , . ... . . , ... . Associate Professor
ROBERT W. ROYSTON . Ph.D ... ... , . , . , , , ... , .. , ... . A ssociate P rofessor
ELDRIDGE H. MOO RE, B .A . ..... , . , ........ , . , .. .. , .. , , . . Instru ctor



....... . .. ,_,


R~r c. S...




) 'l~G>



MARION M. JUNKIN. A .B., Arts D . . . ..... . .. . .. ... . ....... . Professor
ROBERT STEW ART, M .M . . .. .................... .. A ssistant P rofessor
LLOYD J. LANICH. M .A . ......................... . Assistant P rofessor

WILLI AM G . BEAN. P h. D .... ....... . .... .. ... . . . . .. . .. . ... . P rofessor
OLLINGER CR ENSH AW. Ph.D ............................. . Professor
A LLE N W. M OGER . P h.D ................. • . • . • ............. . Professor
CHARLES W . T UR NER. Ph. D ..................... . Associate Professor
WILLIAM A. J ENK S, Ph. D ........................ . Associate Professor

ROBERT F. BRADLEY. Ph.D .. . .... ... . . ................... . Professor
WILLIAM W . PUSEY, Ph.D . ................................ . Professor
HENRY V . SHELLEY. Ph.D . . ............................... . Professor
LINTON L . BARRETT. Ph.D ................................ . Professor
ALBERT L . LANCASTER. Ph.D . . ................... Visiting P rofessor
BOYD R. EWING. Ph .D . . . . . ...................... . A ssociate Professor
GEORGE J. IRWIN, A.B . . ............. • . • ... • .... . A ssistant Professor
GEORGE F . DRAKE. A .B . ........... • ............ . A ssistant Professo r
CARLYLE W . BARRITT. Ph .D ................... . A ssistant Professor
ROBERT C. GOODELL. Ph .D . .................. . A ssistant Professor
EDWARD B. HAMER. Ph.D . ....... . ............. ... ........ . I nst ructor

EDWI N P. TWOMBLY, B .P .E . . . . ... . . .. ............. .. ..... . Professor
NOR MAN F. LORD. M. S ......................... . Associate Professor
WILL I AM A. CHIPLEY, B .A ...................... . Associate Professor
RICH ARD MILLER, B .S . . ........ .................. Assistant Professor
WIL LIAM T. McCANN. B .S . . . . . . . . . • ............ . A ssistant Professor
CH A RLES H ARRI NGTO N. A.B . ...... • ............ . Assistant Professor
EUGE NE F. CORRI GA N. B.A. . . . . . . . ....... • ............. . I nstructor
DELBERT D AVIS ..... . ... ................................. . Instructor

MARCELLUS H . STOW, Ph .D ......... . .................... . Professor
TROY J . LAS\\"ELL. Ph .D . . ....................... . Associate Professor



WILLIAM W . MORTON . D .D . . . . . .... .. . .. ... . .............. . Professor
EDWARD D . MYERS, Ph .D ....... • ............... .. . .. . ... . . Professor

RUP ERT N LATTURE, A.M ..................... ..... ..... . Professor
A L LEN E . R AGAN. P h. D ............ ....... ..... . . . Associate Professor
J O HN H . W HEELER . P h. D ......................... . Associate Professor



ROBERT W . DICKEY. Ph.D . .. ... ... . .......... ............. . P rofessor
REUBEN E . ALLEY. Ph.D. . ..............•...... . Associate Professor
SAMUEL L . DAVIDSON, B.S ............................... . I nstructor

WALTER A. F L I CK , Ph.D ....... .. .............. ....... ..... Professor
W ILLIAM M. H INT ON. Ph.D ............ ................. . Professor

DAVID \V. SP R UNT . Th. D .................... .... . Associate Professor

/u Memoriam


JAMES G. LEYBURN. Ph.D ................... ............. . Professor






Covernn1ent and

Bxecutive CoJnJnittee
ELLI S DR E W .. . .. .................. .... . ...... . President
BOB H UNTL E Y ........ .. ............ ....... !'ice -Preside nt
SAM SYME .. .. ........ : . ...... .. ............. . . Secretary

~l i k e

C ha ney
D a le Corneliu s
Mike Dubin
Dewey Ox ner

Sa ndy ?.I aslansky
Bob Rappe l
Ron Rubin
Be\· Stephenson
J ohn Stump

As th e m a in age ncy of student self-goyernment a t \\'ashington and Lee, th e Student Body ExecutiYe Commit tee
supervises and exercises a controlling influence 0\·er all student ac tiYities: howe,·er, its m ost important fun ction is in terpn:tation of the Honor System. Presided 0\·er by the
Pres ident of the St udent Bodv, the Committee a lso includes
a V ice- President a nd a Secretary, two elected m embers
irom the Senior C la ss, a n elec ted m ember from each of the
classes in the acadl'mi c a nd law sc hools, a nd a n elected
m ember from the Publica tions Bo:ud.

l'rc sidcnt

In t er Ir a t er 11 it y CotJJJtil
SID K APLAN ....... ............. . . .. ....... . . ... ...... . President
STU ATKI:\SO:\ ............................. ... ... V ice-P resident
MIKE GA R:\T ER ....................... . ....... ... ... .. . S ecre ta ry
DO;'II LURIA ........................................ ... T reasurer

Beta Theta Pi ................................. . J oel Bennett

Phi K app a Psi .. ............ . . .. .. . . ..... . .. .. . Garry M artin

D elta Tau Delt a .. . ... ... ....... ...•......... .. .. . Lee White

Ph i K app a S igma ............ ..... .......... . . W ay ne Fowler

Delta U psi/a n . .......... . ...................... Bill Willi am s

Pi Kapp a Alph a ... ............. . .............. Chuck Wa tson

Kappa Alpha .. ................................. Bill No rm an

Pi K app a Phi ......................... ... •..... . . Bob Stroud

Kappa Sigma . .................................... Skip R eid
Lambda C hi Alpha . .........................•... R on ney F ast
Phi Delt a Thet a .. ............................. Gordon Gooc h

Sigma A lph a Ep silon ........................... . . . J ap Bec ker
S igm a C hi . .. ... . .. ..................... . ... George Milli ga n

Phi Epsilon Pi ... ................................ Mike Dubin

S igm a N u .. ..... .............................. Lynn Hough

Phi Gamma D elta . ............................ Bill Shropshire

Z eta B eta Ta u . ............................. Sandy M aslansky


AssiJJJilatioJJ CoJnnJittee

BUZZ HANSON . ........... . . . ... . ..... . .. , . . .... Chairman

11 U RRA Y M cCLAIN ............................. . S ecreta ry

J olm Buckey

Dick Hornaday

Cliff Smith

Greig Cummings

Don Luria

Carl Swanson

Ranney Fast

T om O'Br·ien

T om Wilson




. ... C hairman


. .. . S ecretary


Sam Dudley

J ohn Marsh

Dick Skolnik

John Groobey

Bob Neunreiter

J ohn Smith

Cold Check CoJnJJJittee


R UDYARD ABBOTT ...... .......... ........ . ... . Chairman

GE RALD H O PKI .l\'S ..................... .. .. . ... . S ecretary


~ f axwd l


Rupe Chisholm

Elliot J offe

library CoJJJJJJittee

FresbJJJtJn DorJJJitory CouJJseloJ·s
NOEL SPENCE . .. . . . . ... .. ... . .. ... . ... . .. . H ead Co un sclo1
ED G IVHA N ........ ..... ..... . ... . Asssistant H ead Co unsclo1
SAM SYME . ..... . ................. . A ssistant Head Co unselor

Richard Berry

Bill Fishback

Tom Litzenburg

Mike Cha ney

J ac k Friedma n

H ard in Marion

Mark Davis

H erb Hummers

Rob Peeples

Ch arlie Dobbs

Russell L add

Alex Platt

Jim Lewis

Bob Stroud


Board of flovernors

.. .. . President


... Vice -Pr csidrnt

ROBERT KENDALL ... ... .......... .

.. Secretary- Tr cas w e!

Cha rles Baldree

Claude Nicholson

Charles Swope

Noel Copen

Jack Osborne

T om Turner

Ed Ellis

Lacey Putney

George Wilson

Doug Frith

John Stump



VICTOR HA\"SO\" ...........................•......... . President
MAR \'I~ MORELAXD .................. .......... .. Vice-Pr esident
FRED STA}.fP ......................................... . Secretary


.. ....... ......... . Exe cutive Committee man

Russell Ladd ..................... ........ . .... ... CALYX

M ar\'in Moreland ............ ........ '5 4, '55 Ring-tu m Phi

M errill Plaisted ............... ................... CALYX

Tre\' Armbrister .................... .. . S out h ern Collegian

Sanford M aslansky ................... ...... ... '55 CALYX

Fred Stamp ...................... .. .. . Southern Collegian

L arry Atler ...... ............... .......... . Rin g-tum Ph i

Victor H anson ................. ....... . South ern Collegian

J erry Hopkins .... .................. ....... . Rin g-tum Phi

Dr. Borden ............................ . . Faculty M ember

Bill Williams ... . ..... ......... ............ . Rin g-tum Ph i

Mr. Cook . ........... . ..... ....... .... . . Alu mni M ember

Sam Symc . ..................... . ... . '54, '55 R ing-tum Ph i


R ayder .............................. ..... Treasurer

PublicatioJJS Board

The 1956 C;llyx

The 1956 CALYX Staff

The Editor

R USSE LL LADD .. . . ... . . .... .. ....... .... . . .. .... . Edit or
\\'ILLIA!\1 ABELOFF .... . .. . . .. . . ... . . ... . M an aging Edit or
FARRI S H OT C HKI SS .. ... . . . .. ... . . .. . O rganizatio ns E dit or
T 0 !\1 LI T ZE:\B URG ..... .. . . . . . . . ... ... .. . . . .. Class Edit or
.J O H ::-i !\lcDO ::-i ALD . .. . . . .. . . ... . . ... . . A ssistant C la ss Editor
GEOR G E !\IERCK E .. .. . .... . .... ..... . A ssistant Class E dit or
WHI T .J ACK . . . .. ... .. . . ... . .... .. . .. . A ssistant C lass E d it or
GR EIG C U MMI:\GS . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . ... . F ra ternity C o-Edit or
JOE A!'v! ATO . . .. .. . . .. . .... . . ... . . .... . F rat ernit y C o-Editor
AR CHIE J E:\KI:\S ..... . ....... . . . . A ssistant Fraternit y E ditor
!O H l'\ C RO K ER . ... . . . .. . .. . . .. .. ... .. . .. . Sp orts C o-Edit or
STE VE E H U DI~ . .. ... .. .. .. .... . ... . . .. . . S p orts Co-Edit or
D :\ VE l'\ O BLE .. . . . ..... . .... . .... .. ... . . F Pat u res Co -Editor
RI C HARD \\'ILB OU R::-i . . . . ...... . .. . . . . . Fea t ures C o-Edit or
FRA::-iK PITT!\IA:\ . . ... . . .... ... .. ... .. .. . Edit oria l .4 d visor
MILT BE\'I S ... .. . . . . . . . . ..... ... ......... . . S taff A ssista.n t
EVE!\ K E!\IP . . ... .. .. ... .. .. .... . .. ... .. .. . . Staff A ssistan t
.\\' ERY J UHRI NG . .. . .. . .... .. . . .... ... . . . . . Ph otographe r
.lL\1 KR ESS L ER .... . . .. . . .. .. . .. . .. ... ... .. . . Ph oto graph er

The Advertising 1\lanagcrs

The Activities l\lanagers

MERRILL PLAISTED ......... .. .... ........ .. ... . ........ Bu sin ess Man age r
WALLY WITMER ..... ..... . .. ..... . ......... .... A ssistant Business Mana ge r
GERRY PORTNER ................................... . In-Town Ad Mana ger
WAR NE R ISA ACS .... .... . ..... .... . .............. Out-of-To w n Ad Mana ge r
CH ARLES MIDGLEY ................................. . ..... Offi ce Mana ge r
BILL ROBERTS ....... ......... ........ . . . . ............ . ... Offi ce Mana ge r
BILL BARI"'ETT ...... ........... ............. .. ........ . ActiL•ities Mana ge r
BILL WISDOM ..... ................. . . ...... . ... ........ Activities Mana ge'
PARKHILL MAYS .............. . ... ....... .............. . I n-Town Ad Sta ff
SHELBY SMITH ........................................ . I n-Tow n Ad Sta ff
STEVE FUGUET ........................................ . In- To w n Ad Sta ff
JOHN MARSH ....................... . ........... . .... ... In-Tow nAdSto ff
J O HN HIRSH .. ................... .. .................... . In-T own Ad Sto ff
JA N K OONTZ ........................ .. .... . . ....... . Out-of-Town Ad Sta ff
JACK ARMSTR ONG ................. ..... ............ Out-of-Tow n Ad Sta ff
BILL RI CE . ... . ...... ................ . ....... ...... .. Out-of-Town Ad Sta ff
WARREN WELSH . . . ....... .. ... ...... . ........... ... . Out-of-To w n Ad Stoff
SKIP VILLEROT ... ......... . ... . . ... .. .. .... ........ . Out-of-Tow n Ad Staff
P. B. WINFREE . .... .............. .. . ... .. . . . . ..... .. . Out-of-To w n Ad tta ff
ED WOODSON .. . . ................ . ... ....... . . ....... . Offiu St aff A ssist a nt
TOM FOLTZ . ... ................................ . ... Activities Sta ff A ssistant

The Staff Assistant, Organizations Editor and Managing Editor

The Business ;'\lanager

The Sports Co-Editor, Class Editor, and Fraternity Co-Editors


The Tu esday and Friday Editors discussin g matt ers with


The :Friday Assistant s

The Tuesday Assistants

T he Busin ess


~t a n ager

LARRY ATL ER .... . . .... .. .......... . B usin ess M ana ge r
SAGE LY ONS ..... .. .... ... . Tu esday Aduntisin g AI ana ger
PH IL CA MPB ELL .... ...... . . . Frida y Ad vertisin g M anager
HEN RY HE CHT .... . . . . . C o-Tuesda y Circulation M ana ger
STE PHE N F RIEDLANDER C o-Tuesda y Circulation M ana ge r
C HARLIE SPE?\'CE R . ... .. .. . . Frida)' Circulation M ana ger
:'\'ORM PROU LX . . .... . ... ... ..... . . . ... Office M ana ger
C HARLES COLE . . . . . . ... ... .... . ... ... .. Business St aff
J OE BELL .. . . . . . . .. .. .. .. ..

.. ........ B usin ess St aff

TOl\1 BRYA?\'T .......................... . Busin ess Sta ff
ED WARD L E\ 'Y ...... . . . ..... . .... ...... . B usin ess Sta ff
J O H l"\ PAUL . . .......... . ....... ....... . Bu siness Sta ff


Tuesday Edition
BILL WILLIAMS .......... ......... .. . ........ . Edit or
TOM LITZEl\'BU RG ....... .. . ... . .... . Mana gin g Edit or
CLIFF SMITH ........................... . News Edit or
JERRY SUSSKil\'D .. . . ..... . . . . .. .. ... . . . . Sport s Edit or
FARRIS HOTCHKISS ............. . A ssistant News Edit or
PHIL LABRO .................... . . ... . A ssociate Edit or

Friday Edition
JERRY H O PKI:'IS ........ ..... . . .............. . Edit or
DI CK ANDERSO;'Il" ........ . . . ... . .... . . M anagin g Edit or
BILL MILLER ........... .. . . . ..... .... .. . News Edit or
NE D GRO\' E ............ ..... . ......... .. . Sp orts Edit or
BILL NO RTHROP ... . . . ... . ... .. . . ...... . Sp orts Editor
JIM KRESSLER ............... .. ........ . Ph otograph er

Editorial Staff

Business Staff


The Business a nd Editoria l Sta ffs

TRE \ ' ARMB RI STER ..... . .. .. . ... ... . ........... . Edit o•

F R ED STAM P ....... .. .. ............... . Busin ess M anager

PH IL LAB RO .. ... ......... ....... ... . ... M anaging Editor
J O H N SMI TH ........................ . Adve rtisin g Mana ger
CLAY CA RR .............................. A ssociate Editor
ART McCA I :-.1 ........................... . A ssociate Editor
G ERALD H OPKI :\"S ...... . . . .... . .... . ... . A ssociate Edit o r

TE D RI C H ... ...... . . .... .......... . . Sub scriptio n Mana ger
ELLI OTT .JOFFE . .. . . ................ . Circulation Mana ger

J l ~ VA:\" CLEAVE .............. ............ .. . Art Editor

TO M MA RT I N ....... , ............... . . . . . Offi ce M anager
BOB :\"EU:\"RE ITE R .. .. ........... ............ . Art Editor
JOE C H .\T M.\ :\" .............. ... . ............ . A1t Edito1
The Editor a nd Business l\lana ge r
DU:'-r M I LLER ........................... . Exchan ge Editor
CA RL BAR:\"ES ........ . ........ ....... Ph otog1 aph y Editor
A \ "ERY J L' HR I:\G ........... . ... ... . .. Ph ot og1a ph y Editor

So11 thetJJ CollefiaJJ



Re vie Jr

GEORGE WILSON ... .. ... ..... . .. .. ........ . Editor: Fi rst Semester
BE\"ERLY STEPHE l\'SON ...... ............ . Editor: Second Semeste r
EDWARD ELLIS .... .. ................ .. ......... . A ssistmll Editor
MIL TO:'>~ HER l\' 0 0:'>1 ...................... .. . ... . . A ssistant Editor
The Board of Editors

JOH.'II WILLIAMS ON .............. ... ...... .... . Bu siness M anager
DR. SMEDLEY ... .. .... .... . .... ............. ... .. . Fa culty Editar
DR. RITZ .. . ......... ... .. ......... . . .... .... . .... . Facu lty Editor

Xoel Copen

Willi am D rap er

R obert Huntl ey

\\'. B. Smith

Phil Dowdin g

C ha rles GroYe

Robert Ma nn

J ohn Stump

1\f. L. H am pton

Lacey Put ney



S cb o oI oI l a 1v

Dean of the School of Law


Intermediate Officers

Senior Officers


WILLI AM SCHl\[lD ......... . . ... . . . ... . ...... . Secretary

J ACK OSBOR /I: E ............................... President

J OE Sll\IO:\ELLI .. ........... . . .. ........ . . ... . H istorian

DAVE GUTHRIE ... ........ . ...... ......... V ice-President

J OHN STUMP .... . ............. . . Executive Committeeman

HARRY FISHER .......... ...... . . . ..... ....... . Secretary

WILEY WRIGHT ...................... ........ . H istorian
BE\' STEPHENSON ......... . .. . . . Executive Committeeman

CHARLIE S\\'OPE ............................. . President
Hr\RDI;-.i MARI 00i ........ ... .............. Vice-President


LEO::\..\RD GREE:\EB..\ U.M ....................... . Secretary

EDWARD PUTNEY ... . .. ........ .............. . President

WALTER BURTOX ............................ . H istorian

JOHN M O REME N .. .. ............ .......... V ice-President

DEWEY OXXER ..... .... ....... . . Executive Committeeman

l\loot Court T eam: Baldree, Ellis, Buck

Freshmen Officers



of 1956

la1r School SeJJiOJ'S
• DOUGLAS IRVI NE BUCK, Flint, Mi chi ga n ; K.\ ; Phi Delta Phi.
• LEWIS PRESTON COLLI:\"S, III , M a rion ; .P K~ ; Phi Delta Phi, Pres ide nt, 3 ; Monogram
Clu b ; Foot ba ll M anage r, .J. ; " Who's \\'ho in America n Co lleges and Uni,·crsi ties" · Sigma President, 7; C hri sti an Council ; Pres ident of Intermedi ate Law Class.
• EDWARD EVAN ELLIS, Mi ami Beac h, F lorid a; KA ; Exec utive Comm ittee 6 ; Library Committee, C ~ ai rma n, ~ ; Assista nt ~ aw Librari an_, 6; Phi Delta Phi, Exch equ er , 6: Magister, 7 ; Interfr.atermty C:oun ct l, Vtce-Prestd ent, .J. ; Cottlhon C lub ; Lecturer in M athemati cs, 5, 6 ; L aw
Re v1e w, 6, AsSIS ta nt Editor, 7 ; Student Bar Associa tion, 5, 6, Boa rd of Go\'ernors, 7 ; Menkmeller
Gra nt, 6, 7 ; Moot Court Competiti on, 7 ; " \\'h o's \\'ho in American Colleges a nd Uniw rsi ties'' ·
Sigma; Omicron Delta K appa.
• HARRY J O H l'\ FISHER, Pittsburgh, Pennsyl\'ani a; Phi Alph a D elta ; Sec retary of Senior
Law Class.

• DAVID FRA:\'KLI:'\1 GUTHRIE, Natha lie; K.-1. ; Phi Delta Phi.
• RE NO SHEFFER HARP, I II, Richmond, ~ '!', Sec reta ry, 2, 3, House :M anage r, 5, 6 ; Manager Footba ll, 4.

e J AMES LISLE HINKLE, Roswell, N ew

M e xi co ; ~;\- ;

Phi Alpha Delta.

• WILLIAM HOWARD H O DGES, Grea t Bridge ; Pi Delt a Epsilon ; Phi Delta Phi ; Student
Ba r Assoc iati on, Board of Governors.

• CLA U DE WILSON NICHOLSON, JR ., Ferrum ; Phi Alpha Delta, Treas urer, 2, Vi ceJu stice, 3; \ 'ice-President of Fres hman Law C lass.
• L AU RIER THOMAS RA Y.l\fO:"'D, JR., Lewiston, M ai ne ; ~X. Pres id ent, .J., Housemanage r
3; Phi Sigma Alph a, Vic e-Preside nt, .J. ; Phi Delta Phi : White Fri ars ; Fraternit y Housemanager's
Association, Secre tary, 3; Secre tary of Interm ed ia te Law Class, 5 : ROTC Band ; Stud ent Bar
Associa tion.
• FR AN K IR VI:\' RI C HARDSO:\', JR., M a rt ins,·ille ; Phi Delta Phi.
~ -\ E, Ma rsh all College; Phi Delt a
Phi, " Who's Wh o in American Co lleges a nd Uni\'ersi ties"; L aw R eview.

e W I LLI AM BER:\'ARD Si\ -fiTH, Loga n, \\'es t Virginia:

• BEVERLY G RAY STEPHE:\'SO.\', Wakefi eld ; TIK.P ; Phi Delta Phi ; Exec uti\'e Committeeman, 7 ; L aw Re view, Editor, 7 ; " \\'ho's Who in America n Coll eges and Uni\'ersities"; C hai rman of Moo t Court Committee ; Troubadours, I, 2, 3, .J., 5, 6, 7 ; Vice-Presid ent of Freshm an
Law Class; Forensic Un ion, I, 2; Coti llion C lub ; Inter-Fraternity Council, ·L
• C LIFF O RD McFIELD S \VAN, JR., Ci nci nnati, Ohio; TIKA, Hou sema nage r, 4, Sec reta ry, 2;
C rew, 1, 2 ; Mock Court ; Football, I ; R ing-t um Ph i, I, 2; Southern Collegian, I, 2.
• THOMAS \\'ILLI AJ\1 TUR:\'ER , Beckley ; Phi Alph a D elta.

e WILLARD IRVI:\'G WALKER, C ha rlottes\' ille; Phi Eta Sigma, Delta Psi, Delta Theta Phi,
Moot Court.

• J O HN ALDEJ\" \\' ILLIAM SO:\', II, Ches hire, England ; K~ : Pi Alph a Nu ; Phi Alph a D elta;
Swimming, I, 2, 3, .J. ; Soccer, I, .J. ; Troubadours, I, 2; L aw R eview, Busi ness M anager, 7.

e GEORGE SIMPS0,\1 WILSON, III , O wensboro, K entu cky : KA ; Phi Delta Phi ; Phi Beta
K app a ; Phi Eta Sigma: La tin Depa rtmenta l Scho larship ; Eli zabeth B. Ga rrett _Scholarship in
Econom ics; Executi\'e Committeeman, .J. ; Shenandoah , 2, 3 ; CALYX, 2; Th e ll'ashwgton and L ee
La wye r, Associa te Editor, .J. ; Crew, Swimming, I ; Forensic Union, I, 2; L aw R eview, 5, 6,
Editor-in-C hief, 6.
e WILEY REED WR IGHT, JR., Arlingto n ; .Pr ~ , President, .J. ; Phi Delta Phi ; Pi Alpha Nu :
President's Ad\'isory Committee ; Cotillion Club : C heer Lea de r, 2, 3; Scabbard and Blad e, President 5 · Commerce Fraternitv · D ance Board 5 ; Cold Check Committee; Vi ce- President F in als,
.J. · P:esid ent of Openings 5 · ·I~ter-Fraternity Coun cil ; Student Bar Assoc iati on, Board of Go\'e:nors, 5: " Who's \\'ho 'in 'America n Coll eges a nd Uni\'.ersiti es"; Hi ~tori a n of Fres hman and
Se ni or L aw Classes; C hairman Ind epend ent Part)", 5: O mtcron D elt a K app a.
• EDWARD JOSEPH YU RK O\', Bradd ock, Pcnnsyl\'a nia.

Top R ow :

Bottom R ow:

• CHARLES J O H N BALDR EE, 1\felber, K entucky; AXA,
\'ice-Preside nt, 3, .f ; Cotillion Club ; Intern ationa l R ela tions
Club, Secretary-Treas urer, 3 ; Forensic Un io n, I ; R.O.T.C.
Band, I, 2, 3; Student Bar Assoc iation ; Boa rd of Governors,
Chairman, 5: Public Relations Commi ttee, +, 5 ; Pi Sigma Alpha, Preside nt , 3, ~· ; !\foot Court T eam, 5; Phi Alph a Delta,
Sec retary: Rin g-tu m Phi, L aw School Editor, .f ; II'. and L.
L au')'er, Assistan t Editor, +, Edi tor, 5.

• OVERTON PRI CE POLLA RD , Ashland ; K::::, Secretary, 3,
Presid ent, + ; Pi Alpha N u ; Mo ngoli an Minks; V ice-President
O penings, + ; Sigma .
• LACE Y ED\\'ARD PUT!'+; Monogram C lub ; Presid ent of I ntermedi a te Law Class ; Ph i
D elta Phi ; L aw R eview.

• STUA RT AC R EE BARB OU R, Roa noke ; Phi Alph a D elt a.

• STEPHE:\1 1IARSHALL QU ILLEN, Lebanon ; K:::: , H ouse
M a nager, 3 ; \\'hite Friars; Gra ham-L ee Socie ty, 3 ; Football
M anage r, I ; Ring-tum Phi, I ; Phi D elta Phi.

• GEO R GE \\' ESL EY EAS0:\1, Summit, New J ersey; Pi Sigma
Alph a: Ph i Alph a D elta .

• \\'ILLlAM KE :\11\ETH SC HM ID , JR., Staunton ; Secretary
of Interm edia te Law C lass.

• ].-\ C K ALLI SOX 1 icC R AR Y, Glade Spring ; Phi Alph a
D elta.

• PH1L1P LEW I S STANLEY, Stau nton.

• R OBE RT H OOD MA:\':--1, .J R ., K ansas Ci ty, Missouri ; ::::x,
\'ice-Pres id ent, + : Beta Gamma Sigma ; C hristia n Co uncil, I, 2,
3, +, 5 : Forensic Union, Speaker, 2; Trac k, 3, + ; Freshm an
Ca mp Counse lor, 3 ; Phi D elt a Phi ; Commerce Fraternity, 3, .f.

• CA RL DAVID SWA:\'S ON, K a nsas City, Missouri ; ::::x,
Presid ent , 3, 4; M ongolian Minks, Presi dent, 2; \\'hit e Fri a rs ;
" 13" Club, President,+ ; Pi Sigma Alpha, President , 6 ; University Party C ha irman, 6; Associa t ion Comm itt ee, 5, 6 ; Phi Delt a
Phi ; Om icron Delta K ap pa.

la Jr School !JJterJJJediates
F RA:'\K RI C HARDSO:\T .. ... .. ..... ... ........ . M agistrate
:'\OEL CO PEN .... ... ....... ... ....... .. .. . ... . E.r:cheque r
R O BERT M A:\f:\1 . ..... .... . ... .... . ... . .. ... . . . . Sec retary
C HARLES GR O \ ' E ..... . .......... ... ... ..... . . . H istorian

Top Row:

B::>ttom Row:

• BERKELEY COX, Hartford, Connecticut.


e DO:\'ALD JAMES CURRIE, Shelter I sland Heights, ;-.,'ew
• SAMUEL LAIRD HARMA~, Tazewell ; \\'hite Friars; Cotillion Club ; Phi Bet a K appa.

e RICHARD CA;-.,'EAR LEWIS, Covington.
e JOH~ HARDIN MARIO:'\, III, Richmond ; I'-1, Sec reta ry,
3, Rush Chairman, 4, President, 4 ; Rin g-tum Ph i, 1, 2, Sports
Editor, 2 ; Glee Club, 2; Inte-rnational Relations Club, 3, ·L
President's Advisory Committee, 4 ; C hai rm a n Ind epende-nt
Party, 4: Freshman Dormitory Co unse-lor, 5 ; Vice--Presid ent,
Freshman L aw Class, 5; D ean's List, 1, 3, 4.

and Jlres!JJJJen




...................... ....... . j ustice
........................ Vice -Justice

CHARLES BALDREE .. ........................... .. Clerk
HENRY ODER ................................. Treasurer
THOMAS BROYLES .................... . Sergean t-at-Arms

• C HARLES EVA:\S S\\'OPE, \\' es t Chester, Pe- nnsyh-ani a;
President Fres hm an Law Class; .Member of Board of GO\·ernors
of Student Bar Association.

e C HARLES CA LD\\'ELL \\'A TSO.\i, Winch ester; IIK.A ,
Hou se M anager, 4, 5, Secretary, 6, President, 7 ; \'i ce- President
Spring D ances, 6; Interfraternity Cou ncil, 7 ; Cotillion C lub;
Gl ee C lub, 1, 2, 3.

Sr: IJool of Al'ts


jA:\I ES G. L EYB U R ]\;"
D ean of the U niversity

F RA:XK ]. G ILLI.-\:\1
Dean of .\l en



Senior Officers

Junior Office rs

CA RLOS BAILEY .................... . .... . . . .. . Preside nt

KEN STARLi i\G . . ..... . ......... .............. . H istorian
1\l !KE CHA:'\EY .. . ..... ..... .. . . . . Exec ut ive Committeeman

J O H N BUCKE Y .. . ......... . . . .. . . . A cademic Vice-President
F R ED \\' EB BER ... . . . .. . ... . , ..... Commerce V ice-President


R ON!'\ I E FAST ... . ........ ... .. . . . . . Scie nce Vic e-President
BILL FI SHB ACK ............. .. .. ... .... ....... . Secretary

.JO H:'\ H OLLI STER .... ... ... . ... . .............. President

JIM J ETE R ...................... . . ........... . H istorian

.JOH :'\ PEA LE ..... . .. .... .... . ... ... ....... Vice-P reside nt

DAL E CO RNELIUS ......... . . .. . . Execut ive Committeeman
MIKE D U BI N . . .. ........... ..... . Executive Committeeman

SAM MON ROE .. .... ...... . ..... . ........ .. ... . Secretary
J OHN TUC KE R ............. . .................. H istorian


BOB R APPEL .................. .. . . Executive Com m itt eem an

BOB MILLER . ... . ..... .. .... . . . . ..... ... . .. . .. . Pr esident


TE D K ERR ..... ... . ..... .. . .. .. ........... Vice-P,resident
AL PL AT T . ... . .............. . . ........ . ...... . Se cre tary

R0.\1 RUB i i\ ...... . .............. . Executive Committeeman

Fres hmen Executive Committeeman

Sophomore Office rs


Class of 1956


11 11 d

Sci e11 c es Seniors

• RUDYARD CA RL ABBOTT, Grand R apids , Michi ga n· K,I• · Troubadou rs Pres ident 3 ·
Ba nd, I, 2, 3, 4; Library Committee, C hairm a n, 4.
' '
• RIFAAT ALI ABOU -EL-HAJ, Jerusalem, Jord an ; Psi Chi, 2, 3, .J., \ 'ice- Preside nt 4 ;
Friends of th e Library, 4 ; Internation al R ela tions Cluh, I, 2, 3, 4, \'ic e- Presid ent, 2.
• FRANK RI C H ARD AHLGREN, JR., Memphis, T ennessee ; ITK • ARIS!IDES CHRIST ALE\'IZATOS, Baltimore, M aryland; B8!1, R ecord er, 4; GrahamLee S?cicty ; Southern Co llegia ns, 2, 3; Band, I, 2, 3, 4 ; De an's Li st ; CALYx, I ; C hri stian

e LAWREN CE KENNETH ANTHONY, JR., H artsvill e, South Carolin a; K:::: ; Football M a nager, I ; South ern Collegian , 3, 4.
• ARNOLD MICHAEL APPLEFELD, Baltimore, M aryla nd ; ZBT, Treasurer; Commerce
Fraternity; L ac rosse Manage r, 2; Phi Eta Sigma.
• GEOFFREY TREVOR ' ARMBRISTER, Darien, Co nn ec ti cut ; ::::x, Vic e-Presid ent, 4 ; Wh ite
Friars, President, 3; South er n Collegian, I, 2, 3, 4, Managin g Editor, 3, Editor, 4 ; Student W ar
Memori al Scholarship Fund Committee, 2, 3, 4, Secretary, 3, Ch airm an, 4; CALYX, 2, 3, Activities Editor, 3; Hom e Edition, 2, 3; T enni s, I , 2, 3; \Vrestling, I, 2, 3; Interna tional R elation s
Club, 2, 3 ; Seminar Com mittee in Literature, 2, 3, 4 ; Publica tions Board, 4 ; D ean' s Li st, 3, 4 ;
Honor Roll, 4 ; Omicron Delta K appa.

I• ; Pi Alph a Nu ; Basketball ; Scabbard
and Blade; Inter-Fraternity Council, Vice-Presid ent ; Engin ee rs Club.

• JOHN KARL AURELL, Washington, D. C. ; ..'>'r ; Rifle T eam, .J..
• CARLOS THOMAS BAILEY, W ashin gton, D.C. ; ..'>T.C., Vice-President, 4 ; President of th e
Senior Class; White Friars; Southern Coll egians, 1, 2, 3, 4 ; Football, 4 ; Lac rosse, 1, 2, 3, ·t ;
Basketball, 2 ; Soccer, 2, 3; Monogram Club, 3, 4.
• DAVID DOSS BARE, D alton, Georgia ; llK

Epsilon Delta ; Psi Chi ; Pi Alph a Nu ; Rin g- tum Ph i, 2, 3; Presi dent' s Advisory Counci l.

e CHARLES RALPH BEALL, JR., M artinsburg, v\'es t Virgi ni a; ..'>T..'> ; Basketball M a nager, 2.

e JASPER BENOIT BECKER, JR., Brookhaven, Mississi ppi ; ::::AE, President, .J. ; \'i ce- President of Sophomore C lass ; Cotillion Club ; Mon goli an Minks; Sigm a ; Inter-Fra tern ity Counci l, +.
e KEITH ROGER BELC H, JR., Annapolis, Md. ; ..'> '!'..'> ; Sigma D elta Psi ; CAL:x, 1 ; Ri!1 g- T_u m
Phi, I, 3, 4 ; Intramural Boa rd, 2, 3, Secretary, 3; Cross Coun try, 1, 2, 3, Cap tam, 3; Swrmmmg,
1; L ac rosse, I, 2, 3, .J. ; Soccer, 4.
e JOEL DAVID BEN NETT, St. J osep h, Missouri; BAIT, Rush Ch airman, 3, Sec retary, '~;
Glee Club, I , 2, 3; White Friars, Assimilation Committee, 3; Int er-Fraternity Council, 3, ·t ;
Swimming Man ager, 2, 3.
• BYRO:'Il' BERMAN, Baltimore, 1\Iaryland ; ZBT, Sec retary, 3; R .O.T.C. Band, 1, 2; Student
Library Committee, 3; Psi Chi, 3, 4 ; R ing- tum Ph i, .J..

e SAM HAY BERRY, Fort Worth, T exas;

8 ; " I 3" C lub; Rin g-tum Ph i, I, 2.
• JAMES REYNOLDS BEST, Ft. L auderd ale, Florida; :::;X ; Fore nsic Union, I, 2; W res tling, I.

e OSCAR HAROLD LEE BI NG, v\'es t H empstead, New York ; Rifl e T eam, I, 2, 3, .J. ; Wres tling 2; Psi Chi, 3.
e WILLIAM EDWARD BOGGIANO, JR., Belle H arbor, Long Islan d, New York ; ..'> 'r, R ecording Secretary, 2, 3; Rin g-tum Phi, 2, 3; Sh en an doah, 2, 3; Sigma D elta C hi.

Arts a11d Scie11tes Se11 i oJ'S
• YI CT O R ROGER BO:\D, Elberton, Georgia;
Dean' s List ; En ~ in ee r's C lub.

'P I\~ ;

Foo tball , I, 2; Sca bb ard and Blade, 3, -t;

• STU ART J O H 1\STO :\ BRA CK E:\, R ose mont, Pennsylv a ni a;

~ .\E ;

Ca in es Gu ard, 2.

e RAB U X LEE BR:\:"\'TLEY, JR., Bri; tol ; <1>1\~ ; Foo tba ll, I, -t.
e PHILI P HERMA:"\' BRASFI ELD , JR ., W oodville, Mississippi; 1\~, T reas urer, 3, -t ; C hristi an
Co unci l, I , 2; Forensic U nion, I ; H ome M anager' s Association, 3, 4.

• J O H :\ MAL COLM BUC K EY, Philadelphia, Pcnnsyh-a nia ; l'.l ; Baseba ll, I, ·L Soccer, I,
2, 3; Ch risti a n Co uncil, I ; So uth ern Collegia n, 3, Busin ess I\I anager, 3; Assimi lation Committee, -t ; \\'h ite Friars; " 13'' Club ; R ing-tum Phi, 3; CALYX, 3; Se nior C lass \'i ce-Presid ent ;
~l o n og ram C lub , 3, -t.
• RI C H ARD MASTEN BU DD, J enkintown , Pennsylva nia ; l'.l ; Glee C lub, 2; Track, I ; In ternationa l Rel ation s C lub , -t ; Soccer Ma nage r, 2.
• AUG USTU S MOO DY BURT, Cree nsho ro , No rth Ca rolina, 1\~ ; C hristia n Co uncil, I ; R ingtum Ph i , I ; Glee Club, I ; Conc ert Gui ld, 2, 3, -t, \'i cc-Presid ent , 4 ; Graham-Lee Socie ty, 3, 4,
Sec reta ry, 4; Troub adours, 3, }.
• \\" A LTER \\' ELD ON BUR TO:\, Prin ce ton, \\" est V irgini a; Rf-l!I, Rush C hai rm an, -t, Treas·
urer, -t; S ig ma; Commerce Fra ternity ; H o use Ma nage rs Assoc iation, 3, ·I

• BR UC E EU GE:\E BU SSE:-.', St. Louis, Mi sso uri ; Il L\ ; Comm nce Fratern ity; Pi Alph a :"\' u.
• R OBERT G U Y CAL L AWAY, W es tfield , New J ersey; B8 H ; Sigma ; Mongoli a n Minks ; Troubadours; Rin g-tum Phi; Fraternity Athleti c Committ ee ; Foo tba ll, I, 3; Baske tball, I , 2; Baseba ll, 2; Lac rosse, 3; Coti llion C lub ; Vice- Pres id ent of Fa ncy Dress, -t ; Monog ram C lub.
• LY:\ N ~liT C HELL C AN E, Palisa des, New .Jersey ; ZBT , H ousemanager, -t; H ousem anager's
Assoc ia tion , 4; S outh ern Collegia n, 3, -t ; CA LYX, I.
• C LAY BR YA:\ CARR, .JR ., W inches ter, .lT.l, Correspondin g Sec retary, 2, 3, -t; Chri stian
Counc il, I , 2, 3, -t, Co-C ha irman C harit y C hes t, 3, Presid ent , -t ; Phi Eta Sigma; W ashingto n
Literary Soc iety ; Ba nd, I, 2, 3; S outh er n Co llegia n, I, 2, 3, -t, Assoc iate Edito r, 3, -t ; Qui z Bow l,
3, -t ; R ing- tu m Phi ; H onor Roll ; " Who's \\'ho in Am er ica n Coll eges a nd U niversi ties'' ; O mi cron Dclt
• SAM U EL BOOKER CARTE R , JR., Mart insvi lle ; KA ; D eba te Co uncil, I ; Forensic U nio n, !.
• R U PERT FITZALLE N CHI SH OLM, .JR., Richmond ; <1> 1\~ , V ice- President, -t ; Vice-President J un ior C lass ; Pi Alph a N u, Preside nt, 3 ; Christi an Coun cil, 3, -t ; Psi Ch i ; Baseball, 2; Footba ll, ·L Stude nt Libra ry Committ ee, -t.
• ER:\ ES T HOCE CLARKE, Louisvill e, K entu cky ;
3, Pres ide nt, 3.

~X ;

Ring-t um Ph i, I ; T roub adours, I, 2,

• CH ARLES L U T H E R C LA U 1\C H , JR., C ha tt a nooga, T enn essee;

1\~ .

• G LE J\" :\ G RAY COLLI:\S, L ynch bur,~:~; Co nce rt G uild , Pres id ent, -t; Ba nd , I, 2; Washington
Literary Soc iety, I, 2, 3, -t, V ice-Pres id ent , -t ; S henandoa h, 2 ; T roubadours, 2, 3, -t.
• G ILB ERT DALE CO R NELI US, C ha rlotte, Xo rtl-o Ca rolina : ..11', Rush C hai rm a n, 3; Pi Alpha
:\u ; Co till ion C lu b ; Phi Eta Sigma; I nter-Fra ternity Co uncil , Presi dent, 3; T roubadours, V icePresi d ent, 3; Conce rt Guild , Gove rning Boa rd , 2, 3; Freshm an Ca mp Coun selor, 3; \\'ashington
Literary Socie ty, Secre ta ry-Treas urer, 2; Exec utive Committee, -t ; Sh enandoah , 3; M anager
Cross Country, 2; " Who's \\'ho in Am erica n Coll eges and Universities''; O m icro n D elt a K appa.
• C H ARL ES PH ILI P C RISTAL, Shaker H eig hts, O hio; Z BT ; Pi Alph a N u ; Co mm erce F ra ternit y; ~! ongo l ian ~link s; So uthe rn Co llegia l! ; CA LYX.
• CA L V I :\ H O R AC E CU RRY, .JR., Q uincy, Florida; K~ , Treasurer, 2; Pi Alpha :\u ; Glee
C lub, I ; W ash ing ton Lit erary Soc iety, 2, 3, -t ; Conce rt G uild , 2, 3, -t ; Alph a Epsilon Ddta, 3, -t.

Class of 1956



{'/;1 ss oI 1956

Arts 1111d ScieJJces Se11iors
~Ii!ts~PH ALOYSIUS CUS IC K, JR., W ashin gton, D. C.; uA, Treas urer, 3, -! ; Mongoli an

• CHARLES FAUST DAVIS, JR., Bronx, Ne w York ; ' '

o M~RK BYRN DAVIS, JR., Louisville, K entucky; IIKA, Sec retary, 2, H ousema nager, 3;
C~nsuan Co unCil, I, 2, 3, Secretary, 3; Whit e Fri ars, Sec reta ry-Treasurer, 3; Freshman Dormitory Counse lor, -! ; Fres hm an Camp Counselor, -!.
o C HARLES OZORA DA \\'SON', II, C harleston, South Carolin a; ~AE, Treasurer 2; Scabb ard
and Blade; Pi Alpha N u, Preside nt, 4 ; l'viongolian Minks; Sigma; CALYX, I.

• JA CQUES du VAL D 'E PREMESNIL, Paris, France; uTu .

Cotillion Club ; Baseball, 2, 3, -!.

• C HARLES EDWARD D O BBS, C h arles ton, W est V irgini a;

!r ; South ern Collegian, I ;
Christian Council, 3; Alpha Epsilon D elta, Secretary, 4.

e BASIL DOERHOEFER, III, Louisville, K entucky ; IIK

• ELLIS BRAN'C H DREW, JR., A nd erson, South Carolin a; K~ ; Pres id ent of the Student
Bod y, 4; Omicron D elta K app a, Secre tary, 4; Exec uti\·e Committeem a n, 2, -! ; Dormitory Counselor, 3; Vice-President of Opening D ances, 3; "Who's Who in American Colleges and Universities," -!; Scabbard and Blade, -! ; Golf, 3 ; Baseball, I ; Freshman Camp Co un se lor, 3; D ance
Board, 2, 4; Student Bar Association, -l ; C hristi an Council; Co-Ch airman of Ch arity C hest
Drive, 2.
e C HARLES MONROE DRUM, Richmon d ; KA ; Phi Beta K appa; Phi Eta Sigma, President, 2; Christi an Co uncil, I, 2, 3, 4, Vice-President, +; Freshm an Camp Co unselor, 3; Dormitory Counselor, 3; Presiden t Junior C lass; Ban d, 1, 2; Secretary of D ance Board, 3; " " ' ho' s
Who in American Coll eges and University"; Omicron D elta K appa.
• MICHAEL ROBERT D U BIN, Cedarhurst, New York ; E ll , Presid ent, 3, -!;Executive Committee, -! ; Alpha Epsi lon D elt a, Presid ent, -! ; Freshman Camp Co unse lor, 3; Assimilation Committee, 3; President's Advisory Coun cil, 3, 4 ; Baseball, l , 2, 3, -! ; D ea n's List, I, 2, 3; " Who's
\\' ho in Am erican Colleges and U ni\'ersities," -!.
• JOHN WILLIAM D UNCAN, Richmond ; Troubadours, I, 2, 3, -! ; Co ncert Gu ild,-!.

e ORSON KELLOGG EARP, JR. , M emphis, Tennessee, ~AE, Vice-President, 3, Ru sh C hairman, 2, 3; CALYX, 2, Assistant Business M anager, 3; Ring-tu'}l Phi, I ; Inter-Frat.ernity Council,
2, 3; Assimilation Committee, 2; White Friars ; " 13" C lub ; Sigm a; Secre tary J umor Class.
• J O HN MITCHELL ELLIS, Leoni a, New J ersey; uTu ; Wrestling, I, 2, 3, -!, Cap t a in, 3;
Cheerlead in g, 3, -!.
~ RONALD WALTER FAST, Ch andler, Arizona ; A'XA, President, -! ; Assimilation Com mitt ee, 4 ; Student Library Committee, 3; Vi ce-Presid ent Senior Science C lass, -!; Inter-Fra ternity Council, 3, -!.


2; Secre ta ry Senior Class; D ormitory Co unse lo r, 4; Freshma n Camp Co un se l o r~ -! ; Sigma J?dta
Chi Vice-Pre.sid ent 4; H ome Edition, Direc tor, 4, Senior Edi tor, 3; President's Advisory
co.:ncil ; Inter-Frat~rnity Co uncil, 4 ; Rin g-tum Ph i, 2, 3, Assistant M anaging Editor, 3; Glee
Club, 2, 3; Cotillion C lub.

e WILLIAM FITZGERALD, Towanda, Pe nn sylvani a; fiK

e CA RL PULTZ FLANAGAN, JR., Baltimore, M aryland ; ~Tu ; W ashin gton Lit erary Society ;
Friends of the Library, Treasurer, 3; C hristian Coun ci l ; Lacrosse, I , 2, 3, -! .
• WAYNE WILKI!\'S FOWLER, l'vfoores town, New J ersey; D elta Psi; Pi Alpha N u ; Int er-Fraternity Cou nciL
• JA CK OLDER FRIEDMAN, C harleston, W es t Virgini a; ~X, Secretary, 3; Forensic Union,
I, 2; Christian Counci l, I, 2; Rin g-tum Phi, I ; Comm erce Fraternity, 3, -! ; Alph a Nu; D ormitory Counselor, -!.

AJ' ts llJJd ScieJJces Seniors
• WlLLl.-\}.1 CA LH OU X F R UE, JR. , Ashevill e, So uth Carolin a;
Cl ub, 3, -t; S outher.n Collegian, I.

~T~ ;

Socce r, 2; M o nogra m

e DO:\ EL11ER FR YB U R CE R , C in ci nnati, O hio ; IT KA, \ "ice-Preside nt, +, Sec re tary, 3,
H ouse }.fanage r, .J-; Phi Eta Si!(ma: Comme rce F rate rnity, 3, + ; H ouse 11 a nage r's Assoc iatio n, + :
S ou thern Collegia.n . I ; R in g-t um Ph i, I ; Inter-Fra ternity Co un ci l, 2.
• R OBE R T BR UC E GAP P, M eadville, Pennsylv ani a; K::::, G ua rd , 2, G ra nd M as ter of Ce remoni es, 3 : Shenandoah , Circ ulation M a nage r, 2, 3; C hri sti an Council , I ; R ing-t um Phi, I ;
Wrestlin g M a nager, 2.
• C HARL ES SH ERMAX G AY, Huntin!(to n, Ne w Yo rk ; ::::x ; Glee Club, I, 2; Soccer ; Stud ent
Bar Assoc iatio n.

e EA RL STAFF O RD G ILLES PIE, Coeburn ; Foot ba ll , I , 2, 3.
• H AR O LD R O BERT G ILL ESPIE, M cK eesport, Penn sylvania ; Pi Alph a N u : Football , I , 2, 3;
T rac k, 3.
• ED GAR G ILM O RE G IVHA N, II, Mo nt evallo, Ala bam a; :::: AE, Presid ent, 3: Phi Et a Sig ma,
Treas urer, + : Alph a Epsilo n Delt a, Sec reta ry, 3; G ra ha m L ee L iterary Soc iety, Presid ent, + ;
Cold C heck Committee, 2, 3: Assista nt H ea d Do rmitor y Co uncilor, + ; Se minar in Literature,
2, 3: Glee C lu b, I ; Freshma n Camp Co un selor, +; Co nce rt G uild, 2, 3, + ; " \\' ho's \Vho in Amt>rican Colleges an d U niversiti es."
• RO BERT GO RD ON GOOC H, Fm t Worth , T exas:

~H .

e L EOXARD C HARLES G REE N EBAUM , Ri chmond : ZBT, Ru sh Ch airm a n, 3, Parli am enta ria n, 3, Social C hairma n, +: Pi Alph a N u ; Comm e rce Fraternity, 2, 3, +: Assimilatio n Commi ttee, 3: Stud ent Library Committee, 3, Ch airman+ ; So uth ern Collegian, 2, 3; T roubadours, 3;
}.!inst rel Show, 3; F ancy Dress Costume M anager, 3, + ; Vice-Presid ent of O penings, + ; Trac k, I :
H o no r Roll, 2; D ea n's Li st, I , 2, 3 ; Freshm a n Ca mp Coun selor, +.
e .-\:\"DREW BU RT GREE NM AN, Hollywood, Florid a; Ru sh Ch airma n, 3, Vice-Presid ent, 4 : Rin g-tum Phi, 1, 2, 3, News Editor, 2, M anagi ng Editor,
3; Sout h ern Collegian, 3; S henandoa h, 3; H om e Edit io n, 2, 3 ; G ain es G uard , 2; Stud ent Li brary Commit tee, 3; Sigm a D elt a Chi , 3, +, Presid ent, + : T roubado urs, I, 2, 3, Pu bli city Director, 2, 3; Cotillio n C lub.
e WILLI A M THOMAS M AU RI C E GRI GG , Beth esda, M a ryla nd ; .AX.\; Sec retary, Pl edge
Trai ner ; Cotillion C lub, Sec retary-Treas urer, 2, 3, +; Pi Alph a N u ; Sigma Delta C hi, 2, 3, + ;
Glee C lub, I, 2, 3, +; R ing-tum Ph i; CALYX , 3; H ome E ditio n, +.
• ED G AR LEV AX G R O VE , L ancaster, Penn sylva ni a: .P K-1<, Vice -Pres id ent , +: T rac k, I, 2;
Rin g-tum Phi, I , 2, 3, +,Spo rts E dito r, 2, .3, 4 : Sigma D elt a Psi ; Sigma D elta C hi ; M onogra m
Club, 3, +, Preside nt, 3; U nive1si ty Athleti c Advi sory Committee, 3; Fraternit y Athl eti c Direc tor's Board, 3; Pres id en t of Finals D ances, + ; D ea n's Li st ; D a nce Board.

e F R AXK M ILLER GUENTH E R , G rosse Poi nte, M ic hi gan ;
Captain, + ; Band, I , 2, 3.

