w uauuiku haniinhhuitiilith iii noltiireli ant mi whiiuy ifl j ma liy lie it i- k iim ii baiimia mnlr nl miii mini inmiualatl laliulitrih lliu ll vv hmllli aoloi i mifhliiiiihii t dm rtll urn ll i mm hirinl annul mi wil 1v v tlliar h hiih- in i ilioim 1 1 ln iii voti kllilm im1 mont vr ifiilia uslitr nl k1v j 1 1 in ur i ii- aalo fulilnxio in uarba jliilrati lalklalr on 11 ii ly llav vms fvtf hniklii ul xv v iiiimiin ul litirllnutuii uflji i uai in i m unit foroi on mou lay june ik william imii runiioflyutulatiwilluiii htkmiat l win ill iiau mi wnliiaariay jmia hint tnr loiulljiium alililo klawall llrlfl a liar pi ilia haltinloii liny utuivilv nl hunliil in liar will tsar ulultuday july i ifmi ountlillltvpqulltii vdlumk j iiv ijiick jiii h culcbintra it tlill ty fourth birthday jhnpiisoiit edltoi ond publish i cdiiiiiigiiouu lila thirty aocond yonr of oontlnuua service this joiirnnl linn over stood foi what it has considered u im for tho hout interests of acidii nml the county nf unltou klnornlly it tins liail ample evidence of appreciation of itu efforts nml cum- uicucus ft now volume with tho most llboinl imtiouliuu in itu hlstnij out most cordial thanks nro licruliy extend ml to mir thousands of renders ami sup porters tliu appreciation of the con tinual tonlldeneo will ho shown in the constant effort to turn oul tlio very best local paper possible n mhir nl waya clonn in to no nml nttrnctlvo typographically n paper which every hom*o will welcome nn j feel hint it la a aafo and holpfiil wookly visitor improvements at the park thi widening ov mill stiibbt council mot un monday cvonlno in regular session nl h oclock members presant i hwncklinmer q hynris a hull nml john hasten tlio committee on ilnnnco present- ed their thirteenth report nml rccom- memled tlio payment of accounts na fnllowa i i mcoioifor work nt park tk a itamslmw do i fio w 1lshor do n if otinj taylor do f si h liuhy do li 10 w unison pnlntlntf nt park it 11 w robertson posts nt pnik j in a hell lumlwr hi imrk a3 m v p anderson work nt pnrk j ht torrnnoo a wliuolor caitngn j jo w j hmith tnunla nml churlty w ltodmnn work on atuota w andemon di rev g w barkers i ariwlll 2 at l at i i j1j1 01 tho report wns adopted a letter wnb rccolvod from mrs j v knnnnwln owner of proporly on thnt portion of mill street to ha wiilonud atntliir hint ahu did mit wuh to stand in tho way of nnythlnff culoii- utiil in improvo ttitt nt tot ii of till town nml niiioutiiih tho counoll to umbo mi olfur fm thu portion of im proporly nipihod foi wldmilnu i in atmit tlio fillnwiir luttir wiib rouil hy tlin olork anton juno itfllh 11hx ititiai anit cftuvi ii oicjtiitmn j wo notified you nt inst uouncll moating nhont thu hciliob nnd fonco upon the town proporty must bo removed tin oxouio thnt tlio con no 11 rnvo pormiaulon covurnl yonra ngo la luoluua na thnt only hold rood for ono ynnr na you know if not rn moved fiirthur procooilhiga will lw token your truly j v mum hmith ai i whinril no notion wan uupii oounall mljtiurnod hoforo ton o clock aoton aoain obpbiats oublpii tho imll gnma hot woo n onolph nml acton on huturday piovod to ho ono of thu lwnt gamgu played in tno 1h iou lingua thlfl benson anton winning by a aoorc of 1 to 11 tho gnnia wni plftyed in ono hour and ton minutea quito n crowd of ooplo wltnoauoil tho kmo nm on p which worn innny udloa niuoii to tliu antlafnctlon of tho aoton luuo hnll ninnngomout who promlaod nt tho imfflniilnp of tlio leuon tliroiigh thoio oolumna to put a atop to nil rowdyism nnd ntnko it nfo for nny indy to nttonil tholr kmoa acton won in tho jlrat inuhira hy driving tho hull safely for sov tnl lilts a wild throw to first by ouotph not ting them four rum which wna enough to win thognmo na quolph waa lucky in nvaiirlng two runo in tho eighth innings on two hits ono a misjudged hall in thonutnold tho umpiring wna thu host soon in tho pnrk this benson nnd ninny ro quosta hnvo lionii mndu to try nnd hoauro such mnn to umplrn nil longuo all gfltiibs played hero nml thus avoid suoli comjilloatloiib ns nroua on tho field tho hatnrdtiy prooooding when the umpires doalilotib wo to ao erratic