Rochelle Riley|Detroit Free Press
Kito Jumanne-Marshall is sitting in her high school classroom when her teacher reminds the class there is no school the next Monday as the nation commemorates the life of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.
A classmate, who surely learned his attitude from adults, suddenly says, “Let’s kill off four more like him and get a week off.”
The moment is as fresh and painful now as when it happened 31 years ago, said Jumanne-Marshall, who recalled thatracist bullying and taunts were daily occurrences atRochester High in this mostly white suburb north of Detroit. So when a white firefighter fired a 12-gauge shotgun at a black child who knocked on his door seeking directions to school, it didn’t floor her.
“I was surprised at how flagrant the incident was,” she said. “I wasn’t surprised at the hate that fueled that behavior.”
Jumanne-Marshall left Rochester Hills years before Khary Mason, a Detroit homicide detective moved hiswife, Sadra, and three children, Darrian, Ronin and Carson, to that city five years agoto find better schools and a safe neighborhood. So shewasn’t able to warn him about this seemingly pristine place, where black residents make up less than 6 percent of the population.
Here in metro Detroit, where we still debate the origins of the ’67 uprisings, and across a nation that just commemorated the 50thanniversaries of Robert F. Kennedy's and Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.’s assassinations, it remains sad that this country’s racial conflict hasn’t changed much in a half-century. Evidence mounts that racial discord is rising —from President Donald Trump’s attacks on immigrants to two Starbucks customers being arrested for sitting while black to Roseanne Barr’s racist tweet about an Obama appointee to eight white racists boldly running for national office on platforms of hate.
But Khary Mason plans to change that because he’s tired of letting things go.
“I lived my entire life in Detroit,” Mason said. “Got on the job and bought a house … before the bottom fell out of the housing market. When the bottom fell out, instead of being surrounded by my colleagues, I was surrounded by the people I had been arresting who changed the locks and moved in overnight.
“My wife would call in the middle of the night and say, ‘They’re shooting in the back of house,' ” he recalled. “And my sons couldn’t play in the front yard. We got a dog. Instead of the dog deterring them, they were trying to take the dog.”
Mason had had enough.
“I moved to Rochester Hills because while I was protecting everyone inside the city, when issues would arise near my house near St. John’s Hospital, nobody could go check on my family,” he said. “And the educational system was such that we needed to look for something else and for a moment, we found it in University Preparatory Academy (a celebrated charter school). And it did well. But people continued to try to break into my house … so we decided to leave, and we followed public education and one of the best areas for public education in the state was Rochester Hills. So that is where we went.”
Within days, however, his eldest son came home and said the best friend he’d made would play with him only when no other white kids were around.Parental influence.
Another time, Mason was pruning bushes in his front yard and a white lady walked up and asked if he’d do her yard next.Innocent mistake.
“I’ve never been welcomed to a neighborhood, so I didn’t expect that,” he said.
But he arrived home one day last November to find his son waiting to tell him about a not-so-innocent event, he’d had enough again.
Roninhad been on a field trip to Rochester College to sing the national anthem with the school choir, yes, that national anthem, when a kid in the back of the bus started calling him and two other black students nigg*rs, Mason said.
When his son told the boy to stop, Mason said, the boy said, “How do black kids get exercise? They run from the police.”
Ronin reported the incident to the principal, who appeared to do nothing, Mason said. So he posted an account of the incident on Facebook and began interviews with the media. Only then did officials meet with him and another parent with similar concerns.
“They said the event was still under investigation,” Mason said. “My kids spend more time with the school system than they spend with me, as do most children. So if my child is in danger, you … should tell me.”
Mason soon heard from many other parents — tales of "ill-informed history lessons about slavery" and racial and ethnic intimidation.
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Decades of tolerated racism are now yielding to two movements, one to make racism the new normal, and one to end its public display. You cannot legislate what is in one’s heart. But you can legislate and ban public hate, targeted hate.
So Khary Mason, fighting for better for his children and other children and as horrified as everyone else by Jeff Zeigler chasing and shooting at 14-year-old Brennan Walkerafter the child knocked on his door in the Christian Hills subdivision to get directions to school —decided enough was enough.
He became more than a police officer,father, husband andprofessional photographer who mentors Detroit children using photography and creative. His program, Capturing Belief, Is one he co-founded in 2016 with Free Press staffer Romain Blanquart. He has become an activist, a one-man civil rights machine, firing off letters to the school superintendent, cultivating relationships with other activists and groups and even running for the Rochester Community Schools board, all to push for change.
He and another parent, Jessica Gupta, co-founded PEERS (Parents for Educational Equity in Rochester Schools), which joined forces with GRAIN (Greater Rochester Area Inclusion Network) and RAIN (Rochester Area Interfaith Network).
That's a lot of acronyms for a town with only 75,000 people and only 6 percent of them African-Americans.
It reminded John Telford, a former deputy superintendent of the Rochester Community Schools, of himself.