1> 1'~ ;

Swimming, 1, 2, 3, +,

• LUC I E:\" C L OUSTON G WI N, JR ., Na tchez, Mississ ippi ; KA ; Pi Alph a N u ; Co tilli o n Club :
" 13" Clu b, Preside nt,+.
• J AM ES E R i\EST H AMBL EN, Bi g Sto ne

Ga p : ~'!' .

• VI CTO R H E RRI C K H ANSON, Yorklyn, D ela wa re; ::: X : Ch risti a n Co uncil, I , 2; Forensic
Un ion, I ; Cold Chec k Co mmittee, 2: Assimil atio n Committee, + ; Publi ca ti o n Boa rd , 3, +;
" \\" ho' s Who in Ame rican Collpges a nd U nive rsit ies" ; O mi cron D elta K app a.

• ALL EX H A RB E R G, Phil ade lphia, Pen nsylva ni a: ZB T ; C hee rl ea der, 2, 3: R ing-t um Phi, 3.
• .JA}.I ES H ARVE Y H AR VE LL , III, Warwick; 1>K'I' : D ean's L is t ; M onogram C lub: White
Fri a rs; W as hington Lit erary Society: Basketball , I , 2; Track, I, 2: Cross Co untry, I , 2; Phili p
}.lurray Scho la rship.
~ DAV I D S IMM UXS H EXD ER SOX, New Be rn , Nor th Caro lin a; K:::: ; G rand M as ter of Ceremonies, 2, H ouse M a nage r, 3, + ; Socce r, 2; C hr istia n Coun cil, I, 2 ; White F ri ars, 2, 3, 4 ;
"13" Club; Assimi lation Commit tee, 2; C hai rma n I nd epende nt Pa rty, +; H ousem anager's Association, 3, 4.

• W I LL I AM AR MST R O:--IG HE N L EY, Willi a msburg: .H ~ . Vice- Presid ent, 3: Pi Alph a N u ;
" 13" Club : Commerce Fra ternity: Stu de nt W a r M emoria l Scholarship F und Co mmitt ee, 2, .3 , + :
Cold C heck Committ ee, 3: D ance Boa rd, ~. +, Vice- Presid ent , 3, Presid ent , + ; Foo tball , I ; F ratPrnity Athletic Direc tor, 2: " Who's \\'ho in Ame-rica n Coll eges a nd U ni versit ies.'

Class of 1956

C/;1ss of 1956

Arts and Sciences Senio1·s
~ ~ENRY J AMES HEYMA~N. Ne~ Or l e~ ns, Louisian a_; ZBT, Presid ent Fa ncy Dress, 4; Cotillw_n Club ; D a nce Board; VIce-Pres id e ~t F1na ls, I, 3; V1ce- President F ancy Dress, 2, 3; VicePresident Spnng, 2; CALYX, Feature Editor, 3, 4; Troubadours ; \\'ashington Literary Society ;
Cheerleader ; Sou th em Co llegia n, I, 2.

e JAMES DI C KEY HILL, Vandergrift, Pennsylva ni a; Il811 ; Troubadours, 2, 3, 4.
• JOHN H O LDER , Mount Ki sco, New York ; J.'r ; Psi C hi.
• EDWARD M ANT HOOD , JR., Fort Walton Beac h, Florida; •I•J.8 ; Editor of Shenandoah .

e RICHARD MAYFIELD HORNAD AY, Was hington, D.C.; •H.l ; Cotillion Club; White
Friars ; Gaines Guard; CALYX, Fraternity Co-Editor, 2.
o LEONARD BRAINARD HOUGH, .JR., Collinsville, Connecticut ; ~.X , President , 4, Rush
Chairman, 3; Socce r, I, 2, 3, 4, Assistant Coac h, 3; " 13" Club ; Cotillion Club ; Interfrat ernity
Council, 4.
• WILLIAM HE NRY HOUSTON, III, Tunica, Missi ssippi ;
a nd Blade.

~AE ;

Cotill ion Club ; Scabb ard

e CHARLES BROOMELL HUMPTON, JR., H ave rfo rd , Penn sylvania ; K~ , Vi ce- Preside nt, 3;
Cotillion Club, Sec retary-Treas urer, 4 ; Interfra ternity Co uncil, 2, 3, 4 ; Glee Clu b, I, 2; Rin gt um Phi, I ; S outhern Co llegian.

e .JAMES HOLMAN .JACKS ON, Gain esville, Georgia ; IIKA, Treasurer, 3, 4, Sec retary, 4 ;
Cotillion C lub, 3, 4 ; ROTC Band, I, 2.
e PETER .JAC K .JACOBS, New York, N ew York ; E II , Vice-Pres ident, 3, Sec reta ry, 4 ; Pi
Sigma Alph a, Vice -President, 4 ; Cotillion Club ; White Fria rs; Washington Literary Society;
Southern Collegian, 2, 3, 4, Assistant Busin ess Ma nager, 3; Ring-tum Phi ; Forensic Union, I, ~ ;
CALYX, 2; Troubadours, I, 2, 3; Hom e Edition, 2, 3.
• JOH N KELLEY JE NN I NGS. Fayetteville, Tennessee ; II li:, Secre ta ry, 2 ; Interfrat ernity
Cou ncil, 2; Ring-tum Phi, 2, 3; \-\"hite Fria rs ; Cotillion Club ; Sigma Delta C hi, Secreta ry, ·I ;
H ome E dit ior1, 2, 3, 4, Senior Editor, 3, 4 ; Troubadours, 4.
• J AMES CLAY JETER, Charleston, W est Virgini a; K:::: ; Basketball M anager, I ; Gain es
Guard, I, 2; Ring-tum Phi, I ; C hri stian Co uncil, I, 2.

e PAYSON DI CKER JOHNSON, Gibson Isla nd, M aryland ; J.8, House M anager, 2; Wrestling, I, 2; Football, Co-ca pt ain, 4; L ac ross, 2, 3, 4 ; Pi Alph a Nu ; Sigma.
e RICHARD MARVI N JOH NSTON, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania ; IlK ; Forensic U nion, I, 2 ;
Intern ational Rela tions Club, 4 ; Student Serv ice Society T ours, 4 ; Pi Sigma Alph a ; Dea n's List.
e ALFRED OWENS J ON ES, JR., Birmingham , Michiga n ; K'I' ; Enginee r's C lub, 4; Football, 4.

e REUBEN BANE JONES Clifton Forge, •I•K'l' ; Commerce Fraternity, 2, 3, 4; Rin g-tum Phi,
I, 3; South ern Co ll egia.n, 3 ;'Christian Cou ncil, I ; Student Library Committee, 3 ; D ea n's List, 3.

e JOHN KE NT KA NE, II, St. D avids, Pennsylvan ia; K'lr ; Engin eer's Club, 4 ; Footb all, 4;
S outh ern Co llegian , I, 2; Trac k, I, 2 ; Crew, I.
e CH ARLES CA RTER K ANNA PELL, Louisville, Kentucky; <1>J.8, Sec reta ry, 4 ; Rin g-tum
Phi, I ; Sigma.
o SIDMON J OEL K APLA:-.1, Mi a mi Beac h, Florida ; ZBT .

e EMMETT ROBERTSON KELLEY, Ri c h~nond; •I>r.l ; C~ristian _Co unci l ;. D ance Boa rd;
CALYX, 1, 2 ; Co tillion Club, Presid ent, 3; Mm strPI Show; VJce-Pres1d ent Spnng D a nces, 3;
Pres ident O penings, 4 ; Gain es Guard, 4.

At ts

Ill/ d

Sci e11 ces Se11iors

e PAUL HAR O LD ]E.:\~ I SO:\ KR OGH , W ashin gton, D.C. ; BO ll, Vice-Presiden t, -t· Pi
Alph a .:\u : Co ld Chec k Committee, 3; W res tl ing, 1 ; Sh enandoah , 1.
• PHILIPPE C HR I STI:\.:\ L:\ BR O, Paris, France; R ing-tum Phi, 3, 4, Assoc iate Editor, i :
Southeuz Collegian, 3, 4, :lfnnagin g Editor, 4; H ome Edition. 3, 4, Senior Edi tor, 4; I nternational R dati ons C lub, 3, -t, Publicity Di rt·c tor, 4; Fu llbright Schola rship: Sigma D elt a C hi , -t.

] :\~ I ES

ST.-\:'\:IIORE DOOLEY LA.:\GF O RD , W ichit a Falls, T exa s:


O ~ I AR

L:\\\"S0;'\1, Fairfax:

K~ ;

K .~;

R ing-tum Ph i, J.

Forensic Uni on, l : Concert Gui ld, -t.

• JA:I ! ES WHITTIER LE W IS, I rvin gton-on-Hudso n, New York : ~T~ , H o use M anage r, 2,
Secreta!)', -t; Soccer, I ,~ . 3, ·f, Cap tain, 2, 3, 4: Glee C lub, I, 2, 3, -t, Libra ri an, 2, Manage r, -l ;
Freshm an Dormit ory Co un selor 4: R .O.T.C . Band , I, 2, 3, -t, Student Director, 3, -t ; Saze racs,
3, -t: Cotillion Cl ub ; C hristian Cou nci l, I, 2; Co nce rt G ui ld, I, 2, 3, -+:Athletic Ad,·iso ry Commi tt ee, 3: Monogram C lub, 3, 4 ; M in strel Show.

e DAV I D PAUL LI NDECAMP, West Ch ester, Pennsylvan ia: .\ X.-\ , R ush C hairm an, 2 ; Pi
Sigma Alph a, Sec retary, 3, \'ic e-President, -t: Intern ation al Relations C lub, Preside nt, 3;
Chri sti an Counci l, 1, 2, 3, -t ; G lee C lub, I, 2, 3 ; Troubadours, -t.
• JOSEPH SEARS LOVER I NG, JR ., Islip , Long Isl and, New York : ~ fl.
BRO W K LUJ'>GER, Co,·ing ton : ~ -r, Treas urer, -t: \\' res tl ing Ma nage r, 1, 2, 3, -t ;
C lub, 3, 4 ; Psi Ch i, 3, 4 ; Whi te Friars; I nt ram ura l Boa rd, 2.

• J A~ I ES
~ t onog ram

e DO~ALD BRUC E :M cAR THU R, W arren, Ohio ; ~ 'r, A lumni Secretary, 3: D eba te T ea m, I :
Forensic Union, 1; Troubadours, 1, 2, 3, 4 ; Gle e luh, 1, 2, 3, 4 ; Band, I , 2, 3, 4 ; Concert
Gui ld, 4 ; Cust us Lee Enginee ring Socie ty, 4.
e AR T H U R \\' JL LI AMSON McCA I N, JR ., M emphis, T ennessee; ii>T', Treas urer and House
M anage r, 2, 3, 4 : Washin gton Litera ry Society, I , 2, 3, 4, Presid ent , 3; Coti ll ion C lub : I ntercoll egiate D eba te T eam, I, 2; Monogram C lub, 3, -t ; T ennis, 1, 2, 3, 4, Cap tain 3 ; House
~ t a n age r s Assoc iati on, 3, -t ; R.O.T .C. Batt alion Staff, 4 ; Scabbard and Blade, 3, 4 ; D ea n's Li st,
I, 2, 3, 4 ; R ing-tum Ph i, -t ; So uth ern Colle gian , Assistant Ed itor, 4 ; D istin guish ed Mi litary
Student, 3, 4.
• EDWARD DU.:\CA='I McC ART H Y, Orlando, Florid a ; .\ X.A ; Cotillion Club.
• ALBERT M URRAY McC LA I:\, Co ral Gables, F lorida ; ~AE, Sec retary, 3, Treasurer, 4 ;
Fraternity H ouse Man agers Associa tion , 3, 4, Presi dent, 4 ; Co mm erce Fratern ity, 3, 4 : White
Friars; CA LYX , 2, 3, Activiti es Editor, 2, M anagin g Editor, 3; Southern Collegial! , 1; Assimi lation Commi ttee, 3, 4, Secretary, 4; T rac k, 1.

4• JOSEPH R O BERT :11cHE.\'R Y, Swarthmore, Penn sy lvania ;
Captain, 3; Lac rosse, 3, 4.

~T~ :

Basketball , I, 2, 3, 4, Co-

e DO.\'ALD GEO RGE McK ABA, Brooklyn, New York ; ~ Y: \\' h ite Fri ars, Pres id ent, 4 : Alpha
Epsilon D elt a ; Co ti ll ion C lub ; Concert Gui ld ; Grah am-Lee Lit era ry Socie ty; Basketba ll , 1.

e GLE:\X DEA l'\ McK N IGHT, J R ., CO\·ington ; <1> K~ ; Footba ll , 2, 3, +: Basketba ll , I ; Trac k, 2 ;
Gra ham- Lee L itera ry Socie ty, 4 : C h risti a n Co uncil, I, 2 ; Cold Check Commi ttee, 4 ; :Ilonag ram C lub, 3, -t.

l'\E \\'~ 1 AX

:1- lcLA.\'E, .JR., Pensacola, Florid a: K.\ ; Pi Alpha l'\ u.

• RI C HARD G RE GO RY McXEE R , H untingtInterfra ternit y Co un cil ; Mongo lian Mink s, Presi dent, 3; Wres tling, 1, 2, 3 ; Foo tba ll, 4 ; Monogram Club.

e J O H :>! AL EXA.:\DER McQU IGGA:\', X enia, Ohio: •J>r ~ . Rush Chairman, 3, R ecordin g
Sl'creta ry, 3, 4; Dea n's Li st ; Pi Alph a N u ; I ntrrfraternity Co unci l, 2, 3: Troub adours, 1, 2, 3,
4, Presid ent, 4 ; ( )micron Delta K appa.
e G ILB E RT R USSE LL McSPADDE='I, .JR., :1-l emphi s, Tennessee ; ~T~ ; Pi Alpha .\'u ; Sigma
Delta Psi; Soccer, 4: \\'res t1in)(, I, 2, 3, 4, So uthern Conference C hamp, 2, 3, O utstandi ng
\\' restler in T ournamen t, 2.
• C HARLES AR H I B:\LD :l lacl.\'TOSH , H m·erford, Pennsyh-ania: ~X , Pledge M as ter, 3;
Scabbard and Blade, 3, -t, Secre tary, -t: Rifle T eam, 1, 2, Sec retary, 2; Soccer, 4.
• H UBERT H U.\' DL EY ,\1:\RLO W, J R ., Front Roya l : IlK.\ , Treasurer, 3.

Cfllss of 1956

Class of 1956

Arts llJJd ScieJJces Seniors
• DETLO W MAl NC H 1\fARTHIXSO.l\'", Washington, D. C.;

~AE .

• GARRY PEPPER MARTIX, C harlesto n, West Virginia ; •1>1\'i', Secretary, 2, Vice-President,
3, Pres ident, 4 ; Cotillion Club, Interfraternity Co un cil.

CARTER MARTI N, Glasgow ; Sigma Delta Chi, Treasurer, 3.

• JAMES WHITNEY MARVI N, JR., Philadelphia, Pennsylvani a ; K:::: ; Glee Club I · C hri sti an
Council, I, 2 ; Fra~ernity Athletic Direc tors Association, 3, 4; Track, 1 ; Rifl e Tea~,\ 2, 3, +,
Secretary, 3, Captam, +.

• SANFORD ROBERT MASLANSKY. New Orleans, Louisi ana; ZBT, Secretary, 3, President,
+;Executive Committeeman,+; Publica tions Board, 3, +,Secretary, 3; CALYx, I, 2, 3, Advertising M anager, 2, Business M an ager, 3 ; T enni s M anage r, I, 2; R .O.T.C. Ba nd, I, 2, 3; VicePresid ent of F ancy Dress, +; Interfr atern ity Council, +; Forensic Union, I, 2, Vi ce-Presid ent, 2 ;
" 13" Club : Whit e Friars; Washington Literary Society, I, 2 ; Mongolian Minks; D ean's List ;
" \\' ho's \\' ho in American Coll eges and Universities" ; Omicron D elta K appa.
• ALAN C RAIG MAXWELL, W ashington, D. C. ;


• HEN RY BE NKETT MEAD O R, JR. , Hickory, North Carolina; K:::: ; Football M anage r, I, :.:>;
·whit e Friars.
• GEORGE CHAMBERS MILLER, JR., Manhasse t, New York ;
Collegian, I, 2 ; Mon goli an Minks; Engineer's Club.


Glee Club, I ; Southern

• GEORGE FRED MILLIGAN, D es Moi nes, Iowa; ::::x, Rush Chairman, 3, President, 4:
Co-President Cotillion Club: President Spring D ances, 3: D ance Board ; "Who's Who in America n Colleges an d Uni,·ersities," +;Chairman Cold C heck Committee; Student W ar M emori al
Scholarship Fund Committee ; Freshm an Camp Counselor, + ; Interfraternity Council ; Company
Commander R.O.T. C.; Scabbard a nd Blade; Commerce Fraternity; Vi ce- Presid ent Opening
D anc es, 4 ; Washin gton Literary Society; Glee Club, I ; Rin g-tum Phi, I ; Christian Council, I ;
" Who's \Vho in American Colleges and Universities"; Omicron Delta K appa.
• ALAN RODERI CK MIXSON, Wind sor Loc ks, Conn ec ticut ; TIK

• PHILIP DeMUTH M O::\'GE R, Bay Village, Ohio ; .LlT, Secretary, 2, 3, Presi dent, +; Phi Eta
Sigma; Band, I , 2, 3, +,President,+ ; Glee Club, I, 2 ; Washington a nd Lee Conc ert Guild, 3, +.
o SCOTT LOUIS MOORE, JR. , Fort L auderdale, Florida ; ::::x ; South ern Collegian, 3.

• JON MARVIN MORELA::\'D, Gah·eston, Texas ; ::::x, Secretary,+; Ring-tum Phi, 2, 3, Advertising M anager, 2, Business M anager, 3; Publications Board, 3, +, Vice-President, +; Football, 3, +; Monogram Club, 3, +; C hristia n Council, I, 2, 3, Co-Chairman Boys' Club Committee, 2; Vice-President Spring D ances •. 3 i Int~ rfra t e r~i~y Council, 2; R.O; T.C. :Sattalion S+, +;
Scabbard and Bla de, 4, Treasurer, +; D1stmgu1 sh ed Md1tary Student ; White Fnars; Commerce
Fraternity ; Psi Chi; D ean's List ; Honor Roll .
• JACK AR NOLD M O R GEXSTE R N, Uni,·ersity H eights, Ohio; ZBT, Treasurer, 3; Psi C hi ;
Alph a Epsilon D elta; White Friars; Glee Club, I, 2; Washington and Lee Conce rt Guild, I, 2,
3, 4; Graham-Lee Literary Society, 4.
o HUGH WARNOCK MORRELL,Plainfield, New J ersey; ::::x ; Glee Club, I , 2, 3, +, Secretary, 3, Presi dent, +.

FORREST LEE M OSES, .JR., D anville ; K~ .

e R USS ELL BORDLEY MYERS, Baltimore, M aryland ; ::::X; Pi Alpha N u ; Washington Literary Society, I, 2, 3, 4; University Band, l, 2. 3,.4; R.O.T.C . Band, I, 2, 3, 4. prum 1\fa io.r, 2,
3, +; Scabbard and Blade ; Student Service Sooety T ours ; Lacrosse, 2, 3 ; R zng-tum Ph z, +;
Rifle Team,+; H ome Edition.
• THOMAS BARBEE NEBLETT, JR., W ashington, D. C. ; Scabbard a nd Blad e; R .O.T.C. Compa ny Comma nder,+; Football, 4.
• HE NRY FRAl\K NEVIN, Pasadena, California;


e L OU IS ANTON NOLL, Belle,·i lle, New J ersey ; TIK

3; C hee rleader, 2, 3 ; 1\finstrel Show, 3.

Ar Is

ll 11 d

ScieJJces Se11iors

• \\"ILLI.\:\1 CLARE:'\ C E ::'\O RJ\1:\:\-, Crosse tt, Arka nsas; K.\, Presid ent, 4 ; Phi Eta Sigma;
Coti llion C lub; I nte rfra ternitY Coun cil, 2, 3, 4; Commerce Fraternity ; Cold Chec k Committee, 3; Rin g-tum Phi, I, 2, Fea ture Editor, 2; R .O.T. C. Band, I, 2; Freshm an Ca mp Counselor, 4.
• PETE R QU I C K :'\YC E, [R ., W ashin gton, D. C. ; ~X ; Forensic U nion, 1, 2, Sec retary, 2;
Gaines G ua rd, 3; Whit e Fria rs; Rifl e T eam, 2, 3, 4; Scabbard and Blade.

J O H~

KI:'\G OAST, Portsmouth ; K.\.

• JA:\IES RICHARD O'CONNELL, Baltimore, Maryland ; BHTI , Pres id ent , 4 ; Sigm a; "1 3"
Club; l\l on,<(o!i an Minks ; Co tillion C lub : Lacrosse, I, 2, 3, 4 ; CALYX, 2, Sport s Co- Editor, 2 ;
Sop homore Class Hi stori an ; Monogram C lub, 3, 4, Sec retary, 3.

e G EO R G E DEWEY O X:\"ER, Gree nville, South Ca rolin a; .P~A , Treas urer, 2; CA LYX, I, 2,
Business Staff , 2; Pi Alph a Nu, 2; Fra ternity M a nage rs Association, 2; Pres id ent Sophomore
Class ; D ance Boa rd, 3 ; Football, 3 ; Executive Committee, 3, 4 ; Uni w rsity Co mmittee on Athletics, 3, 4.
• JA l'viES DAL E PERRYMAN, JR ., Dallas, T exa s; ~X ; Forensic U nion, I , 2, Treasurer, I, 2;
Chee rl ea der, 2, 3 ; H ea d Ch eerl ea der, 3 ; La crosse, 2; Hom e Edition, 3, 4 ; Ring-tum Phi, I, 2, 3;
Co tilli on C lub ; Graham-L ee Society, 3; Monogram Club, 3, 4 ; Scabbard and Blade, 4 ; Sigma
D elt a C hi, 3, 4 ; R .O.T.C. Batt alion Staff, 1Iajor; Wrestling, 1 ; F ootball, 3, 4.
• JOHN ROBERT PIPKIN, Portsmouth ; Football, I, 2, 3, 4; Trac k, I, 2; Sca bbard and

e FRA:'\K S:\11TH PITT11AN, 111, Pratt,·ille, Al abama; ~ .\ E ; Phi Et a Si gma; Alpha Epsilon
D el ta; T ro uba dour ; German Scholarship ; CALYX, 1, 2, 3, 4 ; R ing-t um Phi, 3; Graham-Lee
Soc iety.

• J A11ES


PU LLEN, Lexington ; Sigma Odta Chi ; Foo tba ll, 3; Monogram Club, 3, 4.

e WILLIA1! EDWARD REID, JR., Sca rsdal e, New York ;

K~, Vi ce- Pres id ent, 3, Presid ent,
3, 4 ; Cotillion Club ; Interfraternity Council, 4; C hri sti an Co uncil, 1, 3.

• A R C H WATERS ROBERTS, St. Petersburg, Florida;
Al pha ;\iu ; Comm erce Fraternity.

~ .\E ,

Vice- President, 4; Sigma; Pi

• 0 0 ::'\ALD WILLIAM R OC KEL , C incinn ati, Ohio, TIK .\ ; R ing- tu m Ph i, ! , 2; Pi Alph a :\"u ;
"1 3" Club.


e C LYDE D U DLEY RODGERS, JR., Little R oc k, Ark ansas ;
silon D elta, Treas urer, 4 .

~ .\ E ,

Secreta ry, 3; Alph a Ep-

• RI C H ARD ALA N ROSENBURG, JacKso nville, Florida ; ZBT .

e RA Yl\10::'\D D U DLEY ROSS, III, Fort Thomas , K entucky ; .L'.T ~ ; Soccer, 2; Conc ert Guil d,
I, 2, 3, 4 ; Saz racs, 1, 2, 3, 4; Vi ce- Presid ent Openin gs, 4; Glee Club, 1, 2.
• TH O M AS OA \'IS SALE, JR., Pa nama Ci ty, Florid a ; KA ; Graham Lee, 3, 4 ; \\'bite Fri ars :
Christia n Counci l, 3, 4; Interfraternity Council, ·!.
• TH O l\IAS APPEL SALISBURY, M ys ti c, Conn ec ticut : .PE>l' ; Base ball, I , 2; Basketball M anager, I, 2, 3, 4 ; Foo tba ll , 3. --!..

e RI C HARD ALL EN SKO L\' IK, Long Isla nd, Ne w York ; .PETI ; Si _gma Delta C hi, Treasurer, 4; Fra tern ity H ousem anage r's Assn,· iation ; Cold C heck Committe e; Freshm a n Camp
Counse llor; Monogram Club ; Bas ketball , I, 2, 3, 4, Co-Ca pt::tin, 3; Baseball, 2, 3, 4, C aptain, 4 ;
D ea n' s List, 3; H orne Edition.
• DAVID \\' AY:'\E SLI:\"GERLA I'\D, D ewitt, Ne w York: .PK•I• ; C hri sti an Co uncil, I ; W ashington Literary Society, 2; T rack, 1, 2; Lacrosse, 3, 4.
• GEO R GE I G~AT I OUS S111 T H , JR., Fre derick, M aryland ; ..lT~. Alph a Epsilon D elta;
Gle e Club, 2: Troub ado urs, 2: G raham -Lee Socie ty, 4 ; So uthern Collegia n, ].
• R O BERT :'\UEL S PE:'\CE, H agerstown, Maryland; ~T~ , Treas urer, 3; \\'hit e Friars; Southern Collegians Band; D ormi tory Counse or, 3, 4, H ea d Counse lor, 4 ; Foo tball, I, 2; Assimilation
Commi ttee, 3.
• K I::'\GS \\'000 S PROTT, Lake \\' airs, Flori d::t; :::::'1' ; Interfra tern ity Co uncil, 2, 3, Vi cePresident, 3; Student Bar Associa tion.

Class of 1956

Closs of 1956

Arts 1111d ScieJJces Se11iors
• FRED PF ARR STAMP, JR. , Wh eeling, W es t Virgini a ; K•Ii , Sec retary, 2, .J., Ru sh Chairman, 3 ; S outh er n Collegian, 3, _.J., Busin_ess M anag_er, 4 ; Publi cati ons Board, Sec retary, +;
CALYX, 2: Glee C lub, I, 2; \\'ashm gton L1terary SoCl ety, 2, 3, 4: Sazeracs, 3, 4: \\'h ite F ri ars :
" 13" Club : Ch risti a n Coun cil, Execu tive Comm ittee, .J. ; Vice- President Fi nals D ances, .J..
• HUGH WADDELL STEPHENS, Ash e,·ille, N orth Caro lin a: B8 II : Footba ll, 3, .J..
• DON ALD FRANKLI N STINE, C umberla nd , M aryland ; .'>T.'> ; Football, 2, 3, .J..
• HARRY ELLSWORTH STI:\'E, JR. , Sih·er Spring, M aryland ; K'l' ; Co till io n Club, Sec retary, 2, 3: Psi C hi, .J. ; T enni s, I .

• ROBERT CLARK STIVERS. Mt. Sidn ey ; XX _-\., Soc ial C hairm an, 3, Pledge Train er, 3,
Intramural Ch airman, 2, Exec uti,·e Committee, 2, 3.
• EDWI N HARRISON STONE, Baltimore, M aryland ; .'>T.'>
e ROBERT EDWARD STROUD, Charlotte, North Ca rolin a : IIK

Sigma ; W ashin gton Literary Society, I, 2, 3, .J. ; Friend s of the Library, Sec retary, 3, C hai rm an, .J. ;
Tro ubadours, I, 2, 3, .J., Business M anage r, .J. : H ome Editio n, 3, 4 : Fraternity M anage rs Association, 2 ; R.O.T.C . Band, 1, 2 ; Disti~: g ui s h c d Milita ry Student , 3, .J. ; D ormitory Counse lor, .J. ;
D ean's Li st ; Academic Achi evement Awarci.
• RAYMOND STULTS, E\·anston, Jllin ois ; B6 II ; Troubadours, 1, 2, .J. : Semin ar Committee,
2, .J. ; S he nandoah, I, 2, .J., Associ ate Editor, 2 : Co ncert Guild , 2 ; G lee Club, I , 2: Ring-t um Phi,
I, .J. ; Uni\·ersity of Muni ch, 3.

• PATRICK DOX:\'ELLY SULLIVAN, Lorton : ::::x ; Vice-Preident, .J. ; Pi Alpha N u ; " 13' ';
C lub ; Glee Club, I, 2: Rin g-t um Phi, I , 2, 3, .J. ; Interfraternity Co un ci l, 2 ; Basketball, I , 2, 3.
• SAMUEL AUGU STUS SYME, JR., C he,·y Ch ase, M aryland ; , Vi ce-Presid ent. T reasurer, .J. ; Sec retary of the Student Body, .J. ; Omicron D elt a K appa , 3, .J., Presi def!t , +; Rin g""t um
Ph i, I, 2, 3, .J., Assistant Man agin g Editor, 2, Editor, 3 ; Dorm itory Counselor, 3, .J., Assistant
H ead Counselor, .J. ; "Who's \\"ho Among Students in Am eri can Colleges and U niversities," .J. ;
Sigm a D elta C hi, 3, .J.: Scabbard and Blade, .J. ; Publi c Information O ffi ce r, R.O .T .C. Battalion
Staff, .J.; Seminars in Literature Committee, 3, .J.: Fraternity H ouse M a nage rs Assoc iation, .J.;
Cold Check Committee, Sec retary, 3: Advisory Coun cil of th e President of the U nive rsity, 3, .J. ;
Publications Boa rd, 3, .J. ; D ance Floor Committee, .J. : Ri fl e T eam , 2: H ome E ditio n, 2.

e STEPHEN LARKED THOMAS , Washin gton, D .C.;
golia n Minks ; Cotillion Club.

::::x, Secretary, 3: \\'hite Friars: Mon-

G DANIEL BUSH THOMPS 0 :\1, I I , W ashington , D .C .; ::: _-I. E ; Soccer, 1 ; Mongoli an Minks ;
Ri fle T eam, 2 .

• LEE C UENY \\'ALTZ, Hin sdale, Illinois ; ; T enn is, I, 2, 3, .J. ; Band, .J. ; H ome E dition,
.J.: Rin g-tu m Ph i, 1, 2.
• DEDERICK COXRAD WARD, Ill, Baltimore, !>.Iaryland : IlK, \\' ard en , .J., Ch apl ain, 2 :
Trac k, 1 ; Cross Country Man age r, 2; Interfraternity Coun cil, 3.

e FREDERI C K DOUGLAS \\'EA\'ER, JR., M acon , Georgia : K.-1..
e FREDERIC K WILLIAM WEBBER, Kirkwood, Missouri ; ::::x : Cotillion C lub : " 13" Club :
Pi Alpha Nu ; Commerce Fraternity ; M ongo li an M inks ; Vice-Presid ent of th e Senior C lass of
the Commerce School.
• STUART LAWRENC E \\"EIXERTH , JR. , R eadin_g, Pennsylvani a ; Scabbard and Blad e,
3, .J..

• HEADLEY STAPLER WHITE , JR., Langhorn e, Pennsyh-ania ; .'>T.1, Presi dent, .J. ; Alpha
Epsilon D elta, 2, 3, .J. ; Interfraternity Co uncil, 2, 3; Wrestling, ) .

e DAVID KIJ\'G WILLARD, JR., J ac ksom ·ille, Florida; ::::X ; R .O.T. C. Band, 1, 2, 3, .J. ;
L ac rosse, 1, 2; Grah am-L ee Society, 2, 3, .J. : Southern Collegians, I, 2, 3, .J. : Rifle T eam, I , 2.
11 WILLIAM HAYES WILLIAMS , R oa noke ; .'>T, Vice-Presid ent, .J. : R in g-tu1~1 Phi, l, 2, _3 , +.
'\Jews Editor, 2, M anagin g Editor, 3, Editor, .J.: Publi cations ~ o a rd, .J. ; Pres1 dent's Ad\·1son ·
Board Coun cil, .J. ; \\' ashin gton Literary S_oc iety, I, 2, 3, .J., P~e s 1 d e~ t, .J._; Troub adours, _2, 3, .J.,
Publicity M a nage r, 3: Shenand oah Editon a l Board , 3, .J. : Semm ars m L1terature Commlttee, ~ ;
1nt erfraternity Council, 3 ; Pi Alpha Nu ; Freshmen Camp Counselor, .J.: S1gm a D elt a C h1;
Omicron D elta K appa.

• ROBERT STAPLES \\'OOD, Richmond : White Friars ; C ross Count n ·, I, 2, 3, .J. ; Trac k,
I, 2, 3, .J..
• WILLIAM RAY-YAGER, Portsmouth , :::X , House M an age r, 3 ; T roub adours, I.


AI' t s and ScieJJces
First Row:
• WILUAM HOWARD ABELOFF, Petersburg ; Z ll T , Secretary, 3; Mongolian Minks; CALYX,
Assistant Editor, 3.
• JOSEPH MARTIN ALANIS, De m·er, Colorado; ~ X; White Friars; Graham L ee Literary Society.
• JOHN RAY ALFORD, Glasgow; •I· r ..1; Baseb a ll , 1, 2, 3 .
• GEORGE MORRISON ALLEN, JR ., Swarthmore, Pennsylvania; ..1 1' ..1; Lacrosse, 1, 2; Whit e
Friars; Band 1; CALYX, I.
• JOSEPH ALBERT AMATO, Ma nhasset, N e w York; •I• K ~.Secretary, 3; Interf rate rnity Council, 2, 3; Cotillion Club; "13" Club; Soccer, ], 2; Baseball, 1, 2, 3; Soutlte rn Coll egian;
CALYX , 3.
• JACK LAWRENCE AR::'v!STRONG, Pittsburgh, P ennsylvania; B 8 IT; Glee Club , 1; Tennis , 1;
Second Row:
0 LAWRENCE ATLJVAJCK ATLER, Denver, Colorado; Z B T; D ean's Lis t , 2; R ing -tum Phi , 3,
Business Manager, 3; Pu b lications Board, 3; CALYX, 2 .
• SMITH WALKER BAGLEY, Greenwich, Connecticut; ~ X ; Pi Alpha Nu.
• ROBERT DENNIS BALLANTINE . Mendham, New J ersey; IT K .
• ROBERT GREER BANNON, Garden City, New York; ..1 T.
• ROSS HAWTHORNE BAYARD, Waynesburg, Pennsy lva nia; .~ X A; Christian Co uncil; Glee
Club, I, 2, 3; Internat io n al Relations Club, I , 2, 3.
• RICHARD CASE BELDEN, West Hartford, Connecticut; ~ X; Ph i Eta Sigma; Co tillion Club;
lnt.,rfrate rnity Co uncil , 1, 2; B ase ball , 2, 3; Christian Council, 1, 2; Monog ram Club, 3; Ass imilation Committee, 2.
T h ird Row :
• SAM BEND HElM , Ill, Richmond; Z B T; Pi Alpha Nu; Comme rce Fraternity, 2; Basketball, 1; Baseball, I ; Fra t ernity Athletic Dir.,ctors Associa tion, 3; Dean's Lis t, 1, 2; CALYX Busi ness Staff, 1, 2; Ring -tum Phi, I, Business Staff, I ; Southern Collegian, 2; Christian Council.
2, 3.
• STEPHEN BERG , Phtladelphia, Pennsylvania; •I• E TT; Cotillion Club, 2; Baseba ll, 1; Football, 2.
• JOEL HERBERT BERNSTEIN, Baltimore, M a ryland; ·~ E TT; Social Chairman, 2; Rush Chairman, 3; Lacrosse, I. 2, 3 ; Soccer, I, 2; Basketball, I; Monogram Club, 2, 3; White Friars;
Southern Collegian .

• RICHARD HENRY BERRY, Huntington, West Virgi nia; ..1 T ..1; Phi Eta Sig m a; D orm Counselor, 3; Washington Literary Society, I.
• MILTON HARWELL BEVIS, JR ., Jacksonville, Florida; ·~ ..1 A; Slte nandoah , 2, 3, Assis t a nt
Advertising Manager, 3 ; CALYX , 3; Athletic Directo r s Association, 3; Graham Lee Litera ry
A ssoci ation, 3.
• THOMAS ROBERT B LAIR, Bla cksburg; K ~; F ootball, I , 3; Troubadours, I, 2, 3; Gaines
Guard, I , 2, 3; Southern Collegian , 2, 3; Ring-tum Ph i, I , 2, 3; H ome Edition , 2, 3 .
Fourth Row:
• ROBERT CHARLES DOERNSTEIN. Washin g ton, D .C .; •I• K


Wrestlin g , I , 2; Track , 2;

Southern Collegian : Cotillion Club ; Glee Club

• JOHN TEMPLE BOONE, Hamd e n, Connecticut ;· ~ K 'I>; Co tillion Club.
• WILLIAM JOSEPH BOWERS, Washington, D .C .; •I• I' ..1 .
• WILLIAM ALEXANDER GRAHAM BOYLE, Pembroc k , Bermud a; ..1 T .0; Soccer, I, 2, 3;
Tennis, I. 2, 3; Pi Alpha Nu; Washington Literary Society; Monog ram Club .
• LENOX BROWN BUCHANAN , JR ., Chic ago, lllinois; ..1 'I' ..1; Student War M emoria l Sch olarshin Committee . 2, 3; CALYX , I, 2, 3; Cotillion Club .
• JOHN STUART BUDD, J e nk int ow n , Pennsy lva nia ; •I• ,)' ..1 ; Pi Alpha Nu; " 13" Club.
F ift h Row:
• WILLIAM GOODYKOONTZ BURNS, Vandalia, lllinois; •I• r ..1.
• RICHARD PORTOR BUTRICK , Sao Paulo, Bra zil; ·~ r ..1; Tennis, I, 2, 3, Captain, 3.
• BELDON BUTTERFIELD . Montevid.,o, Urug ua y; I' ..1 ; Mongolia Minks.
• ROBERT ANDREW CAIRNS, New Britain, Connecticut; ~ X; White Friars; Interfraternity
Council; Stude nt Service Society; Golf, 1, 2.
• JOHN COLIN CAMPBELL, Indepen denc e ; •I• K ~; Baseball, I ; F ootb a ll, 2.
S i xth Row:
• PHILIP RALPH CAMPBELL, Tulsa, Okla h o ma; ~ X; Cotillion Club; Ring - tum Phi, 2, 3,
Advertising Manager, 3.
• MICHAEL EUGENE CHANEY, Southpert, Connecticut ; ~ X, Treasurer, 3; President of Sophomore Class; Executive Committee , 3; White F riars; Cotillion Club; Glee Club, l. 2; Sazeracs, 2, 3.
• JOE CHARLES CHATMAN, JR .. Wes tern S prings , Illino is ; 1: X; Trac k . I. 2, 3; Swimming.
l, 2, 3; Vice-Pr.,sident Ope nings , 3; Commerce Fra ternity, 3; Associate Editor Southern Collegian, 3; CALYX , 3, F eature Editor, 3; Troubadours, 2; Christian Council ; Vice-Pres ident
Fancy D ress, 3.
• PAUL EDWARD CLAYTON, Norrk oping, Sweden; ..1 T; Pi Alpha Nu ; Manager Baseball, 2, 3.
• LOUIS GEORGE CLOSE, JR .. Baltimore , M ary la nd; B 0 11 ; Lacrosse, I, 2; White Friars .
• JOHN SHERIDAN COLEMAN , Lansing, Michiga n ; •l• K 'I'; South ern Collegian .
Seventh Row:
• JACKSON ROSSE COLLINS, JR ., Wilming t on , Dela w are; .\ X A; Gain es Guard; White Friars.
• OLIVER CARRINGTON CONGER, JR., P ottst own, Pennsylvania; ..1 T; Washington L iterary
Society, I . 2, 3; Gaines Guard, l , 2; Lacrosse Manager, I , 2; Ring-tum P hi, I ; Sl>enandoah , v, a,
Activities M a nager, I , 2; Christian Co uncil, I, 2, 3 ; Cross Country, I.
• WILLARD CHARLES COPP, South Bend, Indiana; ll fl fl; Pi Alpha Nu.
• JOHN MA RSHALL COSBY, Richmond; ~X .
• JOHN RANDALL CREEL, JR., New York, N ew York ; ~ X; Christian Council ; Track ; R ingtum Phi; Monogram Club.
• WALTER CALKINS CREMIN, JR ., Midland, Texas; .\ T ..1 ; F ootball , 2, 3; Cross Coun try , 2;
Troubadours, 2; Gaines G u ard , I, 2


;1 11 d

Sr: i e11 r: es

First Row:
• RICHARD DALE CRUTCHFIELD, Charlotte, North Carolina; B 8 IT; Cotillion Club, 2, 3;
Cross Country, I, 2, 3; Washington Literary Society, I. 2, 3; Literary Seminar Committee, 3.
• HAROLD GREIG CUMMINGS, JR., \\'ashington, D.C .; B 0 II; Gaines Guard, 1, 2; Christian
Council; D ean's List, I ; CALYX, 2, 3, Special Fea tures Editor, 2, Fraternity Editor, 3; Assimilation Conunittee, 3; Sout hern Collegian, Advertising Manager, 3; Student Service Society.
o ROBERT EMMETT CURRAN, Ches ter, Pennsylvania; •I• r ..1; Fraternity Athletic Director, 3.
• CHARLES LOCKWOOD DANA , Parkersburg , W est Virginia; ~A E; Pi Alpha Nu .
• JAIIIES HARRISON DAVIS, Houston, Texas; :0 A E ; Christian Council, 2, 3; Gaines Guard,

I~ j6k:~~ ~~~c/£idki~~.Y~.:·Upper

Montclair, New Jersey; •I•


..1; Southern Collegian , 2;

Troubadours, 1. 2, 3.

Second Row :
• JAN DRABEK, W ashlngton, D.C.; :0 X; Troubadours, I, 2.
• SAMUEL CALVERT DUDLEY, Martinsville; K A; White Friars; Cold Check Committee, 3;
Scabbard and Blade; CALYX, I; Gaines Guard, I.
• DAVID HICKLEY DUNTON, Merion, Pennsylvania; K :0; Pi Alpha Nu; CALYX, I. 2, 3,
Adye rtising 1\lanager, 2. 3; Washington Literary Society; Concert Guild, 3.
• STEPHEN MAYER EHUDIN , Baltimore, Maryland; Z B T .
• JOHN LAW ELLIOTT. Munich, Germany; I' :l; Socc er, 1; Christian Council.
• IIIILTON ELLIOTT, Ill, Portsmouth: IT K ; Sigma Delta Chi; Ring-tum Phi, Spmis Editor, 3;
Home Editio n. Senior Editor, 3.

Third Row:
• STANLEY MARX ERDREICH, JR., Birminghan1, Alabama; Z B T; Swimming, 2; CALYX, 1;
Southern Collegian, I; Mongolian Minks.
• DON VINSON FARRISS, Huntington, West Virginia; ~A E; Sigma; Golf, I, 2.
• HARVEY ENLOE FISHER, Franklin, Georgia; fL K A; Pi Alpha Nu; "I3" Club.
• JOHN JOSEPH FOX, JR., Bluefield, West Virginia; ..1 'I' .l.; Swimming, I.
• GEORGE HOWARD FRALIN, JR., Huntington, Wes t Virginia; ..1 'l'; Band, I. 2, 3; Troubadours. 2; White Friars; Cotillion Club; Wrestling Manager, 1, 2.
• JOSEPH WARREN FRAZIER, Tampa. Florida; K A; Interfraternity Council, 2, 3; Christian
Council, 2; Ring-t u m Phi, 1; Elizabeth B Garrett French Scholarship.

Fourth Row:
• FREDERICK HAROLD FRIBERG, JR., Union. New Jersey; ,\X A; Ring-tum Phi. I. 2; Glee
Club, 1; House Manager's Association
• KARL MONROE FUNKHOUSER. Arlington; ,\ X A; G lee C lub. 1.
• JOHN MICHAEL GARNER. Miami, Florida; :0 X; Interf raternity Council. 2, 3, Secretary, 3;
Forensic Union. 1. 2. Pr•,.ident. 2: " 13" Club: Christian Council. I; Intramural Sports.
• JOHN DAVID GARSON , Cleveland, Ohio; Z B T; Pi Alpha Nu; "13" Club; Dean's List, I;
Baseball, 1.
• GEORGE SIDNEY GEE, JR., Jackson, Tennessee; IT K A.
• DANIEL LEO GIGER, McKeesport, P ennsylvania; ~X .

Fifth Row :
• JOHN ALAN GOLD, Richmond: Z B T; Swin1ming, I, 2. 3; Interfraternity Council, I. 2, 3;
Dean's List.
• LEONARD EMANUEL GOODMAN, Baltimore, Maryland; Z B T.
• WARREN HUDSON GOODWYN. Montgomery, Alabama ; :0 A E; Gaines Guard; Christian
Council. 1: South ern Collegian, I.
• WILLIAM MORDOCK GREENE, Birmingham. A l abama; ~ K; Glee Club, I. 2, 3; Christian
Council. 1. 2. 3; Concert Guild, 1, 2, 3; Sazeracs, 2, 3; Gaines Guard. 1.
• DALE GUY. Kansas City, Missouri; :0 X.
• ARNOLD FREDRICK GWIN, Natchez, Mississippi; KA; Cotillion Club; "I3" Club.

Sixth Row:
• ROBERT KALIS HALPER, Scars dale, New York; Z B '!'; CALYX. I. 2, Office Manager, 2
• JOHN MOSELEY HAM, Stone Rid ge, New York; K :0; Pi Alpha Nu; Troubadours. 2; Glee
Club. 1
• JAMES WILLIAM HA:NSCOM, Arlington; ..1 T; D ean's List, I; Honor Roll, I; R ing- tum Ph i,
1 , 2. 3; Pi Aloha Nu.
• DO NALD WILLIAM HARPER, Kensington. Ma ryla nd: ..1 T ..1; Swimming, 2.
• LOUIS PETER HARTMAN, Lancaster, Pennsylvania; •I> ..1 A; White Friars ; Lacrosse. I.
TIMOTHY DEXTER HAVEN, Charleston, South Caro lina; B A IT; Southern Coll egian , 1 ;
Glee Club, I : Troubado ur3, 3.

Seventh Row :
• ROBERT PRESTON HAWKINS, Clifton Forge ; •I• K :0; Interfraternity Council; Pi Alpha Nu;
Freshman Class Secretary ; Baseball, I.
• TRAFFORD HILL, JR., Rich mond; •I• K :0, Intramu ral Manager, 2; Cross Country, I.
• GEORGE TREAT HO LB ROOK . JR., Wethersfield , Connecticut; K :0, Vice-President. 3; B asketball. I. 2; Glee Club, I.
• GE R ALD HOPK INS, Haddonfield, New Jersey: K :0, Ru sh Chairman. 3; Sigma Delta Chi. 3;
Washington Literary Society, 2, 3 ; White Friars. Secretary-Treasurer, 3: Ring- tu m Ph i. 1. 2. 3.
News Editor. 2, Editor. 3; Southern Coll egia n, 2. Associate Editor, 3; Shenandoah. I. 2, Busi ness Manager, 2; I nternational R elation s Club, 3; Student Library Committee, 3, S ecretaryTreasurer. 3; Omicron Delta Kaopn
• JOHN BURNSIDE HO WA RD. Towson, Mary land; B A II ; Cotillion Club; Lacrosse, I.
HERBERT JACKSON HUMMERS, Valley Stre am, New York; ..1 'l'; Rush Cha irman, 3; Basketball, I: Tennis, I; D ean's List; Washington Lite r a ry Society, 3; R ing-tum Phi, 2, 3; Honor
Roll, I; D ormitory Councilor. 3; Co tillion Club, 3.



.Arts 11 n d Sciences

First Row:
• MORTON PARK ILER, Vincennes, India na; Campus Club, President, 2, 3; Glee Club,
Games Guard, 2, 3; CALYX, 1; Dance Board. 3; Rifle Team Manager, 1.
• W~RNER ALBERT ISAACS, St. Louis, Missouri; Z B T; White Fri a r s; CALYX, 1, 2,
v e rtlsmg Manager, 3.
• GEORGE PERCIVAL JACKSON , JR .. K ansas City, Missouri; ~ A E; Pi Alpha Nu.
• WILLIAM CLARK JACKSON, Ne w York, New Yo rk; •I• !' ..1; Glee Club, 1, 2, 3 .
.• ELLIOT NATHA~ JOFFE, Baltimore, Maryland; •I• E II; Student Libra r y Committee;
mgton L1terary Soc1ety ; Lacrosse, 1, 2, 3; Southern Cot!egian, Circulation Manager,
tillion Club.
• MICHAEL SMYTH JOHNSON, Engle wood , New J ersey; n K A.

I , 2, 3;
3, Ad-

Wash3; Co-

Second Row:
JOSEPH MERRICK JONES, New Orleans, Lou is iana; BAIT; R ing-tum Phi, 1; Mongolian Minks.
• KENDALL CLARK JONES, Williamsburg; •1• K ~·; White Friars.
• WILLIAM LEE KAUFFMAN, L ima, P e nnsylvania ; ..1 T ..1.
• GENE KEITH, Little Falls, N ew Jersey; n K A.
• THEODORE MORRIS KERR, Midland, Texas; ..1 T ..1; Cotillion Club; Washington Literary
Society, Treasurer, 3; Gaines Guard, Commander, 3; Vice-President of the Junior Class; "13"
Club; Golf, Southern Chumpion, 2; Cheerleader, Head Cheerleader, 3; Omicron Delta Kappa .
JOSEPH CARL KNAKAL, JR., Culpeper; .I X A, Rush Chairman, 2, Vice -Presi d ent, 3;
Gaines Guard, Executive Offic er, 3; Band, 1; Glee Club, 1. 3

Third Row:
• JAN CHARLES KOO NT Z, Washington. Pennsylvania; K 'I'; Pi Alpha Nu; CALYX, 3;
Football, I.
• GILBERT RUSSELL LADD, III, Mobile , Alabama ; B HIT: CALYX, 1, 2, 3; Class Co-Editor, 2.
Editor-in-Chief, 3; F reshman Camp Counselor, 3; D ormitory Counselor, 3; Phi Eta Sigma, Secretary, 2, Vice-Pres ident, 3; Pi Sigma Alpha; H onor Roll; Gaines Guard, 1, 2; Elizabeth B. Garrett Scholarship, 3; Omicron Delta Kappa; Publications Board.
• RICHARD ALLEN LANKOW, New York, N e w York; Troubadours, 1; Ring-tum Phi, 1.
• ROBERT HARRIS LARGE, Farmville; .P K '~; Glee Club, I; Pi Alpha Nu; Engineering
Club, 3.
• ROBERT HUGHES L a RUE, JR, Columbus, Kansas; ~X.
• RICHARD PETER LASKEY, Far Hills , New Jersey ; 4• K ~ ; Pi Alpha Nu, Vice -Pres ident, 3.

Fourth Row:
• JAMES EDWIN LAW, Breto n Woods, New Jersey; IT K A.
• CHARLES PETER LEININGER, Ill, Shaker H e ights, Ohio; ~ X; Rifl e Team, 1; R ing -tum
Phi , 1; Pi Alpha Nu, I.
• WILLIAM LEMON, Covington; K ~; Cotillion Club.
• EDWARD DOUGLAS LINE, Bronxville, New York; ..1 T; Lacrosse, 1, 2.
• THOMAS VERNON LITZENBURG, Cumberland, Maryland; B 8 IT; Christian Council, 1, 2, 3,
Executive Committee. 2, 3; Freshman Handbook, 1, 2, 3, Assistant Editor, 1, Editor, 2, CoEditor, 3; Glee Club . 1. 2 ; Interfraternity Council. 2; R i ng-tum Phi, 2, 3, Assistant Managing
Editor, 2, Managing Editor, 3; Friends of the Library, 2, 3, Secretary, 3; Cold Check Committee. 3, Secretary, 3; Dormitory Counselor, 3; D ean 's List, 2; Mac Elwee Scholarship, 2; Seminar
in Literature Committee . 3; CALYX, 3, Class Editor, 3.
• GEORGE MORGAN LUPTON, L y nchburg; IT K A; Cotillion Club; Washington Literary Society, I, 2.