a to cniian tho orowd tn stray out on tho field with loud protest for a fulr donlt delaying tlio gaine much to the dlsoomfort of tile people in tlio grand st mid thu score on hittlirdny wna as follows i oliklnl ii llmillll n 1 ii 0 h 1 ii ituilur ii l 1 ii 11 hinllh 1 f 1 ii j 11 ll kaun o f j ii 0 ii htoal a 1 ii n 1 1 olmnnp 1 it 1 ii ii ii 1 a parker ii 1 1 1 i ii i ii kiutln i hninnikl 1 ii ii u a 1 1 i 1 i i iii u ii ji in ii antilll a ii it ii 1 a mnlrfhii r t 1 ii 0 1 0 ii oarnill ii 1 11 1 i 1 o ii taylor a 1 1 j 1 4 n mnollliltlkla n itrlr a h wllllaiili i r 1 1 u ii ii 1 ii ii 1 ii 11 ii 1 ii ii ii ilanlo o t ii ii 1 1 0 0 malonn 1 ii ii ii 0 1 ntawn ji 11 1 ii ii ini i 10 u7 17 1 nummary i ift on hnsetf aolim i guolphj htinok onl by nftwnfi hy koalla 4 haws on halls oil nawu 1 off kitstlo 1 2 haso hits rosiinakl first hfmo on error aolon 2 donhlo plays taylor to ityilor liyder in malono saorllleo hits kolso iiiul nawn time of gtino 110 pin lug tho four years of 111 mluutry im pastor nf tho mnthodlst olnirah lioie itov o w llarker lias always favored his congrognllon with hrlght helpful sermons frush in thouglit fervent in spirit ami tnroful in tlio exponltioii of thu psaiflgos of scrlpturn selected lllscroslugsiirmons tnstmuu- dny win imiiho of tills ciiniulltn nnd wore etpial in nil respects to any of his pnstoruto uhey were superior per il np in point of i ioipiencn and liuprea slvii appit iloth iihirnlng and even log im profit en ii ii j m ilucomso with the remnrk that he had not mdenttd any ifoleful sithjt ct calculated to rouao tlin 0 mot ions owing to tle novirnuco nf tho tin ot pastor and poop til ills thought was to continue thuwurk iia had faithfully rgidnavnrtd to do during tlin four yiwru of his mlulutiy lieie ijirgo cougiegatlons gulhirul at both uurvllos tint nt thu miming ilvlce tlii midjuiicu was uiiusiinlly lingo and wns nn ukliudlngly coidlul itlli ii to of tho people coimldiuing tho extreme liant which provnllod iho text of the mo ruing won moii was based tirmn vn 1 11 1 11 thy word have i hid in my heart thnt i might not sin against thor ono thought ho said pervades this itialm jvltlt its ndveiscu tho intoelloiire the henuty nnd power of lodu law them is iniisii in its monotony siihtlo mid vailed tliu eleventh verao la nnu of tlin most bonutlful in its reductive power not the thought of aln hut thu danger of being separated from clod wns tlin paalniuls thought tliu only way hy which wo mil outer thu holy of holloa is to hnvo flod nnshrlned in our haarts when a man hits gods word stored in ida honit ha is nhlo to seo clod ills strength coitios not ulono from his environment hut from his inward knowledge of tlio truth wo need to have- gods word hid in our hear is for times or pain and nflllctluna it la often tlio only help and refuge nml comfort and sympathy wo hnvo tho text of tlio evening illsroiirao wns riill 1 e 8 1 tlnaliy brethren whatsoever things am true whntso- over things nro honoit whatsoever things nro just whatsoever things nro pnu whatsoever tilings nro lovoly whutaoovor things nro of good roport it there ho any virtue and if there lw any praise think on those things tlio vnluo of a mails worth is to monsuro of tho things in his mind nnd heart as a mnn thlnketli in his lioni t so in ho thoughts nro omnipo tent whan they have hoeu given right of way in mans ml nil how fruitful nro tho thoughts of mnnf they lift us to god or bond us into thu realms of woe how importnnt that our think ing sltould ik along right unas wo linvo boon glvon hy god almighty a will which must any what our thoughts hall bo thoy must bo undei tho control of our will young men and women said the preacher in tender nppeal let ma speak to you in gnat narn os incus to night if you sow n thought you reap a habit your imhllu frm your character and yoiirchnrnc tor inula s your dostiny 1 liu thoughts ot joans christ nro planted in iho human heart through oodu grant tinnsfommtion thinking gods thoughts wo hucomo flod like honutl fnl in oliaractor noble in our conduct iiving with christ wo think christs thoughts and become christ like it is given to you