Bmw Z4 COUPE 3.0 SI 265 PACK M occasion - Essence - 2007 - 96 000 km - 27 490 € - La Rochelle (Charente-Maritime) 992776799390 (2024)

  • BMW occasion
  • Z4
  • Poitou-Charentes
  • Z4 COUPE 3.0 SI 265 PACK M, Essence, 2007, 27 490 €

17000 La Rochelle

Garantie mécanique 6 mois

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Informations clés :voiture BMWCoupé

  • Version
    COUPE 3.0 SI 265 PACK M
  • Prix
    27 490 €
  • Année
    Avril 2007

    Assurance : économisez 357€ en moyenne*

  • Kilométrage
    96 000km
  • Energie
  • Emissions de CO2



  • Transmission
  • Nb de portes
    2 portes avec hayon
  • Puissance fiscale
  • Nombre de places

Description du véhiculebmwZ4

BMW Z4 Noir Métallisé 2007 - COUPE 3.0 SI 265 PACK M
Garantie : 6 mois (Mutuaide by Groupama)


Descriptions :
- Nombre de rapports : 6
- Nombre de places : 2
- Kilométrage garanti : NON
- Emission co2 : 213

Equipements :
-Jantes alu 18"
- Ouverture du coffre à distance
- Pack extérieur M sport
- Peinture métallisée
- Phares antibrouillard
- Rétroviseurs électriques et dégivrants
- 2 vitres électriques
- Climatisation automatique
- Lecteur CD /MP3
- Régulateur de vitesse
- Sellerie cuir
- Sièges chauffants AV
- Airbags
- Feux automatiques
- Carnet d'entretien
- Double des clés
- Factures d'entretien

Prix hors pack clé en main (à partir de 591 € TTC*) et coût de la Carte Grise.

- VISITE VIRTUELLE : Avant de vous déplacer, visualisez votre futur véhicule sous toutes ses coutures : Contactez-nous pour en voir plus !
- EXTENSIONS DE GARANTIE : possible jusqu'à 60 mois.
- SOLUTIONS DE FINANCEMENT : possible de 12 à 84 mois.
- LIVRAISON possible dans toute la France à votre domicile ou votre bureau ! (sur devis).
- REPRISE possible de votre ancien véhicule.
- Les INFORMATIONS délivrées par cette annonce sont non contractuelles et données à titre indicatif.

---------- PRESTATIONS OPTIONNELLES ----------

Pack Prestige à partir de 981€ TTC* :
-Nettoyage Prestige + plein du réservoir
-Prestation de courtage carte grise
-Garantie européenne Optimale/Idéale 12 mois dans le réseau constructeur
-Sans oublier la surprise du chef !

*Tarif pour les véhicules deux roues motrices dont la valeur de vente est inférieure à 60 000 € TTC.

Véhicule visible UNIQUEMENT sur rendez-vous :,
Du lundi au samedi de 9h30 à 12h30 et de 14h00 à 18h30,
352 Avenue jean guiton
17000 La Rochelle

  • Couleur
  • Puissance réelle
  • Carrosserie
  • Vignette Crit'Air2
  • Garantie mécanique
    6 mois

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Bmw Z4 COUPE 3.0 SI 265 PACK M occasion - Essence - 2007 - 96 000 km - 27 490 € - La Rochelle (Charente-Maritime) 992776799390 (2)

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  • Partout en France
  • Rapport technique
  • 200 points de contrôle
  • Essai statique et routier

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Cote auto modèle Z4

  • Cotes BMW Z4

Fiche technique modèle Z4


    Bmw Z4 COUPE 3.0 SI 265 PACK M occasion - Essence - 2007 - 96 000 km - 27 490 € - La Rochelle (Charente-Maritime) 992776799390 (3)

    concessionnaire à La Rochelle (17000)

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    Bmw Z4 COUPE 3.0 SI 265 PACK M occasion - Essence - 2007 - 96 000 km - 27 490 € - La Rochelle (Charente-Maritime) 992776799390 (7)

    Obtenez votre prêt AutoEtudiez votre financement : calculez vos mensualités en ligne, simulation gratuite, immédiate et sans engagement.