Fifth Row:
• DONALD STEVEN LURIA, Philadelphia, P ennsylvania; E IT; Interfraternity Council, 1.
2, 3, Treasurer, 3; Student Library Committee, 2; Assim ilation Committee, 3; Washington Literary Society, 1. 2, 3; Washington and Lee Concert Guild I. 2.
• JOHN EARLY McDONALD, JR ., Petersburg; ·~ K ~; Pledge Master, 3; CALYX, 1, 2, 3, Fra ternities Co-Editor, 2, Class Co-Editor, 3; Mongolian Minks , Treasurer, 3; Christian Council,
I. 2, 3, University Charity Drive Cc-Chairman, 3; Track, 2, 3.
• ALFRED JOSEPH MAGOLINE, Akron, Ohio; ~ J\'; Pi Alpha Nu; M on golian Minks; Baseball, 1; CALYX, I, 2, Sports Co-Editor, 2; Student War Memorial Committee .
• THOMAS SKILES MARKHAM, L ouisville , K e ntucky; ..1 0; Troubadours, 1; Soccer , 1.
• JOHN DUNCAN MARSH, Purce ,·iJ!e; IT K ; Crew, I; Forensic, 2; Glee Club, 2; Pi Alpha Nu;
Cotillion Club; International Relations Club, Vice -President, 3; Hom e Edition, 3; Fraterni ty
Managers Association. 2; Phi Sigma Alpha, 3; Cold Check Committee.
Sixth Row:
• RICHARD JOSEPH MAUTER, Lynbrook, N ew York; ..1 T.
• ROBERT DAy MILLER, Charlottesville; K 'I"; Junior Class President; Christian Co uncil,
1. 2, 3; Wrestling, 2; Dan ce Board, 3; Freshman Camp Counselor.
• LOREN ALEXANDER MINTZ, Shaker Heights , Ohio; Z B T; Cotillion Club; Soccer, 1.
• RICHARD ALLEN MOORE, Towson, Maryland; ..1 T ..1; Lacrosse.
• THOMAS O'DON NELL MOORE, Towson, Maryland; ..1 T ..1; White Friars; Lacrosse, 1, 2, 3;
Interfraternity Council.
• HENRY COKE MORGAN, JR. , Norfolk; ~ X; Ring-tum Phi, I, Sports Editor, 2; CALYX. 1,
Sports Editor, 2.

Seventh Row:

• JERRY IRVING MOYER, Kansas City, Kansas ; ~ X; Rin g-tum Phi, 2; Basketball, 2, 3; Golf, 2.
• STEPHEN JAY NACHMAN, Por tsmouth; •I• E TI; Home Ed ition; White F r iars; Southern
Cot!egian .
• EDWARD HATCHER OULD. III. Roan oke; K ~; M ongolian Minks.



A E, Executive Committee, I. 2; CALYX,
I. 2, 3, Class Co-Editor, 2, Activities Editor, 3; Pi A lpha Nu; "13" Club; Mongoh':" M1nks; Stu dent War Memorial Scholarship Fund Committee; President of Spnng D ances , 3, Co-Cha1rman
Cotillion Club, 3
• SOLON ARMOUR PERSON, JR. , M emphis. Te nnessee ; ..1 T.
• JAY RHEY PHILLIPPE, Morton, P enn sylvan ia; ..1 T ..1.

A1' t s aJJd Sr:ieJJces
First Row:
• HARRIS MERRILL PLAISTED, III, Cape Elizabeth, Maine; ~ .\ E , Secretary, 3; Lacrosse , I ;
CA L YX. 1. 2, 3. B us iness Mana ger. 3; Mongolian Minks, President, 3; Cotillion Club.
• A LEXANDER BRADFORD PLATT, R iverside, Connecticut; :, 8 , Secretary of Junior Class;
i\lonogra m Club, 2, 3, Vice-Preside nt, 2; Psi Ch i ; Football. 2, 3; Track, 2. 3; Sigma D elta P si;
Cotillion Club ; Christ ian C ouncil, 2, 3, Chairman, 2; Interfraternity Council. 2.
• GER ALD MARTIN PORTNER. Shaker Heights. Ohio; Z B T; Forensic Union. I; Southern
Collegian, Copy E ditor. 1, 2; CALYX. ACounc il. 1. 2. 3; C h ai rm an of Boys' Club, 2, 3.
• ROBERT ALAN PRITCHARD, M orristown, New Jersey; K ~ ; Mongolian Minks, 2.
• RICHARD BRODNAX RAINES, Memphis, Tennessee; ~ A E ; Glee Club, 1. 2, L ibraripn, 2;
Swimming, 1. 2; 'Yhite Friars ; Athletic Directors Association; Monogram Club.
• JAMES WILLIAM REID , Lexington; K ~; Mong olian Minks.
Second R ow:
• GEORGE STAEHLE REINER. South Orange, New J ersey; II K A; Interfraternity Council,
1. 2; \\"restlin g, 1. 2.
• CHARLES BAL'I RICHARDSON, Urbana; K !, Christian Council, I, 2, 3; Cotillion Club;
Band. 1. 2. 3: Sigma Delta Psi; Monogram Club, 2, 3; Fraternity Athletic Directors Association, 3;
Swimming, 1. 2. 3; Track. 2; Soccer, 3 .
• JEB JOHN ROSEBROOK. Charlottesville; :, T; Football, I ; Christian Council, I; So uthern
Co l legi an , 2, 3; H ome Ed i t i on, 3 .
• WILLIAM JAMES RUSSELL, JR .. Wayne. P ennsylvania; :, T .l ; Soccer, 2, 3; Fraternity Athl e ti c D irec to r s A ssociation, 3; R i ng-tu m P hi, 1.
• BERNARD JOHN SCHAAF, JR., South Bend, Indiana; Alpha Epsilon Delta, 2, 3; P hi Eta
Sigma; Christian Council, 1, 2, 3: Glee Club, 2; Washington Literary S ociety, 1, 2.
T hird Row :
• MORGAN SCHAFER. New Canaan, Connecticut; :, T .l; H ousemanager, 2, 3; Soccer. I, 2, 3.
• DEREK MARTIN SCHOEN. H age rstown. Maryland; .l T .l.
• JAMES HUNTER SEABROOK , JR., Memphis, Tennessee; II K A; Cross Country, I ; White
• NICHOLAS JOHN SEIBEL, Cl a yton. Missouri; ~ X; Track, 2; F orensic Union, I, 2, Treasurer. 1. Vice-President. 2.
• MORGAN LUNSFORD SHELOR. Alexandria; II K ; Intramural Manager, 2, Treasurer, 2, 3;
Phi Eta Sigma; White Friars.
• CHARLES LESTER ~HERMAN. Birmingham, Alabama; K .Y; Engineers Club, I ; So uthern
Co llegi an , I; Gaines Guard. 3.
Fourth R ow:
• WILLIAM OGDEN SHi. OPSHIRE, Mobile, Alabama; f ..1., President, 3; Glee Club, I, 2, 3;
Librarian , 2, Treasurer, 3; Washington Literary S ociety, 1. 2.
• JOHN MADDOX SMITH, Fort Smith, Arkansas; .l A, Rush Chairman. 3; Sazeracs , 2, 3;
Cotillion Club; Cold Check Committee, 2, 3; S tudent War Memorial Scholarship Fun d Commi t tee . 2, 3; Glee Club, 1. 2: Southern Collegian , Advertising Manager, 3.
• JORDAN MARSHALL SM1TH, Chevy Chase, Maryland; I' .l; Glee Club, l; Troubadours,
2. 3.
• MARQUIS McELROY SMITH. JR., Greens t 'Urg, Pennsylvania; 4• :, A; Southern Collegian;
Mongolian !\!inks.
• THOMAS RANDOLPH SMI TH, Perrysburg, Ohio; ! A E.
• PAUL RICHARD SPECKMAN , JR ., Grand Blanc , Michigan; II K .
Fifth Row:
• JED STEFFEE. Baltim o re, Maryland; K .Y.
• JAMES ROOSEVELT STOCKTON, JR., Jacksonville, Fl orida; :, 8 ; Pi Alpha Nu; " 13"
Club; Soccer, 2, 3.
• BARRY MORTON STORICK. Brooklyn, New Y ork ; E II; Pi Alpha Nu; Basketball, 2, 3.
• JEROME ALEXAND E R SUSSKIND , J ackson. Michigan; .l 1'; Cross Country, 1. 2, 3; Wrestling, 1. 2; Lacrosse, 1, 2; Ring-tu m Phi , I , 2, 3, Sports Editor, 3; Shenandoah, 1.
• CHARLES MASON SWEZEY , Waynesboro: II K A; Pi Alpha Nu.
Sixth R ow:
• HAROLD ALFRED T<\.RRANT, JR., Wilmington, D elaware; Phi Eta Sigma; Shenandoah, 1;
R ing -t u m Ph i , I , News Editor. 2; Home E dition, l, 2; T roubadours, 3.
• CHARLES RICHARD THOMPSON , Kansas City, Missouri; ! X; Rin g-tum Phi.
• EDWARD RANDALL TH OMPSO N, JR. , Galveston, Texas; .\XA, Secretary, 3; Troubadours.
1. 2; R ing -t um Phi , 1. 2.
• SAMUEL JAMES THOMPSON , JR., Rus t burg; r .l; Cotillion Club; Christian Council, l ;
R inq - tum P hi, 2: G aines Guard. 3.
• J OIDI ALBERT TURNER. M ap lewood, New Jersey; :, T ; Baseball, I, 2; Basketball, 1 ;
Track. 2.
• GORDO N BURT TYLER. Tulsa , Oklahoma ; K !; White Friars; Socc er, 2; Gaines Guard, 1. 2;
Christian C oun cil, 2; CALYX, 2. 3; R i ng-tum Phi , I, 2.
• ROBERT JAMES WALTERS, Millburn, New Jersey; K ~; Pi Alpha Nu; Southern Collegian, 1 ; B ask etba ll, !.
S e v e nth Row:
• J OH N LEA VI TT WELLFORD. JR .. Memphis, Tennessee; K .\ ; Pi Alpha Nu; Troubadours, 2;
Commerce F raternity ; G olf. 1. 2, 3.
• WARRE N REED WELSH . Grosse Tie, Mich igan; .l T .l; Basketball, 1 ; CALYX, 3.
• RI CHARD CHARLES WHITEFORD, Baltimo re, Maryland; :, T .l; Lacrosse, 1, 2, 3; Wrestlin g,
1. 2, 3; CA LYX , 1.
• WAR REN EDWIN WILCOX. JR.. Tam pa, Flo rida; K A, Vice -President, 3, Rush Chairman, 3;
Cotillion Club; T roubadours: R ing -tum Phi.
• WILLIAM K ELL Y WI L EMO N. B oon e ville. Mississipp i ; K ~·; Band, I; Southern Collegian ,
2: Lacrosse. I, 2; Gaines Gua rd, 2; G r aham-Lee Society , 3.
• ADAMS MILTO N WILLIA M , JR. , M e m p h is, T e nnessee; ! X.
• MILTO N WI NAWER, B rook lyn, N ew Y o rk ; •1• E II; Pi Al p ha Nu; Basketball, I, 2, 3; Baseball,!.





fJ /' S

Top Row:



BURKE PATTERSON ARMSTRONG, Rochester, New York; l1 K •I•.

ROBERT FREDERICK BANKS, Montclair, New Jersey; II K .\.


Top Row:

• JERRx LEWIS ABRAMSON, Dallas, Texas; Z B T.
• FREDERICK AMBROSE ADAMS, JR., White Plains, New York ;


• OSBORNE SANDERS AIKEN, JR. , Florence, South Carolina; K


Bottom Row:
• THOMAS NORWOOD AKIN, Decatur, Georgia; 1• K ~• ARTIJUR LEWIS A LLEN , Hampton; l1 K .\.
• R!CfiARD GA RDI NER ANDERSON, Gambrills. M aryland.


Bottom Row:

MICHAEL JOSEPH BARRY. La Grange, Illinois; ..1 T.
RALPH WILLARD BAUCUM. JR., Shreveport, Louisiana; B 9 II.
IRWI N RALPH BERMAN, Baltimore, Maryland; Z B T.
ANTHONY BIJOU , Brewster, New York; ..1 T.
NEIL CARLTON BLAND, Houston, Texas ; ~A E.
JOHN BAYARD BOYLE, M emphis, Tennessee; ~.\E.



Top Row:

Top Row:

• ALFRED FREDERICK BRACHER, III , Philadelphia, P ennsyl vania; • THOMAS ELRED BRADFORD, JR., Birmingh a m , Alabama ; K A.
• THOMAS BROUGHTON BRANCH, III, Atlanta, Georgia; ~ X.
• HOWARD CLAYTON BRANTS, JR., Fort Worth, T exas ; •I• ~ B.
• KA.J MICHAEL BRENT, Montcla ir, New J ersey;

• RICHARD MERRILL BRICKMAN, Shaker Heights,Oh:io; Z B '1'.
• DONALD ALFRED BRIDEN, Parsippany , Ne w J ersey; ,\ X A.

KE NNETH WILLIAM CHANDLER , Memphis, Te nnessee; ~ .-1. E.
ROBERT KAY CHANDLER, Central Aguirre, Puerto Rico; K ~ .
LEIGHTON DUKE CHAPMAN, P elham, New York; ..1 T.
GEORGE ROLAND CHARLES, JR ., Washingt on , D.C .;

SHELDON CLARK, II, Harrisburg, Pennsylvania; ~X.
MALCOLM ANGSTADT CLINGER, JR., L ewisburg, Pennsylva nia;

,,, r

..1 .

• HARRY SLA DE COCKEY, Ba ltimore, Ma ryland; •!• K

Bottom Row:

Bottom Row:

PHILIP NEAL BROWN, Euclid, Ohio; B HARRY EDGAR BRUNETT, Baltimore, Maryland; ..1 T ..1.
MA]\JLEY PATTON CALDWELL, JR. , Palm Beach, Fl orida; A X A.
BRAYTON CAMPBELL, JR ., Greenwich, Conn ecticut; •I• K '!'.
IRVIN NORMAN CAPLAN , Baltimore, Mary la nd ; Z B T.
CHARLES JOSHUA CELLA, Clayton , Missouri; ~ X.



CHARLES HENRY COLVIN, Ill , Birmingham, Alabama; K A.
WILSON ROBERT CORBIN. Wethersfield, Connecticut; II K .-\.
CHARLES PHILIP CORN, Macon, Georgia ; <[> ..1 8 .
CALVIN ROBERT COUCH , Richmon d, Hill, New York ; •I• K •1•.
DANIEL STALLMA N COX, Ceredo, West Virginia; <1 T.
PAGE deRONDE CRA NFORD, Bethesd a 14, Maryla nd ; II K <1•.
CHARLES GANTZ CRAWFORD, Baltimore, Maryland; ..1 T ..1.

Top R ow:

Sop h o111 or es

• HOWARD RAYMOND De MOTT, JR. , Mamaroneck, New York;
.\ .X A.


Top Row:

•· r

• JOH!•; HANSON CROKER, JR. , Ru xton, Maryland; B e Tl.
• RIC HP. RD AKIN DA VIS, Arlington; J' ..1.

Bottom R ow:

Bottom R ow:
• LEROY GRAHAME DAVIS, Ridgewood, New J e r sey; •I• r ~.
• D AVID MONROE D A WSO N, Xenia, Ohi o;~· I' ..1.
• ROBERT PHILIP DE GRAAF, Glen R ock, New J ersey; Tl K •1•.

RODC ER PIRNIE DOYLE, P ensacola, Florida ; ..1 T ..\.
JOH N BAYLIS EARLE, Birmingham, Alabama; II K .
JOHN THOMAS EARLEY, JR ., Philadelphia, Pennsylvania; Be II.




WilLIAM CORNELIUS FINK , JR., Taylors, South Carolina; :::A E.
DOMINICK ANTHONY FLORA, Jersey City, New Jersey; ..1 T.
DONA LD RICHARD FOWLER , P arkersburg, West Virginia; ..1 T ..1 .
WILLIAM MERVIN FRANCE , Shaker Heights, Ohio; ..1 e.
THOMAS CAMPEN FRI EDMAN , Shaker Heights, Ohio; Z B T.
THOMAS LI NKESCH GATES, Washington, D .C.; ..1 T.
EDWARD METCALF GEORGE, JR ., Wells burg, West Virg inia;



Top Row:

Top Row:


JOHN SEARS GIBBS, Baltimore, Maryland; ~ X.
BARRY RICHARD GOLDSMITH, Cedarhurst , L.I., New York ;
E .

BRADFORD CUSHING GOOCH, Worcester, Massachusetts; K '!'.
JOH N DICKENSON GRABAU, Fairfield, Connecticut; 1:. l\ ,
JOHN ARNOLD GROOBEY, Norfolk, Virginia; .:1 T il.
SARGENT HEATH, Shrewsbury, Massachusetts; r il.

Bottom Row:
• FRED LEE HEJNA, Louisville, Kentucky; .:1 'f il.
• HARRY ERNEST HEINITSH, Spartanburg, South Carolina; ~ A E.
o CHARLES MILTON HELZBERG, Kansas City, Missouti; Z B T.
• NIXON CARR HENLEY, High Point, North Carolina.
• FREDERICK MARTIN HENSCHEL, Bethesda , Maryland; ° CABELL CARRINGTON HEYWARD, Memphis, Tennessee ; K ~.

EDWIN WORTH HIGGINS, JR., Richmond ; CATON NELSON HILL, JR ., Charleston, West Virginia; JEROME HILL, IV, Mayfield Heights, Ohio; K ~DONALD LEE HOLCOMBE, Shreveport, L ouisiana; B 0 II.
JOHN GILL HOLLAND, JR ., Lynchburg; ~ A E.
VERNO N WILSON HOLLEMAN, JR., Bethesda , Maryland; ~ A E.
JOHN CAMERON HOLLISTER, Huntington , West Virginia; ~ X.

Bottom Row:
o FRANK MARSHALL HOOPES, Wilmington, Delawa re ; .:1 T.

FRANK ALFRED HOSS, JR., Manassas ; .:1 T .:1.
JOH" CLOYD HUFFARD, Plandome, L.I., New York; ~ i'l,
B 0 II.
• EUGENE WILLARD HYDE, JR., Kensington, Maryland; K ~ • PAUL ALLAN IRONSIDE, Haddonfield, Ne w J ersey; .:1 'f .:1 .


Top Row:



Top Row :
• WHITFIELD JACK, JR., Shreveport, Louisiana; ~ A E.
• HOWARD ERNEST JACOBS, Freeport, New York ; •I• E II.
• ARCHIE OLIVER JENKINS, Jacksonville , Florida; B (-J 11.


Bottom Row:


BRUCE HARRJSON KEELING, Louisville, K entucky; .; T ,;,
LOWRY STUART KELLY, Atlanta, Georgia; B 8 IT.
JOHN WILLIAM KENDIG, JR. , Fairborn, Ohio; K ~ GEORGE DODGEN KING, JR., Gadsden, Alabama ; IT K .P.
THCMAS FITCH KING, JR., Jacksonville, Florida ; .P .; 0.
JAMES VINCENT KRESSLER, Brooklandville, Maryland; IT K
WILFRED MOHR KULLMAN, JR. , Metairie, Louis iana: Z B T.

LEWIS GEORGE JOHN. Cortland, New York; .; T.
DAVID VOSS JOHNSON, JR., Memphis, Tennessee; II K .\.
T .; ,




JOH N MONK LARSON, Washington, D .C.; R A TI .
WILLIAM PHILIP LAUGHLIN, Wheeling, West Virginia; IT K A.
HENRY FRANCIES LeBRUN, Lutherville, Mary land; .; T ,;.
RICHARD HARDING LEEP, Milwaukee, Wisconsin; .P K •1•.
DANIEL BOONE LEONARD, Darien, Connecticut; .P K .Y.



Top Row:

Top Row :

EARL JAMES LEWIS, Baltimore , Maryla nd; li.l T.
JOSEPH STUART LEWIS. IV. Oak Hill. West Vi rg inia; II K .
o JAMES EDWARD LIPSCOMB. III , Greenville , South Carolina;
~A E.
o JOSEPH LAWRENCE LYLE, JR., Virginia Beach; K ~o WILLIAM WILLIS LYNN, III. Lynchburg; K ~o GEORGE SAGE LYONS, II . Mobile. Alabama; 4• .1 8.
o SAMUEL ADAMS McCAIN, JR .. New York , New York; •I• K ~.

Bottom Row:


o GARY DAN McPHERSON . Cass. West Virginia ; 4• K '!-.

EDGAR HAROLD MacKINLAY, JR .. McConnellsburg, Pe nnsylvania; Jl 8 II .
o CARL RENE MANGOLD, M ontreal, Canada .
o EDMUND THOMAS MANLEY, JR. , Longmeadow, Massachusetts;

,\ X A.
o TOMMY WAYNE MARTIN, Baltimore, Maryland; K '1-.

o ROBERT WEST MAXWELL. D allas, Texas; 11 K -~ o JOSEPH AVERY MAYFIELD, Wichita F alls, Texas; .\X.\.
o CHARLES PARKHILL MAYS, Monticello, Florida; K A.

ALLAN JOHN MEAD. Baltimore, Maryla nd; ~A E.
GEORGE MERCKE, III, Lou isville, Kentucky; B 8 IT.

o RUSSELL JACOB MICKLER, J ac k sonville, Florida; .1 T C..

Bottom Row:
CHARLES PAUL MIDGLEY, Bennettsville, South Carolina; ~ A E.
CHARLES HENRY MILLER. JR ., Wheeling, West Virginia ; 1• K •J• .
DONALD ANTHONY MILLER. Webster Groves, Missouri; ~ ?\.
• WILLIAM CHARLES MILLER . J ackson ville, Florida; K ~o SAMllEL EDWARD MONROE, Pelham, New York; ~ X.
o PETER TERRILL MO NTGOMERY, Garden City , New York; .1 T .1.
o JAMES MADISON MORTON , Westport P oint, Massachusetts;







Top R ow :


FREDERICK HARR Y NEWTO N , Old Gree n wi ch , Connecticut; ~ T.
DAVID MONROE NICHOLS , B a ltimore, M ary land ,~ T ~.
DAVID GREGG N OBLE , Ba ltimore, M aryland; B H fl.
ARTHUR CARLTON NOD IN E, III , P ort Wash ington , Ne w York;
!;. T.
• BENJAMIN LAIL NOEL, Lewistown , M ontana; ~ X .
• EDWARD WARREN N OEL. H indsd ale, Illinois; K ~.
• CHARLES ELMER NO LTE, III, B altim ore, M aryland; II K •1•.

T op R ow :
• HARRY M OSES, New York 28, New Yo r k ; E II.
• FRANK E R VIN M OWER , II , Charleston , West V ir gin ia;
• JOHl'l P ETER M O YER , Yo u n gstown , Ohio; Z B T.


Bottom R ow:


Bottom R ow:
• KEVIN EUGENE M O YL ES, Brook lyn, New York: B R IT.
• JOH N MARFIEL D NAS H, Wayzata, M innesota; • ROBERT LYLE NEUNREITER , G le n da le , Missouri ; ~ :\.


W A RREN N UESSLE, New York . New York ; K ~.
THC•MAS PAT RICK O 'BRIEN, JR .. \\' heeli n g, \\'est Virginia; ~ T.
D A VID ALLEN 0\\'EN, T oled o, O hio; B 9 II.
HO WARD CA RROLL PA CKETT , M ontross ; ~ T.
WILLIAM SA MUEL P EACHY, Williamsb u rg; K 'l•.
JOHN STAFFORD PEALE , New York , New York; K ·~.
ROBERT CLAR EN CE P EA RSO N, Lo uisville, K entu cky; II K .-\.



Top Row:

Top Row:

EDMUND STEELE PENDLETON, Cambridge, Mary land ; •I• K '1'.
CHARLES SHERMAN PERRY, Greenville, Dela w are ; :!: N.
ROBERT ARTHUR PHELON, We the r sfield , Connecticut ; :!: X.
ROSS GARY PICKUS, Stratford, Connecticut; Z B T.
HARRY LEE PRESSLEY, Coral Gables, Florida; 1• l' .:l.
NORMAN PHILLIP PROULX, St. P ete rsb u rg, Florida; IT K .

Bottom Row:

DICK JAMES RALPH, Fort Worth, T exas; :!: N.
FREDERICK JEFFRESS RAMSAY , McDonough , Maryland; l1 K .
RO BERT GEORGE RAPPEL, Worcester, Massachusetts; l1 K •1•.
WILLIAM JOHNSTO N RlCE, T owson. Maryland; B 9 IT.
THEODORE GOTTLIEB RICH, JR. , Elkins Par k , P ennsylvania;

Z B T.

• RO BERT ALFRED RICHARDS, Charleston, South Carolina; K A.
• WILLIAM ARCHIBALD ROBERTS , Eufau la, Alabama; :!: A E.

RANDAL FINK R OBINSON, Paducah, K entucky; l1 K A.
L AMAR DOUGLAS ROY, Louisville, Kentucky; K A.
J AMES KENNETH SADLER, JR., New Orleans, L ottisiana; :!: A E.
RUFUS LASHER SAFFORD , Wyoming, Ohio; :!: N .
IRA HERBERT SAMELSON, JR., Memphis, Tennessee; Z B T.
MICHAEL A LBAN SANDERSON , T acoma , Washington; .l T.

Bottom Row:
• A RT HUR BURGESS SEEGER, JR ., P hiladelphia, P ennsylvania;


CLIFFORD EDWIN SMITH, JR. , Frankfort , Kentucky ; K A.
ROBERT LAWRENCE SMITH, Richmond ; 4> K :!:.
MARK ELLIOT SMULSON, Baltimore. Maryla nd; Z B T.
WILMER LATIMER SNOWDON , JR. , Wilmington, D elaware ;

CHARLES ROBE RT SPENCER , JR. , Lynchburg; l1 K A.



Sop !J o111 or es
Top Row :


MATTHEW FLOYD SPRAGUE, R ye, New York ; ~ :\ .
HUGH BELL SPROUL . Ill. Staunton; ~ · r .l.
K ~-

Rott om Row:
• ALBE RT STEVES , IV. San Antonio. Texas; K A.
GERALD SUSSMA N, Ne w Roc h e ll e, New Yo rk ; •I• 1-: Jl.
• SAML'EL BARNETI TANNAHILL. B irmingham , Alabama; K .\.

Top Row:
• FREDERICK HAMILTO N TARR, III, Rock port, Massachusetts ;



NELS ON STONE TEAGUE . M art insville; K A.
KENNETH HELMER TH YGESEN. Cossayuna, New York; .l T.
RICE MATIHEWS TILLEY, F ort W orth, Texas; B H Jl .
CHARLES EDWARD TOOMEY. Ill, Elkridge, Maryland; •I• K !:.
WILLIAM ALBERT TOWLER. Ill, Halifax; .l T ..1.

Bottom Row:

J O H N LAYTON TUCKER. A llendale , New J ersey ; ~ A E.
JAMES WALTER VA N CLEAVE. Western Springs , Il linois;~· r ..1.
RICHARD SILSBY VEDDER Olea n, New York ; 4• ..1 A.
EDGAR ALBERT WALLACE, L o u isvi lle. K en t ucky; Jl K •1•.
WARRE N D ANIEL WARD , Uppe r Montclair. New J ersey; ·~ r ..1 .
ARTHUR SAYE WAR NER, Me lbourn e. Victoria, Australia; .\ X ,\ ,
KARL WILLIAM WATERSON , JR ., S ummi t. New J ersey; •I• J' ..1 .


Bottom Row:

Top R ow:

• ALLEJS HARRY WHITE, Summit, Ne w J e r sey; .I X .1.


• GARDINER WESTON WHITE, South Dartmouth, Massachusetts ;
'~ K '1'.


• PHILIP HENRY WEEKS, JR., Sea Cliff, Ne w York; •I• K


• WATSON GLENN WATRING, Elkins, West Virginia;



• RICHARD EGGLESTON WILBOURN , Me ridian , Miss issippi ;


A E.

• BENJAMIN ALEXANDER WEIMER , JR ., Chagrin Falls, Ohio;
{II K ~ .

• WILLIAM IRVINE WINCHESTER . L ouisville , Kentuck y.

• LEWIS POPE WEXLER. Johnson City, Tennessee; K A.

• WILLIAM BELL WISDOM, JR ., Ne w Orleans, Louis iana ; H o II.

• SIDNEY SCOT WHIPPLE, West Hartford , Connecticut ; :': X.

• WALLACE VAN WITMER, Me mphi s, Tennessee;

• HAL CUMMINGS WHITAKER, Baltimore, Maryland; :': A E.

• WILLIAM KELLY YOUNG , For t Worth, T exas ; •I• ..\



A E.

Top Row:

F1' esh111 e11

o ALEXANDER PHILIP A YER, Weston, Massachusetts;

Top Row:



DAVID MICHAEL BAKER, Haddonfield , New Jersey; K ~.
AMZI GODDEN BARBER, Bim1ingham . Alabama; ~ X.
JOSEPH G ILBERT BARKLEY, Greenville, S outh Carolina; .P ..1
JOHN MORGA N BATER, Broomall, Pennsylvania; ..1 T.

• \\'ILLIAI\l RAYMON D ACQUAVELLA, Jamaica Estates, L.I., New
York; ~


Bottom Row:

• SAMUEL HENDERSO N ADAMS, JR., T am pa, Florida.
• ERNEST HENRY ALTER, Quincy , Illinois; ~ X.

Bottom Row :
• WALTER LEIGH ANSELL, Mariemont , Ohio; IT K A.
• SAMUEL D eCOSTER ATKINS, JR .. Princ eton , New J ersey; II K 1•.
• CHARLES DuBOSE AUSLEY, Tallahassee, Florida; K A.


JO NATHAN CASE BELDEN, West H a rtford, Connecticut; ~ X.
• JOSEPH CLARK BELL . JR., Louisville, Kentucky; K A.
• RICHARD LEE BENES, Chagri n Falls, Ohio; ..1 e.
• JOH N NEIL BENNEY, JR., Warrenton; ~A E.
o EDWARD WARD BICE, Glen Rid ge, New J ersey.
• GAYLORD ADRIAN BIRNEY, Daytona Beach, F lorida; ..1 T.
• ZACK ROBERT BLAILOCK, Fort Worth, T exas; ~ T A.




Top Row:

Top Row:

ROBERT DAVID BOHAN, Akron , Ohio ; •1• .l 8 .
HENRY HUBERT BOHLMAN, Arnold, Maryland; K '1' .
RICHARD ARTHUR BOWlS, Bethesda , Maryland; REGINALD KUFELD BRACK, JR., Da llas, Texas; r "-·
HENRY LEE BRADDOCK, Belle Glade, Florida.
JOHN CURTIS BREDEHOFT, Millington, New Jersey ; r .l.
JOSEPH TURENNE BRENNAN, Ruxton, Ma ryland; B 0 II.

RICHARD COLBURN BUTLER, Littl e R ock, Arkansas.
HOLT WILSON BUTT, Portsmouth ; .l T .l.
GEORGE DAVIS CALVERT, Baltimore, Mary land; K '1'.
JOSEPH CAMBRIA, Westfield, New J ersey; B 8 II.
RICliA RD POWELL CARTER, JR., Miami Beach, Florida.
TORE ROBERT CASELLA, High Bridge, New Jersey; ~ K.
JAMES MAYHALL CAUSEY, Kal a mazoo, Michigan; .r !1.

Bottom Row:

EDWARD DOUP BRISCOE, JR., Louisville, Kentucky; .l T "-·
THOMAS HARRIS BROADUS, JR .. Knoxvi lle, Tennessee; K '1' .
CHARLES DAVID BROLL. Margate, New Jersey; ~X.
GASTON ZELL BROWN, JR. , Gary. West Virginia; II K .
JAMES MADISON BRYANT, Clarksv ille , A rkansas; II K .
THOMAS BRAXTON BRYANT, III, Orangeburg, South Carolina ;


•HOWARD SMITH BUHL, Grosse Pointe , Michigan;



Bottom Row:


JEROME COCHRA N CHAPMAN, Birmingham, Alabama; ~A E.
JOHN MICHAEL CHERRYBONE, Roslyn Heights , New York ; .1 T
ROBERT STEPHEN COATES. New York, New York ; ~ X.
CHARLES HOWARD COE, Alexandria ; K ~.
CHARLES WALTER COLE, JR .,Baltimore, Maryland, ~A E.
ROBERT EDWARD COLLETT, Fort Worth, Texas; 4• .1 8.
ROBERT LORTON COLLINS, Tulsa, Oklahoma; ~ A E.

Top Row:

Fr es h111 e11


FENNER CUMMINS , Nashville , Tennessee; ~ A E.
DARBY, J ac k sonville, Florida; •I• .l ~1 .
TOBIN DAVIS, Sa luda; ll K A.
PRESTON DAVIS, Winston-Salem, North Carolina :

.\X A.

• LEDFORD DAY . JR., Falls Church ; fl K <1>.
• ALFRED PETER DEGENHARDT, Montclair, New Jersey; K
• GERALD EDWIN DE NNI NGER, Hempstead, New York .

ABO \ ' E
Top Row :
• D ONNE LYON COLTON, Ma1iinsville, New Jersey; •I• K
• STEPHEN WARNER CONE, Wash ington , D .C.; .l T.
• DAVID BRUCE COPP, Braintree, Massachusetts; ~ X.



Bottom Row:

Bottom Row:
• ED WA RD B ROADBENT CRABBE, Waipouli, Kapaa. Kauai, Hawaii: (ll r ..\.
• JOSEPH LEROY CRA YCROFT, JR., Louisville, Kentucky; •I• K ~·.
• JAMES MORTIMER CREWS, Memphis, Te nnessee; ~A E.


WILLIAM ALLAN DIETRICH, Greenw ich, Connecticut; .l T.
FRANK SHERWI N DILLINGHAM. Chicago, Illinois; .l 1' .l.
KENT HUBBARD DODGE, Camden , Maine; K ~RO NA LD COPE DUNKELBERGER , Reading, Pennsylvania ; .l T.
IRVI N EBAUGH, Severna Park , Ma ryla nd ; IT K •1•.



Top Row:

Top Row:

SHARON DAVID ERNEST, Cleveland Heights, Ohio ; ~X.
JOHN HAROLD ESPERIAN, North Bergen, New J ersey; RALPH MICHAEL EVANS, Beachwood Village, Ohio; Z B T.
ROBERT NASH EVANS, Midlothlan ; .l T.
JOHN CHARLES FAY, JR ., Sylacauga, Alaba ma; K A.
DAVID WALTER FLEGAL. New Orleans, Louisiana; ~A E.
ROBERT LEE FLEMING, Houston, Texas ; ~ A E.

STEPHEN GEROIIIE FUGUET, Paoli, Pennsylvania; TI K .
RICHARD FURMAN GAINES. Bronxville , New York ; •I• I' .l.
SCHUYLER WOOD GILLESPIE, Stamfo rd , Connecticut; •I• K 'i' .
CARTER SAUL GINGOLD, Washington, D.C. ; Z B T.
.l T.
• GUSTAVO GLAUSER, Bogota, Colombia. South America; .\ X A.

Bottom Row:

Bottom Row:

WILLIAM CLARK FLOYD. Pelham, New York; .l T.
THOMAS PRICE FOLTZ . JR ., Fort Smith , Arkansas; HENRY DADE FOOTE, Alexandria. Louisiana; K .\.
JOHN PAUL FREEMAN, Atlanta , Georgia.


MAURICIO GLAUSER. Bogota, Colombia, South America .
JAMES CLAYTON GOAR , Kansas City , Missouri ; TI K <1>.
DAVID RONALD GORSUCH, Denver, Colorado; B H TI .
ARTHUR IRVING GOTTSEGEN, New Orleans, L ouisiana ; Z B T.
THOMAS RUSSELL GOWENLOCK, Chicago , Illinois; .l T :..
ROBERT SHEDDEN GRADY, Atlanta, Georgia; K A.

F1' esb111 e11


Top Row:
• A R THUR SANDERS GROVE, JR ., Sudler sville, Maryland .
• D'nGHT LEO NA RD GUY, K ansas City, Missouri ; ~ X.
• LLOYD W1THNELL HAGER. S t . Louis, Missouri; •!> K ~.
• JAMES DONALD HAGUE , JR ., Virgi nia Beach; ~ T.
• ED\\' ARD FRANKLIN HALSELL, F ort Worth, T exas; 1• ~ 8.
• O"'EN HOWE HA RPER, Lynchburg; B 8 II.

Top Row:
• ARTHUR FARNAM HENNI NG, Erie, P ennsylvania; ~ X.
• JOHN NORMA N HIRSCH , Atlanta, Georgia; Z B T.
• GEORGE COOLEY HIXO N, J ack sonville, Florida; r ~.
° CHARLES FREDERI C HOPKlN S , Colorado Springs, Colorad o ; ~ X.
• CHA RLES ROYC E HOUGH . Ill, Washington , D .C.; II K -~·
• HOMER C HARLES HOUSE. Washington, D .C.; ~ X.
• ALBERT CRAWFORD HUBBARD , Wilmi n gton. D elaware; K ~·.

Bottom R ow:
• EDWARD B EASO N HARR IS , JR .. Westfield , New J e rsey; Il c~ 11 .
• WILLIAM SANFORD HARRISON , Washi n gton, D .C .; ~ T.
• JOH N DUANE HATTENDORF, Chagrin F a lls, Ohi o; ~ X.
• HAROLD JACKSON HAUS, Tulsa, Oklahoma; ~ A E.
• CHARLES GERVI N HAYDEN . JR ., Plainfield, New J e rsey; .I X A.
• HENRY HARTMAN HECHT, JR., Baltimore, Maryland; Z B T.

Bottom Row:
• WILLIAM KlNG HUGHES. Lake Success, New York; ~ T.
• PAUL DOUGLAS HU NTER . Gainesville , Florida.
• CHARLES DAVIS HURT, JR .. Atlanta, Georgia; K A.
• PHILIP AS BURY I NS LEY. JR ., Salisbury, Maryland; K A .
• ROBERT GARRETT J ACOB, Manhasset , New York ; >I>'K ~.
• H AROLD MYRON JE N KlNS . P ound Rid ge, New York ; ~ T.




Top Row:

Top Row:


DON KERNAN JOFFRION, Marksville, Louisiana; K ~.
WALTER EMIL KAEGI, JR., Louisville, Kentucky; II K A.
ARTHUR WILLIAM KEHLHEM, Wantagh, New York; .l T.
T .l.
EVAN JENNINGS KEMP, JR., Cleveland Heights, Ohio; ~ X.
ROBERT CONRAD KETCHAM, Kansas City, Missouri; II K •1•.

PAUL GOLDSMITH KNOX, Atlanta, Georgia; ~ X.
JOHN GILBERT KOEDEL, JR., Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.
JOHN CARL KOTZ, Massillon, Ohio; J' .l.
THOMAS WHITNEY KROETZ, Fort Lauderdale, Florida; K
TOMMY LEE LARIMORE, Fort Worth, Texas; .l fl .
LEWIS HENRY LaRUE, Bartley , West Virginia; .l T.

ROBERT GILL LATHROP, Ithan, Pennsylvania; .l T .l.
LAIRD GEOFFREY LAWRENCE, Manhasset, New York; .l T.
CLARK MUNTZ LEA, Haddonfield, New J e rsey: ~ X.
RALPH CAlL LEE, Thomson, Georgia; K A.
JUNIUS MAYES LEMMON, JR., W ashington, N.J.; .l T .l.
EDWARD LEVY, New Orleans, Louisiana ; Z B T.

Bottom Row:

Bottom Row:


ROBERT BRAIN LEVY, Baltimore, Maryland; B A II.
EDWARD RUTLEDGE LILLY, Louisville , Kentuck y ; B A II .
JEROLD HOOVER LINDQUIST, Red Bank, New Je rse y ; ,\ X A.
GEORGE NELSON LOCKIE, Buffalo, N ew York; K 'i'.
JAMES ROBSON LOUTIT, Pembroke, Bermuda; K 'i' .
JAMES ROBERT LOWE, Loudon, Tennessee; A X A.
LYLE ARTHUR LUTCKEN, Hightstown, Ne w J er sey; K ~.




Top Row :

Top Row:

DONALD JOHN McGEEHAN, South Orange, New Jersey; f ..1.
FREDERIC SEXTON MciNTYRE, Wellesley Hills, Massachusetts;

"'r ..1.

• THEODORE ROOSEVELT McKELDIN, JR., Annapolis, Maryland;


• JOHN ALEXANDER McRAE, Houston, Texas; K ~• BRUCE MACGOWAN, Newton Highlands, Massachusetts: IT K 4>,

WILLIAM CHARLES MEGLITZ, Baltimore, Maryland; r ..1 .
SAMUEL SEYMOUR MERRICK, Baltimore , Maryland; B 8 IT.
PEYTON GEORGE MIDDLETON, JR., Washington, D. C.; .I X _\_
BURR CHURCHILL MILLER, New York, New York; ~ .\ E.
MAX DANIEL MILLER, Marianna, Arkansas; ~ A E.
ROBERT CHARLES MOELLER, Providence, Rh ode Island ; ~ X.

Bottom Row:
Bottom Row:

JAMES LEWIS MacLEOD, Shreveport, Louisiana.
JOHN THOMAS MANNING, Westport, Connecticut; ..1 T.
JULIAN STEPHEN MARKS, Brownsville, Tennessee.
WILLIAM NEWKIRK MARTIN, Englewood, New Jersey;



JAMES WILLARD MOORE, Fort Leonard Wood, Missouri .
THOMAS MORGAN MOORE, Burlington , North Carolina; B fl IT.
HAROLD DONALD MORINE, Shaker Heights. Ohio; ~ X.
WILL CREWS MORRIS, JR., San Antonio, Texas; IT K A.
JOHN COOPER MORRISON . Charleston, West Virginia; ~ X.
JOHN FREDERIC MUIRHEAD. DuBois, Pennsylvania; ..1 T.
RICHARD CONRAD NEWBERG , North Have'!, Connecticut ;

K '1'.




Top Row:

Top Row :

o MICHAEL ALDEN NORELL, Arlington ; K ~.
• MICHAEL WILLIAM O'DA Y, Baltimore, Mru·yla n d.
• JOHN RICHARD O'KANE, JR. , Barrington, Rhode Island; .l T .l .
• ALAN BENJAMIN OSHER , Cincinnati, Ohio; Z ll T.
o PHILIP EDWARD PALMER , Arlington; 1• I' .L
• HENRY GARY PANNELL , Sweet Briar; .l T .l .
• PAT GUS PAPPAS, Pine Bluff, Arkansas; ::: A E.

0 GEORGE G RATTISON POTTS, Martinsburg, West Virginia; IT K .1.
• THOMAS ROGERS REA, JR ., Bridgeville, Pennsylvania .
• EDWARD McCORMICK REAVES, Memphis, Tennessee.
0 JOHN HUGHS REESE, Scarsdale, New York .
• LOUIS CHRISTIAN REHLEN, Long Island, New York; ~ X.
PHILIP ARTHUR REIDFORD, Oakville, Ontario, Canada; K ~.
• JOHN PATRICK REILLY, Amarillo, Texas; ::: :X.

Bottom Row:

Bottom Row:

• DENNIS WARD PATTON, Bethlehem, Pennsylva nia; ,\X A.
• JOHN ABBOTT PAUL, Harrisonburg; IT K •1•.
• DANIEL ALLEN PENICK, Lexington; ::: 1\.
o DEGNON THOMAS PHILIP, Daytona Beach, Florida ; .l T.
o WILLIAM HOOVER PIXTON , Alexander ;·~ l' .l .
o MERRITT LOUIS PIZITZ, Birmingham, Ala ba ma ; Z lJ T.
• DAVID CRAWFORD POTEET, South Charleston, West Virg inia.

RICHARD WINDLE RIDDLE, Ft. Lauderdale , Florida; <1> K ~'.
RAYMOND ROBRECHT, JR., Mountain Lakes, New Jersey; •I• r .l.
WILLIAM ARTHUR ROOKSTOOL, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma.
DAVID BOND ROOT, Erie , Pennsy lvania.
o RONALD DAVID RUBIN , Deal, New Je rsey; ·~ E II.
• JOHN RUSSELL, JR. , P aduca h, Kentuck y; IT K A.
• EDWIN PAUL SAPINSLEY, Memphis, Tennessee; Z B T.


FJ' esh111 e11


Top Row:

Top Row :

WILLIAM BROWN SA WERS, JR. , Baltimore, Maryland; n K A.
DAVID CLEMENT SCHAEFER, JR. , Atlanta, Georgia; ll K A.
J AMES GRAHAM SHAW, Columbia. South Carolina; K ~ROBERT EDWARD SHEPHERD, JR., Nashville, Tennessee; Tl K A.

JAMES MILTON SMITH . Louisa, Kentucky; ;,: A E.
JAMES SHELBY SMITH. Pensacola, Florida; K A.
LOUIS VOIGT SMITH, Freeport, Illinois.
RALPH CHURCHILL SMITH, Schenectady, New York ; II K RONALD CLARK SMITH , Baltimore, Maryland; ..1 T ..1.
FREDERICK JOHN SMYTHE, JR., Louisville , Kentucky ; •I• ..1 El.
ROBERT ALEXANDER SNYDER, Jacksonville, F lorida; K .\,

Bottom Row:

Bottom Row:

DONALD WILLIAM SIGMUND, Washi n g ton , D .C.; Z B 1'.
WILLIAM FRANCIS SIMPSON, JR ., Greensboro, North Carolina.
JERALD SKLAR, Ruleville, Mississippi; Z B T.
MARTIN ISAAC SLATER, Brooklyn, New York ; •I• E II.
LAURE NCE MITCHELL SMAIL, Pittsburgh, P ennsylvania; •I• l' ..1 .
DOUGLAS !JAMS SMINK, McDon ough, Maryland; Tl K •1•.
HENRY HOLDEN SMITH, D es Moin es, Iowa; ;,: X.


JO~; ANTON SONNEN, Houston, Texas; K ~JAMES ROWLAND SOWELL, Dallas, Texas; .P ..1 e.
ARNOLD LEVY STEINER, Birmingham, Alabama ; Z B T.
JOE BUDD STEVENS, Huntington, \\'est Virginia; K ~CHARLES JEROME STOCK, Ridgewood, New J ersey ; r ..1 .
JAMES NELSON STOFER, II , Victoria, Texas ; K ;,: ,
JESSE G ILBERT SWIFT, III , Cambridge, Massachusetts ; •I• K '¥.



Top Row:

Top Row:


HEREERT ADDISON TAYLOR, III, New Canaan, Connecticut ;

STROHM THOMAS, JR., Amold, Maryland; tJl .l 8.
ANDREW TERRY TREADWAY, West Hartford, Connecticut ;



K '¥.
JOSEPH EDWARD ULRICH, Louisville, Kentucky; K :£.
FRAI\"CIS BINGHAM VAN NUYS, Bethlehem, Pennsylvania; K :£.
GEORGE EDWIN VILLEROT, Grosse Pointe Farms, Michigan ;
MURRAY MARVIN WADSWORTH, Tallahassee, Florida; K A.

Bottom Row:
o DAVID JOHNSTON WALLIS, Philadelphia, P ennsylvania ; IT K • MARVIN IRBY WALTON, JR., Richmond; •!> .l 8.
• CHARLES SEIGNEIOUS WAY, JR., Orangeburg, South Caroli na ;
:£A E.
• JESSE HERRING WEBB, JR., Memphis. Tennessee; :£ X.
• CLYDE PATRICK WHITE, Huntington, West Virginia.
0 JOSEPH MAYSTRIK WHITE, Westem Springs, Illinois .
RAYMOND PETRIE WHITE, JR., Norfolk, .l T .l,

• CLINTON BROOKS WHITFIELD, Greenville, Mississippi; K A.
• BENJAMIN RUSSELL WILKERSON, JR., Franklin, Tennessee .
• JAMES EASTMAN WILKERSON, Whitesville , West Virg inia ;
A X A.
• OTIS TURNER WILLIAMSON, Pittsburgh , Pennsylvania; :£ X.
• DAVID POWNALL WILLIS, Chestertown, Maryland; q. K '¥ .

Bottom Row:
• JAMES MICHAEL WINSTON, Washington, D.C .; :£ X.
• NORTON LABATT WISDOM, JR., New Orleans, Louisiana; q. K :£.
• EDWARD GUERRANT WOODSON, JR., Memphis, Tennessee;
:£A E.
• JOHN WILLIAM WORSHAM, JR., San Antonio, Texas; K :£.
• WILLIAM EVERETT WRIGHT, Hammond, Louisiana; :£X.
• EDWIN JAMES STEPHENS YOUNG, JR ., Jacksonville, Florida;
.P .l 8



Tb e Calyx Court

Selected by


;\I 0 0 R E

C nS T E T, EYl S 10,-

Decembe r 20,


fl.r . Russell Ladd ID
Editor: THE. CALYX
Washin gton and Lee University
Lexi ngton, Va .

De ar Russell :
Can 1 t tell you how honor ed I was t o be as ked to
judge for Tllli CALYX . And what a difficult decis ion it was - really a BEAUTY contest l
After t he previous batch, this pi cture is an awful a.nticliJllax - but since you ask . here it is .

I 'm sure this year's CALYX will be a grand one you have 1!\Y' every good wish.

GM : ds


fiJ){o //;n&> @olie(] e

Sweet Briar College

The Calyx

Hollins College

Columbia, South Carolina


ConYerse College


BILL H ENLEY .... ... . ...... ..... ... ... .