and to me to writu in huinnn lioarta gods thoughts nnd ijvo lives noblo puro nnd helpful to our followmnu in his closing words mr ilokor said i 1 hnvo now reachod ono of tho moat dlfllanlt oxporlrnces in my ministry thnt of saying farowoll wo hnvo spont font happy busy years with you nnd wo hnvo learned to lovo you acton hna boon our hom*o nnd wu hnu hnd n happy time in your midst wo hnvo given you our very host wo hnvo imt spa rod ourselves we hnvo gone into jour hom*os in your times of rejoicing nnd wo hnvo rejoiced with you i wo hnvo lietn with you in sorrow ami hnvo borrowed with you wo thank yon most cordlnlly for your gient kludnossos nnd shall hear away from acton very tondsi mo marl ob i think with much pleasure of tho kindness manifested to wards us hy other congregations of tlio town it hna been most cordial i rrlioot nlso upon the gront kindness of thu young men of tho town townnl mo thoy hnvo invariably bean kind considerate nnd gontluinanly toward inc my ministry has not boon all i would hnvo hnd it i hnvo realized my failures more koonly minn ynu can hnvo done and have often left tho pulpit depressed and ducmirngod with my effort hut i hail given you tlio best thnt was in me itov mr ihukor announced hint on sunday next ituv ur an tlin the now pastor of the church would ho in tbq pulpit nnd thnt ho would also bo p reaoit t at tho week night prayor mooting on ividny evening tn got ac quainted with tho congregation tor or antljrf ho iwspnko the same lovo and affection that had been his anil ho paid n high tribute tn iho many oxflflllllt qualities of tlin man wlm is to follow him in tho work hen somjd oood adviob if you hnvo dandruff got rid of it hy killing tho germs if your imlr la falling nut stop it thoro a ono snro rouindy thnt will euro these misfortunes nnd aid you to romnln young imlslnn stige tho gieat hnlr ieutm oi is gunrnnteed in prrmnnontly re move dandruff in two weeks or a t drown will glvo ynu your money haok imlsh*ti hngn stops falling ltitlrlt pruvonta the linlr from fading it is tho best hentltlllnr fm- liulle hah na it iiink harsh lustreless imlr huffy soft and beautiful iailslnu hugo is sold and ilgldly gum an toed hy a t drown i vice 10 oouts n llnlllf it out also im procured at w oenlh i lat go hotlh from the itiiiiillnii makoim hi charges piepnld address jlionx mfg co koit hilei out news topics tor the week important events in tew wordi tor buay fleoderg tit* otisv worlds happsnlngs or fully complud and put into handy and attracllv bhsp for itts flwmtt rs of our papar a solid hours enlovmint wednesday a record corn crop is promised in kun ma f m young una killed hy n street cur in wlnulpofr mrs glovers farmhoimf nenr col iluumiod wiih burned yecrilny tho llrltlxh war n pnrlmenl bn- nrdend a million pounds of berf from ohicngo three bojs who aloln from n clntrrh rnlleelloii plalo nt tit john nil uern fined 910 an ottawa eonfirllonrr rhnirfri d with selling rhiirolnh s rontalnlng 3 0319 per cent alcohol iho u b mntlonnl geolnpirnl iv- rjely nro snnding an expedilloii to study tlin bier doctors of alnskn milvin tim nged 2ft a mute yn tlllld by a rain while on n wnper wiilkiitic rip from lionlon to hnn 1 rnncuco iho pretender lo 11m fipilnl 4t throne don curl on who is now 1w- iiifr in rotirnnent nt vnrey itnly ts mifferlnp from ecrebnil paralysis karl grey tlie duke nf argyll ford nnd truly abtrdoen i lint shncklo ton mid his party are among the finnit invlud in ho dominion pa mnojurt nt fondnn tin olori homnll htm ultut nnolh- er itoti so has kormit in ndditlon tho party hnn secured three giraffes ir clandit six lopl nnd n larra niim lnr of minor nnteinpr thursdav hir tomer gnuln man prnnenled ith nn nutnmobllo by montreal friends the celibnitlon of the hundredth blrthdny of riinrlt s darwin h itu at cimtbridgn univoralty jentir an inaurpent army is nt t is rales nf ivi nnd dm sultan nf morocco is in dnntrer nf losing iiih throne father mnuie n bnrnla girl is tin- d r arrest on n rlinrgo of innnnlaiirh ter hir infant wan found dead in nn old skating rink at ii in net lug f london nnnnelnt men nsterdny it wan declared that mr