Baked Potato Slices - Brenda Gantt (2024)


  • Baked, Veggies
  • By recipeshub
  • June 20, 2023

Baked Potato Slices are a simple and flavorful side dish that pairs well with a variety of meats. This recipe takes advantage of the slow cooker to create tender and delicious potatoes with the added flavor boost of onion soup mix. With minimal preparation and a short cooking time, these potato slices make a convenient and satisfying addition to any meal.

The combination of unsalted butter and homemade onion soup mix creates a savory and aromatic flavor profile for the potatoes. The butter melts and infuses the slices, ensuring each bite is rich and delicious. The use of onion soup mix adds an extra layer of flavor, enhancing the taste of the potatoes and making them even more appetizing.

To prepare the dish, large potatoes are scrubbed and sliced into thin rounds, without the need to peel them. Alternate layers of potato slices and the butter-soup mix are arranged in the slow cooker, with water poured over the top to help create a moist cooking environment. The potatoes cook on low heat for approximately 1½ to 2 hours, allowing them to become tender and infused with the flavors.

With a yield of six servings, this recipe is suitable for small gatherings or as a family side dish. The nutritional information per serving indicates a balanced distribution of macronutrients, with a moderate amount of fat and carbohydrates. The dish is also a good source of fiber and essential vitamins and minerals.

Baked Potato Slices are versatile and can accompany various meat dishes, from roasted chicken to grilled steak. They are a comforting and satisfying option for weeknight dinners or special occasions.


  • ½ cup (112 g) unsalted butter
  • 2 tablespoons (15 g) onion soup mix (see recipe in Chapter 2)
  • 6 large potatoes
  • ½ cup (120 ml) water


  1. Combine the unsalted butter and onion soup mix in a bowl, mixing them together thoroughly.
  2. Scrub the large potatoes to remove any dirt and debris, and slice them into thin rounds, approximately ¼ inch (63 mm) thick.
  3. In a slow cooker, create alternate layers of the potato slices and the butter-soup mix, ensuring that each layer is evenly coated.
  4. Pour water over the top of the potato layers in the slow cooker.
  5. Cook the potatoes on low heat for approximately 1½ to 2 hours, or until the potatoes are tender and cooked through.


  • 6 servings


  • 322 g water
  • 397 calories (35% from fat, 7% from protein, 58% from carbs)
  • 7 g protein
  • 16 g total fat
  • 10 g saturated fat
  • 4 g monounsaturated fat
  • 1 g polyunsaturated fat
  • 59 g carbohydrates
  • 6 g fiber
  • 4 g sugar
  • 230 mg phosphorus
  • 44 mg calcium
  • 3 mg iron
  • 29 mg sodium
  • 1684 mg potassium
  • 499 IU vitamin A
  • 127 mg ATE vitamin E
  • 32 mg vitamin C
  • 41 mg cholesterol


  1. Feel free to adjust the thickness of the potato slices according to your preference. Thinner slices will cook faster, while thicker slices will be more substantial and may require additional cooking time.
  2. For added flavor variations, consider incorporating additional herbs or spices into the butter-soup mix. Garlic powder, dried thyme, or paprika can provide a delightful twist to the dish.
  3. Serve the Baked Potato Slices as a side dish with your favorite meats, such as grilled steak, roasted chicken, or baked fish. They also pair well with a fresh salad or steamed vegetables for a well-rounded meal.

Baked Potato Slices are a versatile and flavorful side dish that complements a wide range of meat-based meals. The combination of tender potato slices, butter, and onion soup mix creates a delicious and comforting flavor profile. Using a slow cooker for this recipe ensures that the potatoes cook evenly and become tender while allowing the flavors to infuse throughout.

This dish is incredibly easy to prepare, making it a convenient option for both weeknight dinners and special occasions. By simply scrubbing and slicing the potatoes, combining the butter with the onion soup mix, and layering the ingredients in the slow cooker, you can enjoy a flavorful side dish with minimal effort. The addition of water in the slow cooker creates a moist cooking environment, contributing to the tenderness of the potatoes.

Baked Potato Slices offer a satisfying balance of macronutrients and are a good source of fiber. With moderate amounts of fat and carbohydrates, this dish can be enjoyed as part of a well-rounded meal. The potatoes provide essential vitamins and minerals, contributing to a nutritious side dish option.

To personalize this recipe, you can experiment with additional herbs and spices. Consider incorporating garlic powder, dried thyme, or paprika into the butter-soup mix to add depth and complexity to the flavors. These variations can elevate the dish and make it even more suited to your taste preferences.

When serving Baked Potato Slices, they pair exceptionally well with various meats, such as grilled steak, roasted chicken, or baked fish. Their rich and flavorful profile complements the protein-based main dishes, creating a satisfying and balanced meal. Additionally, you can serve these potato slices alongside a fresh salad or steamed vegetables to enhance the nutritional value and create a well-rounded plate.

In conclusion, Baked Potato Slices offer a simple, flavorful, and convenient side dish option. The use of a slow cooker ensures tender and delicious potatoes with minimal effort. Whether enjoyed on a casual weeknight or served as part of a special gathering, these potato slices are sure to impress with their savory taste and versatility.

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Baked Potato Slices - Brenda Gantt (2)


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Baked Potato Slices - Brenda Gantt (2024)


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1-833-839-6871 (call durning business hours) Don't be left out. preorder today. "Live Each Little Moment Y'all"

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We recommend baking potatoes at 400 degrees F for about an hour. Smaller spuds might take a little less time, while larger baking potatoes over 1 pound might take a little more. For a fully baked Idaho Russet Burbank, the internal temperature should be right at 210 degrees F.

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I don't recommend soaking the potatoes in water ahead of time for our potatoes au gratin (as some recipes call for). Soaking them will cause them to lose some of their starch, which helps to keep this dish creamy. The dish will still get a nice, crisp top without soaking the potatoes.

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Hannah Gantt - Operations Analyst - AG Living | LinkedIn.

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Poke the potatoes with a fork just enough to pierce the skin so the potato won't burst when baking, especially in the microwave. Four or five times should be plenty. A potato is composed mainly of water, so poking them helps release steam as it cooks.

Why is it advisable not to wrap potatoes in foil while baking? ›

Trapping that spud in aluminum foil where the moisture cannot escape results in a wet potato. Over baking the potato in foil cannot be seen (or easy to smell that it is overcooked) so you can end up with dark brown skin on the bottom, tough to eat and giving off a slightly burnt taste.

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Cook at 425 to 450 F for almost an hour

In order to achieve restaurant potato perfection, cooking your spuds in the oven is still the number one option. So, once you have prepped your taters for your preheated kitchen range, it is time to pop them in.

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How long can peeled and cut potatoes sit in water before cooking, before they begin taking on too much water? A: We usually recommend no more than 24 hours. You can keep the potatoes from absorbing the water by making sure the water is not salted, and is chilled (you can even add ice to the water).

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If raw, once the potato is cut you can store in the refrigerator, covered with water for 12-24 hours. Be sure to keep submerged in water to prevent slices from turning gray or brown.

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"Placing [peeled and cut] potatoes in water helps prevent oxidation, which turns their exposed flesh brown," says Ronna Welsh, the author of The Nimble Cook and the owner and chef instructor at Purple Kale Kitchenworks in Brooklyn, N.Y. While oxidation won't make the potatoes unsafe to eat, it does change their flavor.

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Brenda Gantt passed away on March 15, 2023 in Mount Holly, North Carolina.

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Name: Twana Towne Ret

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Introduction: My name is Twana Towne Ret, I am a famous, talented, joyous, perfect, powerful, inquisitive, lovely person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.