. President

JOH:\' Sl N\\' ELL .............. .... .... ... . Bu siness ,\fan agcr


Carlos Bai ley

J ohn H ollister

Rob Peebles

Ned Grove

Emmett K elley


H enry H eymann

M ort ll cr

nlr. Farra r

Rob nliller

Dc7 11 ce BoIll' d


CotillioJJ Club
EMMETT KELLEY ...... .. .. ........ Co- President
ROB PEEPL ES ....................... C o-P ,eside nt
C HARLES H UMPT O!\' .... . ... . Secretary-Treasurer

Beta T heta Pi
Butch Callaway
Dick O'Connell
Di ck C rutchfield
John Howa rd
John Earley
John Crok er
Delta Tau Delta
L ee \\'hite
Jim L ewi s
Buck Bucha nan
T ed K err
Ru ss Mick ler
Bruce K ec:ling
Delta Upsilon
Don McK aba
D ale Cornelius
H erb Humme rs
George Fralin
Leighton C ha pman
Fred New ton
Kappa Alpha
Bill Norma n
Sonny Gwin
W arren Wilcox
i\Telson T eague
Parkhill M ays
Kappa Sigma
Skip R eid
Ellis Drew
C ha rles Humpton
Willi am Lemmon
C ha rles Richa rdson
Will ard H yde
Cabell H eyward

Lambda C hi Alpha
Bill Grigg
Dun ca n ~ [ cCa rth y
Art ' Varne r
Rosse Collin s
Ea rle Dunh am
AI Gi tter
M a nley Ca ld well
Phi Delta Theta
D aYe Simpson
AI Platt
J ohn Smith
Bill Barnett
Sage Lyons
Phi Epsilon Pi
Andy Greenm a n
Pete J acobs
Elliot J offe
SteYe Berg
Mike M asi nter
Barry Goldsmith
Phi Gamma Delta
Wiley Wri ght
Emmett K elley
Dick H ornad ay
J im Thom pson
Bill Shropshi re
Hugh Sproul
Jim Va n Clea\'e
Phi Kappa Psi
Gary M artin
Art McCai n
John Boone
J ohn Sinwell

D an Leona rd
Tomm y Martin
Phi K appa Sigma
J ames Bow ie
Ch arlie D a\'is
Bob Boernstein
J oe Ama to
T ony Weeks
C ha rl ie Toomey
Pi K a ppa Alpha
C h uc k W atson
J im J ac kson
George L upton
J ohn Arnold
Skip Law
R a nda l R obinson
C harl es Spe nce-r
Pi Kappa Phi
C h arlie Slick
J ohn J ennings
Bill Fishbac k
J ohn Marsh
K en Starling
Page Cra nford
Bob R appel
S igma Alpha Epsilon
Bill H ouston
J ap Becker


Rob Peeples
Merri ll Pl aisted
W . A. R oberts
K en Sadler
Sigma C hi
George Mi lliga n
Jim Perryman
Ri chard Belden
Phil Ca mpbell
Th omas Bra nch
J ohn H oll ister
Sigma N u
Steve Thomas
Fred Webber
Len H ough
Fred Magoline
M ike C ha ney
Sam Monroe
.John Gibbs
Zeta Beta Tau
Sid K apl an
H enry H eyma nn
Gerald Portner
Loren Mintz
Tom Friedman
Irwin Berman





National Honorary Scholastic Fraternity
A. W. MOGER ................... .. .. . ... ... ........... . President
\\'. " '· PUSEY ..... . . . ..... .. ............. ... ....... Vi ce-President
L. J. DESHA ... .... ........................... . S ecre ta ry-Tr easurer

G . M . Brooke
L . L. Campbell

C. E. K ilbourne
S. Moore

R . E. All ey
L. L . Barrett
C. \\'. Barritt
W . G . Bea n
R. F. Brad ley
0 . Crenshaw
L. J D esh a
R. \ \' . Dickey
T. E. Ennis

M . W . Fishwick
F. Flou rnoy
G. H . Foster
F. P. Gain es
E. S. Gilreath
E. C. Griffith
G. D. H ancoc k
E. H. Howard
f. L. H owe


R. \\' .Fast
D. E. Fryburger
R. G. Gooc h
\\'. R. H olmquist
E. M . H ood

M. W . Paxton
1\f, W . Paxton, Jr.

C. C. Tutwi ler
H . W addell

W. A. J enks
L. ). L anic h
R . I\. Latture
). G. Leyburn
C. P. Li ght
A. \\' .1\foger
W . \\'. Morton
F. A. Parso ns
M . B. Perry

M . 0. Phillips
\\'. \\'. Pu 0. W. R eige l
\\' . ) . Ritz
T. A. Smedley
L. \\'.Smith
B. S. Stephenso n
K . P. Ste\·ens
1\f. H . Stow
F. P. W elch

:\f. A.ppl efeld
B. C arr
D. Corn eliu s
}.I. Drum
E. Ellis

A. W . McCain
D. G. McK aba
P. D . Mon gPr
W. C. I\o rman
T D . Sale

Phi Beta Kappa

B. G. Stephenson
R . D. Stults
R .N. White
G. S. Wil son


Delta Kappc7

National Honorary Leadership Fraternity
SAMUEL A. SYME .............. ... .. ...... ............ . President
WILLIAM L. OSBOR:'I:E ............................. Vic e-President
ELLIS B. DREW . . ................................... .. . S ecretary



Corneliu s


G. Hopkin s
R. Huntl ey
M . K err
R . Ladd
J. A. M cQuigga n

R. G. Gooch
M . L. Hampton
V. H. H anson
M . T. H erndon
H . .J. H eyma nn

S. R . M aslansky
G. F. Milligan
J. S. Stump
C. D . Swanson
W . H . Willi ams
W . R. v\'ri ght

L. W. Adams

L. 1. D esha
R. W. Dickey
M. W. Fishwick
F. Flournoy
F. P. Gain es

F. 1. Gi lli am
E. C. Griffith
.J. L. Howe
1\l. W . Junkin
R. N. Latture
C. H. La uck
.J. G. Leyburn

C. P. Li ght
\\' . T. M cCann
E. S. M attingly
A. W. Moge r
M. B. Perry
W . W . Pusey
0. W . R iegel


T. A. Smedley
R. A. Smith
C. R. Thomas
E. P. Twombly
C. E. Willi ams
H . K . Young

Bet a

(} Ill// 111 ll

Sif //Ill

National Honorary Commerce Fratemity
:\. E. RA G A:\ ........... . ........................ . . .. .. . President

L. K. J O H:\'SO:\' ................ . ........... .. . S ec ret ary-Treasurer

L W. Adams

G. D . H a ncock

E. H . H oward

E. C. Griffith

B. B. H older

R .N. Lattu re

D. E. Fryb urge r

R . H . M ann

}.f. 0. Phillips



L . C. Greeneba um


M. More land

W . C. Norman

Freshman Honorary Scholastic Fraternity

GORDON GOOCH ... ...... .. . ...... ... . . ... ... ........ . Presidellt
RUSSELL LADD .. .......... . . ... ... . ..... ....... ... Vice-Presidellt
LEWIS JOHN .............. . ............ . . . . . .. . . . ... .. . S ecretary
ED G AR G IV H AN . . . .. . ........ . ... . . . .... . . . . . .. . . ... . . Tr easurer

J oh n Arnold

D on Fryb urger

Whitfield J ac k

Norm Pro ulx

Mike Berry

Ed gar Givh an

Lewis J ohn

Benard Schaaf

Dick Belden

Gordon Gooc h

Russell L add

Morgan Shelor

Tom Bradford

Arnold Groobey

J ohn La ncaster

L arry Smith

M ax Caskie

R obert Ha nso n

J ohn La rson

C harl es Spcnct>r

C ha rles Colvin

Gill Holland

Bill Mill er

Bob Stroud

Dale Cornelius

Dick H olmquest

Phil Monge r

Alfred T arrant

C harles Drum

Farris H otchkiss

Bill Norman

Phil T urner

Phi ita Sig1na

National Honorary PI·e-.l\'ledical Fraternity
MIK E DUBIN ............. ... . ......... ............... . Preside nt
C HARLES D O BBS ... .. .... , ............... .... ........ . Secretary

J ohn Arnold

Ed Gi\' ha n

Fra nk Pittma n

Dorman Cam d en

Do n M cK a ba

Clyde R odge rs

H a rry Tull y

Cal Curry

J ac k Morge nste rn

Bern ard Schaa f

Tom \\'il so n

Dr. D es ha

Dr. Starling

George Smi th

D r. Ste\·e ns
Dr. Gi lrea th

Alph11 Jp si I o11 0 eIt 11
11 2

Dr. Di ckey

Sif //Ill Delt11 Chi
National Honorary Journalism Fraternity

ANDRE W B. GR EEN M AN . . . . . ........ .. . ............... . President
WILLI AM H . FI SHBAC K , JR ... .... ................ . . Vice -P re sident
J O H :-J K . J ENN I NGS . .... ..... . ..... . ...... . ......... .. . Secreta1 y
RI C HARD A. SK O LN IK ... . ................. . ......... .. Trea surer

Paxton D a\"is

Frank Parsons

C. H arold L auck

0 . \\' . Riegel

l\1 E l\1 BE R S
William Boggia no
Llovd A. Dobyns
J an D rabek
Milton .T. Elliot

Willi am H . Fishbac k, Jr.
Andrew B. Greenman
Willi am T . M . Grigg
Edga r L . G ro\" e

J ames \ V. H anscom
J ohn K. J ennings
Phillippe C. Labro
R oy C. M artin
Hugh C. Newton


William B. Northrop
J ames D . Per rym an
J ames L. Pullen
Rich ard A. Skolnik
Sa m A. Syme

Psi Chi
National Honorary Society in Psychology

WILLIAM PACE .... ... .......... ... ................... . Preside nt
RIFAAT ABOU-EL-HAJ ............................. Vice- Preside nt
BYRON BERMAN .. .... ......... . ................ .. .... . Secretary
J O H N H O LDER . ... . ................................... Trea surer

David Bare

.Ja mes Lun ger

.T:tck Morge nstern

Oscar Bing

Loren Mintz

AlPx Pla tt

H arry Tu ll y

Rupert C hi sholm

Man·in Moreland

K enneth R oc kwell

Dr. Hinton

Dr. Fli ck


Donald Stine

TREV ARMBRISTER . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

. .... Chairman

BUCK BUCHANAN ........ ...................... . S ecretary

Gordon Gooch

J olm Hollister

George :rviilligan

Arnold Grooby

Sage Lyons

Charl es Nolte

Bill Henley

Fred I\Iagoline

Rob Peeples

Gill Holland

J ack :tvicQuiggan

J ohn Smith

Student War Men1orial Scholarship Fund Con1mittee

CLA Y CA RR . .... .. .

..... ..... ....... .. P resident

C H ARLES DR U M ..... . .

. . Vice -P resident


. ........... . . . . ... . .. . Secretary
. . . . . . Tr easurer

.... .

C ha rles D ru m .... ........... . ... . .. .. ........ Bible St udy

J ack L ackmann . ...... . ..... Uni versity Religious Confere nce

Bob J\l a nn ... .... ... . .... .. . . ........... F acu ity R elatio ns

Gerry Portner ......... . ....................... Boys' Club

Bill H enley .. . . . . . . .. .... . . . . . . . ..... . Faculty R elations
O li\" er Conger . . . . .... ................ ... I ntercollegiate
J ohn Peale . . . . . . . .

.f.:J hn H olli ste r . .............. ... Community Se rvice Projects
Gi ll Holland .... ...... . ........ Community Ser vice Projects

. ........ .... .. Fre shmen

Charles Spense r . . .

. ...... Christian Council R etreats

R obert ;'-.! iller . . .

. . .. ..... . .. Uni ve rsity W orkshop

J ohn i\! cDonald .... ... . .... ..... ..... .. ... . Charity D riv e
J ohn Arnold ....... ......... ...... .. ....... Charity Drir•e

.. .. . . . . Fr e; hman H andbook

O li,·er Cong er .. ..... ....... .. ........ ..M ountain Afissions

Da\"id O we n . . . . . . ..... . ........... . Fr eshman H andbook

Fred Sta mp . ..... . . . .. .... . .. . .. ... . .. .... . .. . . Publicity

T om L itze n hu rg

Cb1·istian CotJJJtil

Fr atern it ~r Hous e MaJill t er s As s ocia t i o11
MURRAY McCLAI:\1 ...... . .. . ... ...... ........ . ........ C hairma n
RALPH CUSIC K ....... ..... ...... ... .. . .. .. ........ . . . T reas urer
MR. FARRAR ....... . .. .... .... . . .... ... . . . . . ... . . Fac ulty A d visor

Wa lter Burton ...... .. . ............. . ..... . Beta Th eta Pi

Sam Syrne ......... ... . .. . ...... .. . .. . . Phi Gamma D elta

Thom as Moore .................... . .... . . D elta Tau Delt a

.Ked Pendleton ......... .... . ... . ... .. . .... . Phi K appa Psi

J am es Lunger . . ................. . . ........ . D elta Upsilon

.J im Law . .... ... .... . ..... . .... . . . . .. . . . Pi K appa A lp ha

George Thompson . . . . . . .. . ..... . . . . .. ...... . Kappa Alpha

Norm Proulx . ....... .. ............ .. ... . .. . Pi K appa Phi

Phil Brasfield . . ............................. Kappa Sigma

T om Smith ... . .. . . ..... ... .. .. .... . . S igma A lpha E psilon

Allen White ..................... . ... . . L a mbda Chi Alph a

Henry Pate ............ . ... . . . ..... . ... .. ... . . Sigma Chi

R alph Cusick ........................... . Ph i D elta Th et a

Mike C ha ney ................. ... . .. .......... . Sigma Nu

Dick Skolnik ..... ............ ............. . Phi Epsilon Pi

Lynn Cane . ............. . . .. . ..... ........ Z eta Beta T au


SotJtbeJ'JJ CollefillJJS
H arriso n Stone

Don Stine ...

Frank H oss ....

... TrumjJ et

............ ..... ... .. ............. . .. ... . . Clarin et

. . .. ..... .. ............. ..... ........ . Tr ombone

J oe Lynn .......... ........... .............. .......... .......... ... Pian o

D:l\·e \\'illarcl ................ .. .................................. .. Drum s

Dick O'K a nc

....... ........................... . . .............. . Banjo

Carl Bailey ... ...................................................... . Bass

11 8

Infonnal Singing G roup

In the early months of 1955 the need a t W. and
L. for a small singing group which would represent a cross-section of the University and which
could be well organized without losing the informal casualness of a group of m en gathered
around the piano to harmonize was fulfill ed when
Jim Lewis, after three years of planning, toge ther
with eight other talented W. and L. men, started
the informal singing group soon to be known as

Bob Moeller, K en Sadler; 1st Tenors Tom Gowenlock , W a tty W atring, Frank Dillingham ; Ba ritones Tom Branch , M ont y Montgomery, .Jerry
~lill e r ; Basses R alph Baucum, Mike Chaney, Fred
Stamp. The SAZ ERACS have perform ed at W .
and L. dances, alumni conventions, and fra ternit y
parties. They have sung at Hollins, R andolph 1\!facon, Sweetbriar, and fo r se\'eral conventions a t
Natural Bridge. An R CA r ecording of SAZE RAC
favorites was released in .M a rch of this yea r.

The unusual name was taken from a Creole
drink served at the famous Sazerac Ba r in the New
Orleans French Quarter. Now a year old and increased to twelve in number, the SAZERACS a re
as follows (left to right ) : 2nd T enors Jim Lewis.

The SAZ ERACS' future aims are for closer,
more modern and unique harmony, springtime
p erformances in resort cities. and world fam e, of


PHIL MO.'\GER ........... . . . ................. ... .. . .... President
LEE WALTZ ...................... . ............. . ...... . Sec retary
MAL CL I:\GER ........................................ Tr eas u rer

Ru d Abbo tt

Bob H a nson

Tom Kroetz

F red Ad ams

Fra nk H oopes

Buddy Kullman

Bob Shepherd

T ed Al eviza tos

Ben H oover

J oe L ewis

.J era ld Sklar

J im Brya nt

Fra nk H oss

Donald M cArthur

Lawrence Smail

Gera ld D enninger

Pa ul Hun ter

Jim M arvin

Dou glas Smink

Sgt. F rank D wyer

L ewi s J ohn

Ru ss 1leye rs

Louis Smith

D ave F lega l

J ohn K mdi g

J ohn Moyer

Sid Whippl e

George Fralin

J ohn Kotz

Ross Pickus

Dave Willa rd

Clinton Whitfield


David Pot eet

(}fee Club
HUGH MORRELL .. . . ........ . .................. ....... President
BILL GRIGG .... ..... .......... ... ........ . Se c retarJ' and Producer
BILL SHROPSHIRE ......................... .. . ........ Tr easu rer
TONY \\' EEKS .. ... ... .... . . . ................ ........... L ibrarian

Sam Adams

Brad Gooc h

C ha rl es King

D ave Potee t

Leigh Ansell

Art H enning

J oe Kn akal

George Potts

Ross Bayard

Ben Hoover

Bruce McGowa n

R ichard Powell

Ed Bice

Butch H ouse

Peyton Middleton

:>lorm Proulx

M ax Caskie

Bert Hudnall

Ch arles Miller

Ed R eaves

Page C ranford

Morton Iler

D on Miller

J ohn Russell
R alph Smith

G erry D enninger

H al J enkins

Bill Moore

Bill Dietrich

Lewis John

John Paul

Ed Wallace

John Early

Bob K etch am

John Peale

Bill W aterson


WashiJJftoJJ literary Society
BILL \\'ILLI:\!\I S .... . ... .. . .... . . ... . . ....... . ......... . Pres ide nt
GLEX COLLI:\"S . . . . . . . . . ........... . ... . . ........ Vic e-President
TED KERR .......... ........ .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Secretary-Tr easurer

l\1 E 1\1 HERS
Rifaa t Abou-El- H aj

Philip D egna n

Elli ott J offe

K emp 1IOJ·ton

Adri an Birney

Bob D egraffe

T ed K err

Paul Muller

T om Broa dus

Da,·e Dunton

J oel K oce n

John Pea le

Clay C arr

Gordon Gooch

Ja ck Lackmann

Ed R eaves

~fa x

C aski e

J ohn Colem an

Jim H ague

Lewis LaRue

Bern ard Schaa f

Jim H ill

Tom Litzcnburg

C liff Smith

~1cCa in

Glen Colli ns

Jerry Hill


C al Conger

J erry H opkins

Bill M artin

\'oi gt Smith
Paul Spec kman

D ale Cornelius

H erb Humm ers

.Jim Mason

Fred Stamp

Dick C rutchfield

Pete Jacobs

.Jerry Miller

Bob Whit e
Bill Willi ams


ED GIVHAN .. ... ........... .... ....... ............... . . President
KEN STARLIKG ... ..... .......... .... .... . . .. .. ...... .. Tr easurer
l\I OODY BU RT .. ..... . ...... ...... . ... . ... . ..... . . . . .. . Secretary

Btll Ada ms
Tom Akin
Micky Ala nis
Ted Alcvizatos
Larry Atler
Milton Be\'is
Tom Bra nch
Phil Campbell
G lenn Collins
Dick C rutchfi eld
C harlie Dobbs

Fred Ramsey
Dick Riddle
K en Rockwell
Ken Saddler
Tom Sale
Geo rge Smith
Phil Turne r
Bill W ilemon
Da\'c Willard

Sid Kapla n
Bob M ann
Bill Miller
Don Miller
Ed Moore
Phil Morgan
J ack Morge nstern
Frank Pittma n
John Peale
.Jim Perryman
Ste\'e Qu illen

Mike Dubin
Stew Ehudin
Bob Fonda
Brad Gooch
Gordon Gooc h
Bill Crcc ne
J erry Hill
Gill Holla nd
John H ollister
John Huffard
Whitfield J ac k

Dr. Leyburn

Dr. Shillington

Dr. and Mrs. .Junkin

Crahan1-lee Society


. .. ...... . Speak e r

J O H N H O LLISTER .... .. ..... . . .. . . . . . . . .. .. . ..... V ice-Speaker
CHARL ES McC O R MI CK ..... .. . ..... . . .. . .... . . .. .. .... . S ecretary
R ICE T I LLEY .. ..... . . ........... . .. . . . . . . . .... . ..... Tr easure r

l\ 1 E l\ f BE R S
Tom Akin

C harles H ayden

La rry M a ntz

Larry Smith

Earnes t Alter

Bill Hughes

J ulius Ma rks

\'oigt Smi th

R oy Ball

Walter K aegi

Dick Metz

C harli e Spenser

Amzi Barber

Evan K emp

Bill Mi ller

Fre d T arr

Adrian Birney

Tom K roetz

Brooks Polloc k

Rice Ti lley

Phil D egnan

Lewi s LaRu e

J oe R ipley

}.f urray \\"adsworth

Barry Goldsmi th

Bob Lowe

Bob Shepherd

Ben \\' eimcr

Art Gottsege n

J im M ac Leod

J erry Sklar

J ere Will iams
Bill Wi nchester

Fore 11 sic U11 i 0 II

International Relations Club
\\"ILLI AM FITZGE RALD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
JO H ~

. . . . . . . . . . .. . President

M t\ R SH . . . . ......... ... . ..... . ..... .... .... . V ice -President

PAU L SPECKMAN, JR ......... . ........... .... ........ .. . Se cretary
RI C HARD A:>\DERSON ...... ... .... . .... . . ... . . . ........ Tr easurer
PHILIPPE LABRO ... ...... ....... ..... ...... .. ... . Public R elatio ns
DR.]. H ARVEY WHEELER . ..... ...... . .. .. ... . ..... ..... . Advisor

1\1 E 1\l BE R S
Ross Bayard

Richard .J ohnston

.Jim 1f ac Leod

Bob Rappel

Sten Friberg

Bane J ones

.Jim M ason

L atimer Snowden

Stephen Fuguet

George King

Bill Miller

Staffen Sohlman

J erry Hopki ns

Francis Ma ntz

John Pa ul


Fred rick T a rr

Sif Ill ll
Senior Secret Society

... . . . . . . . . . P resid e nt

IK E S l\!ITH ..... .. ... .................... • ...... .., .... . Secretary

J asper Beeker

C harles Dawso n

Dona ld Fa rri ss

\\' alter Burton

\\'illi am Dixon

\\' ay ne Fowler

O verton Pollard

Robert Ca lla way

Phi ll ip s D owd ing

Di ckey J ohn son

Arc h R oberts

Preston Colli ns

Orson Earp

Cha rl es K a nn ap cll

Ike Smith

Edward E lli s

Richard O'Connell

Will iam Osborn e



Junior Honorary Society

SONNY G WIN . . ....................................... . Pr esid ent
SAM BERRY ......... . • ............................ Vice-President

J oe Ama to

Mike Garner

J ohn H oward

.Ji m Stock ton

J ohn Budd

Tony Gerike

T ed K err

Pat Sull ivan

Ch arlie D avis

Bo Gwi n

Sand y M aslansky

Ca rl Swanson

Lloyd D obyns

D ave H end erson

Dick O'Co nn ell

Fred Webber

Mike Earp

Bill H enl ey

Rob Pee ples

J ohn Garson

Len H ough

Fred Stamp

··13'' Club

Honorary Sophomore Society
HARLIE DA \\'S ON ........ ..... ................. . .. .. .. President
DI C K LASKEY . .. . . ......... .. ..................... V ice-Preside nt

l\1 E l\1 BE R S
Bill Adams
Sandy AikPn
L ew Allen
Buck Armstrong
Pe te Bar ker
Sam Bend hei m
Bill Boyce
.J ohn Budd
Bruce Bussen
Brayton Campbel l
Bill C ha ndler
L eighton C hapman
R upe C hi sholm
Pa ul Clayton
Bill Copp
Dale Cornelius
Cal Cu rry
Charles D ana
Da,·e D awson
Roy D avis

Basil D oerhoefer
D a ve Dunton
.Jo hn F erg uso n
Herb Fishe r
\\"ay ne Fowle r
.Jac k Friedm a n
Bill Grigg
Sonny Gwy n
.Jim H a nscom
Bob H awkin s
Fred H ein a
C ha rli e H e l z bur~
Bill H enley
Fred H enshel
Fra nk H oopes
Fra nk H oss
Geo rge ] ackso n
H owa rd .Jacobs
Dick .Jo hn son
T ommy K ing

.J an K oontz
.Jim Kressler
.J o hn L a ncaster
Bob L arge
Pete Lei nin ~e r
J ac k Lester
Bob Lura tc
Sage Lyons
Ed Mac Kinlav
.J esse M cL a ne
Gibby M cSpadd en
Fred M a~o lin e
Joe M ayfield
Pa rkhill M ays
C ha rl es Mid ge ly
Bill Miller
Sam r-.fonroe
Buddy M owe r
Barb i'\eblett
B<'" n Noel

Pi AIp_ha


Dewey Oxn er
Dixie Peac hie
Rob Peeples
Bob Ph elon
Overto n Pollard
Arch Roberts
Don Rockel
T om Sa lsbury
I ra Samelson
Bill Shropshire
Jim Stockton
Ba rn· Storrick
Pa t Sulliva n
C ha rles Swezey
Bob Walters
Kurt W a terval
Fred W ebber
.J ohn \\.ellford
Bill Williams
.J ohn W illia mson
Milt Win a wcr

White Friars
Honorary Sophomore Society
D ON McK ABA ..... .. . .. ..... .. . .. . . . . ................. . P reside nt
BILL BU RNS ...... . .. .. .. .. . ... . . . . . . . . .. .. . . . . .... V ice-Preside,n t
JERRY H O PKI NS ... . . . .. .. ... . . . . .. .. . .. ... .. . . S ecret ary -Tr easu re r

l\1 E l\1 BE R S
Mi cky Alanis
George All en
Trev Armbri ster
Ca rlos Bailey
Bill Barn ett
J or! Benn ett
J oel Bern stein
J ohn Binford
Bill Bowers
Fred Brae ker
K aj Brent
Dick Brickm an
R ob Cairns
C h arles Cell a
Mike Ch aney
K ay Ch andler
R odge r Clark
Lou C lose
R osse Collin s
Chuck Corn
Cal Couch
Ch arl es D a\'i s

M ark D a,·is
Bob D eGraff
C harles Drum
Sam Dudley
Ste\·e Ehudin
R onn ie F ast
J ohn Fenstermac her
D on Fowler
George F ra lin
Barry Go ldsmith
F rank H ardwick
Pete H artman
D a\'e H enderson
Vernon H ollem an
D ick H orn ad ay
Jo hn H oward
Warner Isaacs
J ohn J ennin gs
Lew J ohn
D a,·e J ohn son
K en .Jones
M errick J ones

J ay Kl in e
J oe K nakal
Wilfred Kullman
Phil L aughlin
Dick L askey
J oe Lewis
Jim Lunge r
Mu rray M cC lain
C harles McCormick
Sa nd y M aslansky
Benn et M ea dor
D oug Mo nroe
Tom Moore
J ack Morge nste rn
M an · Moreland
Stew Nachma n
R itz Nodi ne
Pl'te Nyce
Pres Pate
J ohn Peale
Brooks Pollock
Ste\'e Q uill en


Di ck R aines
Rufe Saffor d
J im Seabrook
T om Sale
Bill Schuler
Morga n Shelor
Ike Smith
T om Smith
Noel Spence
Fred S tamp
Alber t Steves
Bob St ivers
C arl Swanson
Stephen T homas
Geo rge T hom pson
Burt T yler
Glenn W atring
Si d \\'hippie
AI White
Bill Wi sdom
\\'ally Witmer

M 0 II! 0 I j ll II M j II k s
Honorary Social Fraternity
;\IERRILL PLA ISTED ..... . ....... .... .. .. . . ...... ... ... . Pr esident
J.. I ERRI CK J ON ES ....................... . ........... Vi ce -President
JOH:-.1 M cDON ALD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ......... ... Tr easu rer

Bill Abeloff
J ap Becker
Beld en Butterfield
R obert Ca llaway
Charles Cell a
L ouis C lose
H a rry Cockey
Phi l Crista]
R alph Cusick
Charles D awson

Stan Erdrcic h
J ohn Gold
Dick Gower
Ro na ld Gutberl et
Jim Hill
L en H ou!!;h
J ohn H oward
Sid K ap lan
J oe Lyle
Greg M cN eer
Fre d M agolin e

J ack M aso n
Sanford M asla nsky
All a n M ea d
Geor ge Miller
Sam M on roe
vV a rren Nu essle
Dick O'Conn ell
Rob Peep les
0. P. Pollard
Bi ll Reid
Bill Rice


Edwa rd Ould
Rufus Safford
D ave Simpson
M a rk Smith
Thomas Smith
Jim Stockton
Ca rl Swa nso n
Steve Thomas
Fred W ebber
Dick V edder

Bob Shepherd . . . . .

. ... . X egatit·e T eam

J ere Williams . . . .

. . . N cgatiL•c T eam

Bill Hughes . .

. . . A ltnn ate

Joe Ripley . . . . . . .

. .. . .... . Affirmat ive T ea m

Cliff Smith . . . . . .

. ..... . ... . Affirmativ e Team

1fr. Llo\'d Lanich

. . .. . Fac ulty Dir ector

Debate IeaJII

Scene from "l\! uch Ado About Nothing"









.S ecretary






Publicity Directo1





Co 111 111 eJ' ce FtateJ'IIity
MARY MORELAND ........ ... ....... ......... .. . Pr Nid ru t
BANE JONES .... : . .. .................. . Srcrf'lary-Trrawr r r
MR. ATWOOD .................................... Adv isor

Sam Bendheim

Phil Crista[

George Milligan

J ohn Boone

John Gold

Bill Norman

J oe Chatman

Curley Greenba um

Pres Pa te

J an Koontz


F1' i e11 ds oI t b e lib r ar y
BO B STRO U D . . . . . . . . . . ...... ................. Chairman

TOi\f LI TZEN BU R G ...... ....... ......... .. .... . S ec rctmy

Rifaat Abo u-El-Haj

M ax Caskie

Torn M oore


Pa l F la naga n

GLENN COLLI NS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

. ...... . President

MOODY BURT ............. .. .. ..... .. .... .. ...... Vice-President
DON M cA RTHUR ....... . ............. ... ......... . ... . Se cre ta.,.,,
ED GIVHAN ........................................... Tr easurer

C ris Rehlen

Bill Boggiano

Ronni e Fast

Whitfield J ack

D a le Cornelius

Bill Gree ne

Tom Lawson

George Smith

Dick Crutchfield

Andy Gree nman

Don McKaba

Voigt Smith

Charles Dobbs

Brad Gooch

J erry Miller

Ken Starling

Mike Dubin

H enry H eymann

Phil Manger

Bill W aterson

John Duncan

Ed Hood

l'\orm Proulx

Doug \\'ea\'er

CoJJcert (}uild

Honorary 1\Iilitary Society
GO RD O:-..' GOOCH ...... ... .. . •..... ... ........... •... .. . P resident
C H ARLES M acli'ITOSH .................. .. ......... ... . . S ecre tary
1\.fARYI:-.: MO RELA:-.:D ............... . ... .. ....... ..... . T reasurer
CA PT. T . D. DI:-\SMO R E ..............•.. ... . . ..... ..... . . A d visor

l\1 E .M BE R S
Stuart Atk inson

Ca rl Flanaga n

Sa nford M asla nsky

J ohn Pipkin

Roge r Bond

Ri chard H orn aday

Geo rge Milligan

Guy Smith

Charles D awson

Sidmon K apla n

Russe ll Myers

Donald Stine

Will iam Di xon

J a mes Lewi s

T homas :-.:eblett

Samuel Syme

Ellis Drew

Arthur McCa in

Peter l\' yc e

Stuart \\' einerth

Samuel Dudley

Gi lbe rt McSpa dde n

J ames Perrym an

Stt2bbllJ'd 1111d Blade


(}/Ill/' d

Precision Drill Team
TED KERR ... ... ...... ........... .. . ... Guard Commander
John Bassett

John Freeman

Thomas Blair

Hunter Frisehkorn

Samuel M errick

Richard Bois

Edward H alsell

Peyton Middleton

Richard Carter

Harold H aus

J ames 11oore

Julius M arks

Robert Chandl er

Willard H yde

J am es Morton

J erome C hapman

Morton Il er

H enry Pannell

William C hilton

Joe Knakal

Charles Sherman

Tommy Larimore

Gordon Tyler

J ames L owe

Kurt \\'a terval


Coll ~:tt

James Davis
K ent Dodge

Benjamin Wilkerson


Rese1·ve 0/lieets Training t' 0 /' p s

The W ashington and Lee detac hment of the
R ese n ·e Officers Tra ining Corps began it s second
college genera tion durin g the 1955-56 session. In
the fiw yea rs tha t the uni t h as been ac tive on the
campu s, it has grown from a small Transportation Corps department, into a milita ry detac hm ent of such size and scope that it includes
a lmost ha lf of the W as hington a nd Lee student
H av ing recently adopted a Branch Genera l
prog ram instead of the m ore specialized Transporta tion curriculum, the Milita ry Science D epa rtment is a ble to prepare its students so that
each will be m a better position to se n ·e in the
branc h of his choice. The Bra nch General program prO\·ides a firm fo unda tion in the m ajor
fields of milita ry scien ce, rather than specific
tra ining in one p ar ti cular sen ·ice.

Top: The Cadre Officers
Bottom: The Cadre Se rgea nts
Lt. Col. Coates being received by Dr. Gaines

W ashington a nd Lee's ROTC unit began its second
genera tion under a new Professo r of Military Science
a nd T actics. Lt. Col. Ri cha rd W . Jones, who guided
the department through its fir st form a tive years, was
succeeded by L t. Col. Charles E . Coates, an infa ntry
officer and a gra dua te of the U nited States :Milita ry
Academy. M aj. J ohn P. Bodkin a nd l st Lt. C la ud E .
Eley haw also joined the detac hment in recent m onths,
to bring the cad re teaching staff to near capacity
No r are the ac tivities of the d epartment limit ed to
the classroom . The Gaines Guard, \ Vas hing ton a nd
L ee's precision dri ll team , has won con stant recognition since its inception ; the Rifle Team has increased
its schedu le of firing matches a nd has improved its rec ord of victories; the R OTC band has becom e a virtua l
tradition at W ashi ngton a nd Lee, whether in a mi li ta ry
parade or a L'niversity concert.

Battalion Staff

Thus the Washington a nd Lee ROTC unit has grown

lets for leadership and creati\'e abi lity. As a result of this

a nd de\'eloped O\'er th e years. Aside from the specific

steady growth a nd de\·elopment, it ca n truthfully be

milita ry training it offers to its students, the ROTC pro-

said tha t the unit has taken its place beside the major

gram presents to the m en on the campus numerous out-

departments of the Uni\'ersity.

Cadet Col. Gordon Gooc h .......... .. . Battalion Commander

adet Capt .

~J arvin

l\Ioreland ........................ . S--1-

Cade t Lt. Col. Gilbert M cSp adden .. . Battalion Executive Officer

Cadet 1st Lt. Samuel Symc ................... . A ssistant S-3

Cade t Major J a mes Perryman . ..... Battalion Adjutant and S-1

Cadet M / Sgt. Robert Pe eples ... ... ......... . Sergeant M ajor
ad et

l\1/S ~ t.

George Gee ................ . Supp ly S ergeant

Ca det

M / S ~ t.

Ru ssell L add .................. Colo r Se rgeant

Cadet Capt. R icha rd H orn aday ..... .. . ....... . ........ . S-2

Ca det l\1/Sgt. Theo dore K err ................ Color Sergeant

Cad et M ajor Arthur M cCai n . ...................... . . . S-3


First Row: Gors uch, Lilly, R . L evy, Baber, Corcora n, Bentley, Loring, :\foore,
C ambria, H ar ris, .i\fcCollister, :\ let rick, :\fcKeldin , Brennan.
Second R ow: Ca lla way, Stcplw ns, Rockwell, St ults. ]. D. Hill, O 'Connell. l\f rs. D.
~f a rtin , Krogh, J.D. Bennett , R. E. J ohnson, Aleviza tos, Burt on. 0 . H . H arper.
T hird Row : Winfree, Baucum , \\'. J. R ice , Lancaster, C rutchfield . Armstrong. ]. B.
H oward , Litzenburg, J . :\L J ones, \\·. C . Copp, Close, H aYen, Hut chinson, H olcombe, L. S. K elly, Cummings, Lade!.
Fourth Row: J. T. Earley, A. 0. j enkins, Binfo rd , D . A. Owen , P. N . Brown , Croker,
\\' . B. Wisdom , Larson. l\JacKinley, Hotchkiss, Noble, 1\·foyles, l\ fercke.





JOEL BENNETT ............................... . Pr esident
PAUL KROGH ............................. Vic e-Pr,·sident
R AY STULTS .. .... . ...... ... . . . . . . . . ........ . S ecretary
TED ALEVIZATOS ...... ...... ........ ..... .... . R ecorder
W ALTER BURTON . ..... . . . .................. . Tr easurer
BILL COPP ...... ... .. .... ... . ........... . H ouse Man ager


................. . . . . . H ouse M other

1956 m a rks the centenni a l of th e foundin g of Rho C h a pter of
Beta T heta Pi on the Wa shington College cam pus. Th e o rigin al
C hap ter survived o nly a few years, until 1860, whe n war forced it
temporari ly to disband. Sixteen yea rs la ter Beta The ta Pi left
Washington a nd L ee, to re turn again in 192 1, when the Trident
Club became the present Alph a Rho C h apter.
The Betas of 1956 h ave foll owed well in the fo otsteps of th eir
Brothers of p ast yea rs. Diversity and success h ave again charac terize d their efforts in ca mpus activiti es. Russell L add h ad the uniqu e
honor of sen ·ing as Editor-in-Chief of the 1956 CALYX in hi s junior
yea r. Other Be tas who worked wi th Russell include Greig Cummungs, Fra te rnities Co-Editor ; Arc hie J enkin s, Assista nt Frate rniti es Editor ; Tom Litzenburg, C lass Co-E dito r ; Fa rri s Hotchki ss,
Assista nt Activities Editor ; .John C roker, Sports Co-E ditor, a nd
D a ve Noble, Fea ture Section Editor.
On the Tuesday Rin g-tum Phi, T om Litzenbu rg- was M a naging
Editor and F a rris H otchki ss, Assistant News Edito r. Tom was also
a m ember of the C hri stia n Counc il a nd the Cold C hec k Committee; he a nd Russell L add were th e Fra te rnity's two Freshma n D o rmitory Councilors of 1955-56. Russell was also tapped by O DK of
whic h J ac k Osborne was Vi ce-President . .Jac k wa1 also Presi d ent
of the Sen ior L a w C lass and on t he Board of Gove rnors. J ohn
Mor eman was Vice-President of the Intermediate Law Class . I n
other fields we found D ave Owen sharing the Associa te Editorship
of th e W&L H a11dbook with Tom L itzenburg; J ohn Binford was
Assista nt V a rsity Basketball Man ager, and Greig Cummi no;s was
a membe r of th e Assimila tion Comm ittee a nd Blue K ey S::>ciet y.
T he Be tas, soc ia lly as well as aca demica lly, had a very succ£"ssful
yea r wi th Pau l Krog h as Social Ch airman a nd To hn L arson lead ing th e H o use aca demica lly with a consistent 3.00.
Behind the foo tlights a nd bac kstage a t the Tra ub Theater were
Butch Ca llaway, Jim Hill, fohn H oward , a nd Ray Stults, a ll of
whom played roles in th e NO\·embe r producti on of " Much Ado
About Nothing." On the \ Vashington a nd Lee spo rts sce ne were
Phil Brown, J oe Ca mbri a, a nd Tom Moore of th e Varsity Football
squad, Bob L evy in wrestling, a nd Dick C rutchfield a nd Hutch
Hutchin son in c ross country_ As usual, Betas ra nk ed h i~h on th e
lac rosse tea m, whic h included Dick O 'Connell, D ave l'J ohn Croker.
Thi s year both the C hapter a nd its H o use M other have obsen·ed
important a nniversaries. Mrs. M a rtin h as completed ten yea rs of
providin g tha t fin al touc h of excelle nc e to Alpha Rho . H e r Betas,
past a nd present , find it ,·ery diffic ult to express their th a nks for a
job well done. They ca n on ly hope th a t ma ny more Bro thers of
the future will know her as " Mom. "

Bet a












LEE WHITE . . ........ . ............. ..... . .... . . President
CA RL BAILEY ...... ..................... .. Vice-President
JIM LEWIS ............................ Recording Secret ary
CL AY CARR ..... ..... .... ......... Corresponding Secretary
TOM MOORE ............. ... . . ... ... ...... .. .. Tr easurer

SCHAFER ..... .. ......... ...... H ouse Mana ger

MRS. MAXW E LL SM ITH ........ ..... ...... . H ouse Moth er
~ ine t y-s ix years ago, a gro up of undng radu a tcs a t Be tha ny Colleg;e, in wh a t is now West Virgini a, dec id ed to sta rt a college frate rnity. They did, a nd from th at beginnin g has grown D elta T au
D elta , a na tional fra ternity with chapte rs in mos t major universities in the Uni ted States a nd Canada. Phi C hapter was found ed a t
W ashington and L ee in 1896. Since that tim e, the D elts haw been
known on ca mpus for their leadership in all field s.

Thr Phi C ha pter men of 1955-56 were no exception . Bob Huntl y
was elected Vice-President of the S tu den t Bod y, C a rl Bailey was
elected Presi den t of th e Se nior Class, a nd T ed K err Vice-President
of th e Junio r Class. Noel Spence was He ad Dorm Co un selor, Bill
H enley Ch ai rm a n of the D a nce Boa rd, a nd Clay Ca rr Presid ent of
th e C hri sti a n Co uncil. Ted K err was on th e Steering Committee for
th e Mock Co m ·ention . G ibby M cS p adde n was Ba ttalion Executive
O ffi ce r in th e R OTC. T ed K err was Comm a nd er of th e Gaines
G uard. Don Stine was a Compa ny Comm a nder, Jim Lewis a nd
C lay Ca rr Compa ny Exec utives. G ibby a nd Don we re Disting ui shed
Milita ry Students as well as m embers of Scabbard a nd Blad e. Clay
was also a Distin g ui shed Milit a ry Stud ent a nd Ji m, a member of
Scabba rd an d Blade. Ted won two medals for his leadership in
th e ROTC .
Bob Huntley, T ed K err an d C lay Carr were elec ted to O DK, as
was Jim Fa r rar, Assista nt D ea n of the U nive rsi ty and a Ph i C hap ter
alu m nu s. Bob, Clay a nd Bill H e nley were named to " Who's Who
in Am erica n U nive rsiti es a nd Colleges." Clay Ca rr was assoc iate
editor of th e Souther n Co llegian a nd column ist fo r the Frid ay
Ring-tum Ph i. K eith Belch was sports columnist fo r th e Frid ay
edition. Buck Buchan a n a nd Bill H enley were on SWMSF C, a nd
Arnold Groobcy was chosen for the Cold C hec k Committee . Groobey, Rich Berry, a nd C lay Carr were members of Phi Eta Sigma.
Jim Lewi s ca pta ined t he soccer tea m for the third straig ht year,
a nd Don Stine was co-capta in of th e football team . D elts pl ayed
nery sport a nd won fiy e vars ity trophies. Gibby McS padd en won
th e Sout hern Co nference 167-lb. wrestlin g championship for th e
second straight t ime. T ed K err was South ern Conference golf medali st by ten st rokes.
Ri g;ht behind us in all of thi s was our H ouse M oth er, Mrs.
Smi th, a nd our a dviso r, Mr. J ames Farrar. They gave tha t added
push needed so bad ly. Yes, 1955-56 was a good yea r fo r Phi
C hapter.


14 4

First Row: Briscoe, K ellett, Lemmon, O'Kane, Lathrop, Butt, PannelL R . P. \\1hitc,
Gowenlock, R. C. Smith, Dillingham.
Second Row: M cH enr y, J. M. Ellis, C . P. Flanagan, J. W. Lewis, Beall, Carr, Spence,
Mrs. Ivi. Smith, H. S. White, Stone, Frue, G . I. Smith , D'Epremesnil, Belch, Ross.
Third Row: Kauffman, W. A. H enley, R . H. Berry, Phillippe, G. l\I. Allrn, D. \\'.
H a rper, R. A. l\Ioore, W. J. Russell, Schoen, Schafer, Whiteford , Cremin, K err,
Buchanan, W. A. Boyle, Nichols, Brunett, Bailey.
Fourth Row: Towler, C. G. Crawford, D. F. Stine, Doyle, Groobey, Fox, T. G.
Johnson, Montgomery, Hoss, Welsh, E . .J. Lewis, Mickler, K eeling, D. R. Fowler,
H eina, LeBrun.


First Row: Cone , H . l\1. J enkins, Dunkl eburger, Dietrich, R. N . E\·ans, Muirhead,
H ag ue, Floyd, ~I a nnin g, Ba te r, L. H. L a Rue.
Second Row: l\1cK aba, H am blen, Aurell, Lunger, Harp, l\lrs. l\1ac \Vhorter, l\longer,
\\' . H. Williams, Boggia no, Cornelius. H older.
Third Row: K ehlhem , Bannon, l\ la u ter, Line, Fra lin , Conge r, C la yton, Rosebrook ,
Hu mmers, H anscom, J. A. Turner, Hughes, H a rrison.
Fourth Row: O'Brien, Hoopes, Bar ry, F lora , Gates. L. D. C hapman, Nodine, Packe tt,
Gira rd.
Fifth Row: L. G. L aw rence, Caskic, F. H. Newton, Bijou , D. S. Cox, John, Person,
Sa nderson, Cherr ybone.

14 6






PHIL M ONG ER . .. . .. .. . . .... .. .. ........... ... . President
BILL WILLIAMS ...... .. . . .. ... . . . ......... Vi ce-P resid en t
L E W J O HN ... . .. .. . ....... .. .. . ... .. . ... . . . ... . S ecret nrJ'
R ENO H ARP ..... . . .. ...... . .. . . .

.. ... . H ou se Afnn nge1

MRS. VIRG I N IA M c WH O RTER . . . . . ........ . H ouse A/oth er

Found ed a t Willia ms Co llege in 18 3+, D elta Upsilon h as prospe red over th e yea rs under th e ba nn er of no n-sec recy. Th e Washin g ton a nd L ee Ch apt er was es ta bli shed in 193 0 a nd through a
spirit of brotherhood a nd endeavor has m a intain ed a prominent
posi tion on th is campus. During her two yea rs with us, our Hou se
M other, Mrs. Virg ini a M cWhorter, has end ea red herself to the
brothers. H er con tribution of fri endlin ess, sy mpa th y, a nd huma n
understa ndin g and he r grace and cha rm has enrich ed our lives.
" Mrs. M ac" has been a n integr al p a rt of o ur life here a t the House
a nd has served as a pe rfec t hostess during her stay.
Emphasizin g lead e rship, versatility, a nd ch a rac te r, D elta U psilo n's membe rship includes th e follo wing ca mpu s leade rs: D a le
Cornelius who made ODK a nd " Who's Who in Ame rica n Colleges
a nd U ni versities." Bill Wi llia ms, who also made ODK, is Editor of
the Ring-t u m Ph i and was a Freshm an Camp Co unselor. Oth ers o n
the R in g-t um Phi a re J erry Susskind, Sports Edito r of th e Tuesday
Editio n a nd reporters H erb Humm ers, L ash L aRu e a nd Dick
M a uter along with Colu mnist M ax Caskie. M ax also represe nted
Washington a nd Lee on th e Quiz Bowl T eam a nd is on t he Sh enandoah . H erb is a Dorm Co un selor a nd is o n the T ennis T eam.
I n a thleti cs, J o hn Pipkin and D a n Cox p layed on the footb all
team whi le Mik e Ba rry, J ohn Manning a nd Bill H a rrison ra n C ross
Co un t ry. D om Flora, last yea r's outsta nding freshma n g uard, con tinu es to sta r on the Basketball T eam. Also with Dom is Gene
Gira rd, a form er All-Europe basketball player. J erry Susskind is o n
the Wrestlin g T ea m and John Turne r a nd F ra nk Hoopes are on
the Basebal l T eam.
Achieving di stinction in a ll phases of ca mpu s li fe, DU fini shed
secon d in the combined intercollegia te, intra mura l progra m compe tition . DU pl aced six me n o n the academi c H o nor Roll a nd 13
on the D ea n's List. The three bi g socia l t·ve nts a re the C hristm as
H o use P a rty, the Spring Cos tum e Pa rty, a nd M ay Ope n House.
Occ upyin g o ne of th e fin es t ho uses o n campus, the \\'. a nd L .
C hapter prid es itself on close coop er a tio n with its alu mn i. Dr. All a n
E. R agan, C h a pter Advis or, has grea tly aided thi s work in hi s
m a ny yea r3 of d evoted servic e. Oth er DU 's on the faculty includ e
Mr. R . N . L a tture, Mr. Edwin H owa rd , Dr. G. H . Foster, a nd
Coac hes Twombly a nd Miller.
With much ac h ievement to look bac k on, D elt a U psilon looks
forwa rd to a future of success as it co ntinu es to fi ll the need fo r a
spirit of bro therhood.










BILL NORMAN ......... • ....................•. . President

......................... Vice-Pre sident

SO:\'I\'Y G\\'1:\':\' .. .......... • ......... • ........ . Secretary
GEORGE THOMPSON .................... . H ouse Mana ger


M. LEWIS ........................ .. Hou se Moth er

Alpha C h apte r of K appa Alpha Order was found ed in D ecember of 1865 a t W ashing to n a nd Lee by four students a nd h as the
specia l d istinction of being the first C h a pter of the Order. Th e
four stud ent found ers met in the room of Willi a m W a lsh in the
South Dormitory of the College, which is now Robinson Hall. In
1868 tht· Beta C h apter of th e Order was found ed a t V .M.I. As

the Fraternity expanded, Alph a found she co uld not co ntrol a ll of
th e new ch apters, so a na tion a l h ead qu arters w as established a t
Loui sville, K entucky. Und er th e influence of Robert E. Lee, who
w as then Presi d ent of W ashin gton College, th e order developed and
exp a nd ed throu ghout the South. K app a Alpha owes much of its
t rad ition a nd idealism t o Lee, who is consid ered o ur spiritual
fo und er.
Th e KA 's h ave won the Scholarship Trophy fiv e ou t of the last
seve n se mesters. W e hav e a lso h a d a well round ed soc ia l life, with
all the' brothers h avin g h a d a lot of fun this year. John Stump is
on th e Executive Committee for the second year in a row. Cliff
Smith has bee n wry ac ti\'t· in intercollegiate d ebating, a nd Brother
Doug Buck represented W ashington a nd L ee in the intercollegia te
}.foot Court competition. The KA H ouse is represented in just
abou t every extracurricular orga niza tion on th e campus. As usu al
we h ave p a rticip ated wholehea rted ly in lntramurals which h elped
to ke ep our bodies in sh ape.
With Dr. W . M. Hinton as F ac ulty Advisor, and Mrs. J. M.
Lewi s as o ur fine H ouse M o th er, Alpha C h a pter h as maintained
a n excell ent record. It is c\·en more significa nt, h cw e\· er, th a t the
m embers find the F ra ternity a source of lasti ng fri endship, which
is the bas is of a wholesome soc ial life.


First Row: Foote, Fay, Snyder, Ausley, \ Vadsworth, Ha rrell, Hurt, Whitfield, Lee,
Grady, .J. R. Early, J. S. Smith.
Second Row: WeaYer, D. F. Guth rie, G. S. \Vilson, S. B. Ca rter, L. C. Gwin, Norman,
Mrs. L ewis, Wilcox, Sale, Drum, M cL ane, J. K . O ast.
Third Row: Insley, Frazier, A. F. Gwin , Wellford , Dudley, Ferguson, Copen, Langford , Buck, Lester, Bell.

Fourth Row: Roy, Tannahill, Colvin, Wexler, C. E. Smith, Bradford, Steyes, Richa rd s, M ays, T eague, George.


--· ·--


First R ow: T. B. Brya nt, Ba ker, Lutcken. Stewns, T ayl01·, Va n Xu ys, Degenhardt ,
R eidford, L. V . Smith, Sha w.
Second Row : G app. Anthony, F . L. Moses, Brasfield, Drew, \\'. E. R eid, J eter, L a wson, Qui llen , :\leador.

T hird Row : C la un ch , Dunton, Humpton, C uny , C . B. Richa rdson, T yle r, Dobyns,
E. G . Hopkins, Ham, .\lan·in.
Fourth R ow: A . .\1. Burt , H iggs, F a hrenthold. Lynn, Pollock, Aiken , ]. Hill.
Fifth Row ; J o!Tr ion, Kroetz, D odge, R. K. C ha ndler, H eywa rd, K endig, W .
.\liller , E. \V. Noel.
Sixth R ow: Blair, R . N. \\'hite, H enderson, H yde, \\'orsham, Sonnen.
Seventh Row : Stofer, No rell, Ul rich.











SKIP REID . . ... ....................... .... . Grand Ma ster
GEORGE HOLBROOK ...... . ... ... ...... Grartd Procurator
DAVE D UNTON ............... . Grand Ma ster of Ceremonies
MRS. W .

J. .J O RD AN . .. .... ........ . ..... . . . . H ouse

M other

K a ppa Sigm a was found ed a t th e Un iversity of Virgini a in 1869;
Mu C h apter was established a t W &L as th e third orga nized C hapter, in 187 3. K a ppa Sigma has 127 C hapte rs th ro ughout the n ation, boasting more tha n 65,000 m embers. Mu began th e new year
by pledgi ng 20 freshmen during Ru sh Week and a no the r during
defe rred rushing.
O utstanding members in campus ac tiviti es were Ellis Drew, Stud ent Body President ; .JeFry H op kins, Editor of th e Ring-tum Phi
a nd Associate Editor of Th e South e.r n Collegian. O thers on th e
newspa per were Bill Mille r, News Editor ; Lloyd Dobyns, F ea ture
Editor a nd several freshmen as reporters . .Jim .Je te r was Sen ior
C lass Historia n ; Dave H enderson , Ind ependen t Pa rty C h airman ;
Owen Harn ed, Business M a nager of the She.nandoah ; John Willi amso n, Business M a nage r of The Law R eview; C ha rles Hump ton,
Sec reta ry of the Cotillion Club.
Bob Blair was on the varsity football team a nd C ha rlie Rich ard son a nd Jim Stofer were on th e sta rting soccer tea m . .Joe Ste\·e ns
was o n the cross-cou nt ri a nd track tea ms a nd Willard H yde sta rred
in baseball. Int ra muraily, K appa Sigm a captured th e golf championship and three weight-class titles in wrestlin g.
Soc ially th e year was one of th e most promin en t in Mu C hapter's history. We honored our swee theart at the an nu al Blac k a nd
White Ba ll a nd we made more th an the usua l number of o utings
to Goshen, Cave Mountain L a ke, an d D althout Sta te Pa rk.
O ur House Mother, Mrs. J orda n, helped us through o ur social
a nd everyd ay house -life with grace a nd charm. Mrs. ".J " has been
a n integral part of our lives he re a t th e Hou se for eight years.
Ac ting as Faculty Advisor whil e Dr. Buford Stewnson is on a
lea ve of absence, was Dr. Felix P. Welch. O ther prominent members were J e rry Hopkins who was tapped by O DK a nd elected to
Sig ma D elta Chi. Forensic Un ion participants were Broo ks Pollock
a nd Bill Mille r. K a pp a Sigma was represe nted o n the Cain es
G ua rd by seven men a nd in just a bout e\·ery c-a mpu s ac tivitysports, publica tio ns, litera ry and musical a nd dramatic.
With th e passing of the year, we look back with p ride a nd pleasure, kn owin g the C hapter has again fulfilled its purpose as a frate rnity.