lloyd fleorgna luidpnt wm tin- sound nnd unjust nnd thnt it would drlvo capitnl from tho country tho nntivo ehirf of tho town of oyo in niaerln who recently expell- nt rev b i tinnnck n ilnpthit mis sinnnry irnm oj o lins now noixed the land bi lonping to iho iliiptul mishlon mr rinnock lind protested refranlliig tho chiefn nets of cruelty a spielnl cabin dinnnlch to tho i ondoii 1 lines from ronntnntlnonlo snys iho rumnrn of military nctlvlly on itoth sldis of tho greik frontier iiiiihi ik roci ived uith greet caution on tho otlomim siilo rumors of mobi lisation tlniri fur are nn untrue ns nimlliir n ports from tliessnly proved to bo at tho villno of crook n i on ont tun little won nf mr nnd mrs gen vinet nl who livo fn tlio htntlon of lie miidna and llellovilln lino of tho itii urcurtd their fnthrrs gun nnd in noma uny it was dlnchnrged nnd n portion nf tho hnay chnrga enered the bend of cecil doing fright ful injury friday mihh riiriili omn pewttt the auth or fl is deud the pniianhr hlnvonia is a total wreek in tlin nn h i lirhly cinpln of ih ictl at mom ton hnvo bun laid off tin u h i otiuriha hni npproprint- ed finimhkmh fnr die m xt ci uu n nun anpi r ol corinth wnit wlniel b lipid n i iff mill his condition h eritlenl waller tojlor nfied 11 a fiifim r near t t amiiibton eoniuillh d nuicitlo villi earbolie acid j i morgan in making pi rsnnnl efforth tn have u 8 bttel stork listed on tlie iariii itourwe tort wllliiiin in now lming its iioh imnntl water itorvien whkh is grnv- itntnd n distance nf hovi ii milts bi rgt wllkltimon miih badly wound ed hy the explosion ol n la pound shell nt workpolnt ilurniclcs 1 0 tho i btohllhliment of tlio gnvirn- nient drlock nt quebco in said to bo for tho purpose o nccomniodnllng war ships ulien neceunary ho notion brought on behnlf of he cmr npnimit ivan irnsknu renkoff n ilefaiiltlng bovemnr nt winnipeg hns bten seltlitl by compromise 1 ho llinhop of kingnra consecrated clirlsts ohuroh cnthedral nt hamil ton nnd r ci ived congratulations from mnny quarters on tho thirteenth anniversary of his i lection to iho ben saturday hi udi rson the ilrltlnh labor ml has ihriihd to tour cnnndn uuliop dumoulln ronsncrnled bt mnrka church at hnmilton yonlor- dnv ihn cpu are offoring 6000 re ward for the capture of tlio 11 o train bund itu cliarkn lock hart nged oft dlid sild- duily nt bt cnllinrlnes just after having eurriod n trunk lido tlin opera house among tlio cnnadlnns siminioned to iiih mali ntyn court are hon prank and mm ollvir nnd their two diiughttrs bevenil ii m 0 cadotn nt kingston clashed witli tho tolee thursday night nnd two won under arrest for a short time the rush denosfth of alalul humid the tbpoiad bultnn of turkey in tho iinpirlnl hunk of oermnn amount to n oooooo turkish pounds approxi mately jlrk000 tom lewis who figured prominent ly in tho london eh etlnn lirllxiry eiiries bus been reluued ii harleiidera i ire mho hj the t nnihui commiuuinners nml uniht hnvo thu hob 1 within a uoek monday tim uiotnrmen nnd conductors of iho pittsburg street ilnllwny aro all on strike tho gorman lmporor him refuseil to naeept thu resignation of chancel lor von duolow judgn wells hns doolded thnt na iho port lrln race trnok liquor license hns not jot ihioii issued nlthoiirh grnnled hy the commlsslonora ho hna no jurlmlinlion to hour tho nppllcntlnn to onncel it 1 w sussex leller in ho union hank at ilnonnvlllo bask him dis appeared ho cabin from palmemlon llm iniperlnl social club nt hnmil ton wna raided hy tho police nnd 37 colored men orreatod on n olinrgo of bumbling tuesday cliilr parks ngetl 0i nf desoronlo wns drownrd in tho liny of quint tthllo swimming willlnm ci rr nged 16 of tort car- mug si ruck his bond on a utona whllo diving and was drownod a dnxnu people worn hurt in a col lision between a work train nnd pus songer train nl merlin conn llig i nning august 1 tho huhhiiiii lolegrnph ayalorn will innko uso ol tho hi hour clock tho numbor iu lo tin being used tn deslgnnln afternoon southern sonnlors yesterday imf fielunlly ondenvored to ttiko long stn pie or rgynllnti cotton off hie free list mid pinned upon ll a