    Bmw Z4 COUPE 3.0 SI 265 PACK M occasion - Essence - 2007 - 96 000 km - 27 490 € - La Rochelle (Charente-Maritime) 992776799390 (8)


    Bmw Z4 COUPE 3.0 SI 265 PACK M occasion - Essence - 2007 - 96 000 km - 27 490 € - La Rochelle (Charente-Maritime) 992776799390 (9)

    Assurance Auto AXA - Obtenez votre devis en ligne en 1 minAvec les Services AXA, être Protégé est un Jeu d'Enfant ! Service Auto à Domicile. N°1 de l'assurance auto. Assistance 7j/7 et 24h/24

    Bmw Z4 COUPE 3.0 SI 265 PACK M occasion - Essence - 2007 - 96 000 km - 27 490 € - La Rochelle (Charente-Maritime) 992776799390 (10)

    Assurance Auto : Comparateur et Devis GratuitComparez gratuitement le panel le plus large du marché en 3 minutes et faites 357€ d'économie moyenne sur votre assurance auto*

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    BMW coupé
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    Bmw Z4 COUPE 3.0 SI 265 PACK M occasion - Essence - 2007 - 96 000 km - 27 490 € - La Rochelle (Charente-Maritime) 992776799390 (17)Bmw Z4 COUPE 3.0 SI 265 PACK M occasion - Essence - 2007 - 96 000 km - 27 490 € - La Rochelle (Charente-Maritime) 992776799390 (18)

    27 490 €


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    Bmw Z4 COUPE 3.0 SI 265 PACK M occasion - Essence - 2007 - 96 000 km - 27 490 € - La Rochelle (Charente-Maritime) 992776799390 (24)

     17000 La Rochelle


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    Nos partenaires

    Bmw Z4 COUPE 3.0 SI 265 PACK M occasion - Essence - 2007 - 96 000 km - 27 490 € - La Rochelle (Charente-Maritime) 992776799390 (25)Financement Auto
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    Bmw Z4 COUPE 3.0 SI 265 PACK M occasion - Essence - 2007 - 96 000 km - 27 490 € - La Rochelle (Charente-Maritime) 992776799390 (26)

    Bmw Z4 COUPE 3.0 SI 265 PACK M occasion - Essence - 2007 - 96 000 km - 27 490 € - La Rochelle (Charente-Maritime) 992776799390 (27)

    Assurance Auto AXA - Obtenez votre devis en ligne en 1 minAvec les Services AXA, être Protégé est un Jeu d'Enfant ! Service Auto à Domicile. N°1 de l'assurance auto. Assistance 7j/7 et 24h/24

    Bmw Z4 COUPE 3.0 SI 265 PACK M occasion - Essence - 2007 - 96 000 km - 27 490 € - La Rochelle (Charente-Maritime) 992776799390 (28)

    Assurance Auto : Comparateur et Devis GratuitComparez gratuitement le panel le plus large du marché en 3 minutes et faites 357€ d'économie moyenne sur votre assurance auto*

    Bmw Z4 COUPE 3.0 SI 265 PACK M occasion - Essence - 2007 - 96 000 km - 27 490 € - La Rochelle (Charente-Maritime) 992776799390 (29)

    Inspectez avant d'acheterAssurez-vous de faire le bon choix ! Ne vous déplacez pas inutilement ! Évitez les mauvaises surprises grâce à votre spécialiste trustoo.
    (Rapport détaillé : 200 points de contrôle. Intervention partout en France sous 24H)

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    Bmw Z4 COUPE 3.0 SI 265 PACK M occasion - Essence - 2007 - 96 000 km - 27 490 € - La Rochelle (Charente-Maritime) 992776799390 (32)


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    Assurance auto : Comparateur et Devis Gratuit Comparez gratuitement le panel le plus large du marché en 3 minutes et faites357€ d'économie moyenne sur votre assurance auto*Voir le site

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    Bmw Z4 COUPE 3.0 SI 265 PACK M occasion - Essence - 2007 - 96 000 km - 27 490 € - La Rochelle (Charente-Maritime) 992776799390 (38)

    Bmw Z4 COUPE 3.0 SI 265 PACK M occasion - Essence - 2007 - 96 000 km - 27 490 € - La Rochelle (Charente-Maritime) 992776799390 (2024)


    Is the BMW Z4 a future classic? ›

    And it stands a fair chance of becoming a coveted classic in the not too distant future, its first-and-last-of-the-line status, the right badge, and truly distinctive styling helping it to stand out among its contemporaries. Values that are currently toward the bottom of the depreciation curve won't hurt, either.