G A i\1 i\1 A



R O:\' FAST . .... ......... . .. . . ............. .. ... Preside nt
JOE K:\'AKAL ... .......... ................. V ice- Preside nt
TIM THOMPSO:'I! ..... . ·.. ...................... . Se creta,ry
AL WHITE ............... ............... ...... T reasurer
MRS. BESS S MITH . .. . .. ......... .......... . H ouse A! other
In the short -l7 years si nce L a mbd a C hi Alpha was fo unded a t
Bosto n U nive rsit y, the fra te rnit y has g rown into the la rgest fr aternity in the world. L ambd a C hi was installed a t Was hing ton a nd
L L'e in 1921, a nd si nce then the loca l chapt er itse lf has ins tall ed
ch a pters a t Duke a nd :'l!orth Ca rolin a.
The loca l ch apter is ho used in W&L 's newes t fra ternity ho u ~e ,
built for the cha pt er in 1939, a nd tailored to its needs. The house
co ntains a n ever-exp a nding reference libra ry, a poo l room, muraled
bar, sec ret chapte r room, a nd oth er features; it h as been cit ed
na ti ona lly as a n o utsta nding exam pl e of fra ternity ho usin g.
As in the past, L ambd a Chi 's pl ayed key roles in ca mpu s ac tiYIti es. " C . .J." Bald ree was Mock Con\'e ntion liaison to the D emoc ra tic Pa rt y, editor of the " \\'&L Lawyer," sec re tary of Phi Alph a
D elta a nd member of th e Boa rd of Gove rnors of th e La w School ;
Ron Fast beca me \'ice-presid e nt of hi s class, mem be r of th e Assimil a tion Commi ttee, a nd a n orga ni ze r of Blue K ey; Bill Grigg is th e
o rigi na tor a nd produ ce r of a bi-wee kly radio p rogram from the
W&L ca mpus, edito r of the d aily H ome Ed ition, a nd columnist
for the national m agazin e, ''Science :'1/ews L etter;" J oe R ipley,
J ere Williams, a nd Bob Sheph erd led th e deba te team in i ts first
winning streak in se,·e ral yea rs.
In a thl etics, Gu s G la user se t several pool records in swimmin g;
M a uri cio G la user was ou tsta nding in tennis ; L ee Bradd ock in
socce r ; AI Gitter sta rred in foo tba ll ; De n nis Pa tton was a winnin g
wrestler: J oe Kn aka l a nd AI Gitter pitch ed th e baseball team to its
o nl y win s.
Scholastica lly the picture is aga in very good, with AI Gitte r,
Ron Fas t, J ere Willi ams, Art \\' a rner, Pey ton Middle to n, a nd Bob
Lowe being awa rd ed sc hola rships. a nd the over-all ho use a\'erage
risin g roward the nu mber one spot. The intramural ra nk is good,
and, like scholarship , ge ttin g e\·en better. Socially, th e annual
Apache party, the Pajama Ga me pa rty, a nd th e Found ers D ay
Fling hi ghli ghted a successful yea r.
Tho ugh div erse in interests, the m embers of L ambd a C hi a re
united, espec ially in their respec t a nd gratefuln ess to their house
mothe r, Mrs. Bess Smith, affec tio na tely ca lled ' 'Smitty" by '' her


c7 Ill b d c7


First Row: S. M . McCarthy, E. D. McCa rthy, E. R . Thompson, F as t, Mrs. B. Smith,
Knakal, Friberg, T. D. Wilkerson, J. \\'. Wilkerson.
Second Row: Ripley, Caldwell,
Glauser, :M antz, Lowe, H ayden.


H. Williams, Patton, Lindquist, ::-.riddleton. G.

Third Row: WaterYal, F. A. Adams, Briden, W a rner, Gitter, :M ayfield .
Fourth Row: Funkhouser, Bayard, A. H. White,
Fifth Row: Yurko\·,

D e ~fott ,

J. R . C ollins, Grigg.

Manley, Lindecamp.


First Row: Smythe, C. S. Thom as, Stua rt, La rimore, H alse ll, Collett, Barkley, \\'alton, Pickett, Benes.
Second Row: Di xon , Ox ner. T. A. Wilson, K anna pe!L l\lrs. B. Burlingame, R . G.
Gooch, D. G. Simpson, P. D . J ohnson, C usick, Lo\·e ring.
Third Row: D a rby. M a rkham, H ood , I. N. Smith, Pla tt, Be\"is, Butterfield , l\1. l\1.
Smith , \\' . K . Young, Vedder , Boha n.
Fourth Row: .J. l\1. Smith, France, Candler, P. \V . T urner, Brants, T. F. King, Corn,
Ihnw tt, Gower , H artm an, Tull y, Sowell, Foltz.





GORD ON GOOCH ............................. . Pr esident


............................ Vi ce-President

C HARLES KA l":'ll"APELL ......................... . Secretary
TOJ\1 Kl:'\G ............................... H ouse AI anager
MRS . L . B. BURLI:\"GAME ................... . /l ouse M othe1
\ 'i rginia Zeta of Phi D elta Th eta w as esta bli sh ed a t \\' ashin.e;ton
a nd L ee in 1887, 39 years a fter Phi D elta Th eta was found ed a t
O xford, Ohio in 18-1- 8. The present H ouse w as built in 1929 with
the in\'aluable assist a nce of E a rl S. l\lattingly, Secre ta ry of the
Boa rd of Trustees a nd Treasurer of the Uni\'ersity. \\' e h a\'e been
most fortunat e in ha\'ing Mrs. Lucy Booker Burlingame , or Mrs.
" B," as she is affection a tely called, for the Phi House Mother sinc e
19-1-2. A great deal of the past successes of Virgi ni a Z et a ca n be
a ttributed to h er, and h er untiring ai d a nd sympa thetic assist a n ce
to e\'ery m ember of the Chap ter h a\'e n e\'er p assed by unapprecia ted.
The m emb ers of Phi D elta Theta hav e as indi\'idu a ls spread
themselves th rough out all phases of campus life as lea d ers in a lmost
a ll a thletic scholastic, a nd extra-curricular organizations. Our
Presid ent, Gordon Gooc h is Corps Commander of the ROTC, producer of th e l\linstrel Show, p ast ch a irman of th e S\\' l\lSF C, President of Phi Eta Sigm a, a member of ODK, selec ted to " \\'ho's
\\'ho in Am erican Colleges a nd Universities," a n d h as ac hi eved
the Outstanding Phi from Virgini a award. D a\'e Simpson is past
Chairman of th e Uni\·ersity P art y and was a member of the Steermg Committee for t h e Mock Com·ention. Ed H ood is Editor of the
litera ry m agazine Sh enan doah. D ewey Oxn er is ExecutiY e Committeeman from th e Freshma n C lass of L aw School an d on the Uni\'ersity Commi ttee on Athleti cs. Di ckey J ohn son was co-ca pt ain of
the footb a ll team a nd h as been a ,-a]uable m ember of the lacrosse
team for th e past three years. AI Platt is Sec r etary of the .Junior
C lass, Dormitory Counselor, a prominent member of th e foo tb all
team, and on the Uni\'ersity Commi ttee on Athletics; Bill Northrop
is Sports Editor of the Rin g-tum Ph i a nd a m ember of the wres tling team.
Phi D elta Theta t a kes special prid e as a lways, in thi s yea r's
pled ge class. Th ey h a \'e been \'ery ac tive in ca mpus life, and they
a re one of the most promi si ng classes to appear in se\'eral yea rs.
\ ' irgini a Zeta's achie\·ements have been gr ea tly e nha nce d by the
encouragem ent a nd h elp of the n ew facu lty advi sor Dr. H an·ey
Among the m a ny a nd \'a ri ed ac tivi ties includ e some o f the fin er
a nd more m emorable social events of th e yea r. Pa rti es h a\'e t aken
the th em e of Bavaria n Sky Lod ge, a H a wai ian beach, and many
others. Y ea r after year the gr eat success of Virgi nia Zet a can only
be attributed to the full a nd willing cooper a tion of a ll the Brothers.














DO;\IALD LURIA ....... . ...... . ............... . President
E. l'vli CHAE L M AS I ;\ITER .... ... . ........... Vice- President
BARRY GOLDSJ\IJ T H .................. Recording Secretary
RICHARD SK OLNIK ..... ................ . . H ouse M anager
J\IRS. \\'ILL! AM C. FLOURXOY ............. . H ouse M other
Ph i Epsilon Pi, foun d ed at the College of th e Cit y of ;-.;ew York
in 190+, h as grown in many directions a nd now embraces the cam puses of 38 colleges an d universiti es, D elta C h apter was ch artered
h ere D ec ember 17, 1920. Since th at time Phi Ep h as won the
sc holarship t roph y more times than any other fra ternity on th e
W &L campus. M rs. William C. F lournoy, affec tio n ately known
to th e members of th e H ouse as " M om," h as bee n Hou se J\,lother
for the p ast sixteen yea rs, exce pt durin g the war years when th e
H ouse was temporarily closed. Sh e h as become d ea r to scores of
Phi Eps who h a\'e g ra du a ted from the Un iYersity.
At the Nat io na l Convention of Phi Epsilon Pi, D elta C h apter
rece ived t h e Phi Ep Ac tivi ties Awa rd , given to the fra ternity ch apter which is most ac tiYe in stud ent affairs on its respec tive campus.
This year two m embers of Phi Epsilon Pi were o n the Exec utive
Committee. Mike Dubin, a senior pre-med stud ent, besid es servi ng
on the Execu tive Committee, is President of Alpha Epsi lon D elta,
pre-med frat ernity, a nd was elected to " \\'ho's \\'h o." R on Rubin ,
the Fres hman Exec utiYe Committeem a n, h as served o n th e Freshman Advisory Commi ttee, an d is Pledge C lass Presid ent of the
F raternity.
Th e a thleti c picture was also bright for Phi Ep. Junior Ba rry
Storick captained \\' ashington and Lee' s Five Sta r Generals, succeeding last year's b asketba ll cap tain, Senior Dick Skolnik. Skolnik
was elec ted Captain of the 1956 General' s Baseball T eam. Also
starting on the eager squ ad wa s Junior Milt \Vinawer. J oel Bernstein, who play ed in the Xo rth-So uth Lacrosse gam e in Pa lm Beac h,
F lorid a, was on W&L's lacrosse squad a long with Mike M asinter
a nd Elliot Joffe. I n ad dition Mike Dubin, a letter winner, an d SteYe
Be rg a re out for the baseba ll squad.
D on Luria, presi d ent of th e Fratern ity, h as serYed as treasurer of
th e Interfr ate rnity Counc il a nd as a member of the Assimi lation
Comm ittee. Ste\'e ;\Iac hma n a dd ed much to this year's SWMSFC
Minstrel Show and Peter J acobs' moYie reYi ew colum n was we llr ece ind in th e Rin g-tum Ph i. Andy Greem on, ed itor-elec t of the
Rin g-tum Phi, se rn d thi s year as publicity ad\'isor to senra l campus organizatio ns, as well as pres id ent of Sigm a D elta C hi, journa li sm fraternity.
M a ny m embers of Phi Epsi lon Pi p layed a n actiYe part in campus affa irs d uring 1955 and with this record look forward to next
year for conti nuin g success on the \\'ash ington a nd L ee campu s.

J psi I 011

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First Row: H . 1\foses, Rubin, Sla ter, K ocen , Schlesinge r, Sussma n, Goldsmith.
Second Row: Bernstein, P .


J acobs, Greenman , 1\Irs. " '· C. Flournoy. Dubin.

Skolnik, 1\Iasinter.
Third Row: Winawer, Berg, Epstein, H. E. J acobs, Storick.
Fourth Row: Luria, N achma n, J offe.


Firs t R o\\: Brack , A. ~- G ro\T, Brl'clehoft , :\feg lit.-:, l\fc l nt yre, Kotz, Stock, Bowis.
Rohrcc ht , H ixon , Buh l, Pa lmer, Dod , l\ Iatthews, Ca usey.
Second R ow:


Dickson , K elley, Waltz, Guenther, H ornaday, Syme, l\Irs. V. Smi th ,

Shropsh ire, Bu ckey, M cQuiggan , l\Iarion , R . l\1. Rudel , l\1. C. J ackson, D. R. M oore.
T hird Row : l\ IcGeeha n , Smai l. Cra bbe, ]. L. Ell iott , Butrick, Bowers, Burns, C urra n.


C. Budd , S. ]. Thompson , ]. l\1 . Smi th, Alford , B. F. Ca rter, Da ughtrey.

Fo urth Row : Hea th, \ Vate rson, D. M. Dawson, L. G. D aYi s, Brent , Higgins, R . A.
Da Yi s, C linge r , \ \'. D. \ Va rd,


Pr es~ l ey,

Fenstermac her, V a n C leaYe, Sproul.




BILL SHRO PSHIR E ..... . ... .. ... . ... .. ........ . P resident

l\I cQU I GGA.:-.1

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . R eco rdin g Secretary

DI C K H O R..!"\TADA Y ·.. . .. ..... ... . . ... .... ....... H istorian
SAM SYME ........... .. . . .. . . .. . . .. .... . . H o use A/a,na ger
!\IRS. VIRGINIA Sl\!ITH .. .. .... . . . .. . .. .. . . H ouse M other
In their eighty-n inth yea r on the \\" ashin g to n a nd Lee campus,
the members of the Zeta De utero n Ch ap ter of Phi Ga mma Delta
co ntinu ed to mai nt ain t he high sta nd a rds of fr a terni ty brother·
hood as form ula ted by its found ers. The ha nd some white h o u ~e on
Preston Street remains o ne of the ce nt ers of ca mpus ac tivity. Phi
Gams may be fou nd lea d ing the way in nea rly every p hase of W ashing ton a nd L ee life.
Sa m Syme, as p resid e nt of O DK a nd th e Secre tary-T reas ure r of
the Exec utive Committ ee, culmin a ted his college yea rs with outsta nding se rvice to the University. Sa m was furth e r ho no red this
year with hi s selection for "Who's Who in Am erica n Co ll eges a nd
Un iversities,' ' as was Wiley \\' right. a fellow in iti a te of O DK.
Emme tt K elley helped sta rt out the \\' &L soci al season as p reside nt
of O p e ning D 3nces. Sophomo re .Jim V an C leave a bly assisted
Emme t as a \'ice -preside nt of th e dance se t a nd co ntin ued working
thro ugh th e year as IF C Socia l C hairm an a nd Publicity l\I a nager
of the S out hern Collegian. J ohn Buc key a nd H a rdin M a rio n eac h
were honor ed by elec tion to cl ass offi ces. J oh n also served on t he
Assim ila tion Comm ittee a nd H ard in joined Syme as a F resh ma n
Do rm Co unse lor.
A thi rd mem ber of O DK, .Jac k M cQuigga n, no t on ly a n nou nced
the pagea ntry of Fancy Dress a nd d irected th e '56 M in strel Show,
but also worked as president of the T roubadours, as th ey brough t
to the campu s a successfu l dramatic season . Al so extremely ac tive
m th e Troubs thi s year we re Ba rn es. Smith , a nd Dixo n.
Fra nk Gue nthe r a nd Di ck Butrick se rw d as captain s of the
swimming a nd ten nis teams, respec tive ly. Also particip a ting in
intercollegia te spo rts were a good ly n umber of Fij is. Bob Cu rra n
direc ted the fr a ternity' s intramural ac ti,·ities to th eir usual successful co nclusion. N a t ura lly the Phi Gam p a rti es led th e way on
weekend s with Bill Burns at th e h elm as Soc ial C h airman, cli maxing the year with the fa m ed Fiji I sla nd Party.
The Fiji Freshma n C lass was one of the la rgest and fin est o n
campu s. The le adership pote ntial ities of the new me n became mor e
a pp a rent as th e yea r progressed. Also a newcomer to the C ha pter
was Mrs. Virgin ia Smith, our H ouse M other. She has furth e r enha nced th e fra tern ity's reputa tio n fo r wa rm h ospitality with her
cha rming m ann er a nd p ersonali ty.
Thus the C ha pter p rogressed th rough the yea r in its dedi ca tio n
to the ideals of Phi Gam ma D elta.

(}a 111 Ill a








GA RRY MARTI:\ . .... .. . ............ ... . . ... .. . P resident
NED GROVE .... .. ......... .. ...... ...... . V ice-President
FRED STAMP .... .. .... . .... . .... . . Corresponding Sec reta ry
BOB MILLER' ...... .. ............... ... R eco rdin g Secretary
ART l\[cCA I ;'II .. .... .... . .......... .. .. . ......... T reasurer
MRS. CARROLL EVA:\S ...... . ....... .... .. . H ouse Mo ther
Virginia Beta of Phi K a ppa Psi th is yea r bega n it s seco nd centu ry on the \V as hin ~ ton a nd Lee campus. Fo und ed in Febru ary,
1855, the C ha pter celebra ted its centenni al last yea r, a nd is th e third
oldest Ch apter of th e Phi K app a Psi N a tional Fra ternity, which
was fo unded a t Washington a nd J efferso n College in 185 2.
Th e C ha pte r, whic h th is year pledged seve ntee n me n, now
sta nd s a mong the top fra terniti es a t \\" . a nd L. in all phases of
U niversity ac tivity. Virginia Beta is ahove the all-m en's average
sc holastica lly, a nd sta nds high in va rsity a nd intra mura l sports participa tion. Outstanding a mong th is year's Phi Psi's were : Stu Atkinso n, Vice -Presiden t of the Inter-Fra ternity Council a nd Va rsi ty
Bask etball ; N ed Grove, President of Fin als D a nces and Sports E ditor of th e R ing-t um Phi; Art McCa in , Phi Beta K a ppa a nd V a rsity T e nni s Ca pt ain ; Tom Salsbury, V a rsity foo tball, baseba ll an d
basketball m a nage r ; Fred Stamp, Secr etary of the Public a tion s
Boa rd and Busi ness M an ager of th e S outh er n Colle gian; Bob
M ill er, Presid ent of th e Jun io r Class a nd V a rsi ty Wrestlin g;
Ch a rles Swo pe, Presid ent of th e Law School Freshm en Class:
C ha rles Dobbs, Dormi tory Co unselor a nd Hono r Roll ; J ohn Sinwell,
Vice -Presid ent of the University D a nce Boa rd a nd V a rsi ty T ennis;
a nd John Pea le, Vice-President of the Sopholllore C lass a nd the
Exec utive Commi ttee of th e Christia n Co uncil.
Sociall y, this pas t yea r was one of th e most promine nt in \ "irgini a Beta's h istory. During th e fall , the C ha pter held several
houseparti es, includ ing the a nnu al Cha mpagne Party just before
the C hristmas vaca tion. Phi Psi's also m ade more tha n the usual
numbe r of t rips to Goshe n a nd Twin Falls durin g the spring. Th e
success of th e H ouse's soc ial ac ti,·iti es is of co urse du e to Mrs.
Ca rroll E\·a ns, whose g racio usn ess an d charm have add ed so much
to fra ternity life.
Phi K a ppa Psi is proud of the part it has p layed in the pas t,
a nd confid ent t ha t it wi ll co ntinue to se n ·e \\'ashing ton a nd Lee
in the future.



First Row: Bohlman. Esperi an, Broadus, Cr ayc roft, D. \\". Gillespie, Ca!Yert, S. \\' .
Gillespie, Newburg, Villerot. A. C. Hubba rd, D. 1\L Young, Swift, Willis.
Second Row: Dobbs, Abbott, A. 0. Jones, R . B. Jones, E. L. Grove, Mrs. Evans,
G. P. M artin, A. W. McCain, J. K . Kane, H arvell, Atkinson, Treadway.
Third Row: Riddle, Stamp, Slingerland , Salsbury, C. D. H awkins, Barton, SinwelL
Boone, Koontz, Sherman, R . D. Miller, Steffee, R . G. Clark, Loutit.
Fourth Row: \Vilemon, Coleman, K . C. J ones, Peale, Seeger, B. C. Gooch, Leep,
Nash, Couch, Large, B. Campbell.
Fifth Row: Cha rles, C. H. ?vliller. 1\IcPherson, T. W. 1\Iartin, K . Wood , C. B. Davis,
G. W. White, Pendleton, Peachy.


Fir't R ow: ',V!Jitlock, Toomey, Roernstcin , L. Smtih . H a wki ns, R . J ones, H ager.
S. :\IcC ain , T . \\'isdom .
Second Row: O ul d, Walters, P. Collins, Bond, Fowler, l\ Irs. Cogbi ll, Chisholm ,
C. DaYis, H er::schel. Brant ley, Dey.
T hird Row: Pollard , Bracher,
K. H ill. l'\eussle, Hill, ockcy.


:\Iac Dona ld . !\Jason. S. Russell, Athcrholt. Laskey.

Fo urth Row : Ried, Campbell, Lyle, R .


St cH~ n s ,

R. \\'eimer, Barker, \\'ceks, Ama to,




RUPE CHISHOLM ............................. . President
LEE BRANTLEY ... .. ... . . . ................. Vice-President
JOE AMATO ............................... Vice-President
C HARLES M cCORMICK ...................... . . Secretary
WARREN NUESSLE .... . ................. . H ouse Man age'
MRS . .JOH N COGBILL ...................... H ouse M other
Fhi K app a Sigma was founded at the University of Pe nnsy lva ni a
in 1850, a nd was introduced to Washington and L ee University in
1894. Throughout its sixty years of existence on the W&L ca mpus,
Phi K appa Sigma has produced an amazing number of campus
leaders. 1t has earn ed a strong reputation for fraternity a nd Chapter spirit, and h as constantly co ntributed outstanding members to
variuos inter collegiate athletic teams.
Phi K aps h ave distin guished themselves in every activity on the
campus, as well as in Intercollegiate a nd Intramural a thletics, a nd
in the p as t yea r they attained several m ajor honors in extrac urricular fields: Pa t Collins was among the 'V&L students selected
for "Who' s Who in American Colleges a nd Universities." In the
literary fi eld Tom Akin is feature editor of the Ri,n g-tum Phi. Bob
Boernstein, Joe Amato, a nd Tom Aiken, are on the editori al staff
of the Southern Collegian . L arry Smith and Charlie M cCo rmick
are active members of the Graham-Lee Society. Several Brothers
a re active members of Washington and L ee's Glee Club. Phi Kappa
Sigma was well represented on a large number of the va rsity a thletic teams. In footb all, Earl Gillespie, L ee Bra ntley, D ea n M cKnight, Rupe Chisholm, Roge r Bond, and Tad Wisdom were varsity players. Earl Gillespie won th e most outstanding player of th e
yea r award. "K. K ." Hill is a member of this year's wrestling team .
Buddy Dey, Joe Amato, and Warren Nuessle were members of this
year's W&L baseball te am. Charlie McCormick and Scotty Russell
were members of th e golf team. In the past seven years, Phi Kap
has not finished lower than third in Intramurals. In the last three
yea rs, Phi Kap h as won the Championship twice.
Most students on th e campus will remember the traditional
Battle of the Bulge and the Fall a nd Christmas housepa rties. Under the direc tion of our capable social chairman, Bob Boernstei n,
we had our annual Shipwreck Houseparty. Several houseparti es
were h eld at Goshen Pass, and Cave Mountain L a ke in the Spring.
Throughout the yea r, several "Birthday Parti es" were held in honor
of Brother Aiken.
We feel that much of what we ac hieved this year has been
directly attributable to our House Mother, Mrs . .John Cogbill, who
has been untirin g in her support a nd assistance.
The Chapter h as proved to be a n organization in which the
individual can rea li ze self-expression, a nd d evelopm ent of his perso nality. They have tried to maintain an air of congeniality among
themselves and collectively, towards the entire camp us, a nd in do ing so they h ave d eve loped a sense of unity a nd mutu al respect
which can be rivaled by none.











DON FRYBURGER .............. ..... .......... . President

G EORGE L UPTON ......................... Vice-President
C HARLIE SPENC ER ..... . ..... ......... ....... . Se cretary
SK IP LA\\' ...................... ... ..... , . ..... Treasurer
MIKE .JO H0: SO:\T .. ..................... . . . H ouse M anager
MRS. EARL f O STER .... ... ............ .... . H ouse M other
Found ed in 1868 at the University of Virgini a. Pi K app a Alph a
tod ay looks back o n a record of fri endship a nd dig nity, a nd for.
ward to a co nfident future. In J J2 C hapters thro ughout the nation, PiKA has prod uced a nd is produci ng ou tsta ndin g and respec ted men . Pi C ha pter of PiKA was found ed here in J 892, a nd
h as grown a nd prospere d hoth in numbers a nd spirit from that
d ay on . During the twenti es th e C hapter becam e too large for its
hou se o n J ackson Ave nu e, a nd moved to its prese nt location in
Red Squa re. Pi's resp ected posi tion on campus has bee n ea rn ed
throug h the co mbined effort s a nd qua lity of the C ha pter's members a nd loya l alu mni. Two of the fraterni t y's alumni are on the
Washington a nd L ee fac ulty: D ea n Clayton E. Williams of the
School of Law a nd Dr. M arsha ll Fishwick.
This year, as a lways, Pi ca n be justly proud of its m embers wh o
co ntinu ed its t rad ition of leadership in a lmost e\·el)· field of ca mpus end ea vor: Ba rclay Smith was a startin g forward on 'W&L 's
basketball tea m ; John Arnold ra n the very successful Ch a rity
C hest Drive whi ch added to h is already envia ble record; form er
H ouse Presid ent Phil Dowding was on the La w R eview and a
member of Sigma; M a rk D avi s se n ·ed as a dormitory counselorthe list is long an d the diversity g rea t. The freshm en we re partic ul a rl y ac ti\'c in the public a tio ns fi eld.
The Cha pter as a whole co ntinued its envi ed position as one of
the lea ding fra terniti es on the campus: Sixth in sc hola rship .. .
Intramural success . , . a stron g a nd ac ti\·e pledge class. Socially,
Pi 's tradition of fin e parti es continued- th e Paj ama Pa rty .
the C hri stmas H o use Pa rty . . . th e da nce weekend s . . . the
All-Sta te PiKA Ball in Richmond . . a nd ma ny o ther gettoge thers.
It would be ha rd to im agin e being withGut o ur gracious H ouse
Mother, Mrs. Ea rl Foster. Since her entra nce in to the House she
h as add ed a new cha rm, a nd Pi is p a rticul a rly indebted to her for
bei ng suc h a wiza rd with th e fin a nces. Pi C ha pter looks forw ard
to the coming year with its traditions of fri e ndship, ser\'ice, success, a nd prom in ence.


First Row:]. G. Russell, Schaefer, Borghi, R oo te, Sawcrs, C. T. Davis, C. R . H ough,
Ansell, Potts, R . E. Shepherd, J\[orris, K aegi.
Second Row: Laughlin, Lurate, Bussen, ]. H . J ackson, Fryb urger, l\lrs. Foster,
Wa tson, M . B. DaYis, Schuler, Rockel, Arnold .
Third Row: Dowding, R . \V . M axwell , Corbin. M . S. J ohnson, H . E. Fisher, E. B.
mith, D . V . Johnson, Gee, T albott, J. J. Crawford. Seabrook, Swezey, K eith, R owe.
Fourth Row: Spencer, H empstead, Pearson, A. L. Allen, Atwell, Lup ton, Robinso n,
R einer, Law, Banks.


Fir,t Row : \\'a lii , Smink , Atkins, Brya nt, D ay. Fuguet.

~I cGowa n ,

:\lason, K etch-

a m , Eba ugh , Pa ul, G. Z. Brown.
Second Row: Doerhoefer, G. G . Coll ins, ]. \V. Dun can , J ohnston, Mixson, 1\frs.
?\l cConnell, Shelor, Rappel, R . S. Wood . Fitzgera ld , J ennings, l\'oll, Ahlg ren.
T hi rd Row: Stroud, H . E . Stine, Bare, T a rr, Anderson.

~ I a rsh ,

D. C . \\'a rd , Ba llan-

tine, St.ll'ling, Speckman, H . R . Gillespie, Wa llace.
Fourth Row: R amsay, M . ]. E llio t, Ea rle, Proul x, DeG raaf, Snowden , ]. :\1. .:\l orton,
C ra nford .


S. Lewis, G . D . Kin g, Kressler, Nolte, B. P. Armstrong.











BO B STR OU D ........ ..... ..... . . . .... . .. . . . .. . Pre sident
NO RMAN PROU LX .. ....... . . .. . . .. ... ... ... .. Tr easurer
BO B RA PPEL .... .. ... ........ ... .. ... . . .. ... . . . S ecr etary
A LAN MIX SO:"J' . . . .. ... ....... ......... . .. H ouse M aua ger
MRS. H . W . M cCONNEL ........ .. . . . . .. . . . . H ou se M oth er
Rho C ha pter of Pi K a ppa Phi was esta blished a t W ashing ton
a nd Lee in F ebrua ry of 19 20. Duri ng the pas t few yea rs, the
C ha pter ha s performed ma ny o utsta ndi ng accomplishme nts. \\'e
h ave won th e Scholarship T roph y twi ce in a si ngle yea r, h ad th e
d istin ctio n of h aving the H ead D ormito ry Co unse lor a nd President of the Student Bod y a mem ber of th e C h apter, a nd also the
edito rs of both the R ing-tum Phi a nd T h e L aw R evie w .
The 1955 -5 6 sc holastic yea r has seen Rho C h apter co ntinue
its adva nce towa rd campu s p re -emin ence. Th e pledge class thi s yea r
of fourteen members promi ses to p romo te this ad va nce in the
future, by producing

cam pu ~

leaders, both in ac tiviti es a nd a th-

le tics. Thi s yea r's Rho C ha pter has two membe rs on the S tudent
Body Exec utive Committee:

Be,- Stephenso n, represent ing the

senio r la w class ; a nd Bob R a ppel, rep resenti ng the sopho more
ac ademi c class. Bill Fishbac k a nd Bob Stroud a re Dormitory Co unse lors. T h is ye ar Rho also has th e p resi d ent of t he Conce rt Guild ,
Glenn Collins ; the direc tor of " H ome Ed ition ," Bill Fishbac k ; the
produce r of " K aleid escope," J ohn J enn ings; the p resid ent of the
Fri ends of the Libra ry, Bob Stroud ; the presid ent of the Internatio nal R ela ti ons Club, Bill Fitzgerald ; the vice-p resid ent of the
W as hingto n Litera ry Soc iety, G lenn Collins ; the vice-presid ent of
the Interna tiona l R ela tions C lub, J ohn M arsh ; the ma naging edito r of the Ring-t um Phi, Dic k Ande rso n ; the business ma nager
of the Tro ubad o urs, Bob Stroud ; th e secre ta ry of the Senio r C lass,
Bill Fishb ack ; a nd th e Histori a n of th e Juni or Class, K en Sta rlin g.
In a thletics, Rho h as show n a n active int erest , ha,·ing a t present
two monogra m winners from track a nd cross-co untry, Bob \ Vood
a nd Burk!" Armstrong. Scholastica lly, Rho bega n the ye a r by ra nkin g in third p lac e among campus fra te rnit ies.
We owe a debt of d eep gr a titude to o ur H o use M other, " Mrs.
M ac," whose und ersta nding a nd encou rageme nt has helped us to
reac h those heights wh ic h we have now a tta in ed.



S I G l\I A


JAPPY BEC KER ... . ................... .. .. ..... . P resident
M I KE EARP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .... Vic e- Preside nt
i\IURRA Y McCLA I:\1 . . . . . . . . ..... . . . .. . ......... T reasu rer
11ERR I LL PLAI,STED ..... . ...... ...... ... ..... . S ecreta ry
MRS. F. L . \\' AG :\"ER . . ..... ... .

..... . H ouse Af oth er

M a rch , !856 saw the birth of Sigma Alph a Epsilon a t th e Universi ty of Alabama through the energies of Noble L eslie D eVotie
a nd seven close companions. Some eleven yea rs la ter in 1867 Virgini a Sigma C ha pte r was es ta blished a t \V&L by Fra nk Bell Webb.
Alwa ys recognized an d e nvied as one of the stron gest na tion al
fra terniti es, Sig ma Alph a Epsilon has extended th a t lead ership on
the W&L campus for ma nv yea rs. It is easy to see SAE's wi de
interes ts by its members' p a rti cip a tio n in ma ny va ri ed soc ial, athle tic, a nd extrac urric ula r ac tiviti es.
As Presi de nt of Spring D a nces, Rob Pee ples hea ds on e of the
sc hool' s most pop ular d a nce se ts. M erri ll Plaist ed contributed
grea tly to the success of the ' 56 CALYX by h is position as CA LYX
Busi ness 11a nagc r. Ed Gh·h a n holds th e preside ncy of th e Gra ha m
L ee Society; Rob Peeples, th e Coti llion C lub : Cha r lie D a wson, Pi
Alph a N u ; a nd 1 1erri ll Plaisted, th e M ongolia n Minks.
Jn sports, Burr Mi ll er is on the soccer team, Gi ll Holl and on th e
wres tlin g tea m, a nd Ri cha rd R a ines on th e swimm ing team . Don
F a n ·iss is a va rsity golfer, wi th Greg M cNeer, Bob F lemi ng, and
H ar rv H einetch p laying football. The House cl aim s exc ell ent tennis
p layers in Bill C ha nd ler, Wally W itm er, Ed Woodson, Rob Peeples,
a nd Bill Houston . Every m embe r of th e Chapter has som e sport
to whic h he dc\'o tes much spa re time.
Th e past yea r saw such memorabl e events as th e fin al payment
a nd the burning of th e house mortgage, a p arti al remod elin g job
throug h the effo rts of Dr. Sta rling, a nd th e comp letion of a large
wall ed-in pa tio with furnishings.
SAE welc ome d one of the st ronges t p ledge classes on th e campus a nd with th em sp ent a ha ppy a nd profitable yea r, including
such long remembered eve nts as the a nnua l Paja ma Game Party
a nd the a nnua l C hristm as H o use Pa rty.
Th e Fra ternity th ank s Mrs. Feld e \\.agner for h er grac io usness,
kindn ess, and p a ti ence on th e comp letion of her six th year as our
H ouse Moth er. Under the g uid ance of our ad\' isors. Dr. Starling
a nd Mr. Cook, SAE loo ks forwar d to a nother year of success a nd
frien dship .



First R ow: .M cC lain, Bec ker, _:l.f r . W ag ner, l\fcl\'eer, Pla isted.
Second R ow: G. C. !d iller, Pit tma n, Gid1an, Earp, Rodgers, H ouston, D . B. Thompson, !\'larthinson.
T hird Row: Fink, G. P. J ackson, R ai nes, Farriss. ]. H. Da ,·is, Good,,·yn, T. R . Smith.
Fourth R ow: Tucker, Peeples, H . C. Whitaker, Sadler, Witmer. _:l. fead. H olleman.
F ifth R ow : Wilbou rn, Lipscomb, _:l.f idgley. Holl and. Bland . \\'. A. Roberts.
Sixth R ow: Benney, Jack, K .

"r· C hand ler. Ga ines. J. S. Smith, Pappas.

Seventh R ow : H einitsh, Crews. C ummins. B. C. _:l.!iller. ]. B. Boyle.
E ighth Row: \\'. R. Ritter, A. \\'. Roberts. Fleming, Co le, ].
H aus . R. L. Collins, Flegal, C. 0. D awson, Woodson.


. Chapman, Way,

- - - -



fir~t Row: J. C. Belden, AcquaYclla, C. f. H opkins, 0. T. Williamson, Aycr, Webb,
R eilly, H ouse, D. L. G uy, W. N. M artin, W . E. Wright, H. H. Smith, 1\Ioeller,
\\'inston , Lea .

Second Row: Alter, M ye rs, Nevin , Willa rd, Nyce, Su ll i\'an , Mrs. Neilson, Milligan,
M. Adams , Cha tman, Alanis ] . M. Brown, Kn ox , Barber, R ehlen.
Third Row: Kemp, 1\-forrison, Ga rner, C reel, D. F. G uy, P. R . CampbelL Pa te, \ V.
Adams, C hatman , Alanis, J. J'vl. Brown, Knox , Barbe r, R ehlen.


Fo urth Row: foley, S. C brk , Mower, Phelan, Wa tring, :M oyer , Bagley, C. R . Thompson, Seibel, Branch, H olli ster, Whipple, R aymond, D. B. Copp.











G E O R GE MILLI GAN . ... .. ... .. .. .. . ............ ? .resident
PAT SU LLI VA :>< .............. .. . ......... .. V ice-P reside nt
~.f AR\'

M O RELAND ....... .. . . .... ....... ..... . . S ecretary

PRES PA TE . ... ........ . . . .. . .. .. . .. .. ... ...... Tr easurer
MR S. G. C. N IELSO!\' ... .. ... .. . ..... . . .. ... . H ouse M other
Alpha C ha pter of Sigma C hi was esta blished on Jun e 28, 1855,
a t Mia mi U ni nrsity in O xford , O hio, a nd the F ra ternity has
g rown a nd multipli ed until it now embraces 136 ac tive ch a pt ers.
O f these, Ze ta is a \'Cry promin ent constitu ent whi ch appea red o n
the W as hin g ton a nd L ee Ca mpu s o n D ecem ber l 0, 1866. Du e to
the ch arac ter a nd spirit of its m embers Zeta has since playe d a n
ac tive role in campu s activiti es. Alo ng with Be ta Theta Pi a nd Phi
Delta Th eta, Sigm a C hi form s the fa med M iam i Tri a d.
Th e C ha pter illustra ted its capabilities in initi a tin g the new
sc hool year by pledging 2.J. fin e fresh me n during rush week. Durin g the p ast yea r, the m en of Sigma C hi have m et with added
success a nd good fortun e. This ca n be a ttributed in pa rt to a wry
popul ar a nd c ha rming Hou se M other- o ur M rs. G. C. N ielson,
a nd to Dr. K enneth P . Steves, F ac ulty Advi so r a nd fri end .
Today, as a lways, the Sigs h a,·e ga ined distinctio n in every
phase of ca mpus ac tivities-a thle tics, soc ia l, sc ho la rship a nd ex tracurri cul ar leadership. R epresenta ti\'es from o ur C ha pter can be
found in almost every \'a rsity sport. Fall saw Ji m Perr yma n, M a rv
Morela nd, Pres Pa te, W a t \\' atring, C la rk Lea. a nd Pa ul Kn ox
displ aying th eir a bility on the g ridi ron . In othe r va rsity sports
we had fres hm a n Don Morin e in socce r ; .Jerry M oye r in basketball ;
Tom Branc h a nd H a nk Smith in swimmi ng; Tohn Holli ster, Butch
House , a nd Mike Winston in wres tlin.((; Dick Beldon a nd Bob
Phelon in baseball ; Pres Pate, R a ndy Cree l a nd Bud M owe r o n
track ; Bra nch a nd Moyer on the links.
F reshm en p a rticipa tion in both int ramu rals a nd intercollegia te
sports proved to be very encouragin g. W e rank a t the top in intramurals, h a\'ing won last year 's over-all Athl etic Ch ampion ship
Awa rd .
M a ny Zeta Sigs h a,·e ta ken ac tive p a rt in the leade rship phases
of ca mpus life. George Milligan, o ne of the o utsta nding stude nts
a t W&L, was tapped O DK. elec ted President of the H o use, a nd
has been listed in " Who' s \\' ho in Amer ican Co lleges a nd U nive r~ iti es." J o hn H olli ster, the M ost O utsta nd in (( F reshm a n , was elec ted
Presid ent of th e Sophomore C lass. M ike Ga rn er was Sec re ta ry of
the IF C, while J oe C ha tm a n was Vi ce-Presid ent of both O penings
a nd F a ncy Dress.
Th e o utstandin (( qu ality in which the Zeta Sigma Chi's prid e
th emselves is th e feelin g of true brotherhood . M en of ma ny different localiti es a nd aspira tion s find th eir common inter est inves ted in
the life a nd fra tern al spirit of Sigma C hi . Yo un g in h er ambiti ons
a nd steady in her ac tions, Sig ma Chi will always be ac tiv e on the
W&L cam p us. It will lon g be remembered by its Swee th earts a nd
m embers.

Sif //Ill


L A l\1 B D A


L E:'\ H OUG H .. .... ...... ............ . .. ....... . P resident
T R EV ARMBRI STE R .. .. . .. .. . ....... . ..... V ice -P resident
MIKE C H ANEY ... ........ ... .................. T reasur er
JO H N H UFFORD .. ...... .. . .... . .............. . Secretar)'
JO H .\' W ATERS ......... . ........ .... ..... . H ouse M ana ger
l\IRS. C. A. S PEXCE . ... ............... . ... . H ouse M other
Sigma .\' u was fo unded in 1869 a t V .M .I. a nd has since grown
to be one of th e la rgest nation al fra terniti es in th e U nited States.
L ambda, one of t he old es t ac tiv e chapters of Sigma N u , was
founded a t W ashin gton and L ee in 188 2.
La mbd a membe rs a re fo rtuna te to h ave Mrs. C. A. Spence as
their House Mo ther. She has bee n wi th th e C ha pter for te n yea rs
a nd has bee n a n integ ra l part of all o ur ac tiviti es during thi s tim e.
Sigma Nu sta nds among th e top frate rniti es a t \\'ashi ngton a nd
L ee in all ph ases of campus activity. Th e loc al chapter is above th e
all-me n's av erage sc holasti ca ll y and stands hi gh in va rsi ty and intram ura l spo rts pa rti cipa tio n.
A t th e O DK ta pping ceremony th is yea r, Sig ma Xu lead th e
ca mpus wi th three ini tia tes. T hcv were: Trev Armbris ter, chairma n of SW:t\ISFC , Ed itor of th e Southern Collegian, D ea n' s Li st
a nd Honor R oll ; Buzz H a nson , Preside nt of t he Publi catio ns
Boa rd , Busin ess M a nage r of th e S outhern Collegia n, Chairm an of
the Assi mi la tion Commi t tee, a nd li sted in the 1955-56 ed ition of
" Who's Who Amon g Studrnts in American Co ll eges and Uni,·ersiti es;" Ca rl Swanson, C hair'lla n of the !\lock Co:l\'e nt oo n, Presid ent of Pi Sigma Alpha, Ass imi la tion Committee, and a memb er
uf Phi D elt a Phi . Ot hr r ca mpus lea ders were H ugh M orrell, President of th e \\' &L G lee C lub ; Bob N eunrei ter, Art Editor of the
S ou th ern Collegian, an d a memb er of the Va rsity Wres tling team ;
Fred M agoline, R ing C ha irman for SWMSFC : Mike Chan ey, Ju n-

...... _


Exec utive

Commi tte-:m an,

D o rmitory Co un se1or, Freshm an

Camp Co un selor, a nd a tTlember of th e Saze racs.
In the fi eld of spor ts Sigma :'\u provid ed ma ny men for va rsitv
tea ms. In foothall , Rufe Safford, J ohn Grabea u, and D a n Giger
we re sta rred . Len H ough a nd C ha rli e M acintosh were members of
t he soccn tea m . Ben Noe l a nd Bob Neunreitcr a re o n th is year's
Varsi ty wrestling squ ad. John Gibbs is on the swimming tea m.
T his year the \\'hi te Rose Formal, o ne of the ramp us's top social
c\·e nts, was held a t the M ay flow er H otel. Mu sic was prO\·id ed by
th e \'M I Comm a nde.-s. T he fa ll cost ume p a rty was a great success
wi th it s th eme of "Communism. " T he Spri ng H ouse Party took
p lace a t Caw Mountain L a ke.
But of prim ary importan ce a t Sigma Xu is th e feeling of fellows h ip a nd un ity.







,..... ....





__.. -


... _

First Row : Coates, H enning, Broil, Schmidt, Casella .
Second Row: Yage r, Armbrister, l\lrs. Spence, L. B. H ough. Ch aney.
Third Row: Safford, Morgan, Huffa rd , Gay, S. L. Thomas, Sprott, S. L. !\l oore.
Fourth Row: Morrell, Cosby, l\lagoline, Grabau, V. H . H anson, ;\! acl ntosh, Giger,
Webber, Cella.
Fifth Row: Sprag ue, ]. T. E\·a ns, D. A. Miller, H inkle, Perry, M onroe, Drabek.
Krame r, Neunreiter, Greene, J. D. Ritter, B. L. NoeL
Sixth Row: McG reevy, Gibbs, Swanson, Cairns, Gutberlet, Ralph.



Row: R . ~l. E\ ans, Go ttsegan, Fra nk . .:\Iinde!, Hirsc h. Sapinslcy, Sigmund,
G ingold , Steiner, .:\la rks, E. D. L evy .

Secon d Row: Atlcr, Applefelcl . H eym a nn , B. Berma n. R osenberg, 1\Iasla nsky, l\Irs.
L. .:\ Ia rsh. K apla n, Cane, l\Iorgenstern , Greenba um . C rista!, H a rberg.
T hi rd Row: Abeloff, Skla r, Gold , Bendhcim , Erdreich, I saacs, Rosenfeld , H alper.
Portner, G a rson , Ehudin. L. E. G oodman , Fried la nder, Pizitz, Helzburg.
fourt h R ow: ~Iint z, Abra mson. T . C . Friedma n, Cap lan, I. R . Be1ma n. ]. P . .:\foyer,
R ich. Sa melson, Kullma n , Brickma n. Picku s, S mu lson.





SANDY MASLANSKY ............... ........... . Pr esident

.............................. Vice-P1esident

LYNN CANE ................................... Treasurer
JOHN GOLD .................................. . . Steward
LARRY ATLER ...................... . R ec01ding Secretary
BILL ABELOFF .................... Conesponding Secretary
PHIL CRISTAL ..................... ........ ... . Historian
MRS. LEN O Y MARSH ...................... . H ouse M other
Zeta Beta Tau h ad its beginnings o n the W ashington a nd Lee
ca mpus in 1920 as a n outgrowth of th e Gamma Gamma C lub
which was form ed in 1919 by six students. Granted a charter by the
National Fraternity, it became the Alpha Epsilon Chapter. From
this humble beginning th e Chapter h as expanded notably in size
a nd prestige.
Sixteen freshmen were pledged this year, a nd the to tal memb~rship is fifty-three. The Chapter's membership has increase d
steadily for the pas t few years, a nd a t th e present it is stronger
tha n it h as ever bee n. The ph ysica l plant was e nl a rged a nd improved to h a ndle this record m emb ership. The dining room was
doubled in size; the basement was retiled, a nd th e entire hou se
was painted.
The Zebes a re very ac tive pa rticip a nts in the ac tivities on th e
Washington a nd L ee ca mpu s. Prominent members a re H enry H eymann, Presid ent of Fancy Dress; Sandy M asla nsky, Exec utiv e Committeeman ; a nd Sid Kapla n, Presid ent of the Interfr a ternity Council. Other ac tive members are Larry Atler, Business Man ager of
the Ring-tum Phi ; Curley Greenbaum, Vice-Presid ent of Openings
Dances, a nd Bill Abe!off, Assistant Editor of the CA LYX.
Alpha Epsilon is well represented in th e a thletic circles too.
Ira Samelso n, Dick Brickman, a nd Ed Sa pinsley were memhers of
th e footb all team. The swimming team had a strong representation,
with John Gold, Sta n Erdreich, a nd Ala n Osher particip a tin g. The
lon e addition to the golf team was Don Rosenfeld. During the past
yea r, th e Chapter r an ked second both semesters sc holasti cally.
M a n y th a nks a re owed our new House Mother, Mrs. L enoy
M a rsh. She has done mu c h to make the yea r a successful one.
Th a nks to her coopera tion a nd th e excellent job don e by th e offi ce rs, the Alpha Epsilon Chapter of Zeta Beta Tau h as h ad a nother successful year on the W ashin gton a nd Lee campu s.

Bet a


U11 i v er s i t y Co111 111 i t t e e
\\ ' IL LI A~I

j AY




C oo K



. . . . . . .

. . ............ .


Tw o ~I B LY . . .


.. .

ED\\'1;-..' C . GRIFFITH . . ..


0 II

. Fa cult y M emb er



.S ec retary

DEWEY OxNER . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

. .Student M emb er

. . . . . . . . . . . .. . . Student

AI emb er

C. CH RI STIAN . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Alumnus

A/ emb er

. . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . Alumnus

Afemb er

. . Fa culty 1\l emb er


. . Fa culty Af nnb er


. . Fa culty Af emb n



. . .

\ '




lof) l -








...... .

" -_:-:.



First Row: Tully, Chi..;hnlm , Hein:l, Pickett, Bri s~ n P, Stine, Pe rryma n, Knox , P ~ t e, S;:tmelson, Lea, Ha rrington . Second Row: Laughlin, Platt, Salsbury,
Bailey, Wisdom, Clark, Doy le, Gitter. Safford, Moreland , 1\lcNeer, Neblett, L ewis, J ., Gillespie, E .• Klin g. Third Row : Coac h Davis, Coach Williams,
\\'a trin g, Cox, Smith, I .. 1\tcKnight, Grauhau, Pipkin, ·M oore, T. l\1., Benes. Cambria, Blair, Jo hnson, D ., Brantley, Coac h Chipley.

The 1956 Foot!Ja/1 SfJtJad
The Football Coac hes: Left to Ri g ht : Davis, Williams, Barber, Chipley,
Bond , Harrjngton.

Once again, the sounds of clattering clea ts and
thumpings from the tackling dummies were echoed
across the campus, but the yea r's Blue and \Vhite
gridders ushered in a new era of footb all at Washington and Lee. Two years ago, the University
a bandoned their form er program a nd adopted a
new policy of denying direct athletic scholarships.
As a result, a young and inexperienced eleven,
made up of boys pla ying m erely for self-gra tifica tion, fac ed a schedule composed of small colleges
supposedly " in our own league."
The publicized debut of the Generals \vas
spoiled by potent Centre College, 24-7. The disappointing encounter was highlighted only by a
64-yard touchdown scamper by Alex Pla tt.

.apita lizing on \\'. a nd L. 's opening ga me j itters. the Colonels came from behind,
aided by a ha lf dozen fumb les a nd p:1ss interceptions. to regis ter their th ird stra ight
\·ictory. Centre College was rated on e of the strongest '"sma ll sch ools" in the nation
and boasted an offensi\·c ayerage of -1-00 yards per ga me. U nmindfu l of this impressive
reputation, the Blue a nd \\'bite, after a n exch a nge of downs, took ad\·a ntage of the
opponents poor punt . O n the firs t p lay Roger Doyle sent fullbac k Alex Pla tt
thmugh tlw center of the line for a 6-J.-yard paydirt sprint ; Pres Pa te conwr ted.
On the returning kickoff, however, Centre cu lminated their sustained march by
knotti ng the ~co re. Colonel ta llies at the end of the ha lf, on a n interception in the
thi rd quarter, a nd on a fie ld goal in the waning m om ents of the game left partisan
rooters little to Yell or hope for.
The Genera ls. facin g the last remn a nt of their old subsidized sc hedule, were
trounced b\' hopped-up Da\·idson, 5-J.-0. Playing befo re their H omecoming crowd ,
the g re:J.t h · improwd wildcats, offensiye leade rs of the Southern Conference. too k
S\ree t re\·e nge for the prior merciless bea tings ha nded them by \ V. a nd L. A tou chdown p:tss in .he fina l seconds of the ha lf, gi\·ing Davidson a H-0 lead, broke the
backs of our surprising defe nse a nd turned a tight struggle into a bela ted rout.
The W ildcats proceeded to pour their clicking pass a ttack and hard rushing offen se
C\·er the \\·eary Blue and \\' hite. scori ng three times in each of the las t two q ua rters.
Pres Pate's -1-3-ya rd punt retu rn in the firs t half n early set up a tally, but a long
pena lty on the next play nullified a ny chances of scoring.
A hopeful H omecoming aggrega tion was disappointed by Southweste rn's 33-1 2
drubbi ng of the Generals. An early driw culminated in AI Gitter's touchdown toss
to J im Perryman. but this qu ick lead was shortlived.