duty of 4 cools n pound sunlight slfflaaf ah experienced housewife icnowm that 5unllght soap means a wonderful saving of llmtf and labour in house- cleaning whethtr wlfli hot nr cold water iioiliiig gel a the dirt off ao quickly and without lnury as run light soap u it hie son light follow the dliectldnif miss j j allan kyo hlgll hpnelnb 1st will ha nt the dominion lintel anton on tuesday neat july llh hours front 111 rt iu to 0 p in tlin finest leiivea from ceylon lrt plnutntlnna ait enittalnnl hi hnbidn tea it is pneked in sealed lend pnnketn to proucrvo ts dtdlcfnus flavor and nroiiih sold by all gi own t novet by poddlttrs oi in hulk wttddinoci or thk wukk anumlmforinursslw loo a i msf- hsf catabraud hhill iihmlliril hi albim a gliuroh wna crowdid lo the doors nt iho wjddlng of miss kllnilioth huillli itijwei avoitui lo mr it j hinders of higlunw michigan last wednesday it veiling tlio bihli wn given away by her linithir mr w h hmith mlusmniy harvey cvas hildesiuuld unit mr john wood groomsman mrs h hows nf hamilton acted as itlnctiess of oiu iiimilos i he ceremony wns performed ityuuvlt i kellemnn ii a miss itachol htone phiyid the wedding march iho htide is beloved by many filonds hero for her ititrlnslo worth nnd la iho reclplunt of alnct re cougrnt illations mr and mrs hamurs will leave in a few days for theli new home hi huginaw imihuic lllhiuml a tpilet but vi ry happy wedding was celebrated las widnoudny after noon nt fnuu nil iik al lit home of mr john w husband nt tlio family res id once young htrent when thu only dnughler amelia was joined in wedlock to mr clinrlcs ii lbbnge son of mr thomas kblmge main htroot iho bride wna given nwny hy her father nml tie v g w darker iho pastor nf tho young couple spoke iho words that mndn them one lliny weru uunttoudtd tho hrldn waro her travailing suit hie houso wns piet- llly decorated with ainllax nnd rosea tho hrldo was for aomo tlmo huperlu- tondout of nurses nt tho hnmmot hospital krle vn where hersorvlooa were much appreciated mi nnd mrs khhngo hnvo returned from their honeymoon tmir nnd will mnko thai hom*o on main hire ct they nro hulng showered with thn onngintulntlona of their hosts of friends iiopk1nh mkllnich st marks church iarkdnlo was tho bceno of n very pretty woddlng on tho afternoon of juno 17th when tho marrlngo took place of miss idn mir- ner youngest dnuqhter of john mer- nor ot 1 harvard avenue to mr curl ileomnn hopkins formerly of illtr ling to ti thu ceiemony was pel form cd hy the ituv canon inglus of ht minks church whfeh was beautifully decorated foi iho nccanliui tbobilde who wna given away hy her fatliei looked chdrn ing in n whlto embi old er ed dross with whlto sntln ribbons nnd whlto lint and carried a most ex qui si to shower bouquet of orchids and lily of tho vnlley hhn was nttundid hyhor sister miss klfredn who wna also gownod in whlto and cnrrled n ahenfof pink rosea thu groom was nltended by mr gordon pent t of hiirllnglon ml wnlhico waller noted as nibor a reception wns in id immediately nfter tho coroiuony nr tlin hom*o of tho brldus parents when nhont forty guests ant down to a dainty repast liter in thn nftui noon mr nnd mrs hopkins left for chicago amid showius of good wlrilioa and con fetti after thuli depaituiu many of the guests visited l heli new itomi im geoffrey htruct whole thoy will re aldo on i imlr rutin n uuillngton qnxetle cameron moores actott goderich dayii but we would iullf t lo the i ul cly pmhrahlersd lawn walt l and on i nt nur siitumi ytjly ib iiktte and tli e dayii but we would ntigi lovely rinliraldersd lawn comfort uml help you in knrp looi iluriii hi imporiniit announcement to ilic clilldrcn t it u very haul imleud tn keep cool himi hot our whlto win h buiih worn with omi of our nr partem i would uiu very niaurinlly to your ilioholidivharr lilth hoy and glfl in alioii it ii lid wr- im r ulut cvrrv n will tnioy tlmu ihrri hlhtycaii wi libalntci llnw lilliiri i lay bull it maketi llieni itning and lniilti m lifta hi win ru our importnnt iiiiiinim fnant minihill i viry little hoyfir girl wtio vlilla our ittiruou wciliisnduy evcniiil tirxt nt