    How rare is a BMW Z4? ›

    Production. Over the Z4's life cycle, 197,950 vehicles had been produced, with 180,856 roadsters and 17,094 coupés.

    Where is the BMW Z4 built? ›

    All Z4s are built in Magna Steyer factory in Graz Austria.

    Will Z4 go up in value? ›

    If the BMW Z3 is any indicator, the Z4 is currently at the bottom of the depreciation curve meaning that the time to buy one is most definitely now. Like the Z3 before it, prices are going to start climbing for good ones. This is a modern classic in the making.

    How many miles does a BMW Z4 last? ›

    You can anticipate that a typical BMW Z4 will survive around 250,000-300,000 miles with excellent care, with a high mileage point at 250,000 and good at 230,000. This number is exceptional and one of the best in BMW's system. There's much to love in the lifespan of the Z4.

    Is Z4 a luxury car? ›

    The 2024 BMW Z4 has a good value rating for the luxury sports car class. We determine value based on the vehicle's estimated total cost of ownership, along with the vehicle's MSRP for its base and top trims.

    Do classic cars have a future? ›

    Classic cars are not being banned, but it's likely the next few decades will see a shift that may eventually present a challenge for classic car drivers. This includes increased availability of electric car charging points and decreased space at fuel stations for traditional petrol and diesel pumps.

    Which Z4 to avoid? ›

    The BMW Z4 came into existence in 2003, and it has had several excellent models over the years. If you are interested in this luxury vehicle, you need to know which BMW Z4 years to avoid picking the best vehicle for your money. We recommend staying away from the 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, and 2016 models.

    Does BMW Z4 hold value? ›

    Yes, in fact, the BMW Z4 has one of the best resale values in its class.

    Is BMW Z4 a daily driver? ›

    Driving the 2023 BMW Z4

    In our testing, we found it comfortable in long-distance cruising and fun to drive when the road gets twisty. The Z4 is a fun sports car you can comfortably drive daily. The enthusiast in us welcomes the available upgrades that make the Z4 more engaging to drive.

    What does the Z stand for in Z4? ›

    The Z stands for Zukunft (German for future), and has been produced in four different series with six generations consisting of roadster, coupé, sports car, and concept variants. BMW Z. 2019 BMW Z4 M40i.

    What does BMW stand for? ›

    The acronym BMW stands for Bayerische Motoren Werke GmbH, which roughly translates to the Bavarian Engine Works Company. The name harks back to the company's origin in the German state of Bavaria. It also indicates BMW's original product range: engines for various applications.

    Will there be a 2025 Z4? ›

    Coming standard with a turbocharged 2. -liter 4-cylinder, the 2025 Z4 sDrive30i outputs 255 horsepower and 295 lb-ft of torque. For those who desire the iconic M experience, the M40i delivers 382 hosepower and 369 lb-ft of torque through its turbocharged 3.0-liter inline-6.

    Will the BMW Z4 be discontinued? ›

    The reputable publication has learned from Magna Steyr the roadster will indeed be discontinued in 2026.

    How old does a BMW have to be to be a classic? ›

    For insurance and registration purposes, the age of a classic car, in most cases, is at least 20 years old but not more than 40 years old. If you are going to register it (and insure it) as a classic, it should have been kept to its original design and specifications.

    Is a z4m a good investment? ›

    I can definitely see the z4m coupe being worth very good money one day due to the small numbers, last of the s54 engine and because it's one of the last “drivers cars”. Yes the amount you'll pay could potentially outweigh the potential growth but at the same time you get to own an amazing car.


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    Article information

    Author: Sen. Emmett Berge

    Last Updated:

    Views: 6166

    Rating: 5 / 5 (60 voted)

    Reviews: 91% of readers found this page helpful

    Author information

    Name: Sen. Emmett Berge

    Birthday: 1993-06-17

    Address: 787 Elvis Divide, Port Brice, OH 24507-6802

    Phone: +9779049645255

    Job: Senior Healthcare Specialist

    Hobby: Cycling, Model building, Kitesurfing, Origami, Lapidary, Dance, Basketball

    Introduction: My name is Sen. Emmett Berge, I am a funny, vast, charming, courageous, enthusiastic, jolly, famous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.