Piau on his lon.z run for the first sco re of th e season

Top to Bottom: Co-Captain Stine,
Smi th , L, Platt , Brantley





Johnson, D. , Gillespie,
M cNeer, l\lcKnight


Briscoe chec ks Cen tre ball carrier

Led by Little A ll-American Jim Higgason , who scored a t the \·ery end of the first
half a nd on a iO-yard second half pass interception, the Lynx eleven rolled over the
d emor3.lized Blue for three m ore markers on long sustained drives. Roger D oyle's
four th quarter toss to Pres Pa te ended the afte rnoon's scor·ing. \\'. and L. had recovered the ball on downs d eep in Southwestern's terri tory a nd had reach ed pay dirt two
plays la ter.
The Generals fought their h ardest game of the season but succ umbed 2i-O to
heavily favored W ashington University of St. Louis. Althou gh the Bears were outp layed ha lf of the game, a comb ination of key injuries a nd lac k of depth on the part
of W. a nd L. enabled their adversa ry to register th ree touchdO\ms in the third
quarter. S ta tistically both teams we1·e e\·en . but the roof cm·ed in on the Blue when
a W ashington bac k returned the second half kick-off 85 ya rds. The Bea rs capitalized
on five fumb les a nd a stra tegic interception to thwa rt the Genera l offense.
Jumping fr om the frying pa n into the fire, the h apless \\'. a nd L. eleven were
rocked by H ampden-Sydney, 35-7 , who were pe rforming before a delighted H omecoming crowd. T h e Wildca ts, na iling down the M ason-Dixon lead, surged to their
twelfth con srmtive triumph by turning a pair of fumbles and an interception into
three of their tiw touchdowns. Pou ncing on a fumble nea r the end of the game, th e
G enerals fought their wa y to the end zone, with Corky Briscoe, a greatly imprO\·ed
freshma n , carrying for the score. H ampde n-S ydney took ad,·an tage of ou r weak
first half offcmi,·e and defen sive efforts , in registering their first victory ever captured !rom the Blue.

Top to Bottom: Briscoe, Bailey,
Neblett, Samelson

S tine sweeps around the outside

Th e Uni\·ersity of the South celebrated their Homecoming fes tivities by upse tting
the win less G enera ls, 12-0, for their fir st victory in two yea rs. Coaches Ch ipley a nd
Willia m s' fra nti c effor ts to juggle the lin e- up in hopes of a winning combina tion
were to no a\·a il, as Sewanee took advantage of a short kick a nd a costly fumble to
b reak open the defense. Of the four away ga mes scheduled by \V . and L. this was
the third tha t ha d to be p layed before their oppone nts' spi rited Homecoming fa ns.
Th e Gen era ls completed the d isma l campaign by ta kin g it on the ch in from
\\'es t Virginia T ech , 13-0. T ac kle Ike Smith clobbered the Rea rs' quarterba ck a nd
reco\·e red the subseque nt fumb le on the 5-ya rd line, but the Blue fai led to cap it a lize
on their onl y scoring opportunit y. Anot he r fumb le a nd a long touchdown run by
T ec h shat tered \V . a nd L .'s otherwise potent defensive efforts .
A world of a nx iet y, confusion, a nd caustic comment erupted fr om thi s ticklish
ex periment. Because of the pitifu l spirit displayed by students, m a ny felt they
would rat her lose to M a ryla nd and T ennessee by the same ridicu lous margins that
were piled up these " unknown" colleges. Others believed tha t a pa rti a l de-emphasis
program, with onl y a few a th letic sc hola rships gi\·en, would soh-e the problem. Sti ll
more wanted to lower footba ll a nd ra ise a noth er sport, like basketba ll , which would
req uire less fund s, into th e " big time." It must be remembered tha t the boys comprising this yea r's team we re under no fin a ncia l obliga tion but under te rrific pressure
from the student body as the season prog ressed ; significant results should no t have
been expec ted in the in itial year under these new circumstances. Othe r cha nges
have to be conside red. The turnout for o ther sports impro\'ed immense ly a nd the
situ at ion rega rdin g at hletic eq uipment a nd facilities was rem edied to a g rea t extent .
\\'hatever policy is formul ated in the future, we must gi\·r our wholr-h earted support
to the University.


Cent re College . . . . .. ....... . 24; W .&L. ... . .. . ... ........ . . 7
Top to Bottom: Perryman , Salsbury, 1\lorcland, Pipkin

D avidson .... . . . . . ......... . . 54; W .& L .. . . . . . . .... .. .. . .... 0

Southwestern . ....... . . . ..... 33; W.&L .. . .. .. . . ......... . .. 12

Washington U niversity . .... .. . 23; W. &L ... . . . . . . . ... .. .... . . 0

H ampden- Sydney . .. .. . .. . ... 35; W.&L ...... . ... . .. ........ 7

U ni versit y of the South ... . .. . . 12; W .&L .. . . . . . ... . . . . . . . .... 0

W est Virgini a T ech . .. . . . . .... 13; W.&L .. . . ..... .... . ....... 0

Briscoe a round th e Southwes tern end


L ewis
Coaches Corrigan and Johnson

First Row : Kramer, Ree se ,
Richards on, Sproul, Braddock, Stofe r, Foltz, Lathrop. Second Row: Trainer
Schafer, 11ough , Lewis, J.
W ., Boiie, Stockton, Butterfie ld, Miller, B., Ball.
Third Row: Coach Corrigan, Lockie, Loutit, Dillin g ham, 1\Jaclntos h, Russell, Smith, R. C., Keith,
P a ul ,
Coa ch

Lyn chburg College ... ..... ........... . 2; W &L
R oanoke College ..... ...... . ... . . .... . 3; \\' &L
Duke ... . . . . . .. ........ ..... ........ . 2; \\' &L
3 · \V &L ................................. 3
L' ni\'ersity of V irginia
R oanoke College . . .. ................. . 0; \\' &L ................................. 3
Nor th Carolina State
4 ; \\'& L ................................ 1
Uni\'ersity of

~ orth

Carolina ........... . 3; W&L
3; \V &L ................................. 6
.\la ryla nd ........................... . 2; \\' & L

George town . . .... .

CniYC rsity of Virgin ia ................. . 1; \\' &L ................................. 2


'W ashing to n a nd L ee's soccer team, coac hed by Ge ne Co rriga n,
a nd streng thened by 13 returning lettermen, met Lynchburg College in th e season opene r on Oc tober 3rd in Ly nch b urg. Th e game
was close all the way with th e fa,·orcd Ge ne ra ls fin all y succ umbi ng
to their oppone nts by a co unt of 2 to I. Beldo n Butterfi eld m ade
the lo ne Blue a nd White goal on a penalty kick in the fourth
p er iod.
O n Wednesday, O ctober 12th, th e \\' . a nd L. hoo ters travelled
to Salem to mee t a stro ng R oa noke tea m. T he Gene rals cont ro lled
the ba ll mos t of the gam e, but R oanoke was qui ck to ta ke ad vantage of every scorin g op portunity, as they de fea ted the visito rs
3 to l . Butter fi eld accounted fo r the Bl ue and White m a rker on a
pass from K eith Belch with a minute go ne in the fo urth qua r te r.
O n the fo llowing Wednesday the Ge ne ra ls pl ayed thei r fi rst
home game against hig hlv- to uted Duke. T he game was ma rked by
exciti ng pl ay thro ug ho ut, with the fi rs t half endin g sco reless.
M idway thro ugh the third period Ga rd ner White accounted for a
goal, puttin g W . a nd L. ah ead. H owe\·er, in the las t p eriod Duke
sco red t wo qui ck goals whi ch gave th em the fin al adva ntage, 2-l.
T ues day, Oc tober 25th, fo und the Ge nerals journeyin g to C h a rlo tt esville, to meet the Univ ersity of Virgin ia in a ga me whi ch produ ce d m an y thrills. The Blue a nd White enj oyed a two goal lead
up unt il the third period , when th e Cava liers evened the score.
T wo overti me p eri ods fo und the game en ding in a 3 to 3 tie, as
the result of Bob L athrop 's last min ute goal. Capta in .Jim L ewis
was o utsta nding for the Ge ne ra ls on defense.
\\'as hing to n a nd Lee's imp roving socce rme n played hos t to
Roa noke College on T hu rsday, No,·e mber 3 rd . Looking fo r their
first wi n of the seaso n a nd hoping to avenge a n earlie r season defea t a t the hands of thei r opponents, the Blue a nd White playe d
detem 1ined ball thro ugho ut the ent ire contest. T h e result was a
victory for the hom e team by a sco re of 3-0. Butte rfield, Fra nk
Dillin g ha m, a nd L a throp accounted for the th ree goals, whil e fullbac k M oose Sch afer blocked enemy kic ks on numerous occasions
to keep his teamm a tes a head.
On M ond ay, N ovember 7th, the Generals went to R aleigh to
mee t North Carolina Sta te's soccer team. W . a nd L. h ad a ba d
aft ernoo n, fo r th ey could no t keep p ace wtih their strong oppone nts wh o ca me o ut o n the long e nd of a 4 to 1 score. To ma ke
th e trip to o ur neig hboring sta te to tally unsuccessful , the Blue a nd
White hoo ters travelled ove r to C hap el Hill the nex t d ay a nd lost
a 3-0 dec ision to the U niversit y of No rth Carolin a. The Generals
had diffic ulty in controlling the ball a nd lacked the adequa te defense to stop the T a r H eels.

November II th fo und the Generals bound for George town U ni vcrsi ty in Was hing- ton. Sophomore Whi te paced the vis itors to a
6 to 3 wi n, scoring th ree goals. T he game was easily ta ken as the
Blu e a nd Wh ite domi na ted t he p lay throughout most of th e co ntes t.
T he U niversity of !-.Iaryla nd, hoping to avenge th eir reco rd
spo ilin g tie of the year bdorc, journeyed to L exington on Novembe r 15th . The ga me, a close, low-scoring co ntes t, was ha rd fou ght
o n bo th si des. T he Gene rals fail!'d to equal or be tte r their fea t of
the pre\·ious season and lost 2- 1.
l\'m·embcr 22 saw \\' . and L. p lay host to the Universit y of
Virginia soccer team, in what was to be t he fin al con test for both
teams. A pena lty kick by Le wis a nd a goal by L a th rop e nabled
the Gene rals to fini sh their season with a 2 to 1 vic tory.

L ewis a nd Boyle attempt trap a t ball

Boyle ass ists as White heads


Coach l\Iiller imtructs Duffy

The W ashin gto n an d L ee C ross Co untry team, ca ptained by
C ha rli e Duffy a nd coac hed by Dick M iller, had a turno ut for
their ! 955 season of seven lettermen a nd se,·e ntee n freshm en. O n
Oc tober 3rd , the ha rriers travelled to Lyn chburg to meet VPI an d
Lynchburg in a tri angula r mee t. Getting off to a slow start for th e
seaso n, th e General's Duffy pl ace d fourth in the run, while Mike
Ba rry fini shed eig hth . Th e final results gave W . a nd L. a tie for
second, as VPI wo n .
O n Octobe r 8th . at Wil so n Field, between th e ha lves of th e
Centre Coll ege footba ll ga me, th e Blue a nd White ha rri e rs ra n
aga in st Richmond a nd Bridgewater Co llege in a tri a ng ular mee t,
wh ich saw th e Gene ra ls ta ke second place . Th e ha rrie rs met
Roa nok e Coll ege a t Sa lem, on October 14th. Th e bes t W . a nd L.
could do was a fifth place , which Duffy ga in ed . edging out teammate Burke Arms t ron g.
Th e Cross Country tea m on O ctobe r 20 th met th e U ni,·e rsity of
Virginia in a very close home m ee t . However , th e G enera ls, led by
Capta in Duffy, placed second, four th . a nd fifth , to ga in a 26 to 29
vic tory ove r their bitter rivals from C ha rlottesvill e. On Oc tober
27 th, the Gene ra l played hos t to VMI a nd Da vidson in a triangula r
mee t . Washin g to n a nd Lee 's Burke Armstro ng placed second , but
it wasn' t enough , as W. a nd L. place d third , a nd VM I won .
Willi a m a nd M a r y tra velled to Lexing ton on November 5th, a nd
won a close meet . with th e Ge nera ls losi ng 33 to 22.
On 1\:ovember 7th, the Annual Big Six Tourna ment was held in
L exin gton. Burke Armstron g p laced fifth , as VMI was aga in victorious . On Nov ember 2 1st. th e Southern Conference M ee t was
held a t D a vidson, N .C. \\'ill ia m a nd Mary was first, as Washin g ton
a nd L ee placed fifth , to climax a reasonably successfu l season.

First Row : Ste\'ens, Coates, Duffy, Crutchfield, Manning, Darby . Second Row : Coach Miller, Manager Floyd, Arnold, Barry, Kane, Sherrington, A rms tron g, Manager Caskie.


·-- ...· ~

Bottom IWw, Left to Right: Osher, Fox, Guenther, Sproul, Smith,

Top Row: 1\torris, Glauser, Raines. Branch, Coe, Gold, Richardson, Smith, l\tanager Hoover.

Supported by a host of underclassmen, th e Blue a nd White swimm ers chalked up a compara tively su ccessful season by cap tur ing six
of their nine dual m ee ts. Coach Cy Twombly' s m ermen do,·e off to
a blazing start, but wer e caught midway in the campa ig n by a
string of tou gh e r competitors. In the opening en counter , th e Generals outclassed Ca tholic University, 5 3-3 1, a t D or emus G ymna sium ; L ou Aliotti gra bbed a pair of freestyle , ·ictori es, t o lead the
scorers. A n a rrow triumph over Virgi nia a nd the m assacr e of
L yn chburg College kept the undefeated r ecord inta ct. The Blue
r eached their summit by ga ining a spirit."d victory over Davidson,
46- 38. J ay Fox broke the L exington pool record in the 220-yard
breas tstroke for the second time, b y finishin g in two a nd one-ha lf
minutes flat. East Carolina T eachers College upset th e tables by
sinking the G enera ls , 46-38 , a nd before the t a nkers could com e up
for a ir, they found th emselves in the wak e of Duke a nd VPI ; only
a solid win over v\'illiam and Mary k ept the southern tour from
being a complete washout. The p owerful Blue D evils wer e giv en
a good run for their money, but VPI used their d epth to a grea ter
ad,·an tage in keeping W . and L. subm erged. The a nnihilation of
Randolph-Macon c ulmin a ted th e season ' s individu a l match es, however Charlie R ich a rdson's diving led the Blue to fourth p lace in
both the Big Six a nd the Southern Confer ence C h a mpionships. The
youthful squad, losing only captain Fra nk G u enther next y ea r ,
hopes to paint their potent nucl eus with a coat of experien ce a nd
d epth in ord er to d evelop into a strong South ern Conference contend er.

Bulwarks G uenth er , Fox, and Aliotti confer with Coach Twombly

WJ' est li 11 t


First Row, Left to R igh t: Manager
Hill, Holla nd, H ollist e r, McSp a d den, North rop, l\liller, Fowle r.

Second Row: Coach Mille r , Manage r T owle r , Wilkerso n , E llis,
Pa tton ,
White ford,
S usskind,
Ma n ager Floyd. T hird Row: Baker, Sh aw, Cambria, Ho lcombe,
Bohlman, Winston .

Coach ~ I ill e r a nd Co-Captains
Xort hrop a nd McSpadde n.

\\'ashington a nd Lee's grapplers cu lmina ted their season with but a medioc re
reco rd, hO\\·e,·er high lights were not unseen. The Generals were not fea red by their
ad,·ersa ries as potential conference cha mps, for Coach l\1ille r had the perennia l
problem of lack of experience a mong the underclassmen who the tea m re lied upo n
for support. I n addition, the schedu le did n't faci lita te matters, for such cl assy
squad s as VPI and Fra nk lin a nd I\Ia sh all sent the Blue reeling backwards hefore
they cou ld catch their brea th. Virgini a Polyt echnic, defending Sou the rn Conference
Champions. put a damper on a ny \\'. a nd L. hopes for a suc cessfu l in itia l effort by
rolling up a 26-6

l op~id ed

, -ictory. Gibby M cSp adden and J ohn Holl ister were the

on ly winning matmcn. as the wrestling-minded Gobb lers pinned in four of their
six matches. K eeping the competition on a n e,·en keel. the G<'nera ls

W <" IT

ha nded

th eir second straight swamping by nationally ra nked Fra nk lin a nd Marsha ll , 26-5.
~l cSpadde n 's

easy decision a nd .J ohn Ellis's draw was all the Blue cou ld do to 3\'CI't

a shutout .


After their third loss to Duke U niversity during the
a nnual southern trip, the Generals sc ratched the win column by dumping North Carolin a, 26-10. The Tarheels
could salvage only two m a tches, while four of the rebels
were pinned by the recovering Blue- a nd \Vhite m a tmen.
\Vest Virginia's potent wrestlers ra llied a t the end of the
meet to a vert being upset by \Vashington a nd Lee, a nd
were glad to settle with a H-14 tie. The Generals built up
a H-8 lead with only two weights remaining, but Hollister's
4-3 disputed loss and Holl a nd's dec ision at the h a nds of
a n opponent who was forty pounds his senior ena bled the
Mountaineers to deadlock the meet.
Appalachia n State Teachers' surprisingly strong grapplers snubbed the game Generals by h anding them their
fourth loss, 25-1 3. The campaign's m a jor upset occurred
that night, as M cSpadden was pinned in a hotly protested
m a tch ; Dick Whiteford , John Ellis, and Bob Miller were
the only Minks who gra bbed \'ictories for the outpointed

McSpadden being th e only champion , Bob Neunrciter, J ohn
Ellis, for the second stra ight year, a nd Bob Millt"r gra bbed
second places in the 123, 137, a nd 167 pound classes respectively. Gibby l'vfcSpadden 's I 77 pound triumph gave
him his third stra ight Conference C ha mpionship. Two
yea rs ago, by taking the 167 pound title , G ibby was voted
the Tournament's ::\lost Outstanding Wrestler ; last year he
successfull y defended his 167 pound crown. McSpadden's
record of fort y m a tch \'ictories against on ly three losses,
including two undefeated seasons, proves him to be one
of the most outstanding at hletes W . a nd L. has produced in
the las t few yea rs. Although the squad loses M cSpadden
a nd John Ellis, whose record of thirty-two wins as opposed
to only eight losses can 't be underrtaed , a potent nucleus
of returning freshmen a nd soph om ores should be the center
around which a stronger a nd more rounded team can be

Hollister in action

l\lcSpadden prepares to pin

Blue. D avidson College fell before the victory hungry Blue,
19-10, as the latter salted a way their second triumph. Unloosening a rare potent showing, the m a tmen secured e\'ery
match but two, while drawing once. Citadel's freshman
dominated squad offered littl e opposition to the Generals,
in succumbing 19-8. Again the \'ictors lost only a pair of
matches and drew once. Powerful Virginia kept the Blu e
from a .500 season by rac king up a 2-!--6 advantage. Only
victories by Ellis and McSpadden kept the meet from being a washout.
The Southern Conference Championships, held in Doremus Gymnasium, provided the host Generals with equally
stiff competition. Although the wrestlers took third , behind
VPI and VMI , they placed four grapplers in the finals,


.. 26 ; \V . a nd L .. ... .... .. 6

Franklin a nd M arshall ...... 26 ; \V. and L. ..... .... . 5
Duke ... . ................. 16; \\' .and L ...... .... . 14
North Carolina ........... . !0 ; \\' .and L. . ..... .... 26
West Virginia ............. . H ; \V. and L .. ..... .... I-t
Appalachian State Teachers .. 25 ; \\' . and L .... .. ..... 13
Da\'idson ..... . . .. . . ... ... . 10; \\'. a nd L ........... 19
C itadel ........ .. .. . ... ... 8 ; \\' . a nd L .......... . 19

..... ..... . . ... ... 2-t ; \\'.and L. .......... 6

Southern Conference Tournament- Third.



:\larshall with his hook shot

Storick puts one in

" 'ashington a nd Lee's Five Star Generals, strengthened
by the return of 10 lettermen, captained by Barry Storick,
a nd coached by Billy McCann , opened their 1955-56 season by traveling to Staunton, where they m et Bridgewater
College on De«:ember 1st. The first half proved to be hard
going for the Generals as they were constantly threatened
by their opponents. Howe,·er, in the second half Dom Flora
led a winning surge which found the Blue and White gaining a rather lopsided 103-67 decision . Flora, a sophomore
guard. was high man with 30 points, while center Lee Marshall collected 25 for the evening.
On Tuesday, December 6th , the Five Star Generals
played host to Richmond a t Doremus Gymnasium. This
gam e proved to be one of the season's closest for the underdog Blue and White who in spite of the odds were able to
stay a head of their opponents until the final gun sounded.
Flora with 27 points and Marshall with 18 led their team
to a surprising 78 to 76 victory owr the Spiders.
With two ..,;ctories under their belts, the W . and L. Five
went on the road to Faye tteville where they met West Virginia, led by the famous "Hot Rod" Hundley. The Generals led by four points a t th e half but were unable to hold
on to the advantage, and they were beaten by a 80-71
score. Flora took th e scoring honors for the night with 32
as against 27 for Hundley. On the followin g night the team
travelled over to Huntington to m eet Marshall College.
The trip to West Virginia proved totally unsuccessful, as
the Generals tra iled their opponents 115-83 at the game's
end. Flora led both teams in scoring with 34 points.
Tuesda y, December 13th, found the Blue and White
playing host to Morehead State at the V.M.I. Fieldhou se.
The contest proved to be close all the way and an overtime
period was required to decide the victory. The horne team
was unable to pu ll through in the clutch, losing 92-87.
Next on the card was a contest with the highly touted
George Washington five in Washington. J oe Holup and
company we re too much for the visitors, as the home team
triumphed a 86-70 victory. Th e Genera ls were led by
Flora and Storick who collec ted 22 and 15 points respectively.
During the C hristmas Holidays the W. and L. fi,·e travelled to Dayton , Ohio, to meet Dayton University on December 28. The Generals had difficulty in posing anything
of a threat to the second ranked team in the na tion . In
spite of M ars hall' s 19 point effort , the visitors fell 86-54.
On the next day they went to Owensboro, K entu cky, where
they participated in the All-American C ity Tournament.
The Five Star Generals drew the College of Pac ific in the
first round and squeezed by them by a 65-6+ count. In the
nex t round the Blue a nd White m et K entuck y \ Vesleyan.
Agai n they were successful as they defea ted their opponents
bv a n 88-78 score. In the third round the Generals met
tl~e ir match , as Evansville, with fi,·e of their players hitting
in the double figures , won by a score of 86-69.

Front Row , Left to Right: J\fcPhcrson , A tk inson . J\[cH enry, Skolnik, D awson .
Bac k Row : Coach M cCa nn, \\'inawer, H olbrook. l\'i chols, G erard,
Winawcr up for a shot

Smi th, M a rshall, Hoss, Moyer, Storick, Flora, Manager T albott.

67; \V. & L. .
. .. . 103
......... . 78
76: \\' . & L
\Vest Virginia
80: \V. & L. .
I\Iarshall . .. . .
. . . 115 ; W.& L
Morehead State ..
92 ; \V. & L. .
86: \V. & L . .
George " 'ashin,ston
86 ; W. & L
Dayton . . ..
College of Pacific ...
6-t ; \V. & L
K entucky Wesleyan
78: \V. & L.
86; \V . & L. .
\\'est Virginia
98; \V . & L. ..
William and I\Iary
79; \\'. & L. .
79; \V. & L.
.. . . 103
Davidson . . . .. . .. .
7i ; W.&L. .. ......... . 65

Storick put s another
one in

:\fcH cnry shootin g

J a nua ry 3rd found the team sta rting off the new yea r by
joumeying to ~·I o rga nto wn to pla y \Vest Virginia fo r a
second time. Again the i\lounta ineers pro\'Cd to be too
powe rful, for th e Blue a nd White lost by a 98-8+ score.
The tra\'ell ing Ge nera ls went to \ Villiam sburg to m eet
\\'illia m and l\I a ry on J a nua ry 7th. The \'isitors were una ble to hold on to their first half lead of one point as they
e\·entua lly suffered a 79-70 se tbac k. ~1 a r sh a ll was high
m a n for th e night as he collected 28 points.
On J a nua ry lOth the \\'. a nd L. fi\'e decided tha t it was
time to win a game a nd proceeded to trounce R oanoke
College 103-79 a t Doremus Gymnasium. F lora, Storick a nd
M a rshall were top scorers fo r the e\·ening with 26, 23, a nd
20 points respecti\·ely. The Generals played h ost to Da\·idson on the following Sa tu rday a t the V .l\1.1 . Fieldhouse.
U nahle to hold their ha lftime lead, the home team lac ked
the spa rk whi ch th ey h ad shown in previous games a nd
fe ll down to th eir opponents hy a 71-65 score. Nex t the
Blue a nd White encountered their bitter rivals, the \ Ya hoos
whom they m et on J a nua ry 16th. The contest was a close
one all the way a nd of course was marked by high-spirited
p lay. H aving fallen back a t the h alf, the G enerals wound
up on th e short end of a 73-7 1 decision. Flora led all score rs
with a 3+ point effort , while his ri\'al for sta te scoring honors, ~I cCa rt y , collec ted 24 points.
On J anua r\' 19th V .P.1 . tra \'elled to Lexington to m eet
the Gene rals in wha t pro\'ed to he ha rdl y a contest. The
home team playing their worst game of the season could
ga rner no m ore tha n +9 points as V .P.l. collected 60 to gain
an easy vi ctOI) '. H ighl y ra ted V ill a no\'a cam e to L exing ton
the following Sa turday a nd had little troubl e in holding the
home team as they won by a score of 82-66. ?-.I arsh all led
all scorers with 2+ point s for the night .
On F ebrua ry 7th , the Fi\'e Sta r G enerals played host to
J ohns H opkins of Balt imore. I t was a rela tively easy task
for the home team to keep the lead a nd they won the
brea ther by a sco re of 86-62. M a rshall a nd F lora led th e
scoring with 2+ a nd 23 points respecti\'Cly. February l Oth

Flora under th e basket
~l c H e nr y

up for a shot

V irginia

73; W . & L ..... . ... .. . ..

V .P.l.

60 ; W . & L .. .... . ... . .


Vi lla nm·a

82 ; \V . & L.


J oh ns H opkins
Da \'id son

62; \V. & L.........


75 ; W. & L...... . .


The Citadel

67; \V. & L. .............. 99

V irginia
\ \'illia m a nd

68 ; \V. & L ..... .. . . . ... .
~ I ary

The C itadel


7 1; \\'. & L. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 79
57 ; \\' . & L. .
5+: \\' . & L ..
88: \\' . & L ..

C:incinna ti

87; \\' . & L..


C eorgP \ \' ashington

60; \V . & L..


Ri chmond

65 ; \V. & L ....... . ... ... . 56


Flora shoots from outside over Richmond's heads

fo und the team tra \·elling· to North Carolina to meet Davidson College for the s~cond time. The visitors ayenged
their ea rlier defea t by scoring an 85-75 triumph. Five G enerals hit double figures in the contest as Marshall led the
way with 21 points. The next da y th e team moved to South
Carolina where they met the Citadel. The \·isitors fell one
point short of the century m a rk in defeating their contes tants, who collected only 67 points.
The G enerals tra\"elled to Blac ksburg on February 14
to play V.P.I. again. Unable to ayenge their earlier defeat
the Blue and White fell short by a 68-6+ count. Frank Hoss,
sophmnnre forwat·d , was high for the visitors with 18 points.
On th e following Thursday the Blue and White were
Yisited by the Cavaliers of U. Va. who went to the V .1LI.
Fieldhouse confident of a nother Yictory. The ga me was

l'lora takes a shor

1\larshall wasn' t covered

close throughout, but the home team managed to hold the
lea d most of the time. H oss' rebounding on defense prO\·ed
to be the deciding fa ctor in the contest, for l\larshall a nd
\Vinawer were both injured in the early moments of the
gam e. \V. and L. came through , as the final buzzer found
them out in front of the Wa hoos 79-71. Flora and Hoss
were high scorers for the team as they scored 2+ a nd 19
points respecti\·ely. Celebra tion 0\·er the Yictory was spoiled
by the news that 1Iarshall would be unable to play for the
rem ainder of the season.
F ebruary 18th found the Generals playing host to William and :\Ia t·y a t Doremus Gymnasium . Flora in scoring
37 points for the night led hi s team to a 70-5 7 win 0\·er the
India ns. 1Ionday the 20th was the Blue a nd White's fina l
home game which they finished in the prope r m anner by
scoring a relatiYely easy 91-5+ victOI)' 0\·er the Citadel.
This ass ured them of a berth in the coming Southern Confe rence Tournament. Flora a nd H oss led all scorers with
2+ a nd 20 points respecti\·ely.
On th e 22nd the Gen erals trayelled to Richmond where
they met Richmond University for the second time. Seeking yictory with a yengean ce, the home team won 88-70.
The scoring was well distributed , for on the two teams
eight playe rs hit double fig ures. On the fo llowing Saturday
the team went a ll the way to Ohio only to be defeated by
the highly ra ted U ni\·ersi ty of Cincinna ti five. Th e score of
this contes t, which fini shed out the regular season , was
Thursd ay, l\Iarch 1st, saw the Blue and White going to
Richmond where they were to meet top-seeded George
Washington Uni\·ersity in the first round of the Southern
Conference Tournament. \\'. a nd L.'s FiYe Star Generals,
playing without the services of cent~r Lee l\I a~sh all , ba ttled h ard all the way to score a stunnmg upset nctorv 0\·er
the hiahly favored Colonials. Sophomore guard Dom Flora,
who played a spectacular gam e \\·hile collecting 28 points.
was aided by Frank H oss a nd Ba rclay Smith, who scored
10 points a piece. Guard Bob :.\IcH enrY a lso p layed a remarkable uame. The following day the Generals played Richmonl a nd wet·e defeated 65-56. This game termina ted a
reasona bly successful season for the \V. a nd L. baske tball
team. Every m ember of the sq uad is due a great deal of
credit for the outstanding job which th ey ha\·e done as a



Captain Drak e talking onr th e
situat ion "ith C oach Herbert

A tense moment for Croker, goa li e, as the re is a mad scra mble for the ba ll

Baltimore goalie ave rts F la nagan's shot

I .

During Spring vacation the Lacrosse Team set up quarters a t Mt. Washington
Field in Ba ltimore, where Coach C harlie H erbert, with the help of trainer " Deb"
Davis, was making the final preparations for the season opener with Loyola College.
Finally on Saturday, April 2nd, the stickmen met a fighting G 1eyhound team
which came from behind repeatedly to keep on even terms with the Genera ls. The
game ended in a 12-12 tie, after two overtime periods failed to give either team the
final advantage. High scorers for the game were Dick O'Connell a nd freshmen
H enry LeBrun, both of whom had three apiece. Two freshmen, Bill Caspa ri and
Da\·e Nichols, had two goals each, while Captain Duckey Drake and defense-man
Stumpy Johnson had one.
On the following Saturday, April 9th, W. and L. played host to the Baltimore
University Lacrosse Team . The game was marked by high-spirited play on both
sides, a nd toward the closing moments tempers flared to the point where a free-fora ll developed with both benches rushing onto the field of battle. The melee was
promptly brought to an end by referees, trainers, a nd coaches. It was a nyone's
victory throughout the contest. However, a tally in the last minutes of the game by
Dick Gwathmey gave the Generals th e final advantage, 5-4. The Blue and White
defense did an outstanding job, which proved to be the essential difference betwel'n
the two teams.
W. and L. suffered its first loss of the season when the mighty Terrapins from
Maryland came to Wilson Field on April 16th. Charlie Wicker, Dick Corrigan,
Jim K eating scored three goals apiece for the victors. The Generals were on th e
short end of a 15-2 decision. Tom M artin scored for the home team in the first
period but not until after the Terps had collected four ; Rodey Davies accounted for
the other W . and L. score in the second half. The team was unable to get started
that afternoon. The more experienced and stronger reserve strength of Maryland
was too much for the Blue and White, who it turned out had met the undefea ted
National Champions.
A week later on Saturday, April 23rd, the W. and L. lacrosse team engaged the
M a ryland Lacrosse Club, a group largely made up of former college sta rs. The
Generals rebounded from their loss the previous Saturday by winning 13-10. Attackman Nichols was high man for the day, collecting a phenomenal five goals.
Captain Drake was second in scoring honors with three; while on the d efense,
goalie Jim Lewis turned back 18 shots.
Thursday, April 28th, found th e Blu e and White stickmen travelling to Chapel
Hill to meet the University of North Carolina Lacrosse Team. The Generals had a
relatively easy time of it as the inexperienced Tar H eels failed to h old back \V . and
L.'s scoring surges. O'Connell was high man for the day as he fired in five goals in
the 13-4 victory. The game proved to be valuable experience for the team since
substitutes played most of the game. North Carolina never posed a threa t as the
Generals controlled the ball most of the contest.
With three victories tucked neatl y under their belts the Lacrosse Team journeyed
to Durham the next day to play Duke University. R emembering the 13-3 defeat
at the hands of the Blue Devils the year before, the team sought vic tory with vengeance. Trailing 2-1 at the end of the initial period, the visitors caught fire in the
next, collecting five goals. From that time on W . and L. controlled the game, being
quick to recover most of the ground balls. Duke could not come back after the
fatal second period, and the Generals enjoyed a 10-i- \'ictory. O'Connell and Nichols, the one-two punch of the attack, shared the scoring glories wtih three apiece
for the afternoon, while Lewis performed well in the nets. (Contin ued)

Drake shoots as goalie waits

Nichols scores agai n

O 'Connell passes

First Row: Ford, Xobl e, Berns tein, Pendleton, Crawford, Drake, l\lartin, \\'hi teford, Charles, Allen, Johnson, R. E., Trainer Davis. Second Row: Coach
Herbert, Oa\'ie-;, \\'oodring, Callaway, \\'hitaker, Belch, Cro ker, Johnson, P. D., Nichols, O'Connell, Flanagan, Ric e, Caspari , Lewis, E. J. , l\loore, T. 0.,
Gwathmey, LeBrun, Schoen, Voekel.

LACROSSE (Continued )
On ~l ay 4th, the Generals made their way to Chestertown, ~l a r y l and, to meet " 'ashington College in a contest
which praYed a treat fo r the sp ec tators, for the game was
well played by both teams. Trailing 3-0 a t the end of the
initial period the Blue a nd " 'hite fou ght bac k to gain the
final adYa ntage, 9-8. l\'ichols had three goa ls for the afternoon , while O 'Connell scored two, one of them being the
game's decid ing tally in th e last two minutes of play.
Saturday, ~l ay 7th, found the W . and L. team tra Yelling
to Cha rlottesYille to play the Wa hoos in the fi n al game of
the season for both uniYersities. The Generals had difficult v
in getting sta rted a nd were behind 6-2 a t the end of th~
first half. In the fo urth period the visitors caught fire scar-

Loyola .............. ....... 12 ; W &L ....... ..... 12
Baltimore l'niYersity ........ . .f; W &L ........ .... 5

............... 15; W &L ... . ........ 2

::\Iat-y·land L acrosse C lub
Cn iwrsi ty of
Duke . . . . .

. 10; W &L ............ 13

~ orth

Carolina .. . -t ; W &L ........... . 13
. .. .... .. ... .f ; W &L ............ 10

Washington College . .... .... . 8 ; W &L .. . . ........ 9
Virgini a

... . .. ... .......... 12; W &L ............ II

ing seyen goals; howeyer, it was not quite enough , as U . Va.
won by the close ma rgin of 12-11. lndiYidual honors went
to O'Connell who had a n outsta nding total of six goals fo r
the day. This gam e clima xed a winning season for the Blue
a nd White who finished the campaign with a 5-2-1 record.

Loose ball and a mad scramble

Bille leaJJJ
EYen though the Rifle T eam 's first varsity season was a
losing one, it was highly p leasing to all connected with it.
The Rifle T eam pa rticipa ted in ~ix t ee n m a tches this year.
manacring to win only six of them. H o\\·eyer the t\\·o
coaches, Sgts. Gurga nus a nd J ones, as \\·ell as the Captain.
Jim ~ -Ian· in , a re not disappointed by the resu lts. They expressed the opinion that this showing \\·as \·ery sa tisfactory
fo r a first Yea r team. The outlook fo r nex t \·ea r's team is
Ye ry good , 'i n \·iew of the return ing pcrsonne!' and the e\·erincreasing interes t.

The W ashing ton a nd L ee Rifle T ea m concluded its first
Yarsity season , by participating in th e Southern Conferen ce
Tournam ent held a t the C itadel. \\'ith nine Southern Confe rence team s entered , the \\1• a nd L. team fa red Yery well.
as they finished in fifth position. The fo ur teams fini shing
in front of the \\'. and L. riflemen were VPI, V ~fL The
Citad el, a nd George W as hington, in tha t order. G eorge
\ Vashington managed to edge out \ Vashington and Lee for
fo u rth place, by the narrow margi n of elen •n points.

Botto m Row, Le rt to Ri ght: 1\IcArthur, Bin g, Ebau g h , 1\Iarvin, FaJ1renthold , H. I\1. Je nkins, Funkhouser, To!J Row : I\l an age r Sm ull , Juhring, Ft·an ce,
Pizitz, D a vis , Coach Gurganus, Aurell, A. 0. , Je nkins, Bra nts. Tyler, I\lanagc r Hug hes.

. . 1372
V.P.I. 00
.. 000 .H13
\\'e t V irgini a ... 0.... . 1388
V.P.I. . . .. . ..... . .. . .. H 03
G eorge \\' as hington . . 00133-J.
G eorge W ashington .... 1370
George tO\m
. ...
139 1
William a nd ?\Iarv ..... 1283
George tO\m
. J-J.09

Due to the tran sportation costs, the Rifle T eam is unable
to fire all their m a tches shoulder to shoulder. The majority
of the ma tches \\·ere posta l matches, where each team fi res .
a nd then sends thei1° score to the othe1° tea m. The team
was able to fire se\-en sh oulder to shoulde r matches. \\·ith
two of them being triangular m a tches. Thus \ Vashfngton
a nd Lee's V a rsity Rifle T eam completed their first season
of competition, and e\oen though it was a rela tiYely unsuccessful one, it holds great promise for the future.



\\' . &
\\' . &
\\'. &
\\'. &
\\'. &
\\'. &

.. 133-J.
. 001 30i
. ... 130i

L. .
L. .

L .. 0. . .. .
. ..... I 3-J.2
L. ............ 1321
\V. & L. ........... 1355
\\' . & L. .....
0. 001325
\V. & L ............ . 1305


Firs t How: Alford, Phelon , Berg, Flora, S techer, Couch , Cullers, Amato, l\1 axwell, Gitter, Wouters. Second Row : Coach l\IcCann , Turner, 1\IcCallum,
Knakat , Benha m, Hamric, Kops, Skolnik, \\'e instein, 1\l gr. Rice.

Any hopes by the 19.55 Genera ls for a prosperous season
went sour as the Blue a nd \\'hite nine crawled through a

hurler a llowed a mere three hits. Dom Flora smacked in a
pair of runs while errors accounted for th e o ther two.

disastrous schedule in the face of stiff competition. Only

Th e campa ign was highlighted by a second upset, this

four of their twenty-one contests sc ra tched the win column,

being a t the expense of potent !-.Iaryland. T he eleven inning

a nd mos t of these \·ic tories were upse ts. F ollowing the char-

battle fea tured some choice relief pitching a nd heads-up

ac teristics of m ost of the \\' as hing ton a nd Lee squa ds thi 5
year. the baseball team was compa rati\·ely young. recei\·ing support predomina tely from fr eshmen a nd sophomores.
Lack of experience was once again one of the ma jo r fa ult s
a ttributed to the Gen era ls' record , but fai lure to hit in the
clutches and to bunch their safeties were mo re direct discrepa ncies. The pitching, as a whole, was m ercuric, hut low
run ga mes a nd outstandi ng re lief performa nces were no t
Returning f rom a rocky spring \·aca tion to ur, on which
one out of seven contes ts was sah-aged. the Blue a nd \\'hitc
me t Trinity College in the home opener. D espite a m asterfu l four-hi tter hy J oe Kn akal, the Genera ls were shut out
for the second and las t time this season. The fo llowing day.
Colga te Cnive rsity spotted the squ ad four runs in the initia l
innin g a nd ra llied to a stubborn \·ictory.
T he di amondmen snapped a ten-gam e losing strea k by
upsett ing hea\·ily fa \·ored Ri chmond. A second inning home
r un was the onl y th reat to J oe K na ka l. as the sophomore

Coac h :\IcCa nn instructs Weinst ein, Kops, Baker, and Dubin

base r unning. When starter J oe Ama to tired in the eighth ,

reliefer wild-pitched in a score bu t ga,·e up onl y one h it in

reliefer AI G itter came in with the bases loaded , but after
allowing one run to cross, silen ced the Te rps fo r the dura-

three innings. The squad fi nally hit in the clutch, as Cal
Couch and Dom Flora clroye in a pai r of runs a piece.

tion of the contest. In the final frame, Fred Benham walked ,
stole second , ad\·a nced on a wild pi tc h, and scored on a

T hough the results of the 1955 schedul e wasn't satisfying,
Coach Billy M cCann's nine praYed they had the abilit y and

sacri fice fl y.
The Genera ls' fina l yi ctory was another surprising effort
against Richmond. Althou gh Kna kal was credited with the

smooth working uni t can be accomplis hed onl y th rough

win, h e gaye way to Dick Skolnik in the fi ft h. T he la tter

dew lopment and experien ce.

poten tia l. T he tra nsformation of this young squ ad into a

Diamond men in action on Smith Field

Citadel . . . . . . .. . . .. . .. . .. . 8; W.& L. .. . .. . ..... .



C itadel ...... ........ . .. .. . 1-1-; W.&L. ... . . . ...... 10

8 ; W.& L. .. . ......... 11


2 ; W.&L. .... . .. ..... 0

W. and M .

W .&L. ....... . .... 3

. . . .. ... 10 ; W.&L. . . .. .... . . .. 2
l ; W.&L. ........ . .. .


V.P.I. ..... . ... .. .... ...... 7; W.&L. .......... ..



David son .. . . .. . . . ......... 11; W .&L. ........... .

.. .. +;


...... . . . .. .... . . 4 ; W.&L. ............ 5

DaYidson ....... .......... . 10 ; W .&L. ............ 2
George Washington ..... .... 7; W.&L. ......... .. .
UniYersity of M assachusett s . . 11 ; W .&L. . . . .. ... .. .. 3
\V. and M ..... ... ..... .. ... 3; W. &L. .. . . .. . . ... .

Trinity ....... . ....... . .... 2; W .&L. .. . ... .. . ... 0

V.P.I. . . .. .. .. .. ......... .. 9: W.&L. .. . ......... 3

...... .. . . . . ....... 9; W.&L. . ........... 4

West Virginia
W est Virginia

7; W.&L. ..... . .. . .. .

Ri chmond .... ...... . . .. ... . +; W.& L . . ..... .... . . 5

3; W.&L. ............ 2

Virginia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7; \V. &L. ... . ... .....

19 9



Ca ptain }' r<.> d B<.> ar

' ·Ji.



Left to Rig h t : Bear, C hapoton, Chapot on , D r ew, F a rris. Ke r r , Coach Two m b ly,
Rosen fe ld

Climaxing a most bizarre season, the Blue a nd \\'hite
golfers highlight ed the Spring campa ign by cap turing the
Sout hern Conference C hampionship, their first title in
thirty-four yea rs. rh e top fo ur ma n total was spa rked by
T ed K err's two und er par 138. which gave him the desen·e d indivi dua l crow n. Don a nd Buck C ha po ton. a nd
Don R osen fe ld comp iled the rest of the Generals' tea m,
which fi nished two strokes a head of the runner-up.

ers f01 m a potent nucleus fo r the D efending Conference
C hamps. However, it must be said tha t the 1955 version of
Capta in Fred Rear, Ted K err, Don a nd Buck Chapoton,
E llis Drew, Don Rosenfeld , a nd Don Rosf:'nfeld. and D on
Fa n ·iss p erformed admirably.

Counting on sophomore ta lent , which composed a n undefeated fr eshmen tea m the pre\·ious yea r. Coach Cy
Twombly's linksmen dropped each of theit· dual ma tches.
mainly due to inex pe rience. The initial 6 to 3 setbac k br
Colgate exempli fi ed eac h of these losses, for the result was
not dt>cided until two ext ra hol e ma tch es fe ll to the opponents. \\'ith the exception of a n 8 to 1 trouncing by undefeated Georgetown . en·ry d ual meet was closely fo ught.
and a victory could have gone to either sq uad. Brighter
prospects are fo recast in the future, whe n these young _golf-


6 · W .&L. .. ......... .

U nin· rsity of Virginia .... .

6 : \\' .&L. ............ -1-

Ceorge \\'ashington . ... .

5; \\'.&L ............. -1-

Geo rgetown . .... .. . .

8 ; \\'.&L.

V .P.I.

6· \\'.&L .... ...... ..


6; \\'.&L. ........... .

Southern Conference T ourn ament- 1st Place.

" 'ashington and Lee's Tennis Team, ably coached by
Dick Miller and captained by Art McCain, opened its season on April 8th in Hot Springs, Virginia, when it met Colgate University. The more experienced Colgate n etters, for
whom this was the fifth m a tch, won the day, soundly trouncing the Generals, 8-1. McCain a nd Dick Butrick teamed
together in the doubles to gain \\'. and L.'s only ,·ictory.
On April 13th D etroit's ·wayne University a rrived in L exington for a tense see-saw contest in which the Blue and
White was finally turned back, 5-4. Kim Wood, L ee Waltz.
and Butrick in the singles and McCain and Butrick in the
doubles were victorious. April 16th found theW. and L. n etmen playing host to Davidson. The visitors, boasting the
strongest team in the Conference, had comparatively little
trouble in gaining a 9-0 victory over the winless Generals.
Finally on April 18th in a closely matched home contest
against Virginia Tech, the Blue and White broke into the
winning column as they found themselves on the long end
of a 5-4 decision. Pat Patte rson, Wood, a nd Butrick, and
the teams of Peale-Wood and McCain-Butrick contributed
to W and L.'s first victory. In Washington on the next day
the n etters made it two in a row with a 5-4 win over George
Washington. Moving over to G eorgetown on the following
afternoon, another close match saw the G en erals fall before
the home team by a 5-4 count.
One of the most successfu l days of the season was April
28th as the Blue and White scored straight set victories in all
except one match, to soundly defeat H a mpden-Sydney, 9-0.
A complete turnabout of score came on May 3rd as the W.
and L. netmen were trounced by the nation's second ra nked
team, Rollins. In the last two matches on l\Iay 9th and
12th, the Generals bounced right back to d efeat both V.P.I.
a nd Hampden-Syuney by identical 9-0 scores, to fin ish with
an overall 5-5 record for the season.

Coach l\liller advises Captain McCain

Colgate ........ . .

8 ; W.&L. .. . . .

Wayn e of D etroit .. ... .

5; \\' .&L .. . . ..... ......


Davidson .......... .. .

9; \V.&L .... ...... . .... 0

Virginia Tech ....... ... ..


W.&L. .... .....


George Washington ... ... . .


W .&L..



5; W .&L. .

Hampden-Sydney .... ..... 0 ; W.&L. .. ...


Rollins ....... ... ... ..... 9; W.&L. .. .....

Virginia Tech ... .... .

0; W .&L .... ... .


Hampden-S yd ney .....

0; W.&L .... ....... .


First Row: Boyle, W., Wood, K., Butrick, McCain, A. W .• Patterson, Peale, Sinwell. Second Row: Chandler, K . W., Huebner, Sadler, Person, !\loses , H.,
Bartsch, Witmer, LJle, Coach !\Iiller.

Due to the return of onl y six lettermen a nd the inexpe-

F h s t Row: Tan ·, Chatman, Kenn edy, Pate , \\'ard , Pic kus, Stine , Irons ide, Richa rdson , Hill , T . Second Row: A rnold, Neg us, i\lower, Ra m say.
1\t a nn, Dawson, Ja be r, Hollis te r, Smith , Huthinson. Third Row: Coach
Lord, Creel , Pla tt, \\7a rne r, Seihel, .A bramson , .i \lcDonald, 1\l o ntgome ry,
Clark, lloss, Pipkin, Shcndow , Simpkins, Coach Chipley .

\'Oted m ost improwd in th e fi eld and runnin g e\'ents re-

rience of a freshm:m a nd soph omore domina ted squad , the
Blue a nd \\'hite thinclads fa red umuccessf ull y aga inst


Southern Conference competi tion, ma naging to sah·age only

of powerful V .P.I ., the Gen ra ls' gained momentum, but

one \·ictory in eight d na! m eets. As in a ll actiYities, certa in

dropped a pai1· of ha rd fou ght m eets to Lynchburg and

indiYiduals stood out, but it was the lack of d epth, esp ecia lly

H a mpd en-Sydney, befor e they shellac ked Bridgewa ter , for

Wi th the exc ep tion of the initia l trouncing at the hands

in the longer dashes a nd dista nce runs, tha t ena bled the

their on ly triumph . T h e rema ining schedule left much to be

opposition to wa lk ofT with \'ictories. The cinde rm en were

desired , h owe\·er. as a consistent lack of depth a nd the fa il-

led hy Capta in H arry K ennedy, the top point getter, a nd

ure on the pa rt of the squ ad to reinforce the few m en who

ra ted most \'aluable, who stood out in the hmdles, AI Pla tt,

turned in winning performances, spelled the difference be-

who tossed the weights, Fra nk H oss a nd R oy Simpkins in

tween the wide scores. Again th e hopeful CIY is, " Look to

the fi eld eYents, Pau l lronsides with the short d ashes, and

the future," where the younger ta lent is expected to pro-

J ohn Arnold in the mil e. Randy C ree l a nd G ene K eith were

vide the necessary shot in the a rm.

Captain K enn edy talks with Coach Lord

Ironsides wins, and Ward takes third

Washington and Lee's Chee rl eaders, led by
T ed K err, were reorga nized and re,·italized this
year. In the past few yea rs, the Ch eerleaders p articipation in, a nd leadership of, the school's sports
prog ram has declined steadil y. HoweYer this yea r.
with the la rge r m embership. and the g reater interest among the members, the Cheerl eaders were
a ble to take a greater part in thi s program. K err.
who is in his third yea r with the Cheerleaders, desen ·es much of the credit for this increased actiYit y.

Ellis and Kerr led the stude nt body in bigger and better yells

Front Row: Kerr. Back Row: Weimer, Walton, Abramson, 2\lindcl, Phillipe, Ellis, Lemmon.

I11 t I' a111 ur a/ s

j im :\Ja r vin, Se nior :\la na ge r, and C oach C orrigan
surve y the situa tion

The Universit y Intramural Athleti c Program
at \\'ashington a nd Lee is now classifi ed as one of
the most acti\'e of such program s in the na tion
with resp e~t to both student pa rticipa tion and the
extent of the p rogram itself. The trend of increasing student pa tri cipation in th e prog ram during
th e past yea rs has continued. It is es timated tha t
this yea r 78 % of the student body entered a t least
one ewnt sponsored by the Intramural Depa rtm en t. This can be a ttributed to th e fact th a t it is
student sponsored a nd promot ed under the leadership of Jim ~I a n· in ; Jim is the Senior .:'\Ia nager of
the intra mura l Boa rd which is m ade up of the
Fra ternit y Athletic Directors. the La w School and
the ~ . F. U. representa ti\'es. They act as li aison
m en between the Board and th eir respecti,·e groups
on th e campus. The Boa rd is responsible for the
offi cials and publicit y for th e e\'ents which m a ke
for a smooth fun cti oning orga niza tion. Acting as
faculty advisor for th e Boa rd is Gene Corrigan of
the Athletic D epa rtment.
The purpose of the Intramural Program is multifold since it fulfill s the need of an a thleti c and
recreational program for th e students of th e social
fr aterniti es, the non-fra ternit y group, the La w
School, as well as the members of th e facult y. It is
also a basic facet fo r the de\'elopment of fra ternit y

The swinuning m eet went off with a flying start

Th e program consists of twelve sports which are
played in their respective seasons, the Sports Carnival which specia lizes in individual e\·ent s of different types, a nd the Turkey Trot which is held in
the fall. The Turk ey Trot is a cross country meet

The Law School C hampionshi p
Tennis Team

in which the freshmen from the fraternities compete for a Thanksgiving turkey. Beyond these the
department also sponsors the Corn Bowl football
gam e, the proceeds of which go to the Student W ar
Memorial Scholarship Fund and the Sigma D elta
Psi tests.
Final standing is determined by a point system

The Sigma l'\u C ha mpionship Handball T ea m

and trophies awarded to those houses which ca pture first place in the various sports as well as the
house which shows the most pa rticipa tion in the
various varsity sports.