oiiiji iniud liy parontii or guardian will receive ii t a gift a nice rubber hnll now children dnii t forget the ilttowuliiahliiyincnlig july 7 latllcs wlihc waists see our now watiith with liulch collar tlifly arc thu latcit i rpiil nvully bnlilicd witli luck lugii and fcmlnoldery with va1ciclcnfr limritinti f i 3j rncti injetm nf nfln clin afionlijhc tni 5 lylr a clearing of up rimmed millinery intel t ihnpcri worth ujf to fm fiultinn 1 1 their oniiuol en jo of tlio cleaving nt n each 4 cm nil uiiili cluuiiik mens negligee shirts 75c we mrulo n big purchase of iheiio and we got lltrtii nt a right price 1 hat in why wo can oll them for in little all niicn culfu attached and detached neat dot ami iitrlpe put lu run iiplumlld vuliir ill i tel th mens work shirts 75c riieiia ura the heiltvnlua wu have feen iii men ii 75c work hltirt made iurtfe awil roomy villi fancy plfuted lioiiem material n heavy dark mrlpcd dnir splendid la wmr ench 75c mens weed and worsted pants liao a nice n- orliucjit in choose fruui r ptlr up mens stills 1 inn t forget that we have a splcudld range of llieie nt mich prices that it will pay you to invest gate before purolim lug hciiiemiwr that we buy fur two mores and eommisntly wu buy right separate depart in ont and llnor rnrenuu belnir vour cblldran on wail- naaday vanhiv actons new store i vlalt our nouon counter lot or mew thlnsra in hot weathee men want cool strrw hrts some spendid new arrivals have just lieen received in our mens hat department light weight cool and comforlahio summer straws all the most popular straws arc in cluded milann sennets splits panamas etc when near our store notice our windows where these hats arc exhibited mens sailors in several different popular straws with black or fancy colored bands ioo to 300 mens panamas fine quality in widely diversified shapes 500 700 cjoo and 1000 boys straw hats all best grades pretty shapes light weight 50c 75c and 100 ajpieoe su7vt7er suits vol for 3ucbn and voujno won wont a sull llint wll bo cool comfortable and nlyliih and lliat won t coil you loo mucliand thnt will ghe you rooj jrvlco rim best solution ii lo clioano from our splendid offerings wo imve iho letson s latest fancies tlio newest styles tliu bent c tier eilecls llio finest iuallltei sulla olllomeapun twceli and wonteji in groy fawn or brown and all the moil favored pattern t if ecu i very price at wo have marledjlt mikes a templing oneaptlonal alvo price 18 oo liooo flij jo 13 oo itio and lih on blies 3 lo 4i bos lliam in tho windows f wi lumki mzjzi cor wyndham and macdonald streets fcuo imuiwaiimiiuwiirattjiifi guclph ont advice is wanted englnei womans inatltuta plonla tliu womans insllttito plculo will will ho hold in mi wnrrnns grove on friday july uih all tho indies are cordially invited knch lady s re qneated to bring hoi own spoon nml oup ytiawlierrlos are a splendid crop and ospeolally wotl llavorod an a roatilt of tho past fortnight dry wonthor the lawni nro badly btiorohod mnny n man thinks that tho impor tant thing la tlio alao or thu iilm instead of its holght lrom monday july flth until lllst august g ii ityan v co gualpli will eloao tlioli ladles ami niona atoios every night except huturday at five oclock wo will be open thursday afternoon a second disappointment kinnutnu juno qu tho fluslre nf tlm 14th illflis lo rehhrnln july 4lh nt iimtrn ny wont im broil hod pivsl tho militia iipnrlimut ohji et tn then nermusinn wna fiven hut the rnterliunnient enmmllloo at ll mlrn hnvo wrllh n thnt on tlie find refusnl of thu invitation they culled off the militiir 1 e view strong man oraied hy haat now york jinx an tlinuch tdmnn jnnuah phjmicnlly to support a nyrn mid of hovin nun tiion his html nml should r iloiuild mnodonnld n joune profi hslmud nerobal colhiiisitl nietitally umler tin- ffi eta pf tho hout nnd stmt hlnim if hi sovi nyonr aid brollur tried bunt lo pieveut him found hanilrr by wits olliiun linn i p rinirrou ol giitiniiiu point until 4n wns found liiinging in ills slu*t hy his tifo he hud been in ill hiiilifi nnd d upon dent i5 klenzolenb tim wnnilerrul nnw dust loan floor nit 1 111 mm