“I admire Khary immensely,” Telford said. “He’s a homicide detective and photographer, and he’s got balls,I tell you. He’s doing the same stuff I was doing, which he shouldn’t have to do. I thought that we had progressed in Rochester Hills beyond this, but apparently not and he’s starting up my fight all over again.”
Telford recalled how he was treated when he began hiring black people during his tenure from 1984 to 1991.
“They shot my house up for hiring black principals and teachers,” he said. “They were a bunch of bigots out there who were absolutely incensed at what I was doing.”
The current superintendent, Robert Shaner, appears to be as understanding as Telford’s super was. He had already created a diversity committee long before the shooting and before the incident with Mason’s son.
But Khary Mason has made him work faster.
“November is when Mr. Mason went on Facebook, and he and I had extensive conversations,” Shaner said. “We had been moving down the road, and then the shooting happened and that made the conversation far more intense.
“I think this is an issue that exists all over the country,” Shaner said. “And I don’t think we’re immune it. But we want to do the hard work” to end it.
The district investigated the incident involving Mason’s son, and the guilty boy wasdisciplined, he said. He declined to say how, citing privacy issues.
But he said he’s working on a zero-tolerance policy against racism, and for him, he said, the issue is personal.
“…I have two children of a different race,” Shaner said of his kids, who are Asian. “They experience things sometimes they don’t even tell me about. This is extremely personal and important work to me. Honoring diversity and ensuring inclusion … not only is it my professional work, but it’s very personal work to me.”
“As Mr. Mason brought things to light, things that happened in the community, we feel a new intensity to it,” said Shaner, who has been superintendent for six years. “… We have been committed to this for a long time (but) I think Mr. Mason has brought some energy to it and brought some stakeholders to the table who have really built our parent diversity committee. … All students have a right to a safe, valued and respected place to go to school.”
Mason said he and the superintendent have made progress, but there is much more work to do.
"We don’t always see eye to eye, but I’mglad he kept the lines of communication open. I thinkI could ask for more,but I’m good with where we are. We are certainlynot where we need to be, but you've got to start somewhere."
Jill Dunphy, a 66-year-old retired educator and now part-time yoga instructor, got more involved in community organizing after the November 2016 election. Now she's working with Mason to hold a town hall to discuss protecting the rights of those she feels are under attack, including Muslims, African-Americans and members of the LGBTQ community.
“We were mostly focused on immigration issues and attacks on Muslims because the travel ban was announced,” she said. But then the focus spread to human rights.
“And then I got a call from Khary Mason.”
Mason told her about kids being taunted with racial epithets and adults facing the many micro-aggressions born of bigotry.
“I knew stuff was happening in the community.I have several African-American friends, and I go out with them and witness it," Dunphy said. “It was exhausting.”
Dunphy is a part of a cadre of parents and advocates planning that town hall at Oakland University to push for more cultural sensitivity across the entire city. Dunphy said she hopes that a big conversation might keep Rochester Hills from gaining a reputation the entire city doesn’t deserve.
But don’t try to make Rochester Hills the poster child for racists who embarrass their neighbors. It is a persistent problem in a country and state and many cities and towns where people would rather shun conversations and solutions than create solutions.
Rochester Hills Mayor Bryan Barnett —speculated as a successor to Oakland County Executive L. Brooks Patterson, if Patterson ever steps down —knows it is a problem and has created a mayor’s diversity and inclusion advisory committee and begun conversations with those in his community facing discrimination.
Khary Mason “has been one of the loudest voices,” said the mayor.
“I think there’s probably challenges in every community,” Barnett said. “I don’t think in Rochester Hills, it’s more pronounced than anywhere else. But I think it gives us the opportunity to take a look at the situation here, hyper-locally, not to figure out whether there is or isn’t a problem but to figure out what we can do if it’s not where we want it to be.”
Barnett decried the shooting incident that peeled another layer off Rochester Hills. But he said there was a silver lining: what he saw in the larger community.
“We had 100 individuals to contribute to a gofundme (page) to show we care about this young man.That says we are willing to … put our money where our mouth is. …It is a louder message about who we are rather than one individual who used ridiculous judgment.”
“My job is to make sure that every one of my residents, 100 percent of my residents feel welcomed and included in our community.”
If there is change in Rochester Hills, if one American city becomes not a poster child for hate, but an example for other cities, it will be because its residents stopped waiting for another King and another Kennedy. They will be able to thank a homicide detective named Khary Mason, whose biggest fight has been trying to create a better world for his kids.
“This work will never be done,” he said. “But as long as the conversation continues, my children and their children will continue to find themselves in a better place in society. What I hope comes of all of this is that we all get a better understanding of each other and all of our children will be better for it…”
Contact Rochelle Riley Follow her on Twitter @rochelleriley. Get information about her book "The Burden: African Americans and the Enduring Impact of Slavery" at