The Intramural Board

The Delta Tau D elta Championship Basketball T eam

The Kappa Sigma Championship Golf Team

In this manner the department stresses participa tion in varsit y sports as being of primary importance. At the end of each school year, a grand
trophy is awarded to the house which shows the
outs tanding development in both varsity and intra mural phases of the University Athletic Progra m.
For the 1 95 ~- 55 season the award for the top
house in Intramurals went to D elta Upsilon. The
Delts won the Intercoll egiate Trophy for contributing the largest turn out for intercollegiate
a thletics. The fin al tabul a tions showed that the
D elts a lso had the greatest overall achievement
in both departments; they were, therefore, awarded the Grand Championship Trophy signifying
their all-round athletic a bility.
By the end of the fi rst sem ester of the 1955-56
season. K a ppa Sigma was in first place followed
closely by Sigma 1\u and Sigm a Chi both of whom
wert> in cha llenging positions.

The Delta Tau D elta Championship Wrestling Team

Championship trophies in the vanous sports
were won by the Law School in tennis, Phi P si
in footb a ll, and Sigma Chi in swimming. Kappa
Sigma walked off with the golf trophy, while the
ZBTs extended their streak by winning the table
tennis championship again. Wrestling and basketball were won by the D elts, and handball by the
Sigma Nu's.
The \Vashington and Lee Intramural Program
is thus one of many and varied interests. It is felt
that the added stimulus to intramura ls which has
been more apparent these past few years will continue to foster an ever expanding program as an
integral part of our extracurricular activities.
\Ve add our congratulations to those who have
worked to make this past year so successful with
respect to participation in the spirit of true sportsmanship.

Phi Kappa p,i C hampionship Football T eam

Zeta Beta Tau Championship Table Tennis Team

Sig ma C hi C hampionship Swimming Team

In t J' a111 ur a/ s

Student Directory
Boggiano. Willlam E .. Jr ... 163 Beach 139 St., Belle Harbor, L.I., N .Y .
Bohan, Robert David ............ 625 Ridgecrest Rd., Akron 3, Ohio
Bohlman, Henry H ... Uchllyn Farm, R t. 1, Box 60, Arnold P.O ., Md.
Bond, Victor Roger .
. ........... .. ... 289 Tate St., Elberton, Ga.
Boone, John Temple, Jr. . . . . . . .... 50 Myra Road, H amden, Conn.
*Borghi J ohn Henry
.... 630 Ridgeland Ter., Englewood, N.J.
Bowers, Wm. J. 5207 M assachusetts Ave. N.W., Washington 16, D.C.
. .. ...... .401 North Maln St., Galax, Va .
*Bowie, Jin1my Delp . . .
Bowis, Richard Arthur Spring Ridge and River Roads, Rockville, Md.

Abbott. Rudy ard Carl 407 Cheshire Dr., N .E., Gra nd Rapids, Mich.
Abel off. W illlam H ow ard .... .. 1867 Brandon Ave., P etersburg, Va.
Abou-El-H aj, Rifaat Ali cr. Nat. Hotel. Box 152, Jerusalem, Jordan
Ab ramson, J erry Lewis ..... .. . 4618 Beverly Drh• e, D allas 9, Texas
Acqua\'ella, Wm. R. 85-40 Wareham Pl., Jan1aica Estates, L.J., N.Y.
Adan1s. Frederick Ambrose, Jr. 30 Benedict Ave., White Plalns, N.Y.
Adan1s, S amuel Henderson. Jr ... 108 W. D avis Blvd., Tampa 6, Fla.
Adams, \\' illian1 1\Iilton, Jr ......... 689 East Drive, Memphis, Tenn.
*Agee, Jack Keith . ................... 36 Burtis St., P ortsmouth, Va
Ahlgren, F r ank Richard , J r ........ 2714 Lombardy, Memphis, Tenn.
Aiken, Osborne Sanders. J r . ....... 530 Oleander Dr., Florenc e, S.C .
Akin, Thomas Norwood ........... 164 Pinecrest Ave., D ecatur, Ga.
Alanis. J oseph l\Iartin .............. 1777 Ivanhoe St., Denver, Colo.
Ale\'izatos, Aristides Christ ...... 1700 E. 33rd St., Baltin1ore 18, Md .
Alford , J ohn Ray ...... . ..................... Box 268, Glasgow, Va.
Aliotti. Luc io Giuseppe ........... ..... P.O. Box 362, Izmir, Turkey
Alle n, Arthur Le w is .............. .. 5 South Pine St., Hampton, Va.
Allen. George Morrison, Jr ... 415 Riverview Rd., Swarthmore, Penn.
Alter, Ernest Henry .................. 20 Kentucky Rd., Quincy, Ill.
Amato, Joseph Albert, Jr ........ .44 Whi stler Rd., Manhasset, N .Y.
Anderson, Richard Gardiner ........................ Gambrills, Md.
Ansell, \\'alter Leigh . ..... 3715 Homewood Rd ., Mariemont 27, Ohio
Anthony, Lawrence Kenneth, Jr ........ ... Box 189, Hartsi!le, S.C .
Applefeld, Arnold Michael ...... 3501 Taney Rd., Baltimore 15, Md.
Armbrister, Geoffrey Trevor .. 72 D elafield I sland Rd., Darien, Conn.
Armstrong, Burke Patterson 3265 Elmwood Ave., Rochester 18, N. Y.
Armstrong, Jack Lawrence .. 618 P ennridge Rd., Pittsburgh 11, Penn.
Arnold, J ohn Floyd ... . . ... 803 South Stewart St., Winchester, Va.
Atherholt, Robert Clark, Jr ... 3808 Peakland Place, Lynchburg, Va.
Atkins, Samuel DeCoster, J r ..... 78 Alexander St ., Princeton , N.J.
Atkinson, Stuart Woodward ...... .. 10 Brandon Rd .. Warwick, Va.
A tier, Lawrence Atlivaick ............ 617 Albion St., Denver, Colo.
*A twell, J ohn Wesley, Jr. 00 00. 00 00. 3417 Falrfax Dr., Hampton , Va.
Aukschun. Rudolph , Jr ..... 1903 Mt. Vernon Ave., Alexandria, Va .
Aurell, John Karl ... ..... 4607 Connecticut Ave., Washington, D.C .
Ausley. Charles DuBose .......... HlO Betton Rd. , Tallal1assee. Fla.
Ayer, Alexand er Philip ....... . 37 Pembroke Rd. , Weston 93, Mass.
Baber, E dgar l\liller ............ 118 Oakwood Place, Lynchburg, Va.
Bagley, Smith Walker ............. . Belle Haven, Greenwich , Conn.
Bailey, Carlos Thomas ...... 5110 Brookview Dr., Washington, D.C .
Baker, Dav id Michael .... 205 Chews Landing Rd., Haddonfield, N.J .
Baldree, Charles John .... .................... Route I, Melber, Ky.
*Ball, Roy Allen . ... ...... Route 4 , Jackson Rd ., Chagri n Falls, Ohio
Ballantine. Robert Dennis .............. Corey Lane, Mendham, N.J.
Banks, Robert F ... 304 North Mountain Ave .. Upper Montclair, N.J .
Bannon, R obert Greer .......... 138 Oxford B lvd., Garden City, N.Y.
B arber, Amzi Godden, Jr ..... 2919 Surrey Rd., Birmingham 9, Ala.
Barbour, Stuart Acree .... .. .. 15-C Hillside Terrace, Lexington, Va.
B are, D avid D oss . . .. .... ....... ...... . .. ..... Box 238, Dalton. Ga.
Barker. P eter Bayne ........... 1905 Parkland Dr., Lynchburg, Va.
Barkley, J oseph Gilbert ........ 215 McDaniel Ave., Greenville, S.C.
*Barnes, Carl Franklin, Jr. .
... .. .. ...... .. ..
. . Crozet , Va .
Barnett, Willian Bion . .4915 Morven Rd., Ortega, Jackso nville, Fla.
Barney. K eith Richard, Jr .. ... 144 North Park Dr., Arlington 3, Va .
Barry, Michael Joseph .. ...... 84 South Sixth Ave., La Grange, Ill.
*Barton, Cyrus Judy Jr. 1002 Louden Heights Rd., Charleston, W. Va .
Ba3sett, J ohn D ouglas, IlL . . . . . . . . .
. .. . Box 406, Bassett, Va.
Bater, J ohn Morgan .... P.O. Box 112, Ma rple Rd ., Broomall, Penn.
Baucum, Ralph Willard, Jr. . ... 812 Slattery Blvd., Shreveport , La.
Bayard, R oss Hawthorne ...... 405 Bonar Ave., Waynesburg, Penn.
B eall, Charles Ralph , Jr ... 513 South Queen St. , Martinsburg, W . Va.
Becker. J asper B. , J r ..... 518 S outh Jackson St., Brookhave n, Miss.
Belch, K eith R oger, Jr ......... 185 Prince George, Annapolis, Md.
Belden . J onathan Case ...... 14 Stratford Rd., West Hartford, Conn.
Belden, R ichard Case ....... 14 Stratford Rd., West Hartford, Conn.
Bell, J oseph Clark, J r. 00.00 00 00 00 00 .. 00 00 00 00 .. 00 00 .Glenview, Ky.
Bendhein1, Sam, III. .. ........ ... 6 Greenway Lane, Richmond. Va.
Benes, Richard Ch arles Lee .. County Line Rd., Chagrin Falls, Ohio
*Bennett, Gene Leon .... ............ ..... ... Box 524, Hinton, W.Va.
B ennett, J oel David .......... 1010 Ashland Court, St. J oseph, Mo .
Benney, John Baldwin Neil, Jr .. .448 Winchest e r St., Warrenton, Va .
*Bentley, Wallace Clemens, II ... 9 Gracie Square, N ew York 28, N.Y.
B erg, Stephen .............. 535 Pelham Rd., Philadelphia 19, Penn.
Berman, Byron ................ 6218 Benhurst Rd., Baltimore 9, Md.
Berman, Irwin R alph ....... .... 3410 Bancroft Rd ., Baltimore. Md.
Bernstein, J oel H erbert ...... 3600 S e quoia Ave., B a ltin1ore 15, Md.
*Berry, James Newton ......... ..... 816 East Beach, Gulfport. Miss.
Berry, Richard H enry ........ . 7 M ortin1er Pl., Huntingto n, W . Va .
Berry, Sam H ay ............ 2204 Pembroke Dr .. Fort Worth, Texas
Best, James R eynolds .. 1620 Victoria Park Rd., Ft. Lauderdale, Fla .
Be.ris. Milton Harwell, Jr. . .. 258 Gregory Place, J ac k s onville, Fla.
Bice, Edward Ward
...... 304 Maolis Ave ., Glen Ridge, N.J.
Bijou. Anthony ........... Starr Ri dge F arm. Brewster, New York
Binford, John Curti3 ............. .4313 Druid Lane, Dallas 5, T ex.
Bin". Oscar Harold Lee .. HI St. Paul's Place. West Hem pstead, N .Y.
Birney, Gaylord Adrtan ............. B ox 327, Weirton. W. Va .
•Black. Robert Bland .
. ..... 1716 Market St .. Parke r sburg. W . Va .
Blailock, Zack Robert ......... 3804 Winsl ow Dr .. F ort Worth, T ex.
Blair. Thomas R obert ............ 903 South Main, Blacksburg, Va .
Bland, Neil Carlton .......... 2159 L ooscan L ane, Houston 19, Texas
"Blocrl:, Richard Allen .... 22 Warwick Ave., Douglaston 63, L.l., N .Y .
Boernstein, Robert Charles .. 3731 Northampton St., Washington, D.C .


·~~;;~sJ~:nB~;~:J.·j~: . .' .' .' .' .' .'s4: ih;~~v~~~v~'k·d~i~~~~~s~~e~~:
Boy ~ e.

William A. G ... Miramar, Sharon Lane. P embroke, Bermuda
Bracher, Alfred F ., Ill .. 3412 W. Coulter St., Philadelphia 29, Penn.
Brack, Reginald Kuf el d, J r . . . 6043 Walnut Hill Lane, Dallas, Texas
Bracken, Stuart Johnston .... 368 Thornbrook Rd., R osemont, Penn.
Braddock, Henry Lee ................ P.O. Box 245, Belle Glade, Fla.
Bradford, Thomas Elred, Jr .. . 3820 Redmont Rd ., Birmingham, Ala.
Branch, Thomas Broughton, III. 248 The Prado. N.E., Atlanta, Ga.
Brantley, Rabun Lee. Jr ................. 1000 Moore St., Bristol, Va.
BranBrasfield, Philip Herman, Jr ....................... Woodville, Miss.
Bredehoft, John Curtis .............. Midvale Ave .. Millington, N. J .
Brennan, Joseph Turenne, III. .. .. .. 1908 Ruxton Rd., Ruxton 4, Md.
Brent, Kaj Michael ................ 127 Essex Ave., Montclair, N.J .
Brickman. Richard M. 18435 Van Aken Blvd., Shaker Hts . 22, Ohi o
Briden, Donald Alfred ............ Fieldcrest R d., P arsippany, N.J.
BriscoBroadus, Thomas Harris, Jr .. .. 178 Kenesaw Ave., Knoxville, Tenn.
Broll, Charles David ........ Ill South Quincy Ave., Margate, N.J.
Brown, Gaston Zell , Jr ........................ Box 3, Gary , W. Va.
Brown , James Miller .............. 47 Washburn P l., Caldwell, N.J.
Brown, Phili p Neal ................ 717 East 208 St., Euclld 23, Ohio
• Broyles, Thomas Clark ........ 138 South Main St., Culpepper, Va.
*Brugh, Lynn Kanaga , 111 ............................ St. James, Md.
Brunett, Harry Edgar .... 4413 Marble Hall Rd .. Baltin1ore 18, Md.
Bryant, James Madison ........... 803 Sevier St., Clarksville, Ark.
Bryant, Thomas Braxton, III ..... 1025 Moss Ave., O rangeburg, S.C.
Buchanan, Lenox Brown, Jr. 9814 South Hoyne Ave., Chicago 43, Ill.
Buck, Douglas Irvine ......... ... ........ 2539 Norbert, Flint, Mich .
Buckey, John MalcoLm ...... 3904 Henry Ave., Philadelphia, P enn.
Budd, John Stuart ........ 740 Washington Lane, Jenkintown, Penn.
Budd, Richard Masten .... HO Washington Lane, Jenkintown, Penn.
Buhl, Howard Smith ...... 390 Provencal Rd. , Grosse Pointe, Mich.
Bums, William Goodykoontz ...... 320 North 6th St., Vandalia, Ill.
Burt, Augustus Moody .................. Box 931, Greensboro, N.C.
*Burt, Henry Radcliffe .......... 33-27 80 St ., Jackson H eights, N.Y.
Burian, Walter Weldon ...... 1711 Honaker Ave., P rinceton, W . Va.
Bussen, Bruce Eugene ............ Cliff Cave R d., St. Louis 23, Mo.
Butler, Richard C., III No. 3 River Ridge, Route 5, Little R ock , Ark.
Butrick , Richard P., J r. cr. American Consulate, Sao Paulo, B razil
Butt, Holt Wilson, J r ...... ... .. _526 Elizabeth Pl. , Porismouth. Va.
Butterfield, B. 3064 Leyenda Patria , Montevideo, R.O . del Uruguay
Cairns, Robert Andrew . . . .
. .. 99 Forest St., New Britain, Conn.
Caldwe ll, Manley Patton, Jr. 250 Pendleton Ave., Palm Beach, Fla.
Callaway, Rob ert Guy . ........... 629 Kin1ball Ave., Westfield, N.J.
Callison, James Waller, J r ............. R.F.D. No. 4, S taunton, Va.
Calvert, George D avis , Jr . ...... 3811 Beech Ave., Baltin1ore 11. Md.
Cambria, Joseph S .. ... ...... .... 456 Channing Ave., Westfield, N. J .
<·Camden , Dorman She rman Apt. 10-D, D avidson Park, Lexington, Va.
Campbell, Brayton, Jr ........... Pecksland Rd., Greenwich, Conn.
Campbell , J ohn Colin ......... .... ..... ... ...... Independence, Va.
Campbell, Philip Ralph ................ 1202 East 28th, Tulsa . Okla.
• candler, John Howard , Jr ... 1050 Ponce de Leon Ave., Atlanta, Ga.
Cane, Lynn Mitchell ...... 30 W . Edsall Blvd ., Palisades P ark, N .J .
Caplan, I rvin Norman .......... 3004 Tioga Pky., Baltin1ore 15, Md.
Carr, Clay Bryan, J r .. ....... .. 426 Ston ewall Ave., Winchester, Va.
*Carter, Barton French .............. 504 1 N. 36th St., Arlington, Va.
Cartel', R. P. , Jr. 10190 Collins Ave., Bal Harbour, Miami Beach, Fla.
Carter, Samuel Booker, Jr .. .. . 205 Oakdale Ave., Martinsville, Va.
Casella, Salvatore Robert .... .. .. 115 E. Maln St., High Bridge, N.J.
Caskie, Marion Maxwell, Il L .... 4106 Lorcom Lane, Arllngton 7, Va.
• caspari, Willian1, III ...... ..... 4402 Atwick Rd., Baltimore 10, Md.
Causey, J ames Mayhall .. 3915 Old Colony Rd., Kalamazoo 37, Mich.
Cella, Charles Joshua ........ 8 Upper Ladue Rd. , Clayton 24. Mo.
Chandler, K enneth William ...... .... 48 Ashlawn, Memphis, Tenn.
Chandler, Robert Kay ................ Central Aguirre, Puerto Rico
Chaney, Michael Eugene ........ 612 Pequot R d., Southport, Conn .
Chapman, Jerome C ., Jr ... 2901 Montevallo Rd., Birmingham 9, Ala.
Chapman, Leighton Duke . 00 00 00. 117 Monterey Ave., Pelham, N.Y.
Charles , George R., Jr. 2852 Ontario Rd ., N .W .. Washington 9, D.C .
Chatman, J oe Charles, Jr ... 3917 Grand Ave., Western Springs, Ill.
Cherrybone, John Michael .. 6 E. Corn·t. N. Park, Roslyn Hts. , N.Y.
*Chilton, William Ruffner . 1266 Loudon Hts. Rd., Charleston, W . Va.
Chisholm, Rupert F., Jr . . . 2325 Kenwood Ave., Ri chmond 28, Va.
*Clark, Roger Granville .. .. 268 North Maple Ave .. Kingston, Penn.
Clarl<, Sheldon, ll ....... .. .... 1909 N. Front St ., Harrisburg, Penn.
Clarke, Ernest Hoge ..... ... .. Six Mile Lane, Rt. 6, Louisville, Ky .
Claunch, Charles Luther. Jr ... 117 Hilldale D r., Chattanooga, Tenn.
Clayton, P aul Edward .. Repslargaregatan 17 A. Norrkoping, Sweden
Clniger, Malcolm Angs tadt , Jr . .. .. 227 S . 4th St., Lewisburg, Penn.
Close, Louis George, Jr . ....... ... 824 E. Joppa R d., Towson 4, Md.

*Not appearing in class section.


Coates, Rbt. Stephen 100 Malba Dr., Whitestone 57, New York, N.Y.
Cockey, H arry Slade ........ 101 D eep D ene Rd., Baltimore 10, Md.
Coe, Charles H ayward .......... 4649 Raleigh Ave., Alexandria, Va.
Cole, Charles Walter, J r ... 6412 Murray Hill Rd. , Baltimore 12, Md.
Coleman, J ohn Sheridan ........ 416 Bartlett St., Lansing 15, Mich .
Colle t t, Robert Edward ...... 2001 Merrick Court, Fort Worth, Texas
Collins, Glenn Gray .............. 22 17 Sabine Ave .. Lynchburg, Va .
Collins, J. R. , Jr. 1113 Brandon Ln., W estover H .. Wilmington 6, D.C.
Collins, Lewis Preston, III ........... .... P.O. Box 65, Marion, Va.
Collins , R obert Lorton ........... ...... 2211 East 41 st, Tulsa, Okla.
Colton, Donne Lyon ..... Washington Valley Rd ., Martinsville, N. J .
Colvin. Charles H enry, Ill .. ... 2073 21st A ve. S. , Birmingham, Ala.
Cone, Stephe n Warner .. 5326 42nd Place, N.W .. Washington 15. D.C.
Conge r , Olive r Carrin gton, Jr . ... ... 226 King St., P ottstown, P enn.
*Copen, Noel Purinton ... ... 171 2 Woodbine Ave., Charleston, W . Va.
Copp , David Bruce .......... .. 408 Washington St ., Braintree. Mass .
Copp, Willard Charles ........ 1602 Rid gedale Rd ., South Bend, Ind .
Corbin, Wilson Robert ............ 50 Crest St., Wethersfield, Conn.
*Corcoran, Robert H arrison ........ 177 Walker St., F a lmouth . Mass.
Com, Charles Philip ................ .. . 607 College St., Macon, Ga.
*Cornelius. Gilbert Dale .......... 1820 W . 4th St., Charlotte 8, N.C.
Cosbv, J . M. 2910 N. Blvd ., cr. "W.G." Cosby, TFR , Richmond 20, Va.
Couch, Calvin R obert .. .......... 86-24 -105 St. Richmond Hill, N.Y.
Cox, Berkeley .................. 682 Prospect Ave., H artfo rd , Conn.
Cox, Daniel Stallman ................. ... 210 B St., Ceredo, W . Va.
Crabbe, Edward Broadbe n t ........ Waipouli, Kappa. K auai, Hawaii
*Craig, H . Cotesworth, Jr. 4203 Ninth St ., N.W., Washington 11 . D.C .
Cranford, Page deRonde .. . ..... 7802 F airfax Rd. , Bethesda 14, Md.
Crawford, Charles Gantz .... 238 Stevenson Lane, Baltimore 12, Md.
Crawford, James Jamison. Jr ........... 117 H igh St .. Strasburg, Va.
Cravc roft, J oseph L ., Jr. R t. 5. 2237 Six Mile Lane, Louisville 18, Ky.
Cre~l. James Randall. Jr ....... I East End Ave ., New York 21, N.Y.
Cremin, Wal ter Calkins, J r ...... 1010 W est Kansas, Midland, Texas
Crews, James Mortimer, J r ..... 1941 Mignon Ave., Mem!'his, Ten~.
Crista.', Charles Philip .. 16401 Fern way R d., Shaker Heights, OhiO
Croker, John Hanson, Jr ........... 1857 Circle Rd ., Ruxton 4, Md.
Crutchfie ld, Richard Dale .. 2331 Mecklenburg Ave .. Charlotte , N.C.
Cummings, H. G., Jr. 4725 R odman St., N.W., W ashingtm_> 16, D.C .
Cummins, Richard F enner .. 2205 W oodmont Blvd., Nashville, Tenn.
Curran . Robert J oseph ...... .. 26 and Chestnu t St., Che~ter, P enn.
Currie Donald J ames ................ Shelter Island H eights, N.Y.

Ellis, John Mitchell . ................. 400 Allaire Ave ., Leonia, N.J.
Epstein, J erome Michael . ... ... . 1211 Kenyon Ave .. Plainfield, N.J.
Erdreich, Stanley Marx, Jr. 2700 Canterbury Rd., Birmingham, Ala.
Eme;t, D avid Sharon 2635 North Park Blvd., Cleveland Hts. 6, Ohio
Esperian, John Harold ........ 8607 Second Ave., North Bergen, N.J.
*Evans, J ohn Thomas, J r. 115 E. Gramercy Place. San Antonio, Texas
Evans, R. M ... 23101 East Groveland Rd ., Beechwood Village, Ohio
Evans, R obert Nash ..... . ...... . . R t . No. I , Box 97, Midlothian, Va.
Fahrenthold, Glenn R. .. 2315 Lalemant Rd., Cleveland Hts. 18, Ohi o
Farriss, Donald Vinson . 1333 Washington Blvd., Huntington, W. Va.
F ast, Ronald Walter .......... 456 W . Cleveland St., Chandler, Ariz.
Fay, John Charles. Jr ......... 19 Lake Louise Dr., Syl acauga. A la.
FenstErmacher, Herman J ohn, II .... .. . H. D. No. 2, Tamaque, P enn.
*F erguson , J ohn H atcher ...... 3402 Grandin Rd. , S.W., R oanoke, Va.
Fink, William Cornelius, Jr ......... 232 Camille Ave., Taylors, S.C.
*Firebaugh, J ohn Garland .............. Natural Bridge Station , Va.
Fishback, William Hunter, Jr ......... 129 E. 50th St ., Savannah, Ga.
Fisher, H arry J ohn .......... 1426 Marlboro Ave., Pottstown, Penn.
F isher. Harvey Enloe ................................. Franklin, Ga .
Fitzgerald, William, Ill ............... 28 Main St ., Towanda, P enn.
Flanagan, Carl Pultz, Jr ..... 406 Rose bank Ave., Baltimore 12, Md.
*Flanagan, Sterling Stuart .......... . .....•....... Bremo Bluff, Va.
Flega l, D avid Walter .... 2103 Robert E. Lee Blvd., New Orleans, La.
Fleming. Robert Lee .................. 3012 Plumb, Houston, Texas
Flora, D ominick Anthony, Jr ..... 101 Cottage St., J ersey City, N.J.
Floyd, William Clark ............... 109 Corona Ave., Pelham, N.Y.
F oley, T homas Preston, J r. 3916 West F ranklin St., Richmond 21. Va.
Foltz, Thomas Price, J r ........... 2710 Lela Ave .. Fort Smith, Ark .
*F onda, Robert Charles, Jr. 510 Covington Place, Pasadena 2, Calif.
F oote, Henry D ade .. . .............. . Horseshoe Dr., Alexandria, La.
*Fortson, Eugene Burdick .................. 805 N. Main, Homer, La.
Fowler, D onald Richard ........ 2710 26th St., Parkersburg, W . Va.
Fowler. Wayne Wilkins ...... .. 112 W . Oak Ave., Moorestown, N.J .
F ox, John J oseph, Jr ... 611 Mountain View Ave .. Bluefield, W. Va.
Fralin. G. H ., J r .............. . .. . 317 6th Ave .. Huntington, W . Va.
France, William Mervin 2898 Kingsley Rd., Shaker H eights 22, Ohio
Frank, Anthony Jon ............ 47 Malvern Ave., Richmond 21, Va.
Fraz;er, Joseph Warren .............. 169 Baltic Circle. Tampa, Fla.
Freeman. John P aul .......... 3575 Kingsboro Rd. N.E., Atlanta, Ga.
Friberg. Sten ................... Sthregatan 14. Stockholm, Sweden
F riedlander, StePhen Henr y 4900 32nd St. N.W .. Waschington 8, D .C.
Friedman, Jack Older .............. I Rid ge R d., Charleston. W . Va.
F riedman, Thomas C. 15700 Van Aken Blvd., Shaker Hts. 20. Ohio
Frischkom. Hunter Bernard, III. .. 14 Clarke Rd., Richmond 26, Va.
*Frith. D ouglas Kyle ...... . ......... Rt. No. 3, Box 244, Bassett. V a.
Frue. William Calhoun .......... 1029 Fleming St., Henderson, N. C.
Fryburger, Don Elmer .......... 1349 Custer Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio
Fuguet , Stephen Gerome .. Box 747, Springhead Farm, Paoli , P e nn .
Funkhouser, Karl Monroe ...... 3415 N . Pershin g Dr .. Arlington, V a.
Gaines. Richa rd Furman ........ 5 Bolton Gardens, Bronxville. N.Y.
Gapp, R obert Bruce ........... . 737 Shawnee Dr .. Meadville, P enn.
*Gardiner, J oseph R owe .... 308 J amestown Rd., Williamsburg, V a.
Gardner, Clay Thomas , Jr ....... 116 Canterbury R d., D anville, V a.
Garn<>r, John Michael ........... .4435 Banya n Lane, Miami 37, Fla.
Garson, J ohn D avid 3440 Avalon Rd., Suite 102, Shaker Hts. 20, Ohio
Gates, Thomas L ..... 3210 Wisconsin Ave .. N.W., Wash ington, D .C.
Gay, Charles Sherman ................... Shore Rd. , Halesite, N.Y.
Gee, George Sidney, J r ............... 473 Wilshire, Jackson, Tenn.
George, Edward Metcalf, Jr ..... 1225 Charles St .. Wellsburg. W.Va.
*Gentry, William Russell ...... .. .... 310 W ash ington St., Galax, Va.
Gibbs, J ohn S ears. IV ......... . ..... 2 Oak Place , Baltimore 18. Md.
Giger, D aniel Leo 3103 Woodrow . Liberty Boro, McKeesport. Penn.
*Gillespie, D avid W ood ... . .... 12 Academy L ane, Nantucket, Mass.
GillesDie, Earl Stafford ..................... . Box 74 . Coeburn, Va .
Gillespie. Harold Robert . . .... 11-D Davidson Park. Lexington. Va.
Gillesoie. Schuyler Wood .. . .. . 137 Ocean Dr. W .. Stamford, Conn.
Gingold , Calier Saul ..... .4531 28th S t . N.W .. Washington 8, D.C .
Girard . Eugene Nicholas S., II . 24 Groberstrasse, Stuttgart. G e rmany
*Gitter, Allan Reinhold ..... 2830 Windsor Rd. , Winston-Salem, N.C.
Givhan, Edgar Gilmore ................ . ........... Montevallo, Ala.
Glauser, Gustavo ........ Carrera 6 N. 66-40 Bogota. Colombia, S.A.
Glauser. Mauricio ........ Call e 17-No. 7- 59, Bogota. Colombia, S.A.
Glendy, D avid Gardner ...... 116 Mountain Ave .. S.E. , Roanoke, Va.
Goar, J ames Clayton .... 101 5 W est 64 Ten·ace, Kansas City 13. Mo.
Gold, J ohn Alan . . . .. .......... .4708 Grandwa y Rd. , Richmond, Va.
Goldsmith, Barry Richard .. 388 Oakland Ave., Cedarhurst. L.I., N.Y.
Gooch , Bradfo rd Cushing .. 12 Massachusetts Ave., Worcester, Mass.
Gooch, R obert Gordon . . 4400 Rid ge Haven Court , F t . Worth, Texas
Goodman, Leonard Emanuel .. .. 3511 Bonfield Rd., Baltimore 8, Md.
*Goodman, William Richard, Jr ........... R t. No. 5, Lexington, Va.
Goodwyn, Warren H udson .... 1567 Gilmer Ave. , Montgomery , Ala.
Gorsuch, D avid Ronald . ............. 105 Albion St. , D enver, Colo.
Gottsegen, Arthur Irving .. 4215 Vincennes Place, New Orleans, La.
Gowenlock, Thomas R ., Ill. .... 1550 North State Pky., Chicago, ill.
*Gowe r, Richard Charles .......... . .... 99 Don Ave., Rumford, R .I.
Grabau, J ohn Dickenson .......... 221 Old Mill Rd ., Falrfi eld, Conn.
Grady, Robeli Shedden .......... 78 West Wesley Rd., Atlanta, Ga.
*Grandpierre, Jean-Marie Gabriel 9 Rue Victor Hugo, Nancy, France
Greene, Will iam Mordock ........ 50 Fairway Dr. , Birmnigham. Ala.
Greenebaum , Leonard Charles . .4 11 W . Franklin St .. Ric hmond, Va.
Greenman, Andrew Burt ...... 1423 J efferson St., Hollywood. Fl a.
*Griffin. P eter Alden ........ 1540 East 3rd St., Williamsport. Penn.
Grigg, W illiam Thomas Maurice .. 5611 Ro osevelt St .. Bethesda, Md.
*Grimley, Roy J efferson, J r ....... 254 Prospect St., Rid gewood, N.J.
Groobey, J ohn Arnold ............ 4707 Mayflower Rd. , Norfolk, Va.
Gro •Je, Alihur Sanders, Jr ......................... Sudlersville, Md.
*Grove, Charles Bryant ........... 1304 Valley Rd. , Lancaster, Penn.
Grove, Edgar Levan .............. 1304 Valley Rd. , Lancaster, Penn.

g::~:k·.'i!.~~~ ~~~~~~~tj;_ ·::::: ::io5i ·ici~~- A:~~.-.· ,~~~~h~~:":.· ~-'~:

Dana, Charles L ockwood ........ 811 !6th St., Parkersburg: W . Va
Darby, Michael .............. 3611 Richmond St., Jacksonville, Fla.
*Daughtrey, John Kenneth , Jr ... 116 South Winfree St., '?hester, Va.
*Davidson, Samuel L ou is . ... 4527 Warren St., N.W., Washington, D.C .
Davis , Carlile Benjamin ....... . 159 She n andoah Rd ., Hampton, '(a
Davis, Charles F ., Jr. 1514 Unionport Rd., P arkchester 62. N.Y. Cit:Y
Davis, Charles Tobin ... .. ....... .... ...... ........ ···. Saluda . Va.
Davis James H arrison ........ 3207 Inwood Dr., Houston 19, Texas
Davis: Leroy Grahame ...... 136 Washington Place, Rid gewood, N.J.
Davis, Mark Bym, Jr ........... 2433 Valletta Rd ., Lou_isville 5, K y.
Davis Richard Akin ...... 1202 N . Columbus St .. Arlington 5, V a.
Davis: Robert Preston .... 210 Pine Valley Rd .. Winston-Salem, N.C.
Dawson, Charles Ozora, II ......... 9 Ashley Blvd., Charlest?n• s.c;.
Dawson, David Monroe ............ 616 N . Galloway S t., X ema, Oh1o
Day, L e dford H., Jr ....... 317 N. Underwood St .. Falls Chur~h. V a.
Degenhardt Alfred P eter, Jr. 150 N. Mountain Ave., Montclarr. N. J .
Degnan Thomas Philip ... ..... 277 P ark Ave., New York 17, N.Y.
De Gr~f. Robert Philip ......... . 123 Central Ave .. Glen R oc k , N. J .
*Deiman, Werner John ........ 369 Fulton Ave ., Hempstead, L.I., N.Y .
DeMott, Howard R .. Jr. ! 50 Mt. Pleasant Ave., Mamaroneck, N.Y.
Denninger, Gerald Edwin ...... 16 Taft Ave., Hempstea~. L.I.. N.Y.
D'Epremesnil, Jacques du Val .... 38 Avenue H oc~e. Pans 8, Franc e
Dey, Harrison Steele , Jr ............... K able StatiOn, Staunt?n, Va.
Dickson, Joseph Craig, Jr ... 183 Inwood Ave .. Upper Mon~clarr, N. J .
Dietrich, William Allan ........ R iversville Rd ., Greenwi~h. Conn.
Dillingham, Frank Sherwin .... 200 E. D elaware Place, Chicago , Ill.
Dixon William Wa lker .. .. ......................... Townsend, Va .
Dobbs' Charles Edward .......... 203 28th St .. Charleston 4, W. V a.
*Dobyr{., Lloy d Allen, Jr ....... 116 P ark Ave .. Newport_News, Va.
Dod Daniel Martin ........ .............. Rt. No. 4, Lexmgton, V a.
Dodge, Kent Hubbard .... 47 East 87th St., New Y ork Ci~y _28 . N.Y.
Doerhoefer, B asil, III ............. Upper River Rd ., LolllSVille, K y.
*Dowding Phillips Melville ........ 216 Hatton St ., P ortsmouth, Va.
Doyle R~dge r Pirnie ........ Quarters No. 1 N.A.S., Pensacola, Fl~ .
Dra"oek, Jan .............. 3460 39th St .. N.W., Washington_l6, ~- .

·~~:~rE~;~~~c~ery;.·. ~~:.::::: : i4o5·N-~rth "si~ct::~~~~-:~. s.~:

Drum' Charles Mo~oe ........ 3119 E dgewood Ave., Richmond , Va.
Duhin' Michael Robert .... 395 Oakland Ave., Cedarhu~t, L:I. • N.Y.
Dudley samuel Calvert .. 334 E. Church St., A-10, Martmsville. V a.
*Duffy Charles. Jr ................. 607 Poll ock St., New B<;rn , N.C.
* Dunc~n. Donald Lee .... ............. . 816 Inez St ., Me!"phis, Tenn.
Duncan, John William ........ 4211 S eminary Ave., RIChm ond, ~a .
*Duncan Richard Ray .................. ... ......... Steph en son, a.
Dunkelberger, Ronald Cope ........ 1531 L ocust St ., Read!ng, Penn.
Dunton David Hickley .......... 201 Bowman Ave .. ~er ·~n. P~'f ·
Earle, J'ohn Baylis .... .............. 102 S. 28 St:· Bi rmi~g am.
Earley John Thomas, J r ..... Chestnut Hill, Philadelphia 18, Penn.
Early 'James Russell, Jr ......... 116 Marshall St., Peters~urg, V a.
Earp, · Orson Kellogg, Jr ....... 711 S outh McLean, Memphis,_tT'k~·
Eason, George Wesley .............. 48 D eF orest Ave., Sunum . . ·
Ebaugh Irvin
Severn River Rd ., R ound Bay, Severna P ark , Md.
Ehudin .' Steph.,"~ ·Mayer .... 3516 Barton O aks Rd., Balt;tmore 8, Md.
Elliott, J. L. Radio F ree Europe, One Eng . Garden, Mumch, Germany
Elliott, Milton Joseph , III. .. 18 Prospect P arkway, P ortsmou th .
Ellis, Edward Evan .............. 38-F R ose T errace, Ft. Knox, y.


*Not appearing in class section.


Guemher, F rank Miller . .415 Lal•Gunn, Charles Wesley, Jr ....... 214 E. Fifth Ave., Tallahassee, Fla.
*Gutberlet, R onald Louis .
. ..... 1916 Ruxt on Rd., Ruxton 4, Md.
Guthrie, Da vi d Franklin ............ .. Millstone Rd ., Nathalie, V a.
*Guthrie, J ohn G ...... 4301 Arg yle Terrace, N. \\'. , Washi n gton, D.C .
Guv, D ale Franklin .... . ... 235 Wa1·d P a rkway, Kansas City 12, Mo.
Gu)·, Dwight Leonard .... 235 Ward Parkway , Kansas City 12, Mo.
Gwin, Arnold Fredrick .
. .821 Main St ., Natchez, Miss.
Gwin, Lucien Cl ouston, Jr ............. 821 Main St ., Natchez, Miss.
H ager, Lloyd \\" ithnel! .
. Rt . 13. Mason Rd., Kirkwood 22, Mo.
Hague, James D onald, Jr. ..... . .... 504 24th St., Virginia Beach, Va.
Hall, Lester R ay . . .
. ... Rt . 1, Box 127, Marion, Va.
Halper, R obert Kalis .................. 4 Tory Lane, Scarsdale, N.Y.
Hals~ll. Edward F .. Jr. 3530 D orothy Lane, N ., Fort Worth 7, Texas
Ham , John M oseley ........ ..... ... .. ... , ....... Sto ne Ridge, N.Y.
H amblen, J am es Ernest .. 931 Wyandotte Ave., Big Sto ne Gap, Va.
*Hampton, Mason Lillard, Jr . . .. .......... ...... Independence, Va.
Hans com, Jan1es William
... .. 1516 N . Taylor St., Arlington, Va.
' Hanson , J ohn R obert . . .
. ....... 207 College Circle, Staunton, Va.
Hanso n, Victo r Herrick ........... ... .. .............. Yorklyn, Del.
Harberg, Allen .
. ...... 6500 Ogontz Ave .. Philadelphia, Penn.
*H ardwick, Frank Tucker ..... ......... . ............. LaFayette, Ga.
Harlow, Edward Lyle .. ............ 401 S . Main St. , Lexington, Va .
Harman, Samuel La ird ........... , .... .. , ........... Tazewell, Va.
*Harned, Owen Gilbert. J r .. , ....... , ... , .... Rt. 1, Stillwater, Okla.
Ha rp, Reno Sheffer, III.
4912 Cary St. Rd., Richmond 26, Va .
Harper, D onald William .. .. 9504 \\'. Stanhope Rd., Kensington, Md.
*Harper, Nelson Vance, Jr. ll20 S. Negley Ave ., Pittsburgh 17, Penn.
Harper, Owen Howe ........ ... ... .. 2205 Link Rd., Lynchburg, Va.
Harrell, Lyman Christian, TJ ..... 529 Ingleside Ave., Emporia, Va.
Harris, Edward Beason, Jr ......... 5ll Alden Ave., Westfield, N.J.
Harrison, William Sanford .... 408 Harrison St., Ridley Park, Penn.
H artman, Lewis Evans, Jr .. 1305 Homestead Lane, Lancaster, Penn .
H an·ell, James Harvey, III. .............. 11 Lee Rd., Warwick, Va.
Hattendorf, J ohn Duane
...... Kinsman Rd., Chagrin Falls, Ohio
Haus, Harold Jackson, Jr.
. .. ..... . . 301 E. 21st St., Tulsa, Okla.
Haven, Timothy Dexter . . . . . . .
. .93 East Bay, Chal"ieston, S.C .
*H a wk ins, Charles Derward, Jr ...... ........ .... ....... Madison, Va .
H a wk ins, Robert Preston, III. .. 856 Palace Blvd., Clifton Forge, Va.
Hayden, Charles Gen' in, Jr ... ...... 1006 Park Ave., Plainfield, N.J.
Heath Sargent, III. ... ...... . 29 Westwood Rd ., Shrewsbury , Mass.
H echt: Henry Hartman, Jr .... 3907 Fordhan1 Ct., B a ltimore 15, Md.
He ina, Fre d Lee ... . .. .... , ...... 1012 Oakwood, Louisvi lle 15, Ky.
He initsh, Harry Emest, III. .... 107 Harvard Dr., Spartanburg, S.C.
Helzberg, Charles Milton , .6340 Wenonga Rd., Kansas City 13, Mo.
Hempstead, E. B., Jr ... 2730 Ordway St ., N.W., Washington 8, D.C.
HendHson, David Simmons .. . ..... 318 Craven St., New B.,rn, N.C.
H enley Nixon CaiT ............ ll11 Ferndale Dr., H1gh Pomt, N.C .
H enley: William Armstrong .... Jamsetown Rd., Willian1sburg, Va.
Henning, Arthur Farnam . . ............ 140 W. 41st St., Ene, Penn .
H enry, Patrick ...... Box 158, 101 The Crescent, Babylon, L.I., N.Y.
Henschel, Frederick M ..... 4800 Broad Brook Ct., Bethesda 14, Md.
*H e rndon, Milton Thomas . , ...... .. 361 K e lly Ave., Oak Hi ll. W . Va .
Heym ann, Henry Jam es ...... 3215 Octavia St., New Orle~n s 15, La.
Hey ward, Cabell Carrington .. 1852 Snowden Ave., Memphi s 7, Tenn.
Hi ggins, Edwin Worth, Jr ..... 4502 K ensin g ton Ave., Richmond, Va.
*Higgs. George Doughty .. ...... ........ 299 Gulf St ., Mi lford, Conn.
Hill. Caton Nelson, Jr ...... Rehabilitation Center, Institute, W . Va.
H ill, James Dickie .. .. .. 103-C Washington Ave., Vandergrift. Penn.
Hill, Jerome, 1V ........ 6666 Ridgeway Blvd., Mayfi~ld Hts 24, OhiO
Hill. Trafford, Jr. 36 Lake Lane, Glennbrooke Hills, Richmond 26, Va .
Hinkle James Lis le . ........ ... ........ .. . . Box 614. Roswell, N.M .
H irsch: John Norman ... , , .2696 H ab ersham Rd., N.W., Atlanta, Ga.
Hi xon G eorge Cooley ... . , ... 4157 Ortega Blvd., Jacksonville, F la.
*Hobso;.,, Charles Clyde . . . . .
. . 132 Park St., Pikeville, Ky.


Insley, Philip Asbury , Jr ... 401 Pennsylvania Ave., Salisbury, Md.
Ironside, Paul Allan, Jr.... . .... 144 North Drive, Haddonfield, N.J.
Isaacs, Warner Albert .... .. 7057 Westmoreland Dr., St. Louis 5, Mo.
Jack, Whitfield, Jr. . . , ........ .4ll2 Fairfield Ave .. Shreveport, La.
Jackson, George Percival, Jr. 2100 Brookwood Rd. , Kansas City, Mo.
Jackson, James Holman
..... 718 N . Green St., Galnesvill e, Ga.
Jack; on, William Clark .. ........ 36 E . 36th St ., New York 16, N.Y.
J acob, R obert Garrett....
. . 69 P aper Mill Rd ., Manhasset, N .Y.
Jacobs, Howard Ernest ...... .... 14 Chel sea Ct., Freeport, L.J., N.Y.
Jac obs, Peter Jack ....... .400 West End Ave., New York City, N .Y.
J enkins, Archie Oliver, II. ..... . 959 Maple Lane, J ack sonville, Fla.
Jenkins, Harold Myron ... ............. R.F.D. 1, Pound Rid ge, N .Y.
J ennings, John Kelley
.. 608 Farrell Parkway, Nashville, Tenn.
Jeter, James Clay ... . 1566 Loudon Heights Rd ., Charleston, W . Va.
· J offe , Elliott Nathan . . .
. .3509 Callaway Ave., Baltimore, Md.
Joffrion, Don Kerna;1 .
.610 N. Monroe St., Marksville, L a.
John, L ewis George .
. Fairview Dr. , Cortland, N.Y.
Johnson, David Voss, Jr.
.. 3354 Central Ave., Memphis, Tenn .
Johnson, Michael Smyth ...... 565 Illingworth Ave., Englewood, N. J.
Johnson, Payson Dickey ........ Skywater Rd., Gibson Island, Md.
*Johnson, Richard Ernest .
. ... 15 Gaynor Ave., Manhasset, N.Y.
Johnso n. Thomas Greenhalgh ... . 390 Booth Ave., Englewood, N.J.
Johnston , Richard M arvin .. 286 Orch ard D r., Pittsburgh 28, P enn.
Jones, A lfred Owens, Jr. .. .. 780 O ak land Ave., Birmingham, Mich.
Jones , Joseph M errick .... ... ..... ll Nassau Dr., New Orleans, La.
Jones, K endall Clark .... Duke of Gloucester St., Williamsburg, Va.
Jones, Reuben Bane .
. ... 300 Alleghany St., Clifton Forge, Va .
*Jones, Robert Franklin ......... , . .... ............. .. Stockton, Md.
*Juhring, Avery Brooks .................... Ardley-on-Hudson, N.Y.
Kaegi, Walter Emil, Jr. . . . . .
. ... 1221 Bates Ct ., Louisville 4, Ky .
Kane , John Kent, II . ......... 7 Fenimore Lan e, St. Davids, Penn .
*Kane, Robert Reveley .
. .. 207 Woodland Ter., Alexandria, Va.
Kannapell, Charles Carter ...... .. 450 Swing Lane, Louisville 7, Ky .
Kaplan, Sidman Joel ..... .... 200 S. Shore Dr., Miami Beach, Fla .
Kauffman, William Lee ........... . ...... P ennell Rd ., Linla, Penn .
Ke el ing, Bruce Harrison ...... 3320 Natchez Lane, Louisville 6, Ky.
Kehlhem, Arthur William ....... . 1785 Jane St., Wantagh, L.l., N.Y.
Keith, Francis Eugene .. .... 18 Woodlawn Terrace, Little Falls, N.J .
Kellett, W. M . B . .. Wilson Blvd., Summertown, Signal Mtn .• Tenn.
Kelle y, Emmett Robe1ison .. 5014 New Kent Rd., Richmond 25, Va.
Kell y , Lowry Stuart .. .. 5066 Powers Ferry Rd . N.W., Atlanta. Ga.
K emp, Evan J., Jr. 2201 Demington Dr., Cleveland Hts . 6, Oh io
*K endall, Robert Bruce ...... 501 Dunmore St., Apt. 7, Norfolk, Va.
Kendi g, John William , Jr ... 230 North Central Ave., Falrbom, Ohio
Kerr, Theodore Morri s ...... 1200 Country Club Dr., Midland, Texas
Ketcham, Robert Conrad
3031 E. 54th St. N., Kansas City 16, Mo .
*King , Charles Wesley
... 1518 28th St., N .W ., Washington, D.C .
King, George Dodgen, Jr. ............ 809 Randall St .. Gadsden, Ala.
IGng, Thomas Fitch, Jr ..... 2741 White Oak Lane, J acksonville, Fla.
*King, William Cou11ney, Jr . .... 2415 Cornwallis Ave., Roanoke, V~ .
Kling, Daniel Warmin gton 2736 Claythorne Rd., Cleveland 22, Oh10
Knakal , Joseph Carl, J r. , .1209 Blue Rid ge Ave. Ext., Culpeper, Va.
Knox Paul Goldsmith ...... 2260 Peachtree Rd . N.W., Atlanta, Ga .
Koc e,;, Joe l Evan .. ........ , .... 761 5 Cornwall Rd., Richmond, Va.
Koedel, John Gilbert, Jr ..... 2616 Sununitt St ., Pittsburgh 34, Penn.
Koontz, Jan Charl es ............ 73 S. Main St., Washington, Penn.
Katz, John Carl . . .... ..... 1234 Concord Ave. N.E., Massilon, Ohi o
*Kramer, John Hunter ....... 803 South Warson Rd., Clayton 24, Mo .
Kressler, James Vincent ...... St. Paul's School, Brooklandville, Md.
Kroe i z, Thomas Whitney 1242 Seabreeze Blvd ., Fort Lauderdale, Fla.
Kro gh, Paul H. J ...... ... 1722 H oban Rd. N .W., Washington 7, D.C.
. .............. .. Wattsburg, P enn.
*Kuhn, Daniel Joseph . .
Kullm a n Wilfred Mohr, Jr ......... 300 Vincent Ave., Metairie, La.
Lahro, Philippe Christian ... 104 Blvd. de Courcelles, Paris 17, France
*Lackmann John Arrington .. 408 Morningside Hts., Lexington, Va .
Ladd Gilbert Russell, III. ........ 111 Will iams Court, Mobile, Ala.
Lanc~ster John Lynch, ITT. ........ 4315 Overhill Dr. , Dallas. Texas
Langford.' J a mes Stamnore D . 2200 Harrison, Wichi ta Falls, Texas
Lankow, Richard Allen .. 6860 Continental Ave., Forest HII_Is, N.Y .
Large, Robe1i Harris ............. .. ... 6ll High St., Farmv ille, Va.
Larimore, Tommy Lee ... .. 3820 Ridge haven Rd., Fort W orth, Texas
Larson John Monk . . . 4436 Edmunds St. N .W ., Washmgton 7, D.C .
LaRue.' Lewis Henry .... .... .. ...... ... . Drawer 1. Bartley, \V . Va.
LaRue, Robert Hugh .
. .221 S. High School Ave., Columbus, Kan.
Laskey, Richard P eter ... ................. Lake Rd., Far H1lls. N.J.
Lathrop, Robert Gill .. .... , ..... 893 Parke's Run Lane, !than, Penn.
Laughlin, William Phillip ........ K enwood Place, Wheelmg, W . Va.
Law James Edwin ............. Adamston Rd., Breton Woods, N.J.
*Law~ence, Frederic C ., Jr. 130 Aspinwa!I A:ve., Brookline 46, Mass.
Lawrence, Laird Geoffrey ......... 220 Eakms Rd ., Manha~set, N.Y .
Lawson Thomas Omar .................. .... . Box 103, Fa1rfax, Va.
Lea, Cl~rk Muntz . , .... ......... 133 Upland Way, Haddonfi~ld, N.J.
LeBrun, Henry Francies, Jr ......... Bellona Ave., Lutherville, Md.
Lee, Ra l ph Cail, Jr .... ... .. ........ .... P.O. Box 2_26, Thomson, Ga.
Lee 1>, Richard H .. 6338 N . Santa Monica Blvd ., Milwaukee 11, \"hs.