ubaiihia bolutton is mod wllli nnlil water uml suvus si rulibhiir c in moil in whirls warnlioilsds public biiitilliiuu r alili 111 1 h uliurehes or seliools olssns oils pollshss snd kills dust we wnnt a lirtnlit younsr hustlsr to rojtresont u in tills town olusr naenls niiiuliilf blir inuiipr working a few luiiirs n ilny wi nny tl nommlsslnna nml rrsrrve fsnlimlva tnrrllnry wlttni nowi fur nur ortor and ssjiirs tils ivrrllery nt unus a plandjet opportunity dont mitt it tiria iiartn piinhipat oompanv gtumlard kholwiuiu uldu torontu out donrd of quabec oricjija uatl on experts ottnun juno ilo the mifflm erini board of tho qui ty o h rid no hnn not hoi n nhlo to imrifl an to win tin r th present pli rs w ill be sullleli nt to rurry thu new ulructun iho pit r weru built to carry a bridge weiithliift thirty ii vo thmntnnd toon mid tho new structure will wolfiltt hi tlioumuul tons tho utatuto iniili r which the com- mlniiioii wns appointed to nnpnn bridifn pinna provides that in nrij rami wlnro iho onijinieru fail to nfirii tn opinion on nny point the udvinn of t 0 ailditlomil f dfrlm i ru shnll be ohbiimd lliury holuato ci ol montn nl and alfred noble obit f i u- liuei r of the p nns lvuija tuiini 1 lit now york hnvo urnplid an iuvltii- linn to fiivo mi opinion whutlur the pruaiit piorn urn snlllch ul wlullur ihn npnii hhoiiltl bo whorl i in d h hilillini adililloiuil pbrs further nut in the rivi r nr whetlur the hrldoii should be i reeled on it m w site toe fret with firearms ikllitlllp juno yohuilor judgn ii roelio tried n mobnwh indian i mi no orion eharifid vilh liootinn ii a pish a suitor for bin duuhlorn hand with intuit some wnks nro green who in n n spocled ronhh nt ol thu n rn rve hud l en in jail vi r allien bull hi inn refusitl his honor reduced the ehnrun in common ns- nult and llnet groen 130 nnd easts nmnutitllifr to over flon dorbara hck msmorlnl prescolt june w umoliliir ci ro nton july i tho unvcilluir iff tlm lliirharn hut u inonuuii nt u iii tuke place nt ihn jrao in the bluu rhureli eemebrj on the bunks nf the flt lawrence itivi r time mlh h v mi of prthcntt ul 10 n m july 1 llmhop hninhinn ii l of llimlou it v dr carmnn of toronto and other dutln suuind cloroiiun urn t xpecuul lo oliver adilrehsi hnn in front of train montreal juiu lift pirey kllpnl inn uved 1h son of councillor kit ulien of moiilrenl tinuth wns out in iileetu inlerday inornlnif on the 0 th iracks at mouuhdn idreit he riiiun to the ell from his huburhim liiinio on n train which slowed down al lu rrohuliiir and he ih eldi d to sit off while rrossliid tho iracks o was cut down by un outward- bound ox promt dnrgs our n id nt parry sound tarry sniiml june aft yulenlay ninrnina at nn i arly hour urn una din covered in the slenm linrfl tempesl ii of cluvihiml ohio jim harno came here nn june 0 with cnnl one of tho bailors hnvliib civeii nut or ders hnd been received lo inko iho vessel lo colliiiftunnd for u now holler and steam wna inndn on iho vissel summoned ha sulcldts llrnndon june at john hoflberi n fnrmnr had been jrrntlnnal for sonirt time nnd whila deliver inn milk in town torn down tho linn which formed a part of iho decorations fnr a methodist boo ul mid fuh nod u lo ills wheel a niiuiiuuiia was nerved on him for this nml im shot hlnihotf a brother llvos at cnrlolon plnco lever urothcrs toronto will wid you free n co*ke of tliolr fumoui llnniol toilet loop if you metilloii this paper sour stomach and heartburn little digesters cure or your money back al all drufjlsls or direct from coleman medicine co toronto 25c a box ii ii i r mit d- tb e saves work saves money saves health can you wai watch tins a it its for it pace next weclt and true to its name read al about prince rupert yotjb oppoetunity phinci rupkup the pacific count terminus of the and ivnnk trmik pneifle hallway hjuteni is dcithicd to becomu ouo of tho ijro dest coiiiiiiureinl nnd industrial csntrcrt of population oil thin umtlitliit invchtorn throughout hie united htatsii nnd camilla nieil with foreiilght keen dlkiornnibiit and fdianelnl experience nro invent lug and liiventlug lienilj in this new and lawt great city of tho last cicntwcht prluco ftupert oltora anotlioi opporlimltv fnr ninklng a fortune in ileal kutnte for which thu pacific const iltlcu hnvo boon tho wonder of tho world 1 lie ono bent wn iho ono sum wny for nil to hliaro in the rupldly increusiug valucii and purticlppto in tlio wealth certain to be mndu lu prince rupert is through liivektmeiit in the shar ui of tho prince rupert real katale iiivcstment co ltd organiwullo conilmio tho navlngft of investors both hirgu and small fnr sonnaueut liiveutiiidut in prince rupert real eutnte upon tlio tuuuo plan that hns cientcil all real eututa rnrtuiies you may llo right where ynu lire tlb by jour piewont tnsk nml jour lioneflts will pile up month after month nnd ear nflor j enr wo offer tn in vest am n limited number of hhurcn of this compnuy nt par 0io oo pel share payable in u cnsti nnd io monthly or n illucmmt of 5 for cash the mna who lu nlnno mi- ohio tn purchnsn well uoledtod proper may invent his surplus funds in thu shares of this com pan and stutre pro rats in lie largo profits tor lulu lo uecnie from the upbuilding of its business and tlio increasing vidno of i in reall holdings tn tlio small investor who deslrou some thing more ihnti jiihl safety for ills inoiiu weugerhera alwolula safe ly and 11 high earning on the hivt mtmenl icvery detail of the luniiiekrt uu inutlui nf public record uml hns tin liidnrkciuent of tjiu bust huti liens intorowlit in thu norlhwunt lluht hank rofurencoh your hiiuliiois hilhhd wille the prince rupert real estate investment co ltd 410 loo bulletin vanoouvor is o phnoa ittupart to o ilflu uurrlisrmfiifi watoiijjouni i hi ii may rirntrr iiv n liiu lo i j llinlnmluill i an i liafllilt tur llila liollrr ll ilyiiku tnl immhj3ilty vor 8a1k htttayhd 17llorr iho iiimilioi nt lloliart u jiilimutn lot 1 nou u kiln iha iliaaii ami two uioln markrl wllli kn x on can ira nl liaab hirorlnil 11 will i a ura llv roralrl ikllli i juiishton uton itmimhojvutkh tliiulv i 111 ulr inlsalml ami unit ir t rlualal in ll t lllvr valur honniro mlwirla mil clinjiir ailrs cvnn an a uood fitvbtii o irjim ami full 1 fllcular lo m ilr w whith llui flaliwral aalll for llfellnti iloitbku jfor haijk i two yuar ol lui 11ml urion ftlljr i lliraa yaafoli rartlaua eolr 1 iloll ysr ol i uai ral l urj itm nure i iovdii yor nlil linavy ll rao i muii i liaavy niara in fnal u ural nimi uioifllnnl ttlllotia out if ihaaa 1 uoml oliver jrkm roainnsli havai isooii i liatnl uimsltlnil imiilamatiu slid a monl inn omain njnrauir su1 in m owlliu mlclliic i llf volt olo11o1l nasintfawon ijuiiih jluiiu ran ortlei limber of any llnienion tut lo mill will itjrl april lit can cm any biilldlnif nmlnrlali noetled in hemlock or pine on tliort nodes i arfo mock pf blilnnlm far sale ihli yir cut from fin l nowlli cednr p sayers s0n8 naiursweyn p o acton chopping mill altar oniurilay aglh june die mill will do flrulinu on wodnoudayo and saturdays only until tirilier noilco on oilier days orders may bo lafi at my residence oral holier hon sblaclimllhahop jt g 1u10wn proprietor acton ont the berlin steam granite and marble works cab pkn urtaun prottfuto deilnners nnd uuililtirs ol hlttuei mam oleiimi monumenli mnrliera and moid monos and nil klnda of artistic cemetery work whiiuin hcoistrcct abciii aclon niagara navigation company nurralo niagara talls nhw york nun tad m slrnmsrn lomo rem foot of yanga srel dally occjt sunday i civo loronio 730am oamrian jpm hj pm nnlj 15 p ir arrive in 1 oronlo iq 30 a m 1 1 3 p tn hi p ni h 33 p m unit 10 15 p m city tlclict oflicei ijroimd floor trntlois hunk iliitldlnir ml a v webster s hook tlcltels on sals only al city ticket oflico 1 ridars luuk itulldlni 1 oronlo use tlio old reliable hiands of flour produced from our mills for hatibfnctory bread and pastry grain wool wanted acton flour anil feed slore n p moore r noble mnnngor prop pure paris oreen for potato bua insiant louse killer and bug death tins ltl nn kose husli- ch l cucum- burn currdiit ihishck ott not onlj uiiik all the uurrtih nml jmsluik but alto linprniis tlie trhmh of pbnls a t brown h m lrujjll mid htnllonor b mill st acton