::is·e:~i~~~;..· i:ict:." \v~ii.~-r~A~~~.r~o~~:

H olc ombe, D onald Lee ........ 4721 Thornhill Ave., Shrev~pmi, La.
Holde r, J ohn ................. ..... Kisco Park, Mount K ·sco, N.Y.
Holl and, John Gill, Jr ......... 201 Woodland Ave., Lynchburg, Va .
Holleman, Vernon Wilson, Jr ... .. 8510 F emwood Rd., Bethesda, Md.
Holl ister, J ohn Cameron 26 10 Washington Blvd., Huntingto n , W . Va.
*H olmquist, Walter Richard .... 612 E . 70th St., Kansas C1ty 10, Mo .
Hood, Edward Mant, Jr ..... 4065 Montevallo Rd., B1rm1':'gham. Ala.
Hoopes, Frank Marshall, Jr ..... 1803 Shipley R~ .. W1lm~ngton, D el.
*Hoov-er Benjamin Neff .... 781 5 Linden Rd., Ph1l adelohia 18, Penn.
H opki~. Charles F .
. . 1520 Alamo ~ve ., Colorado Sorings, Colo.
Hopkins, Elisha Gerald ... ....... 15 Fr1ends Ave .. H~ddonfield, N.J.
Homaday, R. M ... 3508 Runnymede Pl., N .W ., Washmgton 15, D.C.
Hoss, Frank Alfred, Jr .... ... . ... 358 South Main S~ .. Manassas, Va.
Hotchkiss. Farris Pierson .. 3209 Edgewood Ave., Richmond 22. V a.
Hou"h. c . R. , J r ..... 2006 Columbia Rd. , N.W., Washmgton 9, D.C .
Hough, Leonard Brainard, Jr .... ..... The Green , Collinsvi lle, Conn.
H ouse, Homer Charles .. 4500 Edmunds St., N .W ., Washington, D.C .
H ouston, William H enry, Ill. ... ........ .... ......... Tumca, Miss.
Howard John Burnsid e ... .... .. 301 Colonial Court, Towson 4, Md.
Hubbard, Albert Crawford, J r. 2300 D elaware Ave ., Wilmington, D el.
*Hubbard, R yland H ... 3rd Floor Apt., Nat. Bk. Bldg., Lex.mgto n, Va .
Hudnall, Bertrand R yland, II ..... Oakwood Forest, Cov m gto n, Va.
Huffard, J ohn Cloyd ... . . 19 R ockwood Rd. E. , Plandome, L .I., N.Y.
Hughes, William King . . . 21 R obbins Lane, Lake Success, L .l. , NY.
Hummers, Herbert Jackson . .. ... 787 Wynga te Dr. E., Elmont, N .Y.
Humpton. C. B .. Jr. Co ll ege Ave. & Tunb ridge Rd., Haverford , PPnn.
Hunter, Paul D ouglas .. .. .. .. .. 518 N.W. 15th St ., Gainesville, Fla.
*Huntley, Robert R oyall 2307 Buena Vista Rd ., Winston-Salem, N.C.
Hurt Charles D avis. Jr ......... 28 Chatham Rd. N W ., Atlanta. Ga.
Hutchinson, Campbell C ., III . .. 4840 Camellia Lane, Shreve port, La.
Hyde Eugene Willard, Jr . ... .. 9723 Kingsto n Rd., Kens m gto n, Md.
Iler, Morton Park
.. 1502 Burnett Lane , Vince nnes, Ind.

t=~~~~,' ;:i~~s~:~~~.

j;.~82.~ it~~~~~;~~r~~ v~I~a~;:s~~gt~~. O~l~O

Lemo n Robert Conrad ........ ....... ........... . Eagle Rock, Va.
L em on: William Jacob ... , .. 517 N Alleghany Ave .. Covington, Va.
Le 011 ard. Daniel Boone . . .............. 9 Oak Crest, D~ne~. Conn.
Lester, Ainsley J ackson, III ... 1018 Mulberry Rd. , Martmsv11le, Va.
~ Lett s Gavin Kenyon ............. . 44 1 Seabreeze, Pa1m Beach , Fla.
Lev y: E o ward D. , Jr ...... 10 Richmond Place, New Orl eans ~5, La.
Levy, Robe li Brain
... 6207 Blackburn Lane, Baltn':wre 1-. M d.
Lewis Earl James . . ..... , ... 7501 Rocksham Dr., Balt1more 4, Md .
Le wis ' Jmnes V\' hittier .. Harriman Rd., Irvington-on-Hudson, NY.
Lewi s: J oseph Stuart, IV. .
. ... . ....... B_o;< 216, Oak
W . Va.
Lewis, Richard Canear
.... , .. , .501 Klme St., Covmgton , Va .


*Not appearing in class section.

2 1C

Lilly, Edward Rutledge, Jr . . , . , .. 4016 Elfin Ave. , Louisville 7, Ky.
Lindecamp, P a ul David 117 Rita Rd ., Chelsea Est ., New Castle. Del.
Lindquist, J e rold Hoover ........ 71 Riverside Ave., R e d Bank, N.J.
Line, Edward Douglas ............. 14 Alden Place, Bronville, N.Y .
Lipscomb, J a m es Edwa rd ........ 403 Cleveland S t., Greenville, S .C.
Litzenl::urg, Th omas Vernon ............ Box 294, Cumberland, Md .
Lockie, George Nelson ............ 130 Morris Ave., Buffa lo 14, N.Y.
*Lohrey, Th omas Edwin , Jr ... 133 Mtn. Vi ew Ave., Bluefield, W . Va .
Loutit , J ames Robson "Westcliffe " F airylands, P embroke, Bermuda
L overin g, J oseph S ears, Jr ......... St. Marks Lane, Islip, L .I. , N.Y .
Lowe, J ames Robert .................. 725 F erry St., L oudon, Tenn.
*Lummus, Lynn F ort ................. 622 N.E. 98th St., Miami, Fla.
Lunge r, J ames Brown ............. 601 Bridge St., Covington, Va.
*Lunsford, Randol ph Wilson ........ 202 Jefferson S t., Lexin gton, Va.
Lupton, George Morgan, Jr ... 1487 Langhorne Rd ., Lync hbu rg, Va .
Lurate, R obert Barry .......... 236 F ourth Ave ., East Orange, N.J.
Luria, D onald S ., 712 West Mount Airy Ave., Phil adelphia 19 , Penn.
Lutcken, Ly le Arthur . ............ 313 Mercer S t., Hightstown , N.J.
Lyle, J oseph Lawrence, J r ........ Bay Colony, Virginia Beach. Va .
Lynn, William Willis. TTl. ........ 1907 Quarry Rd. , L ynchburg, Va.
Lyons, George Sage .... .......... .. 157 Roberts Ave., Mobile , Ala.
McArth ur, Donald Bruce ....... 1821 Tad Ave ., N. W ., Warren, Ohio
McCain, Arthur Williamson, Jr. 1 E. P arkwa y North , Memphis, Tenn.
McCain, S amuel Adams, Jr. 5294 S y camore Ave., New York 71, N.Y.
McCarthy, Edward Dunca n ...... 131 2 P oinsettia Ave., Orlando, F la.
McCa rthy, Samue l Melville ..... 1312 Poinsettia Ave., Orlando, Fla .
McCla in, Albert Murray . ..... 343 Maj orca Ave ., Coral Gables, Fla .
McCollister, F rier Charles ......... . 454 J a ckson Ave., Glencoe, Ill.
McCormick. Charles Lucas, TTL ........ ...... .... ... .. . Halifax , Va.
McCrary, Jack Allison .. .. ....................... Glade Spring, Va.
• McCullough, Robert Garrett ... ... ........... Murfreesboro, Tenn.
McDonald, J ohn Early, Jr. ... 1755 S . Sycamore St., Petersburg, Va.
McGeehan, D on ald John ..... 160 Mercer Pla c e, S outh Orange, N.J .
McGreevy, Tere nce Taylor .... .... 3672 Indian Rd. , Toledo 6, Ohio
McHenry, J oseph R obert ...... 618 P arrish Rd ., Swarthmore, P enn.
Mcintyre, Frederic S exton .. 36 Old Farm Rd. , " 'ellesley Hills, Mass.
McKa ba, D on ald G eorge .. ... ....... 3333 82nd S t., Brooklyn 9, N.Y.
McKeldin, Theodore R oosevelt, J r . Gov.'s Mansion, Annapolis, Md.
McKnight, Glenn Dean, Jr ....... . . " W illow B end, " Covington , V a.
McLane, J esse Newman .......... 407 B ay Shore Dr., P ensacola, Fla.
*McLean, Robert Neil .... ...... 907 Braddock Rd. , Cumberland, Md.
McLeod, J ames Louis .. ......... . 720 Wilde r Place, Shreveport, La .
*1\kNeer, Richa rd Gregory .. 109 R idgewood R d., Huntington, W . Va.
McPherson, Gary D an .......... .. ........... B ox 252, Cass, W .Va.
McQuiggan, John Alexander ...... 646 North K ing St., Xenia , Ohi o
McRae. J ohn Alexander .. 3734 Overbrook Lan e, H ouston 19, T exas
McSpadden, Gilbert Russell, J r. 1499 H arbert Ave., Memphis, Tenn .
Macgowan, Bruce ......... . 25 Hyde St., Newt on Highlands, Mass.
Macintosh, Charles Archibald .... 3 College Circle, H averford, P enn.
MacKinlay, Edgar H a rold .... .... .... ...... McConnellsburg, P enn.
Magoli ne, Alfred J oseph, Jr .. . .. 116 S . Hawkins Ave., Akron, Ohio
Mangold, Carl Rene. Jr. 4131 Cote Des Neiges Rd., Montreal. Canada
Manley, Edmund Thomas, Jr. 49 Green a cre Ave., Longmeadow, Mass.
Mann, Robert Hood, Jr ....... 1008 West 66th St., Kansas City, Mo .
Ma nning, J ohn Thomas ............ .. Country Rd. , Westport, Conn .
Mantz, Francis MacLaren .. 1200 Western Br. Blvd., Portsmouth, Va.
Marion, J ohn Hardin, III. , .. . .. .. 1409 Chowan Rd ., Richmond, Va.
Markham, Thomas Skiles ........ 401 J arvis Lane, Loulsville 7. K y.
Marks, Julius Stephen ....... ... 726 W est Main, Brownsville, Tenn .
Marl ow. Hubert Hundley, Jr ... 426 N. R oyal Ave., Front R oy a l, Va.
Marsh, John Duncan ....... .... ......... . Box 177, Purcellville, Va.
*Marshall, Lee . . . . .................. 3716 Cactus St., Ashland, K v.
Marthinson, D. M., J r ..... 2506 Upton St., N. W ., Washington 8, D.C .
Marti n, Garry Pepper .... 1729 L oudon Hts. R d., Charleston, W . Va.
Martin, Roy Carter ....... ....... .................... Glasgow , Va.
Martin, T ommy Wayne .... 117 Witherspoon Rd. , Baltimore 12, Md.
Martin, William Newkirk .... ... . 68 Franklin St ., Englewood. N. J .
Marvin, James Whi tney, Jr .. . 12 Summit St. , Ph iladelphia 18, P enn.
Masinter, Edwin Michael .. .. 1221 Persinger Rd., S .W ., R oan oke, Va.
Maslansky, Sanford R obert . 4016 Vend om e Place. New Orleans, L a.
Mason. Alfred J a ckson .......... Cropperville F a rms , Accomac, V a.
Mason, J ames Ar mistead ............ .. ......... Bowling Green, V a.
*Matthew s, John Kenney .... 133 Wyckham R ise, San Anton io, T exas
Maute r, Richa rd J oseph ............ 20 Farnum St., Ly nbrook, N .Y .
Maxwe ll, Alan Craig ...... 5136 Palisade L a n e . Washino;ton I6 , D.C .
Maxwell, Robe rt West ....... ..... ... 3557 Marquette, D allas , Texas
Mayfield, J oseph Avery .. 400 M orningsi de D r., Wichita F alls, Texas
Mays, Charles Parkhill , J r .... .. ..... .. ... B ox 116, Monticello, Fla .
Mead, All an J ohn . . ........... 307 Al pine Rd., Baltimore 10, Md .
M eador, H enry Bennett, J r ......... 641 5th St., N. W ., Hickory, N.C .
*Meekins, Isaac Melson, III ...... 55 Sunset P arkway, Asheville, N .C.
Mees<>. D avid Wendell .... ...... 1716 Magnolia Ave., R e lav 27, M d .
Meglitz, William Charles ........ 6309 B ellona Ave., Baltimore. M d.
Mercke, George, Ill. . ..... 214 Pleasantview Ave., Louisville 6, Kv.
Merrick. Samuel Seymour .... W oodbrook L ane, B altimore 12, Md .
*Metz. R ichard Warren ........... . 10 B ridle Lane , S t . Louis 22, Mo .
Mickler, Russell J a c ob ... ... ... 1307 J ean Court, J acksonville 7, Fl a .
M;_ddleton, P eyton G., J r . .. 1708 37th S t., N.W., W ashino;ton 7, D .C .
M;d !l ley, Charles Paul .... .. .... 923 E. Main S t., B enno+'oville, S .C.
Mnle ~. Burr Churchill , III. 60 Gramercy P ark. New Yor•· Citv. N.Y.
Miller. Charles Henry, Jr .......... . Forest H ;Jls, Wh Pelin g , W . V a.

Mint z, Loren Alexa nder 18311 Sherrington Rd ., Shaker Hts. 22, Oh w
Mixson, Alan Roderick .. 6 S outh Center St., Windsor Locks, Conn.
Moeller, Robert Charl es, TTl. ....... 40 Grotto Ave., Providence, R.I.
*M offatt, James Reece ................. 208 Stee le St., Frankfort, Ky .
Mon ger, Philip D eMuth .... .. 436 Oakmoor Ave., Bay V ill age, Ohio
Monroe, Samuel Ed., II . . 960 Edgewood Ave., Pelham Manor 15, N.Y .
Montgomery, P eter Terrill ......... 69 Third S t., Garden City, N. Y .
*Moore, Dan Breckinridge . . 205 Whitaker Blvd. , Huntington, W . Va.
Moore, James Willard ........ 33 Rolla St., F ort Leona r d Wood, Mo.
Moore , Richard Allen ........... 606 Seminary Ave., Towson 4, Md.
Moore, Scott L ouis, Jr... 2600 S.W. 30th Ave ., Fort Lauderdale, Fla.
M oore, Thomas Morgan ...... . . 602 West Davis St., Burlington, N.C.
Moore, Thomas O 'D onnell ...... 606 S emina ry Ave., Towson 4, Md.
Moreland , Jon Marvin
.. 2908 Avenue 0, Galveston, Texas
*Moremen, J ohn Sims .................... 826 She lb y, Frankfort, K y.
Morgan, Henry Coke, Jr ............. 6110 Rolfe Ave., Norfolk 8, Va.
Morgenstern, Jack Arnold 2455 Eaton Rd ., University H ts. 18, Ohio
• Moriarta, Charles D ouglas ........ .. ....... H. D . 2, Ganvoort, N.Y.
Morine, H arry D on ald 21349 S. Woodland R d., Shaker Hts. 22, Ohio
Morre ll, Hugh Warnock ... .. .. ... ..... Rahway Rd., Plainfield, N. J .
Morris, Will Crews, Jr ......... 370 Terrell Rd ., San Antonio, Texas
Morrison. J ohn Cooper, Jr ..... 907 Chestnut R d., Charleston, W . Va.
M orton, J ames Mad ison, ITJ. Windv Hill Farm. Westport P oint, Mass.
*Morton, R obert K emp . ..... .. . . 228 Oakwood Rd ., Charleston, W.Va .
Moses, Forrest Lee, Jr ......... .. . 194 Hawthorne D r., Danvill e, Va.
Moses. H arry ..................... 68 E . 86th St., New York 28, N.Y.
Mower, F rank E. Thomas Circle, Ri dgewood Rd ., Charleston, W . Va.
M oyer. Gerald Irv ing , Jr..... 2100 W . 51st St .. K ansas City 3, K a n.
Moyer, J ohn P eter . .. .. ......... 1525 F ifth Ave., Youngstown, Ohio
Moyle e, K evin Eugene ... ..... 299 Garfield Place, Brooklyn 15, N .Y .
Mu irhead, J ohn Frederic, Jr.
. .418 Burt St., DuBois, Penn.
Myer3, Russell Eardley .... 220 Stoney F ord Rd. , Baltimore 10, M d.
Nachman, Stephen J ay . . . . . . . . . 103 Willow Way, P ortsmouth. Va.
Nash, J ohn Marfield .
. ........... .. ... Route 3, Wa yzata . Minn.
Neblett, Th omas B a rb ee, Jr. Q trs . " B" N .A.S., Patuxent River, Md.
Neunreiter, Robert Lyle ..... .. ..... 730 Glenvista, Glendale 19, Mo.
Nevin , H enry Frank
...... 4173 Cambridge Rd ., P asadena, Calif.
Newberg, R ichard Conrad ..... .. 11 Broadway, North H aven, Conn .
Newton, Frederick H. 104 Havemeyer Lane, Old Greenwich, Conn.
*Newton, H ugh Curtis ......... . 220 W . W ashington, Lexington, Va.
Nichols, D avid M onroe ........ 323 Tuscan y Rd ., Baltimor e 10. Md.
Nicholson, Claude Wilson, J r . ...... 1722 N . Troy St ., Arlington, Va.
Noble, D avid Gregg .
. .5409 P urlington Way, Baltimore 12. Md.
Nodi ne, Arthur C., III. .44 Beacon Hill R d., P ort Washington, N. Y .
Noel, Benjamin L a il .. .. .. . . .... .. P.O. B ox 598 , Lewistown, Mont.
Noel, Edward Wa rren
..... .. 25 E. Fifth St., Hinsdale, Ill .
Noll, Louis Anton . . .
. ... 120 Rutgers St., Belleville, N.J.
Nolte, Charles Elme r , TJJ. ...... 42 14 K e lway R d., Bal timor e 18, M d.
Norell, Mich ael Alden Oa k land Apts ., Colombia Pike, Arlington, V a.
Norman, William Clarence, Jr ..... ... ... 1000 Elm St. , Crossett , Ark.
*Northrop, William B. 6 Summit Place, Belle H av en, Alexandria, V a.
Nuessle, Warren , Strike Force S., Navy F .P.O. 510, N ew York, N.Y.
Nyce, Peter Quick , Jr . ............... .. . Sigma Chi, L exington, V a.
Oast, John Kin g ............ .. 649 R iverview Ave., P ortsmouth, Va.
*Oast. Townsend ... ........... 649 Riverview Ave., P ortsmouth, Va.
O'Brien, Thomas P atrick, J r ... 1348 National Rd. , Wheeling, W . Va.
O'Connell, J ames Richard ..... 322 Tunbridge Rd ., Baltimore 12, Md.
O'Da y, Michael W illiam ... . 5011 Greenleaf Rd ., Baltimore 10, Md.
*O der, H enry Allen, Jr . . ............ 608 Marshall S t., Lexington, Va.
O'Kane, J ohn Rich ard, Jr ......... 32 Melrose Ave., Barrington, R.I.
*Osborne, W illiam Love, J r ........... .. ............ Algoma. W . Va.
Osher, Alan Benjamin ... ... 3719 Reading R d., Cincinnati 29. Ohio
Ould, Edward H atcher . .. .... .... 3380 P eakwood Dr., R oanok e, V a.
Owen, D avid Allen .. .......... .. 2615 Underhill Rd., T oledo 6, Ohi o
Oxner. George D ewey .......... 407 Belmont Ave ., G reenville, S .C.
*Pace, William Thomas, ITT. ...... . . . . .... 206 4th Ave., F ranklin, V a.
Packett. Harold Carroll . .. ........ ................... Montross, Va.
Page, J ames Edward .............. 547 E. 25th St., Buena Vista, V a.
P almer. Philip E dward ... ...... 1805 N . H arvard St ., Arlington, V a.
Pannel l. H en ry Gary .... , . , ... Sweet Briar H ou se, Sweet B riar, Va.
Pappas, Pat Gus . ...... . , , ....... 500 West 8th St., Pine B luff, Ark .
*P arman, Robert Milam ..... ........ 18 Hadden R d., Scarsdale, N .Y .
*P a t e, Harry Preston ................... 522 North Pearl, J oplin , Mo.
Patton, D ennis Ward ........ 1426 W . Broad St ., Bethlehem, P enn.
*Paul , H en ry Philip ...... .... 48 Treaty Elm Lane, Haddonfield, N. J .
Paul, John Abbott ....... ..... 504 S. Mason S t., H arrison burg, Va.
*Paxton, Eugene Wilson, Jr ....... .... 5 Houston S t., Lexington, V a.
*Payne, Andrew Allemong. J r .. 1420 L oudon Hts., Charleston, W . Va.
P eachy, William Samuel Jamestown R d., Box 122, Williamsburg, Va.
Pea le, J ohn Stafford . ... ..... ... 1030 Fifth Ave., New York 28 , N.Y.
Pearson. R obert Clarence ..... ... 1310 S . Third St., L ouisville 8, K y.
P eeples, R obert lnabnit .......... 3424 Ella L ee Lane, H ouston, Tex .
P endleton, E dmund Steele ........... . R. D . No . 3, Cambridge, Md .
Penick, Daniel Allen, Jr .................. . R oss Rd., Lexington, Va.
Perry, Charles Sherman .......................... Gree nville, Del.
P erryman, James D ale, Jr ........ 5545 Stonegate D r., D allas, Texas
P erson, Sol on Armour .... .... 217 W . Pal maire Ave., Phoen ix. Ari z.
P hPlvn R obert A rthur ..... , .. .. 974 Rid ge Rd ., W ethersfield, Conn .
Phillippe, George Jay Rhey .... .. 505 H ighland Ave ., Morton. P enn.
*Phillips, J ohn Stephen .. ........ 9325 S. D amen Ave ., Chicago, Til.
*Pickett. James Edward .. .. 3714 W oodbine S t., Chevy Chase 15, Md.
P ickus, R oss Gary .... .. .... . . Whipooorwill Lane, S tratford, Conn .
Piokin , John Benton, IJT. .......... 633 S. Main S t., R eidsvill e, N.C .
Pipkin, J oh n Rob e rt . , . . . ...... 153 Victory Blvd., Portsmouth, Va.
Pittm an, Frank Smith, Ill. ......... ... . . ...... ..... P rattville. Ala.
Pixton, William Hoover .. ........ 317 Mansion D r., Al exandria, Va.
Pizitz Merritt L ouis ...... 2900 Southwood Rd ., Birmingham. Ala .
Pl a ist~d . Harris Merrill, III . 15 Stonybrook Rd ., Cape Elizabeth, Me.

Miller. D onald Anthony .424 Oa kw ood Ave .. Vlebster Grov es 19, Mo .
Mill e•·. George Chambers, Jr . .. 198 Dove r Rd., M:mhasset . L.I., N .Y.

Miller. Max D aniel, HI. .... . ........ 301 P oplar St. , Marianna. Ark .
Miller, R obert Da y ........... ..... .. Box 3665, Charlottesville , Va.
Miller, William Charles ........ 2235 Laurel Rd., Jacksonville , Fla.
Milligan. George Fred ...... 4333 Greenwood Dr., Des Moines, I owa
Minde l, Laure nce Brisk er .... ... . 3319 Kirkwa ll Rd., Toledo 6, Ohi o
*Minter. L ewis S piller .. .......... 4310 Cary S t . Rd ., Richmond , Va.

*Not appearing in class section.


Platt . A le x ander B radford. .
.Pi erce Rd .. R iverside. Conn .
P olla rd . 0\·erton Price . . .
. . . 202 Chapma n St., A sh la n d , Va .
P ollock, Orthello Brook s , Jr. 1711 W . L ab urnum Ave., R ichmon d, Va .
P ortner . G e ralr! Martin . .. . 16810 H olbrook Rd ., Shak e r H ts .. Oh io
P oteet. D avid Crawford . . 1909 Massey Cir .. S ou t h Cha rl eston . W .Va.
P otts. George Grattison . .. Sou th Qu een St. Ext .. Martins burg , W .Va.
*Powell, R ichard Andrew 20-H L a m-elwood D r ., Mountain La k e s, N.J.
Pressley, H arry L ee, J r ..... . . 757 P a r ad iso Ave., Cora l Ga bl es, Fla .
P r itchard. Robert Ala n ....... . . . 26 Conkl in Ave .. M orr istown , N .J .
Proulx. Norma n Philip ........ 781 42nd Ave. S ., S t. P e t e rsb urg, Fla.
Pullen, James Loving .. .... . ..... . .... . . Castle H ill, L exin gton, Va.
Putney, Lacey E dward .. . . ........... .. .... . .. .... . Big Island, Va .
Q uille n, S tephen Marshall ............ . ...... Box 86, L eb a n on, Va.
Raines , R ichard Brodna x ...... 1876 Central Ave .. Me m phis, T e nn.
Ral ph, Dick J ames .......... 3925 Mon t ice llo Dr .. F ort Worth , T e xas
Ram say, Frederick J effress .... McD on agh School. Mc Don agh. Md.
Rappel. R ob ert George . .... ....... 474 G rove St ., Worc ester 5, Mass.
Ra ym ond. Laurier Thomas . J r......
. .55 H ow e St .. Le wiston . Me.
R ea. T . R .. J r . .. . . 761 F orest R d., Ruthfr ed Acres, Bri d ge ville, P e nn .
Reaves. E dward 1\l cCormick . ... 1263 H aynes R d .. Mem phis 14 , Tenn .
• R eed. Archie E dw ard.... . .. .. .... . .
. . .. Gl en D a nie l. W .Va .
R e ese. J ohn H ughs .......... .. .. . 102 E dgem on t R d., S ca rsd a le , N .Y .
Rehlen. Lou is Christ ian ...... 55 L a n gridge R d., Ma nha sset , L .I. , N .Y .
R eid, J ames William .. . .... .... ... 54 W . P in e S t. , Cl ifton Forge , Va.
R eid . Will iam E dward, J r ... ... ...... 5 Sa ge T er r ace , Scar sda le, N .Y .
Reidfor d . P . A. 8th Line No rth, RR No. 2, Oa k v ill e , Ont ario Ca nada
R eilly , J ohn P at rick . . .. ...... 513 Sunset T err ace, A m a rill o, Texas
Rein er. Geo r ge S taehle .... .... 41 H arding D r .. S ou t h Ora n ge , N .J .
• R hea. R ob e r t Lewis . . . ...... .... . 1502 Spr in g Hill R d ., Sta unton. Va .
*Rice . Cha rles Lee . ... .......... . . 2824 K en w ay Dr., N ash v ille, Tenn .
Rice, Willia m J ohnston ......... . 606 P ica dill y Rd ., T ow son 4, Md.
Rich, T. G., J r .. Elkins P a rk Garde ns , Apt. 11 - D , E lkins Pk . 17, P e nn.
Richards , R ob e r t Alfred . . . . . . ..... 100 T rad d S t., Cha rles ton, S.C .
R ichardson, Cha r les Bai n . ... . ....... . .... . . ... .. . .. .. Urbana, Va.
Richa r dson, Fra nk Irv in, J r . . . . .201 Broa d St ., Ma rtinsville , Va.
Riddle . R ic ha rd Windle . ... .. 1236 Cordova Rd. , Ft. La ude rd a le, Fla .
*Ri pley, J oseph Mills , J r .... .4960 San J ose B lvd. , J ackson v ille. Fla.
*R itter, J ames D ama ll . . .... ... .... . 107 N . Ma in St., Cy nt hian a , K y .
*Ri tter. Will iam Randolph . ..... .... R it tu D r .. Hu n ti n g ton. W . Va .
Roberts, A rch 'rate r s . .422 Disston Blvd. , No r th , St. P et e r sbur g , Fla.
Roberts . William A r chibald . . . .... . Cou n try Club Rd ., Eufaula. Ala .
*Roberts, William Olive r, Jr . ........ . . . .. . .. . .. .. Ch anmla in, ]\J Y .
R obinson. Randal F ink .... .. ........ 335 P epp e r La n e , P a duca h, K y .
R ob recht . Rav m ond R ob ert. J r ... 34 Cra n e Rd .. Mou n ta in La k es, N .J .
R ockel. D on aid William . . . 3181 N . Farm cr est D r .. C inci nna ti 13, Ohi o
*Rockwell , Will iam J a mes K e nne th ... 142 H ills ide St., A sheville, N .C.
Rodgers. Cly de D udley, J r ... . 5223 H awthorne R d., Little R ock , Ark .
*Rodrigu ez. Cha rles Conwe ll ... .... . .... . . . .. .... ... .. Ma gn olia , D e l.
Roettger , Norman Cha rles. J r ... . ..... . .. Box 45, Green Cam p, Ohio
*Rom ans , William M . A .. III ... 183 W . Hartsd a le Ave ., H a rtsd a le, N.Y .
R ook stool, William Art h ur. 828 N . East 15th , Okla h om a Cit y 4, Okla.
Root , D avid Bon d .. ......... . ... . .... 222 Supe ri or Ave .. Erie , P e nn .
R osebr ook. J eb J ohn .................. . R. F .D . 3. Ch a rlottesv ill e, Va .
Rosenberg , R icha rd Ala n ........ 1545 Ma r co P la ce. J ac k son v ille , Fla.
R osenfeld, D on a ld Standford ........ 9 F or dyce La n e , La Due 24, Mo.
R oss , R aymond Dudley, III ... .. . 109 Tower Place , F or t T homas , K y .
*R owe, J oseph F ra nkli n .... . .. .... 134 Cherok ee R d ., Ha mpton, Va.
R oy, Lamar D ou glas, III. ..... .. ... 14 R iv er Hill R d. , Louisv ille , K y .
. . .... 35 Conov e r R d ., D ea l , N .J .
R ubin, Ronal d D avid.....
• Rule, W illiam Allen ..... ..... 800 Mc Con n ick St., Cli fto n F orge , Va.
R u sse ll, J ohn G ., Jr ....... ... ...... 203 F ounta in A v e .. P ad u cah , K y .
R u ssell, William J ., J r. Kin g of P russia R d., Box 106, Wayn e, P enn .
R ussell, William Scott, J r . . . . .. .. . .... . R.F.D . No. 4, R oanok e, Va.
S adler, J ames K enneth . J r .. ... .. 1415 Calh oun S t. , N ew Or lean s , L a .
Safford, R ufus Lash er ...... . 210 Wilmu th Ave ., Wyoming 15, Ohio
S ale, 1:homas D avis, J r ... 333 Bunk er's Cov e R d ., P a n a m a City , Fla.
Sals'>ury, Thom as A ppe l ..... .. . 5 West M yst ic Ave., Mys tic, Conn .
Samelson, I ra H erbert, J r ....... 624 N. T reze vant , Mem ph is , Te nn .
*Sanderson, Michael Alban ........ .. 624 N01i h D. , Tac om a 3. Wa sh .
Sap insley, E d win P aul, J r ......... . . 681 W est D r ., Me m ph is , Te nn .
Sawe rs, William Brown, Jr ..... 309 Oakda le Rd., Ba ltimore 10, Md.
Schaa f , Be rnard J ohn, J r . . .4 15 N orth Taylor St. , S ou th Be nd, Ind .
Schaefer, D avid Clement, J r . . . 1400 L a Vista Rd ., N .E., A tla nta , Ga .
Schafe r, Morgan ........ .. .. White Oa k Shade , Ne w Can a a n, Conn.
S chlesinger , A lb ert Eh rlich .. .. ..... .. . 10 Woodla n d D r. , R ye , N .Y.
Schm id, William K e nneth , Jr ..... 934 N. A u gu sta S t., Sta unto n , Va.
Sch m idt , Thomas Mowery ...... 264 1 F a lmouth Rd. , T ole d o 6, Ohio
Sch oen. D erek Martin . ... ......... 1500 P a rk R d .. H age rs t own, M d.
Schuler. We rnert J acques, J r ...... . . 3916 Mont rose Ave. , Erie, P enn .
Sea b rook, James Hunter. J r . ..... 744 Cypress Dr ., Me mph is, T e nn .
Seeger. Ar thur Burgess, Jr ... ... 624 L averoc k Rd ., Glen side, P e nn.
Se ibel, N icholas J ohn ... ... 7530 W estmor eland Ave ., Cla yton 5, Mo.
S haw. J ames Gr aham, Jr . ... .. 2822 Canterbury R d., Columbia , S .C.
S"nelor, Morgan Lunsf ord .. . . 200 W . M onroe Ave., Al exan d r ia, Va.
*S hepherd. J a mes Frank .. 106 East Una k a Ave., J ohnson City , Tenn .
Shepherd , Rob ert E., J r. 5030 I n glewood Cou rt. Nashvill e 6, T enn.
Shem1an, Charles L .. IV ... 3214 Country Cl ub R d ., B ir mingh a m, Ala.
Sherrington . R ichard Grant . . .. .. 1512 Asbury Ave., E va ns t on, Ill.
S hropshire. W illiam Og den . .... . 1905 Spring H ill A ve., Mobile , Ala.
S igmund. D onald Wm. 3361 R ittenhouse St., N .W ., Was h ington , D. C .
*S inlonelli. P atrick J oseph . . ... ... . . 1424 Ave . P. , B r ook lyn 29, N.Y.
*S inlpson, D avid Gibbon s .... .. ....... ....... . .. H arrods Creek , K y .
Simpson. W ill iam F r a ncis. J r ..... 114 Adams St., Gree n sb or o , N .C .
*Sinwell, J ohn Willi am . ... . ... 5508 K emper R d., Ba ltimo r e 10, Md .
Sklar, J e rald .. . . .. ... . ............ 201 Ruby Ave ., Rulev ille, Miss.
Skolnik, R ichard Allen ........ 139-26 228 S t. , Laurelto n , L. I. , N. Y .
Slate<, Martin I saac ........ 1075 Oce an P arkway, B rook lyn 30, N. Y .
Slingerlan d , D avid Wayn e 12 P ebble H1ll Rd . S outh, De W itt 14, N .Y .
Small, La ure nce Mitchell .. 351 J onquil P lace , P ittsburgh 34, P enn .

*Sm il ey , Gerald Walton .... .... . ....... R t . N . 2, Str oudsb e rg , P e nn .
Smink , D ou gla s Jjams , J r ........ . . .. .. . . . . ... . .... McDonagh, Md .
Smith , Clifford Edwin, Jr . . . . . 118 W . Campbell St .. Frankfort , K y.
•Smith , Ensor B ... 233 E. Mt. Pleasa nt Ave ., Philade lphia 19, P enn .
Smith, G eor ge Igna tius , Jr . . . . . 106A E. Second St .. Frede rick , Md ..
*Smith , Gu y H e rb ert, Jr . ... . 6222 San Jose Blvd., Jacksonville , Fla.
Smith , He n ry H olde n, Jr ....... .. .. ... .423 42nd, Des Moines , Iowa
*Smith, Isa a c N oy es ... . ... . 4600 Kanawha Ave., Charleston, W . Va .
Smith, James Milton, Jr ........ .... . .. 305 Franklin St., Louisa, Ky.
Smith, J ames Shelby .. ........ 1325 North "A" St., P ensacola, Fla .
Smith, J ohn Maddox ........ 904 S. Albert Pike, Fort Smith, Ark .
Smi t ll , J ord a n M . .. 3613 Chevy Chase Lake Dr. , Chevy Chase, Md.
*Smiti1 Louis Otey . .......... . .. 4306 Sulgrave Ave., Richmond, Va.
Smith , L ouis Voigt .. .......... . . W . Stephenson Rd. , Freeport, Ill.
Sm it h, Marquis McElroy, Jr ... 110 Cloppe r Ave., Greensburg, Penn.
Smith , Ra lph Churc:;hill ... . .. 813 Parkside Ave ., Schenectady, N .Y .
Smith , R a ymond Philip .. . . . . 16-A Hills ide Te rrace , Lexington , Va.
Smith , R . Lawre nce . .. . .. . . .. .... . 304 Roslyn Rd., Richm ond, Va.
Smith , R onald C. 1122 E . Belve d e re Ave. , Apt. B, Baltinlore 12, Md .
Smith, Thom as Randolph , . , . . . 536 E . Front St., Perrysburg, Ohio
Smith, William Be m a rd . ... . . ... .......... Box 444, L ogan, W. Va .
Smulson , Mark Elliott ........ 3406 Dennlyn Rd .. Baltimore 15, Md.
Smy the , F. John, Jr ... 54 T ep ee Rd., Indian Hills, Louisville 7, Ky.
Sn ow don, Wilm er Latim e r, Jr. 3 Crawford Circle , Wilmington, Del.
Sny de r , R obert Ale x a nde r . .4845 Arapahoe Ave., Jacksonville, Fla .
*Sohlman, Staffa n A . R .. . . Utrikesdepar t ementet, Stockholm, Sweden
Sonnen. Jon Anton .. ....... ... . 510 Fall River Rd., Houston, Texas
Sowell, Jam es Rowland ...... 3900 Lexington Ave .. Dallas 5, T exas
Speckma n, Paul Richard, Jr ... 9055 Torrey Rd., Grand Blanc, Mich .
Spence, Robert Noel . .. .... ..... 1632 Lauran Rd., Hage rstown, Md .
Spence r , Ch a rles Robert, Jr . . , ..... . 2101 Link Rd., L ynchburg, Va.
Spragu e , Ma tthew Floyd, Jr ... . . . . . .... . . 495 Milton Rd., Rye , N.Y.
Sp r ott, Kingswood, J r . . .... ........ . .. .. Box 569, Lake Wales. Fla.
S p r ou l, Hugh Bell . . . . ......... ... ..... .. , ... . Box 28, Stanton, Va.
Sta m p , F re de rick Pfarr, Jr ..... .... ..... . ...... Short Creek, W . Va .
Sta nley, Philip Lewis ... . ..... .... . 1403 Churchville, Sta unton, Va .
Sta rlin g , K e nneth Allen ...... ........ .. .. 510 E. Elm St., Troy, Ala .
Ste ffee, J e d E. Roland Park A pts., 6 Upland Rd., Baltinlore 10, Md .
S teiner, Amold L evy . .. ... 2600 Canterbury Rd ., Birmingham, Ala .
Ste phe n s, Hugh Wa dd ell . . . . .... ..... . 4 Hilltop Rd., A sheville. N .C.
Steph e n s, John Rob e rt Chilton, Jr .......• ... Wicomico Church, Va.
S teph e n son, Bev e rly Gra y . .. . ....... . ...... ... ... ... Wake field, Va.
S teven s , J oseph Budd .. 2840 N. S taunto n Rd., Huntingt on 2, W . Va.
Stev e s, A lbert, IV .. ... , . 122 Brandon Dr. West , S an Antoni o, Texas
Stine, D onald Franklin .. . .... . .. 88 Summit Ave ., Cumberland, Md .
Stine , H arry Ellsw orth, Jr ... 2008 Gle n Ross Rd. , Silve r Spring, Md .
S tiv ers. Rob ert Cla rk . .. .. .. .. .. .... . Box 125, Mt. Sidney , Virginia
Stock , Charles J e r om e ... ... .. . . 811 Hillcrest Rd. , Rid gewood, N .J.
Stock ton, James Roosev e lt , Jr . .. 909 Arbor Lane, Jacksonville, Fla.
Stof e r, J ames Ne lson, II ... .. . . 811 W . Stayton Ave., Victoria, T exas
Stone, Edwin H a rr ison . . .. . .4420 Wickford Rd., Baltinlor e 10, Md .
Storick , Ba r ry Morton .. .. . .. , .. 3320 Me nnaid Ave. , Brooklyn, N .Y .
Stro ud, Robert Edward .... . ... 2201 Quee ns Rd., E . Charlotte, N .C.
*S tu art, Geo r ge Rutledge , III. 2526 Randolph Place, Birmingham, Ala .
St ultz, R aymond ... ... .. . ... . ... .. .. . 2201 Payne St ., Evanston, Ill.
*Stump, J ohn Sutton . .. ... .. .. 518 Stanley Ave., Clarksburg, W. Va.
Sulliva n, Patr ick D onnell y .... . . India n Sp rin gs Farm , L orton, Va.
Susskind, J e r om e Alexander .... 707 S. Durand St ., Jackson , Mich.
Sussman, G e ra ld . .. .. .. .. . .... 240 Trenor Dr., New R ochelle , N .Y .
Swan, Clifford McFie ld, Jr . .... .... 1033 Fifth Ave ., Ne w York, N.Y.
Swa n son, Ca rl D a vid . ...... .... . 3300 W . 69th St., Kansas City, Mo.
Swezey, Charles Mason ..... .... .. . ...... Box 671, Wa ynesb or o , Va .
Swift , J esse Gilbe rt, Ill ..... ..... . 23 Gra zier Rd., Cambridge , Mass .
Swope , Ch arles E . " T a n glewood" R osed a le Ave .. West Cheste r, Penn .
Syme, S amuel Augustus, Jr ... .. 7200 45th St .. Chevy Chase 15, Md.
*T alb ot t, Charles Lawre nc e, J r ... . . 677 Pine Ave. , Wa y n esb or o , Va.
T a nnahill, Samu el Ba m ett .... 3832 lOth Ave., S. , Birmingh am , Ala.
T a rr, F re de r ick Hamilton, III. ... . Marmion Way S., Rockport, Mass.
Ta r rant, H a r old Alfred, Jr .... . 1315 W . Nin th St. , Wilmington, DeL
T a yl or, H e rbert Addison, III. . .. . 29 Carte r S t. , New Canaan, Conn.
Te a gu e, N e lson S ton e . .. ...... . 807 Starling Ave., Ma rtinsvill e , Va .
*T eeter, Edmund He r sh ey .... 22-C Hills ide Terrace, Lex ington, Va.
*Thigpen , Walter K y le . . . .. .4110 Tazewell Pike. Knoxville 18, Tenn .
T h omas, Carl Strohm , J r . . .. ... . .... .. . Rt . 1, Box 25, Amold, Md.
Thom as, S teph e n La m e d .. 80 K a lorama Circle, W a shington 8, D.C .
Thom pson , Cha rles Richard .. 321 W a rd Parkway, Kansas City, Mo.
Thom pson , Danie l Bush, II. .. .. . . 3043 N St., N.W., Washington , D.C.
Th ompson , Edwa rd Ra nda ll , Jr ... 1516 Broadw ay, G a lve ston , T exas
Thom p son, Geo rge Spro wls ... . ......... 104 Cherry St., Mari on, Va.
Thom pson, Sa muel James, Jr .... .... ........ . . ... .... Rustburg , Va.
Thygesen, K e nne th H elmer . . . . . ...... . . . B ox II , Cossayuna , N .Y.
T ille y , Rice Matthew s , Jr . . .44 Va lley Ridge Rd ., Fort Worth, T exa s
Toome y, Cha rles E ., Ill. 5804 Old Washingt on Rd., Elkridge 27, Md .
Towler. William A lbe r t, III. . . . .... ... .. R t . 2, Box 123, H al ifax, Va .
*T rader, Me rrill Charles .... .. .... .. ..... 140 Hazel Rd. , D ov e r . Del.
T readway . A ndre w T erry .. 70 N orwood Rd., West Ha rtford, Conn.
Tuck e r . J ohn Layt on , Jr . .. . . ... . 41 Elmwood Ave., All enda le , N.J.
*Tully, H a rry Thum1a n, J r .... . . ..... 3305 Ori ole Dr., Louisville , K y.
Turner, J ohn Albert ..... . . .. . 409 Rid ge w ood Rd ., Ma ple w ood, N .J .
*Turn er, Philip Willi ams, III. . . 4848 W . St., N .W ., W ashington 7, D.C.
Turn er, Th om as William .. .... .... . ....... B ox 89, Beckley, W . Va.
Tyle1·, Gord on Burt .. ...... ...... .. 1720 E . 30th Place , Tuisa , Okla.
*Tzan ga s. G eor ge J ohn ....... ... •. .. 902 25th N .W ., Canton 9, Ohi o
Ul r ic h , J oseph Edwa rd . . .... .... . 2777 Maple Rd., Louisvill e 5, K y .
V a n Cl eav e , J ames Wa lter .. .. 4723 Lawn A ve. , Weste rn Springs , Ill .
V an N u ys, F rancis Bingh am ... . 2424 N. Main S t. , Bethleh em, Penn .
V e dde r, Rich a rd Silsby . .. . .... .. . . . . . . . . 421 York St ., Olean, N .Y .
Villerot, G . E dw in, J r . 25 Beacon Hill, G rosse Pointe Farms 36, Mich .
Wads wor t h , Murray Marv in . .. ... 519 E. 6th Ave., T a llahassee, Fla.

'Not appearing in class section .


Walker, Willard Irving ........ Langridge, Star Rt ., Free Union, Va .
Wallace, Edgar Albert ........ 1951 Gardner Lane, Louisville 5, Ky .
Wallis, David Johnson 226 W . Gravers Lane, Philadelphia 18, Penn .
Walters, Robert James, Jr... . ... 524 Wyoming Ave., Millburn, N.J .
Walton, Marvin Irby, Jr. 3516 Hanover Ave., Apt. 101 , Richmond, Va.
Waltz, Lee Cueny . . .............. 724 S . Washingto n, Hinsdale, Ill .
Ward, Dederick Conrad ........... 815 Winans Way, Baltimore, Md.
Ward, Warren Daniel, III. 584 Highland Ave., Upper Montclair, N .J .
Warner, Arthur S .. Amer. Consulate, Melbourne, Victoria Australia
• warren, Richard Rensselaer .. . ... 4 Popham Place, Scarsdale, N .Y.
• waters, John Hooper 608 W . University Parkway , Baltimore 10, Md .
Watersor:, Karl William ... .. . . . ... 56 Whittredge Rd., Summit, N.J.
Waterval, Kurt Reinhold ... . R.F.D. No. 2, Box 145, Alexa ndria , Va.
Watring, Watson Glenn .... . .. ... .. . . . ..... . Rt. I. Beverly , W . Va .
Watson, Charles Caldwell .. 331 W . Whitlock Ave .. Winchester . Va.
Way, Charles Seigneious, Jr .. . 1196 Broughton St., Orangeburg , S.C .
Weaver, Frederick Douglas, Jr ... 2945 Kin g Alfred Dr., Macon, Ga .
Webb, Jesse Herring, Jr . . . ... . ... .4195 Park Ave., Memphis, Tenn .
Webber. Fredrick William . ....... ... 425 Way Ave., Kirkwood, Mo .
Weeks, Philip Henry, Jr .... ..... 207 Carpente r Ave., Sea Cliff, N .Y .
Weimer, Benjamin Alexander, Jr . .. R.D. No. 3, Chagrin Falls, Ohio
Weinerth, Stuart Lawrence, Jr. . . .. ...... .. ... ..... New York, N .Y .
Wellford, John Leavitt, Jr ...... .. . 499 S. Goodlett, Memphis, Tenn.
Welsh, Warren Reed .......... . 8740 Bellevue Rd., Grosse lie, Mich .
Wexler, Lewis Pope . . ...... 801 Hillrise Blvd., Johnson City, Tenn.
Whipple, Sidney Scott ..... . 28 Linnbrook Rd., West Hartford. Conn .
Whitaker, Hal Cummings . . .. 4208 N. Charles St., Baltimore 18, Md .
White, Allen Harry .... . ........ . .... 20 Hickory Rd., Summit, N .J.
White, Clyde Patrick .... . . . ... 94 Fairfax Dr., Huntington, W . Va.
White, Gardiner Weston .... 11 Pleasant St., South Dartmouth, Mass.
White, Headley Stapler, Jr. . . . ... .. Station Ave., Langhorne, Penn.
White, Joseph Maystrik .. 1222 Chestnut Ave., Western Springs, lll.
White, Raymond Petrie, Jr . .. .. 715 New York Ave., Norfolk 8, Va .
*White, Robert Norfleet ... ... . .. 193 Picardy Place, Memphis, Tenn.
Whiteford, Richard Charles 912 West Belvedere, Baltimore 10. Md .
Whitfield, Clinton Brooks ........ 646 Main St . S .. Greenville, Miss.

Whitlock , James Linwood ............ 800 F irst Ave .. Farmville, Va.
Wilbourn, Richard Eggleston , II ......... 2327-36 S t., Meridi an, Miss.
Wilcox, Wa rren E., J r. 1515 S . H oward Ave. , Apt. 10- A, Tampa, Fla.
Wilemon, William K e lly ....... . .... R.F.D. No. 5, Booneville, Miss.
Wilker son, Be nj a min R ussell , J r ..... 1042 Fair St., F ranklin, Tenn.
Wilkerson, James Eastm an ............. .. ...... Whitesville, W. Va.
*Wilkerson , Thomas D ee ........................ Whitesville, W . Va.
Willard, David K , Jr .. 7227 Old St. Augusti n e Rd ., J acksonville, F la.
Williams, Jere Hutchin s .......... 5011 N. 13th St., A rlington 5, Va.
Willia m s, William Ha yes .. 3102 Woodlawn Ave., S .W ., Roanok e, Va.
\Yilliarr.son, J ohn Alden , II . Ca r rwood R d., H ale, Cheshire, England
\Villian1son. O tis Turne r .. 5500 Aylesboro A v e .. P ittsb urg 17 , P e n n.

W illis, D a vid P ownall ................ R t. No. 3, Chestertown, Md.
W ilson, G eorge Simpson, III ..... 1649 Griffith Ave., Owensboro, K y.
*Wilson. Thom as A. S ......... Caldw ell Mills Rd ., B irmingham, Ala.
Wina w e r , Milton .. ........ 2039 H om ec rest Ave., Brook lyn 29, N. Y .
Winches ter, William Irvine ....... 521 N. T hird St., Bardstow n . K y.
Winf~e e , Pey t on Brown, III . .. 3865 P eakland Place, Ly nchburg, Va.
W inston, James Michael 3438 34th Place , N. W ., Wash in gton 16, D.C.
Wisdom, Norton Labatt, Jr . ..... 1518 S tate St., Ne w Orleans 18, L a.
Wisdom, William Bell . Jr ..... 1823 Palme r A ve., New Orleans, La.
Witmer, Wallace Van, Jr . ...... 2796 Central Ave ., Mem ph is, Te nn .
Wood, James Anderson . ......... 1721 N . Veitch S t. , Arlingto n . Va .
*Wood, Kin gsley . . .... .. ......... ... Underhill Rd., Scarsda le, N .Y .
Wood, Robert Staples . . .......... 308 Charmian Rd ., Richm~:md, Va.
Woodson. Edward Guerrant, Jr ... 80 Lombardy Rd ., Memphis, Tenn.
Worsham, John William, Jr .. . .. 310 The lma Dr., San Antonio . Tex.
*Wren, William Alan . .... . .... 1011 Arbor Lane, Jacksonville 7. Fla.
Wright. Wiley Reed, J r .......... . .. 4112 S. 36th St ., Arlington, Va.
\\'right, William Evere t t ........ 506 W . Morris Ave .. Hammond, La .
Yager, William Ray . ..... N orfolk Naval Ship y ard, Portsmouth, Va .
Young, Donald Montgomery, Jr . . . ... .. . 514 7th Ave., Belmar, N .J .
Y oung, Edwin James S ., Jr. U .S . Naval Air Station, Jacksonville , Fla .
Young, William Kelly ........ 719 Rivercrest Dr., Fort Worth, T e xas
Yurkov, E dward Joseph .... 1013 Woodlawn Ave ., Braddock , Penn .

*Not appearing in class section.
















































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1956 CALYX





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Author: Arielle Torp

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Author information

Name: Arielle Torp

Birthday: 1997-09-20

Address: 87313 Erdman Vista, North Dustinborough, WA 37563

Phone: +97216742823598

Job: Central Technology Officer

Hobby: Taekwondo, Macrame, Foreign language learning, Kite flying, Cooking, Skiing, Computer programming

Introduction: My name is Arielle Torp, I am a comfortable, kind, zealous, lovely, jolly, colorful, adventurous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.